drfractureaskblogreal · 3 months
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Aquamarine with Morganite from Minas Gerais, Brazil. By dusted77 on Instagram.
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drfractureaskblogreal · 4 months
Okay yall I did it
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Blue Lady cigarettes
Redraw of this piece I made 3 years ago:
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drfractureaskblogreal · 4 months
Hey Commissions open!
Reblogs super appreciated at this time, I’m not going to lay out my entire situation right now but I am struggling a bit.
All payment will be through cashapp for the time being! ($possibleraccoon)
For details dm me but I’ll put some rough estimates here:
For these memes/drawn over images it’ll be ~15 dollars (USD), bc they usually take me at least an hour to make
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For sketches it’ll be like 5-10 dollars depending they don’t take long, with flat color too it’ll probably stay around that amount
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Heavily detailed and colored pieces like this will be around 70-100+ dollars bc they take a *long* time (first one took me 13:33 hours and the other one was 40+, mostly bc of how many times I changed it but still)
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Heavily detailed flat colors like this will be around 50-60+ dollars, they take a long time as well but not as much as with color
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For less detailed colored pieces like these I’m thinking around 20-30 dollars
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For a medium detailed piece (I don’t have an example but somewhere between the quality of the high detailed pieces and the ones directly above this) it’ll be about 35-50 dollars.
I could also make traditional if you should wish :3
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drfractureaskblogreal · 4 months
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drfractureaskblogreal · 4 months
hey don't cry... sigourney weaver and winona ryder in alien resurrection okay?
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drfractureaskblogreal · 7 months
Hi all, I was going to share my Doctor Who comics, but I got a bit carried away so enjoy! I’m only sharing links to my own files, websites, and files I have permission to share, so this will certainly have gaps. Feel free to contact me for any recommendations, suggestions, requests, or anything you’d like to add ❤️
Mini Episodes, Prequels, Lockdown, Extras and More
Scream of the Shalka Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6
The Curse of Fatal Death
Some Doctor Who Confidentials
The Peter Cushing Films
The Infinity Quest
Dreamland (unfortunately this is only available to people in the UK but you can use a VPN too)
All the audio dramas here come from Big Finish on Spotify, but I highly suggest supporting Big Finish directly when you can, as they are a smaller company that relies more heavily on audience contributions. There’s also more free stuff on their website that isn’t included below.
The First 50 Main Range
Short Trips Volume 1 and 2
8th Doctor main range in order up to Zagreus, and first season with Lucie Miller (if you are just getting into the audios I would suggest starting here)
Charlotte Pollard Further Adventures (Series 1)
4th Doctor Adventures (Series 1)
The Lost Stories (4th and 6th Doctors)
Destiny of the Doctor
Unit: Dominion (highly suggest this, great plot twists and characters, it is 4 hours long though)
UNIT (assorted)
The Stageplays
Bernice Summerfield
Counter-Measures (series 1 and 2)
I, Davros
The Davros Mission
Iris Wildthyme (assorted)
Jago & Litefoot
The Companion Chronicles (series 2)
Graceless (Series 1-3)
Dalek Empire
Fan Audios (these are amazing too)
The Soundtrack
My Personal Collection (right now it’s mostly full of wilderness years stuff, but I’m always editing it)
This website has a lot of the newer stuff and is fairly safe
This website also has a lot of new stuff, but is a little less safe
This website has all of the magazines and most Titan comics. No clue how safe it is though.
Would highly suggest the fan comics High and Dry by Valc0, and The Ten Doctors by Rich Morris
Here’s my collection of pretty much every major novel series. In truth I don’t actually know what sort of stuff I have, but there’s around 500 novels in here
All of these are in my collection already, but here’s another link just in case: EDAs VNAs PDAs
My collection only has a few of the target novelizations, but there are more here
Some (older) Doctor Who magazines
Official Scripts
Big Finish Transcript Archive
Here’s just a link to AO3’s Doctor Who stuff because I can
Big Finish Trigger Warning Chart
The Big Finish Podcast
A list of everything included in Doctor Who’s canon
The Wiki
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drfractureaskblogreal · 9 months
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Susan Kare, the Artist who designed many of the fonts, icons, and images for Apple, NeXT, Microsoft, and IBM, 1980′s
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drfractureaskblogreal · 9 months
"this animal is actually a precious sweet intelligent angel despite its completely unfair public image as a filthy screeching pest" is well meaning and all but I think respect for wildlife shouldnt be that conditional and nature isn't here to generate feel good tiktoks or look pretty at the zoo. It isn't even here to ecologically benefit us, it doesn't owe us shit! More importantly you should consider that it's great and awesome when an animal is a filthy screeching pest. You should adore that we have a planet of corpse wallowing barf eating poison slobbering louse spreading hairy ghouls and feathered imps. I hope the sky dinosaurs shit on every car in the world every day forever. I'm glad when we paved over the forest and filled the earth with a labyrinth of toilet water we just made a utopian diarrhea playground for creatures that can chew through power cables. Love that there's a type of bat that can cut you in your sleep to slurp your blood and by the way it pisses the entire time, just pisses and pisses because it's filtering the excess water out of your blood. "Oh but it hardly ever goes after humans!" Yeah well guess what?? It should. Oh wolves are just pretty misunderstood pupperoos and not scary fairy tale villains?? Just because it's rare doesn't mean wolves can't be incredibly dangerous and it fucking rules actually. Based fairy tale villains. Get wolfed dummies!!
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drfractureaskblogreal · 11 months
Should I make an intro post? Not asking you really because I am not going to listen. Either way I’m just going to do what I want.
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... Asks are open.
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