dutch-oven-cowboy · 2 hours
The idea of William Afton genuinely loving his children is so much more interesting to me than the alternative, not just because it's more tragic and makes his motivations make more sense, but also because it's fucking hilarious.
You are about to be obliterated from this Earth by a six-foot-something zombie rabbit, and your last moments are spent terrified and deeply confused as he shows you pictures of his kids in a blood-stained wallet: a clearly haunted bear costume, a limitlessly unnerving chrome clown doll, and what looks like Grimace's corpse left to shrivel in the sun.
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dutch-oven-cowboy · 2 hours
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happy pride yall! here’s our boy andy with pride flags at dublin’s 3arena, 22 december 2023. he hung the flags on his mic stands during tmtc and his stage manager repositioned them along the bandstands before the encore
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dutch-oven-cowboy · 3 hours
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dutch-oven-cowboy · 4 hours
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disability arts movement 1992
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dutch-oven-cowboy · 4 hours
it cracks me up that there was a secret society of American journalists who, from 1965 to 2006, slipped the phrase "it was as if some occult hand..." into articles
this all started when one guy used the phrase in an article and his friends thought it was so hilariously out of place that they all started using it
it drove their editors crazy but they kept doing it
that was like. the whole thing. they called it the Order of the Occult Hand and all it did was put a random metaphor into as many news articles as possible
they picked a new phrase in the early 00s, which has not been revealed yet- to my knowledge
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dutch-oven-cowboy · 4 hours
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My tumblr notes when mutuales clock in to like my posts
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dutch-oven-cowboy · 4 hours
You once said "Life is a disease: sexually transmitted, and invariably fatal." Can you expand on that?
I can, although it would feel rather like explaining a joke.
It was in a comic called Death Talks about Life, explaining how to avoid contracting HIV, at a time when it was a fatal disease. Here’s the context:
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You can read about it here: http://blog.queercomics.info/2014/02/death-talks-about-life.html — and to answer their question, yes, quarter of a million standalone copies were published as pamphlets, send out free to comic shops, and distributed free in schools, universities and libraries.
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dutch-oven-cowboy · 5 hours
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dutch-oven-cowboy · 5 hours
reminder that not all aspec people identify as queer. stop making posts about it, please for the love of god
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dutch-oven-cowboy · 5 hours
the thing about adulthood is when someone says something extremely rude to you, you can either turn the other cheek or calmly & firmly correct them. The third option is to tell them “say that again, I’ll bite you” & everyone sort of nervously laughs and tries to move on from your little joke. Which is why I think it’s very important that when they do say it again you follow through. Nobody actually expects you to bite them. We should be biting more. Also if you’re with the county health department do not read thi s post
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dutch-oven-cowboy · 5 hours
if you are the type of person to tell a girl to stop driving around with an adult sized plastic skeleton strapped into the backseat of her car do not imagine even for one second that you could ever score a girl who would drive around with an adult sized plastic skeleton in the backseat of her car
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dutch-oven-cowboy · 5 hours
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Its pride month foreman!
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dutch-oven-cowboy · 7 hours
Description: [A video of a woman riding a galloping horse bareback while holding a large rainbow flag.]
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dutch-oven-cowboy · 7 hours
“platonic age gaps are problematic-“
are you guys really not friends with your parents? your siblings? your older and younger cousins? your professors and teachers and mentors? the regulars at the cafe twice your age? your motherfucking grandparents? open your eyes and your hearts to what a friend can be.
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dutch-oven-cowboy · 7 hours
🌓 halfmoonhorror Follow
wtf i'm literally shaking and crying right now i just saw silver bullets for sale on temu why the fuck are there silver bullets on temu
🪢 knotexplosion Follow
Hey. Hey. Look at me. Do you genuinely believe Temu of all places is going to have genuine sterling silver bullets for sale? TEMU. Wish and Shein's bastard child?
🌓 halfmoonhorror Follow
they had wooden stakes on there too i'm actually fearing for my and my partner's lives right now
🦇 count-fuckula Follow
Yeah I bought some wooden stakes from Temu and they broke instantly. I wasn't even using any force to put them in my lawn as it rained quite recently. I wouldn't worry too much about any silver bullets you find. They're probably just silver plated.
🍖 roadkill-meatloaf Follow
Can confirm- Temu silver isn't real and can't hurt us. I bought a bunch of silver jewelry off there because I can't afford anything the legitimate stores are selling and when I tried them they barely even burned. Not worth it.
🍯 bearly-hanging-on Follow
Why on earth would you, a werewolf, buy silver jewelry???
🍖 roadkill-meatloaf Follow
well for me it's a sex thing.
🪢 knotexplosion Follow
Why would you voluntarily wear jewelry from Temu? Did you at least sanitize it first???
🍖 roadkill-meatloaf Follow
Uh... I licked it first. Werewolf saliva can disinfect surfaces right?
🪢 knotexplosion Follow
🦇 count-fuckula Follow
Oh my g-d just because werewolf saliva can make your wounds heal faster doesn't mean it works miracles!!!
🪢 knotexplosion Follow
Wait how would you know that?
🦇 count-fuckula Follow
@.daddy-fenris is not the brightest sometimes.
🌕 daddy-fenris Follow
oh my god IT WAS ONE TIME why do you have to put me on blast right now
🦇 count-fuckula Follow
The world needs to know. Roadkill please go see a doctor or a vet or something.
🌓 halfmoonhorror Follow
i feel like this is taking away from the real issue at paw
🪢 knotexplosion Follow
Can't you see we're having a conversation here?
🌓 halfmoonhorror Follow
🍖 roadkill-meatloaf Follow
Not anymore it's not
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dutch-oven-cowboy · 7 hours
Suddenly struck with a need to explain to you how boat pronouns work (I work in the marine industry).
When you're talking about the design of the boat, you say "it".
When the boat is still being built, your say "it".
When the boat is nearing completion, you can say "it" or "she".
When the boat is floating in the water you probably say "she", unless there is still a lot of work to be done (e.g. no engine yet) then you say "it".
When the boat is officially launched and operating, you say "she". If you continue to say "it" at this point you are not incorrect but suspiciously untraditional. You are not playing the game.
If you are referring to a boat you don't really know anything about you may say "it" ("there's a big boat, it's coming this way"). But if you know its name, it's probably "she" ("there's the Waverley, she's on her way to Greenock").
If you are talking about boats in general, you say "it" ("when a boat is hit by a wave it heels over")
If you speak about a boat in complimentary terms, it's "she" ("she's a grand boat"). If you are being disparaging it may be it, but not necessarily ("it's as ugly as sin", "she's a grotty old tub").
If she has a boy's name, she's still she. "Boy James", "King Edward", "Sir David Attenborough"? The pronoun is she.
If it's a dumb barge (no engine), you say it. But if it's a rowing boat (no engine), you say she.
I hope this has cleared things up so that you may not be in danger of misgendering floating objects.
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dutch-oven-cowboy · 7 hours
the idea that restrooms, locker rooms, etc need to be single-sex spaces in order for women to be safe is patriarchy's way of signalling to men & boys that society doesn't expect them to behave themselves around women. it is directly antifeminist. it would be antifeminist even if trans people did not exist. a feminist society would demand that women should be safe in all spaces even when there are men there.
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