ecl310-emily-g-blog · 7 years
Prompt 8 - #picturestorybook
I searched Instagram for #picturestorybooks as my Tumblr search didn’t return many responses. I found this image of the new book by Jackie French called ‘Koala Bare’. The synopsis was simple, reading 
‘For too long koalas have been called 'bears'.
For too long koalas have been called bears.
But this koala is out to prove to the world that he is BARE!
And that never, ever, ever can a koala be called a bear ...’
I thought this book would be very interesting to bring into a classroom, especially given Jackie French’s history of being a children’s author. Jackie French is a fabulous children’s author, publishing ‘Diary of a Wombat’ and many other wonderful books. Her books filled my primary school’s library, which is why I would want her books in my future classroom. I feel picture story books are so beneficial in helping build students vocabulary and imaginations which will then flow into their writing. 
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ecl310-emily-g-blog · 7 years
PROMPT 6 - Online Materials
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The video – ‘Impact of European Settlement on Aboriginal Tasmanians’ details the effects of colonisation on the Indigenous community of Tasmania.
This video could be used in a frontloading activity to introduce students to the details of colonisation on Indigenous Australians and provide them with an overview of what life was like pre and post colonisation.
From watching this video, students could complete a 5 senses chart from the position of an Indigenous person during the time of colonisation.
The 5 senses chart would be students would have to detail:
Look – What the arrival of Europeans looked like.
Smell – What is smelt like.
Taste – What is tasted like.
Feels – What it felt like.
Sounds – What is sounded like.
This would allow students to really put themselves in the shoes of an Indigenous person during this time and get a great sense of what it was like. The video would be a good introduction to an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander book that talks about colonisation as it sets the scene for students about what this time was like for Indigenous people in Tasmania. The video describes the shock and fear they felt seeing the big European ships that were unlike anything they had ever seen before, arriving to Tasmania and how the invasion changed their day-to-day life.
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ecl310-emily-g-blog · 7 years
PROMPT 5 - DUST - By Colin Thompson
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Wordle sentence - With no food, the children become hollow, while they sit in silence during the long cold nights, slowly fading away, becoming transparent, their strength has died.
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Re-written sentence about text image: One person’s trash is another’s treasure; yet the world fails to realise it.
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Front-loading activity: Using the image below above, which reads “They said there was food. Hollow bones to carry you there.”
Students are to complete a ‘See, Think, Wonder’ chart about the above image.
See - Students will detail what they can see in the image; the characters or colours used; words, etc.
Think – Students will detail what they think the image is about or why particular colours have been chosen for the image.
Wonder – Students note their curiosities and wonders about the image and its meaning.
This activity along with other front-loading activities focused on in week 6, allow students to be exposed to texts and their themes before actually reading them. This is particularly important with books such as discuss, which as discussed in the course seminars is a rather heavy book with confronting themes. Because of this, it is important to slowly introduce the book and its themes through front loading activities.
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ecl310-emily-g-blog · 7 years
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Prompt 4 - Placement Reflection
Literacy was one of the main subjects I taught on my recent placement and I absolutely loved it. With the reading and writing lessons being sequential and relating to one another it made it easy to teach and really displayed the strong connection between reading and writing. During my recent two-week placement, the year 3’s were continuing their Author Study’ unit in reading and were beginning to look at Mem Fox as an author and in particular her writing techniques used in Possum Magic. Each reading lesson had a different focus on a different strategy used by Mem Fox, such as rhyme or personification. Each lesson was a different technique which was then utilised in the writing lesson following. Students were focusing on writing short stories that incorporated Mem Fox’s writing techniques. These lessons were scaffolding the skills and techniques students needed to complete their assessment task that they were to complete in the next few weeks; writing picture story books.
Whilst on my placement, students practiced these skills in order to write and illustrate picture story books for prep students. On my second last day of placement, my class went to visit a prep classroom to present their picture story books to them. It was wonderful to see them not only build their confidence in their writing but be proud of their work when showing the preps.
One thing I found interesting about teaching these lessons and at times didn’t like, was the use of ICT. When we read Possum Magic as a class it was either using a scanned copy of the book on the Interactive White Board or as a YouTube clip that read the book. Alternatively, when the children read the story independently it was on the same online document of the scanned book on their iPads. I found it interesting and somewhat sad, that the technology of today meant students were not seeing the physical book and turning the pages. Instead they were swiping left and right to flick between pages and zooming in and out on pictures and text.
The class had a novel the teacher occasionally read, and this was ‘The 26 Storey Tree House’ by Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton. The students absolutely love this series of books and that was demonstrated in their attentiveness when reading and their desire to always want to read more.
The above images are of the students picture story books, as well as an anchor chart I created on the writing techniques used by Mem Fox.
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ecl310-emily-g-blog · 7 years
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Prompt 3 - 6 + 1 Traits of Writing
The above piece of writing was completed by a year 5 student as part of a persuasive writing unit during my placement in April 2017.
Organisation is an identified area needing improvement for this particular student. As can be seen in her writing, her arguments and sentences, whilst being good, are not organised in the TEEL structure needed in persuasive writing.
Conventions is another identified area needing improvement.
There is some evidence of capital letters being used at the beginning of sentences, however, punctuation; commas and full stops are not.
The writing contains long sentences joined by ‘and’ as opposed to using commas or full stops and starting new sentences. 
The student has also not revised their own work and spelling before submitting it for correction.
I think this student would benefit from a writing goal that requires them to include punctuation and revising their work.
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ecl310-emily-g-blog · 7 years
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This was a poster I created on a placement earlier this year focusing on the TEEL construction for persuasive writing. Whilst I acknowledge it is not highly creative, the use of different colours and short sentences to explain each stage were effective and the students were constantly referring back to this poster when completing their persuasive writing. Based off the week 2 prompt, I chose to create a poster about ‘Inference’ that clearly shows students how to make inferences. I love creating classroom displays and think the more colourful they are, the better!
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ecl310-emily-g-blog · 7 years
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Prompt 1 - Reading Memories
One of my earliest memories of being read to both at home and at school centers around Dr. Seuss books. At home, we had a collection of his books, from ‘Green Eggs and Ham’ to ‘The Cat In The Hat’ and of course, my favourite ‘Fox In Sox’. Every book had new tongue twisters and bizarre scenarios, that I just loved getting lost in and would never get tired of after countless readings. One year, I even went as Sam from Green Eggs and Ham with a paper mache green ham my Mum had so cleverly made for Book Week.
I remember my grade 2 teacher also had a love for Dr. Seuss and he too, took book week as a chance to dress up as various Dr Seuss characters. He was also always rattling off and teaching our class various tongue twisters or finding books of a similar nature.
I feel these books helped expand my imagination and develop a love for English, words and writing. I was in awe at how such simple words could become so complex when tangled and twisted in the way Dr. Seuss wrote.
In my future classroom, I definitely hope to have a collection of Dr. Seuss’s books that I can introduce to my students and have them love as much as I have.
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