I want Stranger a Things season 4 to be very heavy on Will and El being a dream team kickass pair of siblings, fighting a new danger. I want them to be the focus. I want to see how Max is getting along with the boys, and missing her best friend El. I want to see Steve and Robin babysitting for the Sinclairs and Hendersons while they take a long awaited vacation together. I want to see Joyce and Murray teaming up to find Hopper. I want to see Nancy running that newspaper, those sexist men are working under her. I want to see Jonathan making it big in the photography world, moving somewhere like New York City. I want to the kids to reunite, and be amazed at who El has become: her own person, free from any attatchment to who she was. I want to see her change her name from Eleven (or even Jane) to something like Elle. I want Will to come to terms with his sexuality and tell Joyce and El. I want to see Max fixing up Billy’s car for herself. I want to see Dustin in choir. I want these kids to thrive.
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I like that you and Max are friends now. It’s just.. I was jealous.
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Murray to everyone else:
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Murray to Alexei:
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robin when she finds out that someone in steve’s army of children is a gay boy who’s a nerd and unhappy with himself
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Dustin Henderson from Stranger Things loves you unconditionally!
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when blue and yellow meet in the west…
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give her all the love she deserves!!!
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The cast out of costume and in costume as their characters in Season 3
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▪ like or reblog if you save
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A year ago today Season Two of Stranger Things came out ! (October 27th, 2017)
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Stranger Things 2 (October 27, 2017) 
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jane hopper: *exists*
me, about to literally start crying:
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Elmax concept: when they’re mad at each other they call each other by their full first names
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Jane: I think I’m allergic to Max. I get all red and cant breathe or talk when i see her.
Will: please tell me you’re fucking kidding
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Do you have any headcanons for El???
i actually have no clue how old this ask is bc tumblr never tells me when i get asks anymore, but here are 10 of my headcannons!
1) she. loves. music. she could go on for HOURS listening and jamming to music! when her and hop are in the car and she hears a song she likes on the radio, she immediately turns the volume up and jams out!! if he turns the volume down she turns it right back up...she always wins
2) she’s very bold. when el meets someone new, she will tell them anything and everything. and she can get loud!! when she needs something, she will definitely let you know!!! 
3) the hoppers have a swear jar. no doubt. these two are sailor swearers. and it doesn’t help that el hears the boys swear all the time. once she learned her first swear word, there was no going back.
4) she loves to have her picture taken and to take pictures! she really despises the fact that there’s no documentation that she was an actual human being for the past 13 years of her life so she wants to do anything she can to document every part of her life she can.
5) el and will love to hang out and draw and paint their nails. tell me otherwise, i dare you.
6) she’s super suspicious of people who do magic tricks because she thinks they’re like kali. she would look like that meme of the lady with the equations around her head
7) she doesn’t know much about the concept of personal space. Like we saw in the first season with her almost changing in front of the boys, and in the second season with her sticking her thumb in Dustin’s mouth lol. but she’s working on it!
8) i feel like she’s really artsy! she may not draw very well but she loves to do abstract paintings!
9) she’s completely brutally honest. she will say whatever is on her mind and WHENEVER it is on her mind. if someone is being rude, she’ll say it to their face. (this also kinda ties with the headcanon that she’s bold)
10) she loves seeing the beauty in everybody! if she sees a girl on the street with super pretty eyes she’ll say smth like “your eyes!!!! wow!!!!! uwu oh my gosh!!!!!!” and she’ll stare at them for a liiiiittle too long and hopper or the boys will have to drag her back along with them lol
sooo there ya go! 10 headcanons!
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