elizabethofireland · 7 years
Send me ➵ and I will bold all that applies to your muse
I would hurt you or use you. | you unsettle me. | I dislike you or you annoy me. | I would like to get to know you better. | I pity you. | you confuse me. | I feel indifferent towards you. | I would be friends with you. | I would fight by your side. | I would hug you or hold your hand. | I would kiss you. | I would sleep with you. | I would lie for you. | I would protect you. | I would fall in love with you. | I would kill for you | I respect you. | you are my family. | I don’t know you.
( adapted from dw’s heart meme. )
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elizabethofireland · 7 years
James, Eoin, Iwan
Wed: James Bed: iwan Behead; eoin
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elizabethofireland · 7 years
Eoin, Ayla, Charles I
Bed: Alya Wed: Charles I (reluctantly) Behead: Eoin
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elizabethofireland · 7 years
Ask my muse “Wed, Bed, Behead”
Give my muse three names and they will say which one they will wed, which one they’d bed and which one they’d behead.
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elizabethofireland · 7 years
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Margaret was strolling through the gardens, trying to get some time away from all of the political talk. She rounded a tall corner of shrubbery and found the Irish princess with a troubled look on her face. It wasn’t until she stepped closer that she saw the glint of the tears on her cheeks. The duchess’ expression changed to one of concern. “Your majesty, whatever is the matter?”
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the voice, despite its softness, startled the princess, causing her to nearly jump back into the the bushes. “i-” she began but could not find the words, instead found her tears only coming faster as she looked at the concerned expression on the others face. she wanted no pity and she supposed thats what made it worse.
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elizabethofireland · 7 years
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“I am a very observant person, and I was only assuming which I shouldn’t have. It is a problem, I will admit. Pardon my assuming, milady.” Isabelle said, forcing a smile as she notices the slight tone of the woman’s voice. She was quite opinionated with her words and couldn’t care less about anyone’s feelings other than herself, her friends, and the obvious of close relatives.  "What are these books like other than the darkness that beholds it? I am quite intrigued.“ 
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maybe a welcoming conversation was just what elizabeth needed to regain whatever composure had left her that night with eoin. “they are of hope, i do suppose.” the young princess managed to speak, looking down at the books in hand once more before back to the raven haired girl before her. “they tell of the downfall of some and the rise of others.. i hope to be one that rises myself.”
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elizabethofireland · 7 years
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“i’ll send for the fleet then princess”, he said mustering up an overly serious expression. in all truth james knew he could run away if he wanted, send for aid from his grandfather and say goodbye to his duties to naples. but james knew himself better than to believe he was capable of shedding his title so easily. “the only matter left is the destination. where is it your heart leads you?”
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such a question had never been asked of the young princess, such a freedom never allotted to her. “where is it you are from?” she finally managed, looking up at him with a softened expression, a genuine curiosity about her. “i hope to meet the same kindness there that i have seen in you.” it was a quality effie often sought out, one abel possessed and one she imposed on herself at all time. 
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elizabethofireland · 7 years
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The woman’s face tense, taking note of her blank face and how she so calmly responds to her without moving a single muscle on her face other than her mouth. Clearly, there was something wrong with her and Isabelle wanted to get to the bottom of it. Nosey little thing she is. “Well, that doesn’t sound fun,” Isabelle stated, crossing her brows as she spoke again. “Perhaps that is why you portray such a gloomy look to yourself. Brighten your reading, miss,”
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had this been a different time, elizabeth would have found herself berating the girl, asking her how she could speak to a royal with such underhanded insults. but alas, this was not another day and effie had no room to demand any sort of respect. “i did not know my face had taken on that of my studies.” she murmured, looking to the other and willing the corner of her lips to slide upward into a sad excuse of a smile. “but sadly i mustn’t divert. as dreary and horrid as it may be.”
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elizabethofireland · 7 years
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The dark-haired woman was surprised, how she effortlessly didn’t help pick up her books. And watch Isabelle picking it up for her. What was she, a servant? She did it merely for the fact of dignity. The woman made a quick humming sound as she stood up straight, handing the books over to the woman who looked at her dumbfounded. “Then perhaps we both should be a little more careful, yes?” Isabelle questioned, arching her brows a little. She looked at the books again, quite a lot of books she thought. “Were your head in the clouds? I assume your thoughts consumed with a fine tale of one of these books you’re reading?” Isabelle asked again.
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“we should, yes.” the princess spoke, wishing to offer the woman thanks but was cut off by the fairer brunettes words. tired eyes looked down at the books in her arms; ones discussing lineage, war strategy as well as god supposed spoken word on his chosen royals. truth be told, she was doing what her brother should have done if he wished to reclaim his throne.. but like most things, effie found herself picking up the slack. “death and dying does not seem a tale someone should consume ones self with.” her words were soft as always, melodic in tone though a sad one it was. 
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elizabethofireland · 7 years
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Brown luscious curls twirled as she looks over her shoulder. A woman dressed in blue whispered in her ear, telling her great news. A warm smiled formed on the Duchess’ lips, walking away from the lady before accidently bumping into someone. Items were dropped and feeling incredibly guilty, Isabelle bent over and helped picked up the person’s belongings. “Pardon my intrusion, I wasn’t expecting anyone behind me.”
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effie was still in a near catatonic state, moving throughout the palace as if she were a ghost; talking to no one, being seen by no one. it was easy to blend in when no one cared who you were, an attribute she would now thank eoin for. “oh,” the brunette mumbled as her books tumbled towards the floor, unable to say much else or do much else as she watched the woman before her gather her things. “i am sorry, i’m afraid i was paying little attention to where i was going.”
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elizabethofireland · 7 years
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james was silent a moment, considering having that kind of choice. perhaps that was the benefit of being princess of a house no longer holding power. or perhaps the woman was just stubborn enough to have her way when facing her brother. of course the prince was not sold on the notion of love, but there were certainly those he would rather not be bound to as he had no intention of taking up the french past time of public promiscuity. he turned back to her, “then it would seem running away is your only option princess. seeing as this court is far from teeming with lovable men.”
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the idea was tossed around in her head a few moments before she finally spoke, heaving out a breath as she shrugged her shoulder. “it would seem it is.” her words were spoken decidedly, her hands tugging at her corset to straighten it out before she was moving the hair that rested on her shoulder to its natural spot on her back. “then i supposed my choice is made. i will leave and be rid of my responsibilities. be rid of this life.” the decision was easily made; her homeland lost, her brother seemingly so as well. 
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elizabethofireland · 7 years
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She is his equal in every way. He loves her, and she loves him.
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elizabethofireland · 7 years
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james knew the nearly impossible things people could do with a little ambition and coin but nonetheless he shrugged, “then i suppose it’ll be running away princess?” he rolled his head around on his neck and spoke as though reciting material learned in his childhood lessons, “again there’s always the most mundane option of marrying yourself off to some english duke and bearing dozens of english dolls.”
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frankly, marrying another was something elizabeth had still yet to consider. she had married for love in abel. had known him since they were children and his status made their union possible.. which made marrying for money or position seemed wrong to her. “i will not marry another unless my heart deems it a true union, blessed under god and filled with love.” effie knew such a notion was ludicrous but she couldn’t rid herself of it. 
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elizabethofireland · 7 years
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the english court was teeming with those in search of some new power, or prosperity. and it seemed to the prince many of them were foolish enough to bet on anything to get it. “if there was ever a time or a place to rally people to such a cause…” he trailed off still facing forward as she stopped.“is that the madness in the plot, your femininity?” he asked with a smirk turning to face her as she halted. “don’t you remember where it is we are?” speaking of england’s female driven rule. 
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the issue wasn’t in her gender, no, rather in unseating two men with legitimate claim. “a man sits on the throne now. i would have to cross my brother and another for it to even be considered.” the whole plot itself was mad, no one part more so than another but in its entirety. “catherine was the daughter of a king and rightful heir. i am a daughter, born second to an otherwise capable son. i have no place seeking a seat upon that throne.”
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elizabethofireland · 7 years
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“i doubt anyone who knew me well would describe me as such”, the prince laughed. “besides i am your only audience and wouldn’t dare spread a word of this should the truth be known that i hold a very unmasculine fondness for the gardens.” his eyes scanned the skyline which was lit by only the moon and stars, and from where they were the light of the castle did nothing to dim the view. the prince found himself able to offer her some advice, from a place more cunning than simply clever and usually well hidden. “you could always run away, i’ve been looking for some excuse to flee court myself”, he joked before his tone grew more serious. “or you might ignore your brother’s dalliances and complete the work you came here for.. in your own name.”
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his suggestion was more than laughable, it was outright outrageous, so much so that it brought the girls feet to a halt, looking at him with eyes as wide a doe’s. “do you suggest i rally the people in my own name? that i find allies of my own here in this land?” she had to blink a few times in hopes of suddenly understanding whatever it was he was saying, in hopes that he was saying something else entirely than what she interpreted. elizabeth let out a nervous chuckle, shaking her head as she continued walking. “that is mad. i am a woman.”
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elizabethofireland · 7 years
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the man’s face changed into one of surprise at the woman’s admission. her words gave some way to exactly who she was, and more than that made james’ interest more than just one of conscience. he managed a smile for the honest and entertaining words, chuckling slightly, “i think i would rather such words exist outside of you rather than within wouldn’t you?” he took a few steps forward and looked down at her, “you seem to have a brother quite capable of engendering people’s anger milady.”
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elizabeth visibly tossed his words about in her head, making a bit of a drawn out thought induced noise before speaking. “the latter i agree with but perhaps not the former.” with a curious gaze she looked up at him, intrigued by his own curiosity. she had been somewhat cast aside here at english court, not quite princess of anything.. in fact, princess of nothing. “i typically have no issue keeping such.. harsh critiques in but it seems my brothers, well, his stupidity makes it hard for me to keep anything in at all.” but it was more than just his stupidity that caused her anger, now it was his sickness.. this darkness he had brought into himself.. maybe he was of the devil? maybe he no longer housed the soul of a catholic but rather now a demon. “but i should hold my tongue, especially in such respectable company.” whether he was a duke or a king was beyond her but from the state of his attire she could only figure he was not a peasant.
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elizabethofireland · 7 years
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get to know me: favourite female characters [4/5] → mary stuart (reign)
“I’d defy the Devil himself if he tried to buy and sell my country.”
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