emblazcned · 4 years
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—like most people i’m neck-deep in acnh, my friend and i have decided to finally play LiS2 together so i’m #feeling over that, i’ve recently joined a discord dnd group with my friends and am busy with that campaign, aaaand my job is actually insane af right now bc apparently the lockdown means people have all the time in the world to write books and so we gotta get them published.
this all comes together to say that i’ll probably be pretty spotty activity-wise for awhile. (but sammy you say this every other day at this point how is this different i KNOW ndjfghandofh)
just a lil note! so if you’re IMing me or anything; i’m not ignoring you. i just don’t have huge brain capacity for conversations or writing atm but i do check in daily.
everyone stay safe and healthy!!
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emblazcned · 4 years
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“Yikes.” Kuzco commented simply, not really knowing what else to say just yet in response to Zuko’s own reasoning for his hesitation to do something as simple, yet bold, as dancing.
He couldn’t even imagine being that repressed growing up or what he might be like now if that were the case. Every now and again there would be someone who would attempt to break his spirit and they’d be met with the same fate, whether or not their intentions were pure. Fired. Exiled. Thrown out a window. It was all the same to him. He may have been a tad unhinged when it came to outside judgement but what could one really expect from such a young emperor who had lacked the proper guidance as a child and received everything and anything he wanted growing up without question. He greatly valued his individuality, however unconventional it might have been.
Despite not caring much for judgement, he still knew what it was like to have the crushing expectations of an entire empire weighing on his shoulders constantly, so he could kind of sympathize with the prince when it came to caring about what his people thought, especially about his decisions.
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“You know, you strike me as a guy who could stand to stress a little less. Tell ya what, If you ever find that your people are feeling a little cranky, hit me up and I’ll be there to raise some morale. How’s that?” There was no guarantee that he would actually be of any help but Kuzco seemed pretty confident in his ability to do so. Zuko had said himself that the emperor was gifted. This would give him the perfect chance to execute that gift.
Yikes was... one way to put it. A concise, if not entirely ACCURATE way— Zuko really couldn’t have summed it up much better than that. Turned out that it took being on the outside looking in on his nation to get a better picture of just what was going on, of just how BLIND they were, how manipulated by a leader who saw most everyone as a pawn: disposable if not of some USE to him. Freedom hadn’t really been part of their vernacular until now (and without conscious realization that they previously lacked it). He... LOVED his people. So much. So wholeheartedly. And maybe that was what made him so CONCERNED with not only their well-being, but their perception of him as Fire Lord.
Zuko wanted to make his nation and the WORLD a better place. He just hoped those people affected by all his choices saw them in the same AMICABLE light.
Brought back by the emperor’s next statement—realizing then the creeping QUIET that had passed between them after the admission—Zuko gathered himself before meeting his gaze. Despite it being far from the first time someone accused him of being TIGHTLY COILED, color tinted his cheeks. He fumbled over his words for a meager beat drowned by Kuzco’s suggestion, that which set him in stunned silence again for many moments more. 
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“Y-you’d...” —do that? 
The fire lord brushed at those clumps of hair in his face, and his stare wavered sideways temporarily. “Well, uh— If anyone can take a bunch of repressed, ‘cranky’ people and give them a little SPIRIT, I feel like it’d be you.” And Aang. Probably Aang. When did Aang not brighten a few moods wherever he went? “Just promise you’ll keep it... pretty TAME.”
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emblazcned · 4 years
daddy issues make u a people pleaser but mommy issues make u like. a sociopath
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emblazcned · 4 years
Even though to others it might seem hard to talk to Zuko, to her it actually wasn’t all that difficult. Yes, he sometimes didn’t know what to say or how to express himself. But you could see it on his face; or in his eyes. She somehow.. sensed it. And even after all this time, that hadn’t changed. It was funny yet terribly sad to realize this and get confronted with how much she had actually missed her friend.
“I guess there wasn’t a place for me there anymore when you left anyway.” she responded. Yes, it had also lost her parents their jobs and that was terrible. But for her.. well.. it was time to move on when he got banished.
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She followed him, brows knitting together as he continued to speak about how his house still didn’t feel like home without her. “——Is this an invite for me to go back with you?” she asked, a chuckle coming from her for she couldn’t really believe he would even suggest such a thing.
Maybe he hadn’t fully considered the IMPLICATIONS behind his confession. Rather, he obviously didn’t, as Meg’s next words threw him so off guard that he all but tripped over his own feet—and ended up shuffling for a split second before righting his posture and coming to a stop. Zuko swiveled around to look at her, and he barely caught the PERPLEXED crinkle of her brow before it smoothed on the cusp of a laugh: something that could’ve and likely SHOULD’VE dispelled any awkwardness felt on his own side... but there he was. Stupidly, RIDICULOUSLY concerned that he had stepped over some imaginary line.
Why did things have to simultaneously be easy and DIFFICULT with her? She was a FRIEND, after all. And unlike the rocky start he had with Aang’s group, Meg herself had never even seen that unfortunate side to him. What was he so AFRAID of?
... if not EVERYTHING at this point.
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“U-uhh, did that—? Is that what it SOUNDED like?” he asked, and a hand freely went to busy itself with his hair: as if hoping to FIX it when clearly only mussing it. “I didn’t mean... Well, I wouldn’t want you to come back and be my SERVANT or anything; you’re... happier having your freedom, and I’d never take that from you.” His teeth grazed over his lip before he began at a slow walk again. “But, uhh... If you ever wanted to VISIT— You should know you’ll always be WELCOME.”
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emblazcned · 4 years
           so maybe Callum hadn’t completely thought the idea through. he wasn’t from Xadia and he had no idea what food in Xadia even looked like. he probably should have left that part to Rayla. she knew what to look for. actually, any of their allies from Xadia could have probably told him what he was searching for before. he could have written down a list.                        why didn’t he think of writing down a list?!
                                   『 ❝ that’s a very good thought. I may have not thought                                           this one through. just a bit. ❞ 』
           well now he kind of just felt like an idiot. oh well. he could work with this. they could work this out. somehow. and maybe not eat anything that looked edible for fear of having no idea what it would do to them.
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                                   『 ❝ I probably should have left this to Rayla, huh? ❞ 』
           and there was that ever familiar flush on his face, turning him a nice shade of reddish-pink.
Callum certainly wasn’t the only one here to blame—regardless of whether the suggestion happened to be HIS. Zuko wanted to think that the two of them TOGETHER would be smart enough, and yet here they were on a hunt for something they didn’t even know, and in a land they knew even LESS... all around nothing short of a TERRIBLE idea. But the prince happened to take it just a tad harder. Really, someone would have to be BLIND not to see the blush return to his face.
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Zuko shot him a SMIRK just strong enough to stifle his own sheepishness. “Yeah, maybe. But then she also knows just what everything here does and could be inclined to USE that when she’s feeling particularly moody. Might wanna be careful with that,” he remarked in full JEST. Then, shrugging, “We’re already out here; let’s just take a walk and see what we find.”
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emblazcned · 4 years
Hey all due to ye jolly issues with bills, especially since I’m not getting paid anything during quarantine, I’ve decided to host a major sale on my handcrafted items!
You can find a list of my plushies under the last tab of this page here and please feel free to send me a message if you’re interested! All plushies are currently €10, gloves €5 and the scarf I have left in stock is €20!
I’ll happily answer questions, show more pictures etc. Shipping prices are not included in these prices and all money transfers occur through Paypal. I’ll be able to ship your item either the same or the next day depending on what time it is!
Thank you all in advance for reading and checking out my page! If you can, please give this a reblog or a signal boost!
Much love, Lumi <3
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emblazcned · 4 years
Eyes followed him as he went from answering her to showing the exact appartement he had been staying at during his time in Ba Sing Se. It wasn’t that bad. It wasn’t that bad at all. But she could imagine how this would be something entirely different to what Zuko was used to. Many lived like this — if they were lucky enough to even have a home. Meg considered it only to be a good thing he had experienced such a life; it gave him a better idea of the lives of those he ruled.
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“You grew, that’s all.” she shrugged. The brunette only knew the boy he was before his banishment; she had never met the bitter, angry boy he had been. It was a phase in his life she had missed out on — and perhaps even for the better. “It looks nice enough.” Head turned so lavender orbs met his again. She smiled up at him and stepped back. “I honestly thought I’d never see you again.”  
And, having successfully reached their destination, at this very moment did Zuko realize how utterly BORING a location it was—how it took little more than AWKWARDLY pointing out a previous living space (occupied by someone else, now; they were just LOITERING outside) to figure out that... they really had just walked all this way for one second before having to go somewhere else, didn’t they? How much more pointless of a TRIP could this have been, he wondered, and all with the thought that he should be better at ENTERTAINING her. (As if he had something to prove...)
But what was the saying, again? Something about the JOURNEY being the most important part? Whatever. Luckily for him, she took care of an otherwise DYING conversation—
Zuko just wasn’t entirely prepared for the earnest look and the equally genuine words that followed.
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So he blinked. And took one second longer than appropriate to reply. “You too,” he murmured, casting one more look at the apartments before turning to find somewhere NEW he could take her. “Well, I guess I always figured... when I went home, I’d see you again; I never considered you not even being there.” His lips thinned a moment, and he gestured for her to follow as he began down a new path. “It, uhh... felt a lot LESS like home when you were gone. It still kinda does.”
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emblazcned · 4 years
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What can I do to make it up to you?
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emblazcned · 4 years
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‘ Yeah, my father always throws one around this year to celebrate the arrival of spring and such It’s a common thing to our family, and well maybe alittle of both.’ She answered giving a giggle, her hands infront of her lap as her eyes moved among the couples before back to him. ‘ Well…I would love to dance but sadly no one has even asked me as of yet, so for now gonna stand.’ She said in a joking manner, swaying softly side to side though as she listened to the music.
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“The arrival of Spring? That’s a pretty neat celebration. We have mainly SUMMER holidays back in my country, and they, uhh... aren’t QUITE like this.” After all, a FESTIVAL was wildly different from a party as extravagant and formal as the one in which they both found themselves. Not to mention dancing for the longest time hadn’t even been PART of his culture. Weird seeing it so lively and celebrated—
—and now mentioned in a way that made him GUILTY for not taking part. For her sake.
“You, uhh... Is that— That’s a rule?” Zuko cast a sidelong glance, curiosity (and some semblance of trepidation for forthcoming events) alight in his stare. “I just figured, y’know—if you wanted to, you wouldn’t need PERMISSION.” Then again, these were couples dancing (good to note that the act itself seemed to happen in PAIRS). “Why don’t you ask someone?”
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emblazcned · 4 years
        The sardonic response was met, with no malice. How could Mewtwo be angry, when trainer’s ultimate obliviousness remaining intact was exactly what she desired? Indeed Psyche could care less whether he believed her or not, what mattered was she told him the truth but should continue skirting around the full story. Perhaps throwing in a little lie here and there or vanishing when he became too curious would be required, but either way she was determined to leave Zuko with many queries. At his mention of Charmeleon teaching him how to breath fire followed by inquiry, she gave him a pretend inquisitive tilt from her head.
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        “Unfortunately I was brought into this world, with it,” she explained. “Though if you do not believe me, why not test my advice out and see for yourself? At worst, you would just be as lost as you are now.”
Even now there was no reading her, and Zuko on top of that couldn’t even tell if it should UNNERVE him or just place a bright banner of stupidity on his own forehead for ineptitude. As SERIOUSLY and unfazed as her original comment, she answered his question; he did his best to keep his face as emotionless as possible—though it was Druk now who let out a disconcerted grumble in his trainer’s stead. Figures he’d have a better time understanding his WORDLESS companion than the girl in front of him. (Zuko knew without a lingering thought that specific grumble meant his charmeleon was TIRED and wanted to go.)
That was more than he could say about anything this stranger was expressing.
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“What about you?” he ventured, all accompanied by a jerk of his head. “It’ll be getting DARK soon; don’t you need someplace to go?”
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emblazcned · 4 years
Zuko wasn’t sure what he expected when his uncle agreed to opening a shop in the Upper Ring; he couldn’t himself begin to GAUGE its popularity, more so how the tastes of the REFINED would compare to those of the... “less-refined.” Tea was, had been, presumably always would be just TEA to Zuko, but apparently his uncle had a knack for pleasing the masses entirely with his gift for the art. And now—? Well, the Jasmine Dragon was more than just a little BUSY. Day-in, day-out. They’d had little choice but to hire new workers on board for any hope of it running at all SMOOTHLY (though these tea-loving customers seemed readily eager to wait as long as it would take to get a taste—seemed like a waste of time).
Today was the first day for one of the aforementioned: a girl, Uncle Iroh had told him, who seemed capable, if not NICE personality-wise that apparently was worth noting (as if Zuko was meant to be her BEST FRIEND just because they worked together). He steered clear of her for while, occupied with a rush of upper class folk who typically needed more CATERING to be pleased. But, as conditions would eventually provoke, their first REAL meeting... It was hardly a surprise it involved nearly running each other over.
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“Wh— sorry.” His apology weaved with her pardon into the air, and he turned himself sideways to give her more room. Simultaneously, it helped prevent the tray in his hand from CRASHING to the floor. “You’re... Mercy, right? Could you give me a hand quick? There’s a big party at Table 3; I have another tray to take after this one.”
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her first day wasn’t going quite as planned.  mercy didn’t know if it was some kind of earth kingdom holiday or something,  but the place was booming,  and she wasn’t sure how long she could go on as the only waitress on duty.  yet,  she doesn’t want to complain.  she’s only grateful the cheerful old man in charge even gave her a job — she didn’t expect the place to be this popular.
her face is stony in concentration as she takes to the floor again,  softening to greet customers as she hands out a few more orders.  but on the way back to behind the counter,  perhaps she turns a little too fast,  feet halting suddenly just before she can crash into the boy — must be the one she’d been waiting on.  the man said she’d be working with his nephew.      ❝  ‘scuse me,  ❞      she pardons herself.
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emblazcned · 4 years
would you ever consider only having one person play a specific character with your Zuko? Like a main? :-)
//climbs out of ACNH, twigs in hair, sand in shoes—
hey, anon!! thank you for sending this question in! :)i actually have done mains before, but i’ve never done exclusives. things are pretty lax on this blog so i typically don’t cross these bridges until i reach them and therefore don’t really have any SET RULES or anything on the matter.
i’m 100% open to “mains.” it feels kinda nice to have certain folks you can rely on equally enjoying your interpretation as you enjoy theirs and knowing you aren’t a “bother” by messaging/interacting, etc. i do love building ooc/ic relationships in that manner because it does make it seem like you have a bit of a “family.”
however, in that same vein, i don’t think i’ll ever practice exclusivity. i have nothing against people who do, but i like to leave my options open and chill insofar that i don’t entirely block out an opportunity just bc i already have that character in my “roster” of interactions.
tl;dr — if we interact, seem to “hit it off” (ooc and ic), then i’m down to be “mains.” i just won’t ever do exclusives… i don’t think… AGAIN, maybe i’ll cross that bridge some other time.
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emblazcned · 4 years
By habit and a focus on this customer in PARTICULAR, Zuko followed his movements from his side of the counter: a few LAZY steps effectively bringing those glass display jars BETWEEN them. Luckily for both, even Zuko’s shorter stature didn’t impede his view, for the man stood tall enough to better see over them and address who he had since decided a TEA EXPERT with no problems at all. Said “expert” surveyed his face a moment while he CONTEMPLATED. And his attention wavered only to ensure no one else was waiting on this decision seconds before another question seeped through the shop’s quiet murmur.
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Craning his neck—unnecessarily so, considering seeing the jar from the FRONT really didn’t change things—Zuko nodded after a breath’s thought. “Yeah, that’s one of our herbals. It’s sort of, uhh... a mix of floral and—fruity, I guess? Mainly huckleberry, so it can be a bit TART.” He didn’t think twice, suddenly in a ZONE he certainly wished he wasn’t in, but barely wasting another word, Zuko moved an extra step down to point out another blend—
Without invitation.
Now he was doing his job as a SALESPERSON.
“If you’re into the SWEET variety, though, you might prefer this one,” he noted, gesturing instead to a container predominantly filled with what appeared to be an assortment of fruit, rose petals and marigolds SPRINKLED throughout. “It’s pretty sweet on its own; the dragonfruit kinda does that for it. That’s, umm...” Like just awakening from a TRANCE (or otherwise catching his prattling), a sheepish hand SLID over his nape. Zuko shrugged.
“That’s another option, if it INTERESTS you at all.”
Continued from [X] | @emblazcned​
| Monochrome | In retrospect, Silas couldn’t be sure what he expected when he let the query slip past his mouth, too distracted by the jovial mood he found himself in on his way there. It thankfully hung around, warding off the frustration that otherwise darkened his features into a usual scowl.
Lips pursed, something of a hum rising in his own throat, Silas’ focus briefly darted toward the other’s eyes, short of lingering at the edge of what he believed was undoubtedly a scar before he finally looked away. A hand lifted to scratched at a spot on his left elbow, drifting to his forearm, an absent gesture while he considered the options again. This time, Silas broke into a fleeting smile listening to the suggestions. Accurate to a T. The guy knew and saw more than he realized, he thought.
A considering hum and he trailed a few steps closer to get a better look of the glass jars of loose leaf blends on display, reading their little placards denoting which blend was which and immediately narrowed down a handful of what attracted him. Their aroma heady and saturated, but not overwhelming, invited one to take their time through the various blends. A glance further into the shop revealed a few customers already settled in, engrossed in whatever busy task occupied their hand and for but a brief moment, Silas imagined how much time wanted to spend here himself, a tranquil cove tucked away from the overwhelming city life.
“Both of those sound v-very good,” he said, a smile drifting into his voice, almost sheepish. “I drink m-mostly herbal teas and sweeten them w-with honey, but… m-maybe something sweet by i-itself?”
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Nose wrinkling with a pronounced sniff, one that expanded his chest on a held inhale, he carefully exhaled while pointing at a jar storing the reddish leaves, scattered with what appeared to be white-tinted blossoms. “How about th-that one? Have y-you tried it before?”
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emblazcned · 4 years
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“You’re USED to it? Well, if it means anything, that still puts you one step ahead of me.” He landed the light jest rather SEAMLESSLY, though some nerves weren’t entirely quieted in the twitching fingers behind his back. “Figured if we’re both going to be AWKWARD, might as well do it together. I wonder if that CANCELS it out or just makes it worse,” Zuko went on with a thoughtful look to the ceiling. Then, in a smile to match her bubbling laugh, “I have to say, though... you seem like you BELONG on the dancefloor.”
@emblazcned​ asked: ❝ i won’t leave, i promise. ❞ 
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‘ Oh thank you…because despite being use to parties like this..It still kind of makes me uncomfortable with all the people…so It would be nice, not having to stand around all awkwardly alone.’  Ariel smiled towards the male, giving a small chuckle as she looked at the ground pushing back some loose strands of red, her eyes watching as couples danced about.
                                                                        (。・ω・。)つ━☆・*。REASSURE & COMFORT
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emblazcned · 4 years
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Silence // Marshmello ft. Khalid 
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emblazcned · 4 years
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“STUPID? why you little - “ scowls. on my ship - the words seem to bring cornelia closer to the reality, the sound of water splashing, cool breeze against her face. ugh, she was on a ship. if it came to it she could transform and fly away but something told her he wouldn’t hesitate to shoot her down. “I’m just as confused here as you!” normally she went through portals. this time, she definitely hadn’t gone through one. “where am I exactly? like, world, country? give me some info here, ponytail.”
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What they’d find WOULDN’T work well with their situation was an equal stubbornness on both sides as she met his bristling with more of her OWN; inadvertently, it only encouraged his attitude to WORSEN. “What are you going on about? What WORLD—?” She was right about one thing: she really was CONFUSED to the point of crazy. “We’re south of the Mo Ce Sea; west of Earth Kingdom territory. I’d think a STOWAWAY would know where they are and where the ship they’re hiding on is going before GETTING ON.”
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emblazcned · 4 years
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something to tide myself and everyone else over while I work on homework and commissions. 
FIRESIBS! I’ve been trying to get this one out for a while. Finally got the poses to work on paper and imported them into the procreate file. xDD Sometimes you’ve just gotta draw on paper first.
premise: Kind of like Obon, it’s a lantern festival to guide spirits to the afterlife – Zuko and Azula light a lantern for their mother and place it in a wreath of waterlilies to float out to sea along with the lanterns of the thousands of Fire Nation citizens who lost loved ones during the war. 
The ceremony is started by Fire Lord Zuko, and is majorly an act of remembering the dead of all the other nations as well, and acknowledging the Fire Nation’s fault and role in the loss of life.
(aside: in the version of events as they happened in my head, Ozai had Ursa murdered the night that she disappeared/Azulon died so that she couldn’t make any trouble for him. Zuko finds out some years later, and some years after that is also able to tell Azula.)
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