emblembonds · 6 years
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SO hey yeah i went and moved all my Gays to a multimuse, yo. this one to be exact
who even knows how long this is gonna last, but it’s there
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emblembonds · 6 years
“ Everyone, quiet! ”
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“ We can point fingers until we’ve found our way to the Rite of Flames and back, but we’re not going to get anywhere with it if we devolve into petty accusations. ” Kiran’s words are quick and firm - and spoken with a logic meant to hide how they wished to not be needing to point fingers in the first place. “ Whether it’s Alfonse, or Sharena, or Anna, or even myself - we’re not getting any answers making a witch hunt out of it! There’s a bit more at stake here than that! ”
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emblembonds · 6 years
me: god i’ve gotta get active on this blog. i haven’t used it much lately, definitely not a time to add new muses
also me:
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new muse???
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emblembonds · 6 years
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“ Ah… s-sorry, I tried to keep my distance… ” Perhaps Nino had gotten a little carried away in the most recent skirmish with her opponents. She’d thought they’d been weakened more than they had… and she’d only barely been able to push through the ensuing counterattack when he survived. As much as she appreciated that someone was willing to patch her up, that she’d wound up in that situation in the first place made her feel like… … No, Erk wouldn’t want her to say that. Forget that.
“ A-Ah… thank you. Sorry, it still stings a little… ”
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emblembonds · 6 years
ooc;; ftr having thought more about it, I’m gonna be fairly busy this weekend.
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ooc;; Lotsa work going on right now, being Summer and all. Retail’s at its busiest right around now. So I’m just gonna stick to my muse’s attending/viewing the festivities instead of trying to get them involved.
I’ll definitely try and have them do that much, though. Maybe. Who knows. I’m pretty busy being obsessed with Spla2n rn
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emblembonds · 6 years
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ooc;; Maybe whenever there’s a group event I say I’ll hop into I should actually make an effort to hop into it. That’d probably help.
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emblembonds · 6 years
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emblembonds · 6 years
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“ Ah... s-sorry, I tried to keep my distance... ” Perhaps Nino had gotten a little carried away in the most recent skirmish with her opponents. She’d thought they’d been weakened more than they had... and she’d only barely been able to push through the ensuing counterattack when he survived. As much as she appreciated that someone was willing to patch her up, that she’d wound up in that situation in the first place made her feel like... ... No, Erk wouldn’t want her to say that. Forget that.
“ A-Ah... thank you. Sorry, it still stings a little... ”
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emblembonds · 6 years
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ooc;; Like this post for a Pale Flower verse Nino starter! Nino will at least be familiar with your muse unless specified, Heroes verse unless specified, etc. etc.
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emblembonds · 6 years
Nino learned to fly a pegasus from Florina.
Knows how to talk to spirits, which she probably learned from Canas.
She’s a lot more chipper, and her self-loathing only really comes out when she feels like she messed up. Erk happens to be the one who made the most effort to get her past her self-hatred.
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She’s grown so much with the help of the friends she’s made by the time we meet her as a Pale Flower and I really hope I’ve made it clear how happy it makes me.
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emblembonds · 6 years
hurt meme.
“ i got you. it’s gonna be okay, you’re going to be okay.”
“i feel like everyone’s miles away from me.”
“my mind is a dark place. you don’t want to be there.”
“i know this hurts, but you have to stay awake.”
“don’t close your eyes, please don’t close your eyes!”
“i just want to be numb, i don’t want to feel anything.”
“please don’t do this, don’t act like you care.”
“you don’t care, nobody cares, just leave.”
“you’re my friend, of course i fucking care.”
“i can’t give up on you, so please don’t give up on yourself.”
“i love you so much, i forgot what hating myself felt like.”
“i fucked up, why do you not care?”
“i can’t walk, just go on without me.”
“you have broken ribs, take it easy.”
“i have no idea how to do cpr.”
“whose blood is that?”
“apply pressure to the wound, don’t let go.”
“don’t you dare fucking let go!” 
“what the hell happened to you?” 
“are they dead? did you kill them?” 
“do you know what you’ve done?” 
“you’re either with me or against me.” 
“who the hell did this to you?” 
“are you alright? you hit your head pretty hard…” 
“i can’t see!! what’s happening to me?” 
“when was the last time you ate?” 
“what do you mean you’re fine? you are not fine!” 
 “i’m fine, it’s just a flesh wound, i’ll be okay.” 
“for how long? how long were you bottling this up?“ 
“there’s so much blood, you won’t last.” 
“are you… throwing up in there?” 
“why aren’t you eating?” 
“just breathe… you’re okay, i promise, just breathe.” 
“i can’t breathe, i can’t –” 
“i woke up, & you were gone.” 
“just tell me something, was it really worth it?” 
“it’s okay to hurt & breakdown. you don’t have to be strong all the time.”
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emblembonds · 6 years
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“ ... Hmm. No, no, is impossible... ” In spite of the general solemnity and underlying fear around the Askr camp, a certain mercenary seemed to be... thinking. And not in a particularly defeated or winded manner, either.
It seems something is on his mind.
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emblembonds · 6 years
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ooc;; Just for clarification, I wasn’t putting anyone down with that post. That wasn’t me trying to imply anyone has that attitude, it wasn’t me vagueing about it, that was j u s t a joke.
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emblembonds · 6 years
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ooc;; I’m sorry to say that if your default Summoner for all your muses isn’t my Kiran I wont’ interact with you, devote your muses to Somari today
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emblembonds · 6 years
“ I’m not one to say what people should and shouldn’t say, but I do feel I should remind you that we do have younger heroes taking part in all of this, so it might do you well to keep this conversation a little more on the low-down. ”
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“ Which isn’t to say that I’m the sort to make a fuss about that sort of thing, but if any of the more innocent ones happen to go around wondering just what ‘fuck’ means, that’ll be your responsibility to sort out. As Commander I might play a role in dealing with many of the questions and concerns of everyone here, but I’m drawing the line there. ”
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emblembonds · 6 years
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ooc;; Does anyone wanna plot out some ships? Platonic and romantic sense both acceptable, of course,
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emblembonds · 6 years
Why does Kiran hide their face?
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Kiran is a figure of mystery. Face obscured by a hood, nearly all of their body hidden by the cloak and the gloves they wear, and coming off as somewhat distant... you might mistake them for reclusive, or ambivalent to their cause.
This isn’t the case.
Truthfully, Kiran is deeply invested in the events they’ve been dragged into. In fact, jumping into the conflict was a choice. An impulsive choice, granted, but a choice. Upon the summoning to Askr, Kiran was pulled away to get a glance at the conflict Askr was going through. Fate showed them nothing more than three fighters in trouble, in clear need of guidance and a helping hand... and asked Kiran if they wished to help win their war. Kiran said yes - and while they didn’t quite know in the moment they were in it for the long haul, they don’t regret it at all. They want to see this war through.
But then, why hide themself? Especially if they care for the cause and their allies, why do they remain hooded and distant, giving less and less about themself as they go?
Well, it’s important to remember where Kiran comes from. Regardless of their place in the ongoing war against Embla... Kiran comes from another realm. Their home is in another realm, mostly detached and untouched by the Outrealms... but there’s enough connection to pull them in. This war going on... it spans realms. Victory will save these realms... failure will destroy them. Leave them nothing but a charred battlefield, ruled over by a truly sadistic man with no morals, and nigh-invulnerability. And this man... he knows of the Summoner. This war of magic, fantasy abilities, Múspell and Nifl, flames and ice, and a cause that is crushing the hope of the fighters as quickly as they gain it...
Their realm wouldn’t stand a chance against just what this war would have in store for them. And even among allies... if they return home, their world wouldn’t be ready for the appearance of magic users and spells and seals and all of these fantasy-style additions.
No matter how close their allies may grow to them, and no matter what level they may return the care... Kiran can’t leave an impact on this world. Kiran can’t be a face for it all. Kiran can’t give their real name, or show their face, or leave any chance open for their realm to get involved in the war.
For the safety of their realm, Kiran wants the future of Askr to forget they were ever there.
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