emmafurnwrites · 3 years
Aus Politics Cabinet Battle
A friend mentioned how the state premiers/health chiefs bickering about covid vaccines reminded them of the cabinet battles in Hamilton. This inspired me to write some verses or whatever (I usually write prose, not poetry):
NSW: I want to remind those other states and territories that last time I looked, we were a Commonwealth, we work together. (actual quote from NSW health minister)
Other states: Did you only just think of that?
Vic: I’d like to remind NSW that we only have to deal with this bastard covid ‘cause you wouldn’t manage this, Hazzard.
SA: “We barely have enough vaccines for our own. You think we can share ‘em? What were you doing a month ago when this began? Letting people go around like nothing happened?
Vic: Time to remove your removalists.
SA: Here, we’ll help you send them packing.
WA from afar: You made your bed, NSW. Time for you to sleep in.
Vic: Hear hear!
SA: Yeah, that hipster wanker’s right. *gags* I hope you had fun. Look what you’ve done!
Vic: Even we agree. That’s a new one.
NSW laughs at SA: Look at you fools and your queues. You’re in meltdown. Like the time you had that -what was it? A three day lockdown? It’s only six cases. What an overreaction!
SA: Hey, at least it’s a reaction. Because of our fast action last year covid didn’t get any traction here. You wanna control this thing or infect the entire nation?
Go ahead, you can mock us. But how many cases is it now for you this time, triple digits? And us? Hmm. Look at that. Somehow, different. Why do you think that is? While I’m waiting for your answer, I’ll enjoy some Arnott’s biscuits.
ScoMo: Come on, everyone. Why can’t you just get along?
Everyone: Piss off, Scotty. What have you ever done?
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