emmasvanity · 6 hours
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emmasvanity · 7 hours
"It doesn't have to mean anything for us. I'm not interested in him at all and he's not interested in me. What matters is that I'm interested in you." She promised, her voice honest. "I'll meet with Rabastan for tea one more time this week and then we'll come up with an excuse to our parents. "I know we haven't discussed this before now, but do you want to tell our parents?"
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Thorfinn listened intently to what Emma had to say, trying to piece it all together. He found it odd that the two of them were going to fake dates to deter their parents, which made him question what they were going to do with their new relationship. He nods his head. "Then what does it mean for us?" He was slightly confused, though didn't want to jump to any conclusions.
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emmasvanity · 13 hours
Emma hadn't asked about Thorfinn's past relationships and he hadn't asked about hers when they first began seeing each other. Neither of them had thought that this would be more than a way to pass time, something casual due to their physical chemistry. Over time things had shifted however, so perhaps they were due a conversation. "I never intended to imply you were stupid, I merely wasn't aware you two were that close." Emma raised an eyebrow in surprise, she didn't recall either of them mentioning something to her before.They hadn't done much talking at the beginning and if she thought about it now she really didn't know that much about his personal life. "Warnings?" She sounded like Evan. "All people involved in this matter? I wasn't aware there was anyone besides Thor and I. What exactly am I missing here?" Emma didn't like the uncertainty. "We were never hiding things or keeping them secret, we were just private. I don't tend to discuss everyone I'm having sex with. We met through Rodolphus last year, got to talking and then he invited me out for drinks. You know how catastrophic my last relationship ended so I wanted to take things slow. I don't want to get hurt again."
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Bad at sharing... Val knew she was not the person to tell Thor's past with Athena, but she could warn her friend if she wanted to. Without calling out names. The brunette knew she had been right at mentioning her best friend's name when Emma's eyes widened and asked how she knew. "I've been at that house before. He's my best friend, he told me he has been seeing someone and taking her to Spain for the past weekend. And now you turn up here with a bottle of wine from that same region. I'm able to do easy maths, despite what people sometimes think of me," Val explained as if she was talking about the chilly weather outside the place they were seated at. She sat a bit straighter in her seat and tilted her head slightly as she watched her friend. "You do understand that I will be giving you some warnings, right? Considering all people involved in this matter? But first... how did this come to exist and especially... how did you manage to keep it hidden from probably everybody?"
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emmasvanity · 1 day
"I'm in a great mood. I had a lovely few days. Remember this guy I was seeing? He invited me to his family's beach house for the weekend." Emma had mentioned him in passing before, never any names as she didn't want to put labels on something that wasn't serious. Only now it was serious, so the rules were changing. "Three? Tell me more." Emma whistled, clearly impressed by how much trouble her friend managed to get into during a single night. Athena was gorgeous so she didn't doubt that her friend could have the pick of the litter if she so chooses.
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She'd barely seen her at the Gala. Sure, they exchanged a few words and plotted a rude witch's demise, but Athena had got herself busy quick and hadn't seen her friend again throughout the night. Meeting on the field was a must for the teammates and she was excited about getting the chance to catch up. "Someone's in a good mood." The brunette greeted the other, mounting her broom and leaping from the grass, ready to take the conversation to the air. "I did have fun, slept with three guys." Athena confessed with a giggle, beginning with the better part of her night.
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emmasvanity · 1 day
"You're very welcome." Emma smiled. She'd been to Spain a couple times before, but it was different this time. The area Thorfinn's house was in was new to her as well, so it was nice to explore it with him. "I'm bad at sharing. When I like someone I get very jealous. Even when I trust them fully, it's something I should probably be working on." She wasn't going to change, but admitting you had a problem was the first step, right? Her eyes widened in surprise, knowing she hadn't admitted who she was seeing just yet. Emma saw no reason to hide it or lie if Val already figured it out, she wasn't ashamed. Why should she be? "How do you know?"
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A smile was plastered on Val's face as she put down the bottle of wine. "Thank you for the bottle." She pushed it to the side slightly when her friend pointed out she wasn't into threesomes. Val tilted her head slightly. "That's too bad, they can be quite fun," she joked as she leaned back in the seat that she was sitting. She crossed her arms in front of her as Emma just went for the direct approach. "Oh, you know. The questions are there for you to tell me that your boytoy is none other than Thorfinn Rowle." She could go for the direct approach as well.
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emmasvanity · 1 day
"We'll meet up once more so we can convince our parents we gave it a shot and then we'll tell them it won't work. I would've just told them we're dating but I didn't want to do so without discussing it with you first. And my mother would've had my head for not telling her sooner and putting her in a bad position with the Lestranges." He knew how intense pureblood parents were, she doubted that his were much different to her own, at least when it come to the subject of marriage and producing heirs.
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Thorfinn was expecting Emma to come over, having dinner made for them, as they sat in the study. He knew she had something to tell him, but this wasn't what he was expecting. "A plan?" He was curious, he had not told his parents about his relationship with Emma, considering it was still fresh. There was also that pressure of marriage that would be thrown at him. The last time he brought a witch home was four years ago, and it was Athena.
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emmasvanity · 2 days
status: for @thorfinnrowlex
"Remember the dinner I went to with my parents last night?" Emma grimaced. "They tricked me and it was a set up. My parents are trying to set me up with Rabastan. The first time we spoke in years was at the Ministry party and it was barely a ten minute conversation." Emma rolled her eyes. She thought it would be smart to tell him right away, so she went by to visit him after practice. "His parents are in on it as well, but we have a plan." It was too soon to tell her parents about Thorfinn, or they'd shift their wedding plans and simply exchange the groom.
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emmasvanity · 2 days
"Thank you. I always do." Emma agreed with his compliment, a smile on her lips. Still, she appreciated the compliment, always putting extra care into looking polished and put together before leaving the house. Especially when she was meeting her parents as her mother had very particular standards.
They had to put a performance on to sell to their parents that they actually gave it a try, but it just wasn't meant to work between them. And then she had to talk to her actual boyfriend and explain the situation to him lest the gossip pages caught wind of it. Emma greeted Rabastan's parents with a charming smile on her face.
"It is wonderful to see you Mrs Lestrange." Perhaps she was overdoing it a bit, but her mother would be upset if she did not show proper manners to her friends as she always claimed that Emma's manners were a reflection of her and how Emma had been raised. No one mentioned the nannies that were hired to do most of the actual work it took to raise children.
"I have actually spent the weekend in Spain. It was lovely. But I am very happy to be here. Of course. It is so nice to catch up with Rabastan. And to see both of you. Your scarf looks amazing, you must tell me where you got it." Emma smiled at Rabastan's mother. Her and Rabastan were catching up as friends and nothing more, but she couldn't disappoint the parents just yet. They had to let them down easy.
It was then that her parents entered the restaurant, her father standing behind her mother like a tall and ominous shadow. He wasn't a man of many words, preferring to act rather than talk much. Her mother was the typical society hostess, always put together without a hair out of place.
Emma's father went over to Rabastan's parents first, greeting them before he extended his hand towards Rabastan, making notes of how strong his handshake was. His wife had insisted that Rabastan and Emma were perfect for each other, that they'd seen them enarmoured at the Ministry Gala. He thought Rabastan Lestrange would make a satisfactory match for his daughter. He'd like his daugther to be with a Death eater, knowing they were the men in power, the ones that held the right beliefs. As they set down her mother chose the seat next to Rabastan's mother, whispering loudly. "You know, Emma's thinking about settling down soon and ending this whole Quidditch business." Emma looked over at her mother with a bright smile, the edges strained from the effort of keeping her mouth shut and not disagreeing with her mother in such a public setting. If her mother got what she wanted Emma would already be wifed up and pregnant. But alas.
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Getting to his feet, Rabastan's calculating smile became mildly warmer. It was good to have a partner in crime. Her compliance would make this run a lot more smoothly, and perhaps they'd escape it relatively unscathed. "Agreed," he firmly stated, and hearing voices outside the door, he reached for Emma's hand and added with a glance lowering her figure. "You look very lovely, by the way."
His parents arrived first, to Rabastan's absolute lack of surprise. They were never late to anything. Making sure that his mother had noted their physical contact, he released Emma's hand as though vexed that a private moment had been interrupted. After greeting them both, then waiting for them to greet Emma, he arched an eyebrow at his mother's utterly gleeful demeanour. But instead, he addressed his father.
"What's wrong, Father?" he asked, for though the man's expression was as blank as ever, he wholeheartedly expected this to be his mother's doing. It was best to get him on side immediately. "Were you not expecting Ms Vanity to join us?"
"Surely you're on first name terms by now, Rabastan," his mother sweetly drawled, sitting with her eyes fixed hungrily on Emma. "You're simply glowing, my dear. Have you been away somewhere sunny? Or are you merely happy to be here with us?"
Meanwhile, the two men looked at each other with identically unwavering stares, the older Lestrange choosing his words. "I was wondering why you look so tired, child," he said, and seeing the gleam in his father's eyes, Rabastan knew he would not make this easy. Just for fun. "You should really make more effort when we meet. Although I do hope your evening's business went well."
"It did," he bluntly said, since his father knew precisely where he'd been and what he'd been doing. A glimmer of satisfaction crossed the man's face as he sat, and Rabastan did the same, hooking an arm around the back of Emma's chair and hoping she'd be able to survive his mother.
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emmasvanity · 2 days
"I do know that. That's what makes it so fun. I really am looking forward to beating you." The truth. She wanted him to see how much her playing had improved since they last saw each other. Emma knew she had always been good, but she had improved a lot over the last five years. There was no way she was going easy on him because of their past. He wouldn't want that either, she knew he cared about the game as much as she did. It was what first attracted her to him, his passion for Quidditch. Emma remembered the first time they'd met. She had visited Val over the summer and he'd stepped of his broom as if it was in slow motion. Emma had been crushing on him for years before anything ever happened between them so when it did, there had been a lot of built up tension.
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It took all his restraint to not reach up and tuck the hair behind her ear, something he had always done when they were together, or fight the urge to take her in his arms and hold her close to him. That was their past, this, they would have to navigate through this new them. "I always bring my A-game, you should know that." He smirks at her, his steps shifting around her, polish in hand. "Are you sure about that?" They may have met through his sister, but their passions were what made them stronger. "I'll keep that in mind when we have our match."
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emmasvanity · 2 days
"I thought it was pretty obvious, or would you like a written invitation..." Emma trailed off, a teasing lilt to her voice already picturing all the fun they could have in the shower. "Let's go old man."
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He could relate to that, considering his heart belonged to another, and the thought of being with another meant that the door closed for that relationship. Something he was prepared to try. Thorfinn laughed when he came up for air. "Is that an invite?" He smirks, gradually taking them out of the water and back to where she was sitting with her in his arms. "We should probably head back."
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emmasvanity · 3 days
The more she looked at him, the more frustrated she became, couldn't he have gotten uglier in their time apart? Cut his hair in some unfortunate way? Have his hairline start to recede? Emma could objectively acknowledge his attractiveness, but she refused to acknowledge that she still might be attracted to him. "Bring your A-Game." Her eyes lit up at the obvious challenge. That was something she could never back down from. For a moment it felt like no time has passed. "I don't get scared." At least when it came to Quidditch.
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Sethos watched her, studied her every facial feature for something, anything showing that she missed him like he missed her. Inwardly he berated himself for not fighting for her and stupid enough to think that coming back would also give them a second chance. The chance of that happening was looking bleak. "There is only one way to find out." Teasing her was something he couldn't control. It was part of who he was when he was around her. This was how they were when together and trying to pull back from it, it was proving difficult. "Unless you're scared." A challenge.
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emmasvanity · 3 days
"I am happy." It was the truth. She was enjoying her time with Thorfinn, their weekend away had been great, it couldn't have gone better. Emma was leaning into things, wanting to give them a genuine shot. "Alright.." She trailed off, frowning, there was something he wasn't telling her. "No, thank you. I appreciate it. But I already threatened to cut his cock off should he look at another witch. Perhaps not my finest moment, but I stand by it. You know how I dislike to share." When she'd first started dating Seth one crazy fan tried throwing herself at him after a game, so with one quick flick of Emma's wand the woman was suddenly bald.
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"Well look at you so happy." He commented, a question popping into his head that he chose not to share for his own sake. He considered it better for her cousin as well, perhaps things had changed since he'd last heard an update from Val. "No one." Evan replied quickly, waving a dismissing hand. "So tell me, love, do you want me talking to him? Give him the whole caring cousin speech or can I avoid it altogether and trust you did all the warning yourself?"
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emmasvanity · 3 days
"I suppose I have been a bit commitment phobic..." She trailed off with a grimace. She didn't want him to ask her the reasons as to why she'd been avoiding relationships for the last five years. Emma wanted to stay in the moment with Thorfinn. At his confession she kissed him again, deeper this time. She could get used to this. "Very good." Confidence was a thing she never lacked, she figured that anyone that was with her wouldn't be interested in other women. She was about to agree with him before he pulled her underwater. As she came up for air again she laughed, mock annoyance in her tone. "I didn't want to get my hair wet. Now i'll have to go take a shower before dinner."
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"You can't blame me." He teases her. Emma made a valid point, the last few weeks it had turned into something more and he was done trying to push his feelings away from her because of another. It was time to move on. "A little," he confesses, leaning into stealing a kiss from her, moving them throughout the water, enjoying the warmth from her body against his. "That makes two of us." He had never cheated in his life, though one might believe he did, he didn't. "Emma Vanity, my girlfriend. Has a nice ring to it." Before she can answer, he pulls them both under the water.
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emmasvanity · 3 days
This is the most unsettled she'd ever been surrounded by Quidditch supplies and she didn't like it. Emma had convinced herself that she had gotten over Seth years ago, out of sight out of mind and yet standing here with him towering over her, it didn't feel like they hadn't spoken in five years. Perhaps it was her fault, for keeping tabs on him over the years instead of completely pretending like he didn't exist. She'd even learned Bulgarian. Emma couldn't compare what she had with him to what she had with Thorfinn, those two relationships felt very different to each other. He was her past, but Thorfinn was her future. She was in a different place in her life now. The more times she told herself she felt nothing for Seth, the more it would have to be true. "What makes you think you still have that effect on me?" She wanted to believe that she was immune to his charm now, although she was sounded a lot more confident than she actually was.
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Normally Seth was one that could read a room and adjust to make himself blend in. Being social was never an issue for him. Yet, standing in front of the witch who still owned his heart, any cohesive thought gone with the wind. Qudditch had always been their passion, something shared with them, that they could talk for hours about it. He raises a brow at her bold words, his normal cocky smirk turning on his face. "You sure about that. I've always known how to distract you." He did, and he would use it on her. She was good, real good, and they needed any advantage they could get.
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emmasvanity · 3 days
"Don't sound so shocked." She chuckled, shaking her head. "It's not that I don't enjoy what we currently have, but this doesn't feel like it's just sex anymore." She didn't think much would change between them, they had a good thing going. This could only make it better, right? "You love it." She teased. "I'm not going to. If I'm with someone, I'm with them. You won't have to worry about me stepping out on you. I've never been a cheater." She thought it was disrespectful.
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Thorfinn wasn't sure what to expect when he asked Emma to be his girlfriend. He was still coming to the realisation that he did ask her that. "Really?" He was half expecting her to say no, and that she wanted to keep what they had, no expectations. He returned the kiss, a smile on his face, digits digging into her ass. The blonde laughs against her mouth. "I see, there is some crazy in you." He nips at her bottom lip, coming to another conclusion, that he had a thing for crazy. "What happens if you are looking at a wizard?" He cocks a brow.
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emmasvanity · 3 days
status: for @ggathena
After agreeing on a time and place with Athena as soon as she got back from Spain, Emma was in her gear, ready for a little pick up match with her best friend. There was a lot she wanted to tell her, especially since they hadn't seen each other since the early hours of the ministry's gala. So much had happened since then and she was curious to hear how Athena's night had gone. "So tell me, I want to hear everything. How was the gala? How was your weekend?" Emma asked with a smile playing on her lips as she mounted her broom. She was in a good mood, they were going to be in the air soon after all.
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emmasvanity · 4 days
Emma had spent a few minutes at the ball catching up with Rabastan as they had spent many years barely talking to each other. Not because they had some huge fallout after their break up, but simply because their interests didn't align. She was glad that they cleared the air and stood on the same page regarding their past. It was good to let bygones be bygones. "It would be my pleasure, I suppose." She raised an eyebrow in question, needing a moment to realise what was going on here. Her parents had mentioned Rabastan a few times recently and now she was supposed to meet them for dinner and found him in their stead. They were trying to set them up. She hadn't expected for them to resort to trickery. Perhaps they were more desperate to have her settled or rather shackled down. "Let us put on the performance of a lifetime then." Perhaps if they played along a little their parents would give them some breathing room.
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Rabastan's night had been eventful, filled with the Dark Lord's work and a strong lack of sleep. Therefore, he had not appreciated the invitation to join his parents for dinner with next to no notice given. But he would not refuse their request and therefore arrived early so that he could sit alone for a while and consume the blackest coffee he could get. Just as he started to heap sugar into its steaming depths, the door inched ajar and Emma stepped through. He had been tired until that moment. But the sight of her made him more alert, his clever eyes glossing as though a threat were immediately imminent. He realised precisely what was going to happen, and he rued himself for not already having anticipated it. Stirring the coffee, he allowed the spoon to clatter back onto the saucer in the only indication of his annoyance. "Hello, Emma. I suppose I should invite you to join me." He broke a smile, though it was entirely sly. "We're about to be ambushed. I can deal with my parents, but you must play along." Karma had a way of biting, and hindsight was a wonderful thing; if only he hadn't suggested faking it at the gala.
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