🤨 - I Told the Truth, BUT !?
🙁 - No one Listen !
😡 - because humans know everything except the truth.
🤦🏻‍♂️ - Humanity judges me as mad because they have a book of Madness so fucking big it throws all of humanity and all of animals and all the universe into this big old book of DSM, human beings are so lost they actually start believing that animals can be mentally ill.
I told him being the truth of who I am what I am or they believe I'm a single word I said, I was always about everything and again they turn their nose off because if they were listening to a crazy person. human beings are destined for extinction, they're acting bad over the place, they have become such a disgusting, disgrace.
Soon, it'll be time for them to leave this place 🌎
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Earth, drawing ire from his colleagues.
The Harvard professor's research is bankrolled by tech tycoons "pissed off" at academia's dogma.
Some critics say Loeb is overreaching for public acclaim.
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I've come so far.
I told as many truth that I possibly could.
I no doubt now that everybody that ever walked across my goddamn blog everyone on the internet that could possibly see it no doubt every one of them thought I was an unhinged schizophrenic.
this whole time I was just trying to find my people and people even being so understand that they sit on a ball and a fucking universe that really goes on to Infinity.
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is it on this big ass fucking planet but literally you are a smaller than Adam compared to it all.
. . . . .
I'm not going to say that I'm not just going to say it fucking hurts when people think, I'm mentally ill.
the whole purpose of me going through all this extreme effort was to try to find my people and I talk about something from off the planet if I'm a forced incarnation under this planet and it's really hard to talk about that stuff without earning the title of a schizophrenic which only makes it more fucking impossible for anybody to give a shit what you say cuz I just think I like it psychotic babble or insane rambling.
like psychotic word salad that just makes no fucking sense.
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it's Really painful and it hurts but I had to do something.
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My overall intent was to attract my people mainly see if I can get one human at 8 billion that live on the entire plant and give a fucking help me out.
I said one human being at 8 billion not to limit it to one human being but just get at least one human being because it's quite literally a billion on the entire planet and I know all 8 billion don't use Tumblr and I know tumbl is an extremely unpopular platform.
I still like it.
logical is useful and it was very intellectually crafted.
the software the website actually really hate the fucking porn band but the same goddamn time everyone was jumping fucking jail for crazy for the sexual content and they weren't paying attention to anything else so I kind of welcome the whole porn ban.
ultimately I'm going to shut up now cuz I made this too long I just wanted to say anybody that reads my goddamn blog I hope you understand why I went so far and did so much.
and please, Please
if for a moment you start to think I'm mentally ill just leave my blog I don't need more people being mean to me I only people hurting Me, I didn't hurt you.
I just want to find my people and I'm not mentally ill I'm literally a humanoid I'm not a human being.
my soul is a fairy and I come from a different planet.
I was forced to be on this goddamn planet from the Grays and their agenda they necromanced us and they have a constant psychic link with us it's really dark it's horrible we're kept in a psychic prison.
they monitor our minds and they monitor our souls they monitor all our thoughts and they control over our actions.
A crazy would call like demonic possession but it's not it's literally psionics.
I'm going to shut the fuck up now.
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I'm Sorry, Please Watch, The Video For More Information !
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I was going to give you a Discord link but I rather give you this.
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If you don't want to join our Discord for more information, Good.
We probably don't want you here anyway, the amount of people we had the fucking band literally at this point reaching a thousand.
You can read the fucking invite and the reason why I'm posting this is just in case if you want more information or if you want to talk to me directly or something I post a whole bunch of Fairy stuff there
Keep in mind I do not post this very stuff for entertainment I do not post it for fun I post it as a distress beacon
Imagine sending a fucking message in a bottle but you sent trillions of the fucking thing's !
I'm not making these God damn post on this fucking website for your goddamn entertainment I need some fucking help, I don't mean mental help with a lot of people are really mean about that whenever you try to tell spiritual truth or paranormal truth people go right to call you a schizophrenic it's the most favorite word to call anybody, especially open-minded stuff hyperintellectual stuff paranormal stuff alien stuff religious stuff spiritual stuff taboo stuff
It's a very high chance if you say something very intellectual you're going to get Called a schizophrenic as well
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So anytime you see me say anything about my people on the internet I I don't post I never post any of this shit for fun it's never entertainment it's never for fun, it's a fucking distressed beacon
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But if you want to you can join the Discord if you want you better if but if you join there are a couple of rules
1. No, Being a mute. - once you into the server you better start fucking yapping & talking, explain who you are why you're there what your intent is !
2. You better be there to learn, if you're not going to learn or contribute or try to do the most important thing that I want people to do is fucking help me find my God damn people or get information about the Gray's, Accurate Information ! Then you will be swiftly removed from the server if you are inactive for a long period of time you will then be completely kicked out but not banned ! - allowing people to rejoin a later date.
3. Don't be a dick and post stupid shit and don't post stupid shit in, A important place like the main Chat and don't post shit in the wrong Channel, understand that I'm perfectly fine with these spamming I don't got a Problem with spammers, as a matter of fact I fucking encourage it.
But as long as you're spamming truth, you spamming useful data, either way I just want to let you know that when you join the server you're basically on the team, if you dick around or fuck around or start going against the message of the server or you're not contributing any other part of the server then you will be removed cuz you have no place being there therefore you are a problem therefore you mostly going to rot or spoil or Fester with me people end up Rotting Away, Anyway and they end up turning into complete dicks and fucking things over
But, don't worry I won't leave you high and dry.
Here's a little bit of Content !
Link :
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👑🧚🏻‍♀️ - Her Highness - 🧚🏻‍♀️👑
Warning : Extremely, Long !
This is as Well a True Data, Upload.
[ Intro ]
My Blog is Unintentionally Radical, the reason why I even go through all this effort and I gave the truth and I go to the extreme seemingly extreme to post all this shit is because I'm telling but simply trying to find my fucking people, 🧚🏻‍♂️/👽/🧚🏻‍♀️ - I'm trying to find the other hybrid so I give brutally accurate descriptions of our homeworld and hope that it'll both attract either my people or someone that can find information to help me find my fucking people but generally people read my stuff as fiction or they think I'm just as a schizophrenic or abused drugs human have a closed mind, you have a closed mind and I think they're intelligent for that they trust no source of information.
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🙁 - I'm not lying, I'm not schizophrenic and the only Drug, I do is Caffeine.
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[ intro End's ]
You See in Fairyland if a queen a female fairy, of the highest order in the highest Authority in all of Fairyland that represents The Bug Nature, the bug energy, Titania and Everything is that is Us ! 🧚🏻‍♀️/👽/🧚🏻‍♂️ !
A queen has to be overwhelmingly powerful she has to not just look powerful she has to
Like a Giga Chad, Goddess !
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Of exponential amounts of paranormal power ferocity brute Force unbelievable of being Sadistic, And All Holy, MIGHT !
As we're in the human world a male is supposed to be positive, cheery, supportive, warm and compassionate a bold and Powerful leader of Great Wisdom !
In the fairy world it's extremely fucking different
The Queens have to be Almighty they have to be literally indestructible they had to be bigger than the females which the females are already bigger than the males of females going to be 25 to 75% bigger than the male if I'm 5 ft she's going to be probably 6.5 if I'm lucky 7 ft
A queen is going to always be much bigger than a female if she's 7 ft tall she's going to be at least 12 ft tall if not 14 !
They can get up to 25 ft
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And extremely long path on our planet they could get up to deepen The Hive a deep underground and sometimes above the ground that when the highs were unbelievably fucking gigantic like inconceivably bigger than a fucking state
In the USA
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The females can get over to 120 ft tall and they sat on gigantic Almighty monumental thrones these were insectoid, basically Goddesses !
And, Even they bow down to titanium in her Holiness in her almightyness even they bow down to Her Sacredness, Her Synchronicity
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You see the thing I wanted to let you God damn know about, a queen a fairy queen is that she has unbelievable amounts of power but you got to keep in mind that she's not a deity she's not a demi goddess she's a supermortal
She has power like that of a Goddess
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And she is loved and worshiped by males not females females don't worship other females everybody worships Titania but no one worship the only nobody worships the queen unless you're a male, the female version of worshiping a queen is understanding that you are not Superior to her you are beneath her, and she is above you very female is love to rub things in they love to torture the egos of other females as much they love to torture their flesh and torture their soul there's a reason why fairy females eventually learn the ability to literally devour soul !
Yes, I just said that they eat ghosts
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Hive world is Fairyland.
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In the fairy world a queen is extremely negative extremely dark extremely barbaric extremely warmongering extremely aggressive extremely violent extremely extremely extremely a hardcore war path
They are unbelievably fucking bloodthirsty be on your wildest imagination you can't you can't conceive how dark and aggressive very female is and especially can't conceive of how dark and Powerful a queen of the hive is
They are so God damn powerful they warp and twist reality
They literally Bend, The Universe around them
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But this was all in the past the long ago long long time ago
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You see me being on the earth it feels more like a form of torture or a punishment for they who are innocent if I take some innocent person on the street and then put them in jail the rest of life just because you don't like that person.
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I really don't belong on this planet I really don't belong telling stories from my world to look like a schizophrenic in front of everybody when I'm being completely honest but every fucking detail
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I really don't deserve to suffer the toxicity of the Earth Energy atmosphere the planet and all the spirits around me that constantly attack my soul
I don't deserve to be called mentally ill when I'm being sane and honest I don't deserve to be called a fucking idiot or a Retard When, I'm actually intelligent !
I don't deserve all that extreme social toxicity and all the fucking abuse I don't deserve this shit I really really do not deserve this and I get all of it ?
I don't know why I get so much evil from the human race maybe because the human race is fucking evil !
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Innocence is the worst Karma
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Anyway I'll get back to giving you data about the Queen's !
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You see in Fairyland, in Hive World our planet is extremely close to Earth and I sometimes wonder if our plan is in the neighborhood of Earth or if our planet is a rogue planet that have the jump from Galaxy to Galaxy or is it solar system to solar system ?
But I can tell you that our planet does rotate around Earth this is a fun this is a fucking fact our planet does rotate extremely close to Earth almost like a fucking Moon
But every so often our planet will shoot off from the earth for quite some time for many many months and then eventually after multiple years come back around to do another loop around the planet ?
I have no idea what the fuck our planet, is ?
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I have no idea, where are home World, is, and or, if I can get back there !
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But, I can tell you one Thing, no longer go past Queen would rage war against one another and the wars with last for over a hundred years he makes it when humans go to war they do it in waves when ferries go to war they release an ocean of bugs into the enemy and the enemy lives in Ocean of bugs in return and the war can go on constantly like water flows
There is so much blood in so many exoskeletons all over the place and so many dead bugs also the only not only does the flesh fight but also the souls as I lost their body continue on fighting extremely long after they died this is another reason why females had to get really really good at devouring souls are grabbing a soul because they had to call back minions or call back certain bugs that were fighting on when they needed to get back to the hive and reincarnate in an egg
they were being bad bugs they were disobeying the Queen the queen changed her mind when she won the battle and had to do something else and that Soul was I shouldn't say disobedient but that's all was not falling fucking orders cuz they couldn't they're dead it's extremely hard to focus to learn to do anything and everything when you're dead person cuz you're Consciousness is so extremely a skewered and fucked up
So there is some mercy upon they who have died but the thing got them time the queen needs you back you chose the bug race for all eternity now you are part of the bug team
And you will obey all things of the bug nature you chose everything with God you chose the family of the arthropod you chose the bug life force the bug energy the bug essence you said everything up you spiritually went through the whole process and became yourself
Now, like a seed in a forest you have to grow among the many trees that came before you you are just one of many
But it does not mean that you are worthless what you do in life will show up who you are as to cause it ebb's and ripples
What you do in life really matters and in the end it will all pay off especially if the queen gets more power and the hive grows stronger
The bigger the hive gets the more your side gets stronger you're high will devour all the other hives and high world will only have one Hive to rule the world
But then again a long time ago there was a Great divide and a great split something happened where the light side in the dark side of Fairyland was split into two I don't know worlds I don't know dimensions I don't know I don't know if it would just split half the planet I have no idea what the other side was
But the fairies of light did the same thing the fairies of dark did except for the fairies of light decide to conquer other fucking worlds in the fairies of dark decided to stay on their own world
😡 - idiot's, open realms multiple realms side by side and they sent armies through those goddamn things in order to conquer other planes of existence
🤦🏻‍♂️ - Greedy, motherfuckers !
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You see titanium warned about this and every time that bitch opens her mouth and says something she's always fucking, Right !
Titania despite all of us males and all all fairies judge her back and she wants that what what we've all learned and I didn't have to learn this cuz I just knew she was fucking smarter than everybody else so like she she obviously has maxed out intelligent points if this was a video game !
And she's so fucking smart she hacked a game and gave her more points and she was allowed.
The bitch, is beyond Smart.
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But you see Titania said don't go to other dimensions don't open the gateway there they will not forgive and forget and they will not be able to forget and they will come through and she was right that happened multiple fucking times.
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Idiot's !
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Also, Then, Titania told a different set of fairies one time she told the gray fairies, which you know where this is going
👽 <- created by the mantises, it's a fucking Frankenstein it's an insectoid Frankenstein
Part, Cyborg actually mostly cyborg part alien DNA called human and part insectoid
😡 - it's a freak piece of shit
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The Mother as known as The high goddess or The Ultimate Goddess there she spoke forth and she said don't leave the World and try to conquer other planets stay on the earth and stay away from fucking science or all the whole world will come to an end and all things will be destroyed
👽/😡 <- they rebelled against the goddess and all things spiritual
They rebelled against the most high and in the end what she said came 100% true and what she says going to happen I just knew that was going to be Our Fate
Because, Shit always gets shittier !
I just knew the moment she was trying to warn them and desperately keep them from doing the dumb thing that the dumb thing was going to happen and all matters of hell and suffering was going to come our way for stupid hard-headed dumbasses that literally think they know everything
👽 <- Calling This Thing a piece of shit is a monumental understatement
😡/😤 - fucking assholes !
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So Every time a fairy didn't listen to Titania the bad thing she said is going to happen ended up happening exactly as she said
Every time the green mommy's fucking spoke the green bug mommy fucking told everybody don't fucking do that thing the dumber fairies did that thing
I never questioned the authority of titanium I questioned the morality of Titania
I called her a bitch I didn't call her a stupid bitch cuz that bitch is not stupid by any fucking means the worst stupid and Titania doesn't belong in the same fucking paragraph let alone an entire book
That bitch is so fucking smart she makes Athena look Retarded !
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Lastly, if a queen fairy is weak or if a male is able to hurt her or dominate her or do any of that shit she is known as a fake queen and every single male in the entire high will go berserk and go psycho to kill her because they have no leader they have no Queen they have No, peace from titanium or idle from Titania idols the wrong fucking word
She does not resemble Titania she is the opposite she is not only a sinner she's also desecrating and being sacrilegious and it also counts as a mock of Titania by being weak by pretending by lying to everyone saying she was strong when she was weak and if a beta female ever assistant calls herself a queen a male fairy or any fairy will just eat her because beta females are there for multiple other things but they are at that they're so low on the social hierarchy and Fairyland that's even on the fucking hierarchy at all ?
But they have extremely mental use they usually use as bloody toys for Alpha females usually use as easy food for Alpha females even a male fairy is allowed to eat a beta female for she deserves nothing but pain and suffering for being weak and worthless even a male ferry is allowed to enjoy the meat of a weak female and turn her into the most powerful of cum.
And or boost his own health in many ways even though male fairies were all herbivores which is completely fucking weird in nature but you know what fuck it
Alpha females eat so many Male's, he will be so fucking desirable for Alpha females he is like living breathing royal jelly & Blessed by Titania ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Alpha Females Already Want to Gobble Male's, up as fast as possible but there Alpha females will start wars over a male that is charged like that
His Rebirth will be powerful.
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If not just males that will go berserk we all do it's part of our nature we see in a fake queen a queen is not only the eight packs of authority she is a thing that gives us purpose she is the thing that gives us reason for life she has to keep things that gets everything she is kind of like the right hand of Titania or the left hand whatever you know what I mean
She is that directly linked to titanium males are linked to her as well and males are seen as sacred in the eyes of Titania as well but in a very different way only male fairies only fairies and strictly fucking fairies
! With ! This Being Said, if the female Queen is weak that's another reason why Alpha females are always trying to kill the queen cuz they want to see if she's weak or strong and they think she's weak they're going to try to kill her it's always going to be a fight in the high there's another reason why the female has to be obviously overwhelming and overflowing an hour and strength she has to it's kind of like a T-Rex walking around fucking Newt's or Little Lizard's !
Or a Lion Around GODDAMN CAT'S !
She has to overwhelmingly show that she is Almighty and absolutely super ultra Alpha
She can't look weak she can't show any signs of weakness if a queen shows weakness every male is designed to go out to her and attack her if she's attacked by another queen and taking damage that's understandable Queens are unbelievably powerful if something complete out of her control takes her down or makes her too weak all males will go into healing and nurturing mode and we have to heal her but if she is just weak by this by default then we will go over if she tries to become the queen and she's weak all males are to leave her alone because she is going to be killed by an alpha and that Queen is now replaced by the new Queen
The Queens are always replaced by something stronger that whichever can kill them that is female of insectoid kind
But of course it has to be of the same fucking species you can't have like a fucking spider in there like a beetle hive or Something !
And, That's how we get our Queens there is no stupid voting system there is a slaughter of the weak
That's another reason why in Fairyland law of the Jungle and might make right are sacred
And that's another reason why honor among Thieves is so deeply sacred because you're the honor of your thieves is that of your hive and your hive goes against the enemy hive
You listen to the queen at all costs her every word is like that of gospel of Titania
Her every word is equal to that if titanium herself give a commandment through her
😡 !
If the queen said for you to go to the war of the enemy hive then you do that you do everything that she wants and you kiss her goddamn feet so far and leave but don't get her too sexy aroused because he's a female and you're a male and she's already dying to eat you they're so fucking gluttonous you have no idea
They're horny and gluttonous at the same Time !
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But the females are ultimately go to war eventually and if an enemy Queen kills your queen usually hides are just bad at that point because your scent comes from a different area and at that point highest break apart and you do not get to go to the enemy Hive you just fucking flee at that point you have no fucking Hive or if some of your some of the females and males in that higher survive they'll try to regroup make a new goddamn hive
Sometimes males and females are captured by enemy highs taking them to their highs to be divided by their Queen so that that part of the Divinity of Titania gets a devourer of those Souls completely absorbing them
They're not completely gone but they are monumentally damaged and ripped apart the queen is nourish herself with the destruction of her so their souls though spiritual digestion
Massively amplifying her power in her intelligence at the same time and boosting her femininity which boosts everything else even more
The only way to get them back sometimes is to kill the queen
But the reason why I said sometimes cuz there's a monumental good chance that their souls are locked inside her soul and ripped apart the only way to get them reincarnated it's for one of your people to digest her
Or her soul is going to have to get so weak that the soul that she exhort get eventually come apart from her
And what's left of their soul can get reincarnated and slowly repair and heal themselves
Fairyland is an extremely dark and brutal place where Queens are always going to war with other God damn Queens
It's a place of monumental levels of chaos and Carnage it's a place more dark and more violent than the depths of Hell from the abrahamic faith
It's a place of chaos be on your wildest imagination
But, it's also at the same time a Bug, Utopia
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And if a queen fairy does completely destroy the souls of the of the fairies and titanium does not want to lose them they all Souls will suddenly respond inside Titania and be rebirth she will cast them out back into the world or something happens to them not everything is clear to Me, I don't fucking know Everything.
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But, I do know that the Queens are always going to war and there's no such thing as male Authority and Fairyland the highest thing a male had to Authority is our intelligent it's about it our intelligence and our wisdom is all we have in Fairyland some of us have great strength but very very very very few species of insectoids the males are strong and the females are weak that would be the trolls
Trolls are a species of beetles, they Evolved from Beatles
That's the reason why the trolls are so fucking strong and they are a hive they are an earth Hive or a groundhog Beatles usually make their hives underground
And they are extremely pious of the element Earth
Some trolls will go completely psycho and I mean completely completely berserk level psycho if you step on a flower
They don't like you stepping on leave they don't like you stepping on the plants they let that they're even very cautious if you step on rocks
They prefer you to step on the dirt only
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I would know I made the fuck up one time to step it on the fucking flower just a stupid fucking flower although pretty and spare with you like to give a fuck less
A troll went completely berserk at me and troll can get up to 12 to 13 ft tall it had a it literally had a fucking club with it made out of dead tree cuz they will not kill a tree ever
It charged at me screaming snarling roaring and literally like a stupid fucking idiot destroying all the trees around it
They're spiritually bonded with the element Earth but when they go berserk they don't give a fuck what they destroy
And after they get done berserking they will then cry their eyes out horribly hold it all the things they just throw the plans they killed and all the trees they smashed they'll cry their eyes out I've literally seen trolls cry
And part of the Earth are the trolls energy can regrow back all the trees and the plants because they're so spiritually Bonded with The Element :  Earth ! ! ! ! !
!  !  ! DONE  !  !  !
EDIT : TROLLS ARE WEIRD, they don't seem to have much of a high they're high seems to be more bass around grouping, there never seems to be one clear leader of any troll hive, trolls kind of rolling like a group or a gang it seems to be they who is the most religious has the authority whether it's male or female females are always weak in comparison to the males which is just absolutely fucking weird to us
But then again those were just a brown trolls, they were all kinds of trolls there were trolls of the ocean trolls of the forest who would break stuff and they didn't care they were all they were even trolls of fire which was weird because you couldn't throw the fucking flame anywhere and some parts of the world had lava and some parts of the world had blue lava which was made clearly out of electricity or plasma ?
I'm so Fucking Confused, I don't know What's Going on ?
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But the one thing I'll tell you that I never Seen a troll of The Element : Air !
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In trolls are bipedal but a lot of them are bipedal but there's also a good amount to them that just look like fucking beetles like literally bipedal beetles.
And they don't move much and they don't do much. There are some beetles that do do a fuck tongue but the ones that I saw were very very lazy and slow and they were some trolls that looked very much very close to the Lord of the Ring version of the trolls.
But I don't want to go anymore into this I've already I have very limited data on trolls
Often, I just Stayed around my own kind and are broken, dead world.
In the end Fairyland suffered multiple apocalypses not just one and for some reason the Grey's, Wanted to conquer the Earth and that's why the agenda happened.
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In the end I just wonder if I'm a miscellaneous spirit, have no real value or importance I always wonder if my soul is frivolous.
🙁 - ?
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Ok, a hive mind is where every one is Linked and to a human any other life form you can’t handle this shit - but WE CAN -
Ok one Unit is linked up to all the other unit’s and what ever that unit feel’s and or think’s all the rest get a omni copy of it and a live feed aka stream
and it’s not just that
all unit’s of the hive  can feel and get a copy of the other’s thought ( Each other thought's ) and we can all know witch one is our thought’s and Witch is the other’s
And so one Unit can get a copy of million of Unit’s in the hive and every one is Linked to every One and we can handle this kind of super data flow -
every feeling every thought and every Memory We all can flow threw Each other and  each other like a computer -
and we Basically become one Giant Hive Mind
and that Mind is link to another mind and there are 2 Hive Mind’s and then more n more
and it most of the time Doesn’t link that far but it can …
and or We can Super sync in the hive mind and all And all have all data from each other in our head’s all at once
this is used rarely becuz one it Extremely stressful … and too it’s make’s it very hard to think -
almost impossible … and it can quickly exhaust you
and the Hive minded Link is greatly Weaken for a Wile and we need to Heal and Repair the Sync link -
and Yah ! we can do that - We Become are own internet, even tot he point of every Thing we see all of us can stream each other’s vision and any one of us can send a thought to any other of us - weather thay want it or not …. and are force to see it and think About it as the shell is wearing off the thought’s un Fold,  A energy shell in order to keep Transfer form Altering the … Message -
and it feel’s like having a rock in your head …
And Most of the Time it’s a Live stream -
and there thought’s become your thought’s and your thought’s are there thought’s - Mostly and kinda it’s rather Hard to explain -
and you still got your own Mind, but the Hive Mind Be Come’s a Extension of your Mind -
And No other race can do this or sync with and or to the Hive -
Ok on Unit is linked up to all the other unit's and what ever that unit feel's and or think's all the rest get a omni copy of it and a live feed aka stream
and it's not just that
all unit's of the hive  can feel and get a copy of the other's thought and we can all know witch one is our thought's and Witch is the other's
and so one Unit can get a copy of million of Unit's in the hive and every one is Linked to every One and we can handle this kind of super data flow -
every feeling every thought and every memory we all can flow threw Each other and aspect  each other like a computer -
and we Basically become one Giant Hive Mind
and that Mind is link to another mind and there are 2 Hive Mind's and then more n more
and it most of the time Doesn't link that far but it can ...
and or We can Super sync in the hive mind and all And all have all data from each other in our head's all at once
this is used rarely becuz one it Extremely stressful ... and too it's make's it very hard to think -
almost impossible ... and it can quickly exhaust you
and the Hive minded Link is Greatly Weaken for a Wile and we need to Heal and Repair  the Sync link
And Yah ! we can do that - We Become are own internet, even tot he point of every Thing we see all of us can stream each other's vision and any one of us can send a thought to any other of us - weather thay want it or not .... and are force to see it and think About it as the shell is wearing off the thought's un Fold,  A energy shell in order to keep Transfer form Altering the ... Message -
and it feel's like having a rock in your head ...
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😡 - I know I said I quit but I have nowhere else to put the goddamn data I can't put this on Friday because no matter what I say I'm there everybody wants to shred it
( and treat me like shit and feel the comment section up with as much hate mail roasting me negative commentary sometimes death threats )
There's nothing I can fucking do I have to come back to a place that feels like a digital Ghost Town, in the wild wild west like a complete and absolute fucking cyber ghost town called Tumblr
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Also I apologize to anybody of the staff and the company of Tumblr that offended you but I had to come back, whether you like me or not I'm not trying to start trouble I just don't try to get my date out there I hope it fucking does some fucking Good some way somehow
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🐛 - 🧚🏻‍♀️/🧚🏻‍♂️ ! 👨🏻/👩🏼 - 🦧
Warning : NSFW & Extremely, Fucking, Long !
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If & Or's !
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The human world, humans live in a world or other or other world which is patriarch, and or a male dominated World almost every animal on the entire planet is male dominated every single fucking animal every different fucking species every single fucking family every different life force every different energy on this goddamn planet is all based around the male life Force, Male energy ?
In the human world, men have to compete with women in order to win at the game of sexuality or mating and so do seemingly every other goddamn male on this fucking planet.
( Human or Not )
Besides the human the bugs on this planet do that the dogs the cats the birds the fish the bears the moose every goddamn animal on this Earth is all males trying to find a way to get with the females and to impress the females for sex
But on our planet that's completely fucking backward's, literally !
On our planet the women compete with other females for sexual impressiveness towards the males they compete with other females in war combat slaughtering, butchering & Chaos
All in an effort to prove their females supremacy on top of the fact to impress a male for sex we are the ones that tell them Yay or Nay, if they get laid !
On top of the fact every civilization in society in all of Fairyland ( Hive World ) are all of them are matriarchs absolutely the entire planet and all the animals are also matriarchs every animal is a female trying to find a male to get to mate with them !
Every on our planet every single female is trying to get a male to want to have sex with her and a lot of the females are extremely aggressive and brutal with the other females and many female species on our planet just go forth and just fucking rape the mail cuz they didn't want the connection they want the energy and they want the sex so fucking bad and they really want to get those fucking eggs fertilized.
They know it's bad they know, but very females do that a lot too
In the human world they're always driving to be a more light, humans are obsessed with positivity and light in Goodwill and trying to be more humane while in the fairy world it's completely backwards they're trying to be we naturally try to be more chaotic violent, aggressive and immoral !
( Human = Primate aka Ape's - Faery = Insectoid, Bug's , And Much More Then arthropods, Worms are bug, Slug & Snail Are bug, and Jelly Fish, we have all from worms and jellyfish ) - ( and the jellyfish evolved from worms )
But really keep in mind the women have all this strength and the women are the giga Chad's ! And we males have next to no strength if any strength at all
The females are always much bigger and much more aggressive than us but on this planet the men are much bigger and far more aggressive than the females !
@God ! WTF IS GOING ON ??!
This wasn't in the contract, @God !
I was a loyal servant subservient to you I was good in every way I was virtuous I did not send in your name why am I here why am I going to this alien bullshit ?
@God, if you ever get the fucking balls to talk to me you mother fucker, I would really appreciate if you gave me a sign of some kind of explanation to why I have to suffer this fucking life
And things suffer this lives and understatement
I know you're Omniscient, But, I just want to State this I want to say this for my spirit I don't like talking this way to you
I don't want to be mean to you but there's been a great monumental many domino effect of each Domino being an atrocity after atrocity after atrocity upon my spirit
I just want to go home God I know, you deep down don't give a fuck about me
Apology, but fuck you
On our planet, there's only one goddess there are other deities that are insectoids but they are subsidized and less important compared to the one goddess who is supreme on our Earth the superior deity also is that way an Olympus ( or there is no higher and greater insectoid goddess or any insectoid Deity, Than her ) have you ever find Olympus but you're not allowed to go in because only these are left in Olympus morals are blessed they even get to see Olympus
Currently in Olympus it's a Male there, Zuse
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But when we come from on our planet it also is a matriarch the Divine realms of matriarch the planet is a matriarch the planet is a matriarch everything is matriarch everything is female dominated female worshiping female love die for the female sacrifice with a female get eaten by the female get conquered by the female get reborn and killed by the female for her Sadistic and Sexual Gratification are just a booster ego on our planet we worship ego on earth a shame ego
On our planet woman is big strong and Almighty on Earth man is big strong and Almighty
Our planet we have sex with the biggest strongest darkest most aggressive female there is
the more of a sadistic vile destructive monster she is and the more children she gives the more seeds you'll be given
We mailed happily die for her we are happily become her food and we happily let her kill us eat us rip us apart but if she is weak he'll be eaten by a male and that's a huge punishment for her spirit if a male can conquer a female she has sinned a female must always be superior to a male a female must always be stronger to a male a female must always be above a male in size and strength and spirit in her, Omni
Even though we mailed our vastly more intelligent than the females eventually down the line of females if they try hard enough and they actually pay attention and catch up pretty fucking fast and get nearly as smart as a male into eventually surpass us
For my soul comes am I come from a place where females or everything it's almost it almost seems like our our dimension comes from the realm of femininity
Even though I know that my life force is bug also known as insectoid by the way slugs snails and all arthropods & gastropods, Along with all Worm's Are fucking, Bug's !
I know my world things are extremely fucking different,
Humanity always tries and strives to be light and Order where I come from things try to be more dark and chaotic on Earth things try to be more masculine on our planet things try to be more feminine on Earth males always have Superior power almost like they have Divine authority over the planet on our planet we know full fact that females have Divine authority over the planet and you will worship them as a male
😡 : IF, THEY DESERVE IT ! ! ! ! !
A high commandment and a high order from Titania is you've shown that worship any female who is unworthy, and that's why we try to compete and combat with our women and fight them that's why we try to attack them that's why we try to see if they have that strong we males will go out right out and see we can try to end in their lives and if that women are true women then we can do nothing to them we are a mere ant's  trying to kill an entire Mountain !
A true female is superior to a male and a male can do nothing to a female even if he Grab's a powerful weapon !
Women do not do the building in our world that's strictly for males women do not do that gathering of resources unless it's for herself that strictly for us males women do not do the studying and the learning of things as strictly as males and women do not do the hoarding of stuff back to the high that strictly of the males
Women do the combat women do the dominating women do their conquering women do the war mongering
Women do of course the baby making, the women also do protection of males until the males no longer useful or is redundant in his life and the female just feels free to eat him or kill him or whatever extras will not be tolerated burdens will not be tolerated The Hive is always stripping away the fat for the muscle ! 💪🏼  ! ! !
Fairyland don't fucking play, aka Hive World !
That sounds like a hell is an abusive fucking civilization is actually a Utopia for us males, we actually have an unbelievably good fucking life and being eaten by the female is extremely spiritually cleansing extremely fucking sexual but the end of God damn day dying and acidic death inside her stomach or being cute Alive by her feminine energy, as she puppets her feminine flesh
Ain't so bad for us 🧚🏻‍♂️
Not only are we ready even from the day we are born for it
But Dying by a female is sexy and welcoming but only if, she is strong, enough to take us. Which is like trying to tell the hulk to kick the shit out of a little girl of course he'll be he'll be enough to take it.
But this is where I come from my world and trying to figure out just what the fuck is Going on.
When a very female also known as an insectoid devours a male there's much more going on besides flesh-consuming flesh it's Spirit consuming spirit it's psychic absorbing psyche
Through this it cleanses our spirit hurt feminine energy cleanses our souls cures our souls helps our soul heals it reverse it,  refreshes it ! ! ! ! !
Despite the females get everything we Male's Get a fuck ton !
And we like to watch the females fight we love to watch them fight you'll have to watch them take shit and show that they're good predators we like to watch them kill other males to show off their strength and power and then you give them sexual intercourse you please them you impregnate them and then if you're very unlucky it'll take you back to their fucking dwelling and they'll keep you with a fucking slave 😡 so either make you a sex slave or they'll make you a blood slave
( or, Both )
Do they feed on your blood until you're too weak they may try to keep you alive to keep us a good source of blood because they're pure carnivores
Or they just might keep you alive from male milk also known as Cum
Which is much more than just a fucking protein it's a super female food for them
It kind of turns a very female into like a Super Saiyan version of herself it's supercharged as female energy, while being unbelievably and extremely healthy for a very female mixed with the rest of the goddamn body she drinks and sometimes she might eat your flesh off your bone and chew the bones while you're still alive
Fairy females get a super boost out of that that's why they keep males alive to milk them and bleed them.
Where I come from monogamy is a sin
On Earth monogamies both sacred is part of all the religions and is practice everywhere in the world and almost every human being on the earth feel some kind of spiritual bond or some kind of sacredness about around monogamy as if it is in their design in their creation as they agreed to be humans
Because All Souls started off as a blank slate and they had to choose where they wanted to go if you're wondering how the fuck that happened God gives you every option and existence along with the free language to explain itself
I know that sounds like complete bullshit but I saw me swear I'm telling the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth God gives you a language that's perfectly fits you for your Aa a Soul
And ! in Fairyland also known as Hive world we all spoke English, what was normal to me back then crease me the fuck out it's like going to an alien planet and finding out They speak Spanish or Japanese, There !
I'm not saying you're going to I'm just saying that's what it's like
! ! !
! ! !
In the human world everyone's trying to chase love they want love they want romance and they want a family
Inferior land these are all extremely alien concepts we have some concept of love I said concept but it's not it's very barely in Fairyland you you changed lust you chase survival and you chase the growth of the hive there is no family that doesn't exist entirely
There is only the hive.
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There is no mother and there is no father there was merely a female who laid fertilized eggs or gave birth after the gray started to make human bug hybrids but the human DNA where we came from is an alien DNA they march with us and then forced our souls into them but they had to have enough bug DNA for us to be able to use the bodies
If they just try to plop Us in the human body the human energy field wouldn't mean it completely, unpossessable
Not that they would care not they would do anything they did it at a necessity not out of compassion but the fucking human energy of the bodies were also drastically made a sick and we would have made the bodies extremely sick with our soul because her energy is so extremely extremely fucking different to this alien body
And we would have end up killing the body as the body would have ended up severely damaging our spirit
That's another reason why the grades had to make hybrids first off to eventually start the evolution of turning the body into bug's !
And the second reason just so we can fucking pilot the Goddamn flesh mech
By the way this Flesh has terrible fucking teeth no matter how hard I try to keep those God damn things work and they snap broke right and got infected all the fucking time and I'm a person needs a lot of fucking sugar and heat to go around
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I Seriously hate This Goddamn body
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In our world we were able to massively advance with the meet yard world and our world was always a matriarch
But in the human world it was always a patriarch
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Human beings are not very smart as where we bug people or unbelievably fucking intelligent because in our world we don't intelligence seriously even down to the very beginning of our Essence and our existence the female always leads the female conquered the weaker female with Glee sadistic fucking gleeing killed her if she didn't know we already started getting eating her to show even more dominance and to survive
And to force her Essence into her Essence as her Essence dominates and absorb her essence
The weaker female gets turn into literal shit or is ripped apart in the gory bits and pieces everywhere while the stronger female gets make all the goddamn kids gets eventually if she's really really strong fight the queen but fighting the queen fairy is like almost fighting an actual deity they're so fucking powerful
Because they are resemblance of the Goddess Titania that's why they're so fears that's why they're so feminate and that's why they're so Ultra paranormal a lot of very females have a lot of paranormal or super paranormal abilities and we males do got a lot of paranormal as well
But taking on a very female ( Queen )  is like trying to literally take on all of hell !
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That bitch will cast The Hive after you and tell the whole Hive to attack and the entire Hive, HAS TO OBEY ! ! ! ! ! ! !
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And our women were able to evolve into the point where they didn't have paranormal abilities but they can't an actual Divine magic out they cast extremely powerful magic and they get a whole slew of other goddamn shit they really flex and showed off their mightyness and they're always trying to show it off as we're on Earth males are always trying to flex their muscles or I come from on my planet women are always trying to show off their paranormal mobility show off their feminine mightyness
They're trying to show all their femininity which means the entirely fucking different on my goddamn planet where I come from
They're trying to show how they resemble the goddess Titania how they are superior how they are Goddess like in their Nature
How they are strong how they are superior how they are Almighty how they are horny and hungry and lustful and ready to make babies the way we do love and are in our world is very different we have an alien version of love !
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Humans don't consider it love they consider as Sin, but then again humans consider all aliens as fucking demons as one time in the medieval Era they considered all animals to be fucking demons no literally that's literally in human history and they would sometimes not only not only slaughter as many animals as possible but they would also arrest them and bring them to court they did that shit in the medieval era
There was even a fucking Pope that had all the Cat's killed because he thought the cats were agents of the devil he literally went around killing millions of fucking cats and Having the whole Civilization do the same Goddamn Thing ! ! ! ! !
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! ! ! Done ! ! !
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@Any1ReadingThis !
I know, I said I quit but I haven't I wrote a couple papers that I let's just say that I post another place on the internet that nobody gave a fuck and nobody read and I know every now that I get a few eyes on my Tumblr
And I just hope this would have been a good idea to post it here in hopes that it some way somehow might be somewhat useful or good for my people or giving the Grey's, a Middle Finger or Something
Just fucking something
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Are you okay?
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I, Quit.
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I Give the fuck up
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🙁 - Utter, And Absolute, Failure.
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I wasn't able to attract any of my people with my blog I wasn't able to get anything Good to happen.
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The blog completely failed most people that read the blog thought the word mental illness in their head too many fucking times, the blog didn't make any good progress the blog didn't help the blog was not successful.
Besides, Being look like, looking like a crazy person most people just didn't care for the information.
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I wonder if I wasted my time ?
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None of my people messaged me and, or contacted me
Nor, did it get anyone motivated to try to find any of them no one took anything knowledge I gave seriously then again I can't communicate with human beings because they have too many restrictions on their social communication
In other words it's very easy to be discredited or have your knowledge be discredited, for any little tiny little nitpick amount of things if you're not absolutely perfect per person then everything you say and do will be thrown away
You'll be seen as a troll internet you'll be seen as a crazy person you'll be seeing he's making shit up, fiction up
( I'm not )
There's a lot there's too many fucking filters although it's important to have the filters, they don't work intelligently.
So, I wanted to give a fuck plus a lot of my posts are really long very very many words and most people don't like to read people are lazy and they're weak will and weak minded they don't like to go through, it.
Some of my Post's are so God Damn long I wonder if the FBI could read through them ?
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