And..... pivot.
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Consider the original source. The New York Times who twice endorsed her. A vote for Bernie is not a vote for Trump, but a vote for sanity. Consider what she'll do with the big red button. This woman is scary and bad for our world standing. Be afraid, this could be the end of days.
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It's a bit old, but explains why you should be afraid.
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It aint over yet. Please vote!
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In fact, blame Hillary voters instead. They'll get what their asking for. Endless war, class warfare and austerity. Get ready America, the next four years are gonna be "great".
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One of them wants to save the world.
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Position for sale.
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Nader on Clinton. Transparency.
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“In reality her claim is another Hillary distortion, a reflection of the dishonesty that leads to her being highly distrusted by most voters. But none of the mainstream media have called her on this distortion.”
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"None of this is illegal. But it makes a mockery of Ms. Clinton’s pledge to further the cause of campaign finance reform." She has no interest in overturning Citizens United. Buy your way to the top.
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When they were colleagues, this is when they differed despite voting the same 94% of the time. I'll give you a hint, the differences are in war and fossil fuel. Things haven't changed much. Oh, and despite Secretary Clinton's repeated claim that Senator Sanders voted against the DREAM Act, it looks more like he consistently voted for more debate, to make it better
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What a tangled web she weaves.
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She sleeps in an oil filled bed, like a water bed, but filled with oil. She'll never take the pledge.
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When it’s clear you can’t win fairly, why even hide how you cheat
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"It would bring the Democratic party to its knees if they tried to crown a queen instead of nominate a president."
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