etheralvoid · 6 years
i just want to go home
home away from home
a place where my emotions
aren't whipping up a storm
tear down the walls of my heart
to build their arms of hate
arms of love are what i need
to hold you near my soul
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etheralvoid · 6 years
Twelve points to the font
twelve points away from my sanity
Margins as wide
as the ledge I’m hanging from
The weak will rise
and the strong will fall
The tables have turned
with their heads
in disbelief
Survival of the fittest
but I’m out of shape
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etheralvoid · 6 years
maybe we express our love in different ways
maybe you dont lust for the warmth of my arms
in the middle of the night the way I do for you
and thats okay
you say its in the words I say
I say its in the things you do
when I show up with my hair sweaty and messy
with no makeup and bags under my eyes
but you hold me tight as if to say its alright
maybe im not good at finding the words to say
for when it matters most
I say its in the warmth of your eyes
pulling me back to reality
even if its just a memory
in the darkness of night
maybe I cant read people the way you do
maybe I cant paint pictures with words
or write poetry with a picture
maybe it doesnt matter
maybe all that matters is how you make me feel
how I smile when I see you
how I dont feel your presence
but ache during your absence
sometimes words can help
other times they don’t want to flow
maybe I dont know how to show affection
because I never had to
wanted to
until you
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etheralvoid · 6 years
a heart of ice,
brain set ablaze
never calm
never deserving
of what i’ve gotten.
all the love
the hate
the fear
the compassion.
when did you decide
that i was worthy?
i locked myself away
far from the light.
how did you break in?
brain and heart, once apart
now a part of who i am
my love
of you
and hate
of me
heart and brain
mind and soul.
fears arise
and i fall
back down
towards the ground
you pull me out
the depths of my mind
a mine of pain
and discovery
of who i am
and who you are
to me
and i think i know now
maybe you do too
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etheralvoid · 7 years
i need a plunger
everything gets sucked in down, down down the drain of my mind till it gets backed up and spews out my eyes
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etheralvoid · 7 years
me: *makes a poetry blog*
me: *never fuckin writes poetry*
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