If… If we raise enough money…
Can Taliesin play as Percy, Caduceus, and Molly in the VM v M9 one-shot?
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@keylethwasleft another thing to consider about Sam’s characters is that most of them are at completely different stages of life than the rest of the group.
Nott and Scanlan are both older than the rest of party and they’re parents. Taryon joins the party just as they’re about to take a break/retire for a bit. He’s brand new and ready to take on the world while the rest of them are (nearly) dead on their feet.
His characters tend to favor a different type of story than the rest of the group. Vox Machina is almost a coming-of-age story. Scanlan’s nearly past that at this point and Taryon is barely at the start of his as VM are closing the door on an arc.
I don’t know what kind of story the M9 will have yet, but I hope Nott will fit in a lot better than Scanlan and Tary did.
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With all of the excitement over the Kickstarter (which is wholly justified cuz wow), I’m remembering all the moments that came from campaign one and it makes me sad that some people haven’t gone back to watch it. And I completely understand, 500+ hours is A LOT to go through, production style is super rough in the beginning, and compared to campaign 2 it may take a little bit to get into for some. But I think, and hope, with the animations people will be able to see all the moments that helped people fall in love with Vox Machina.
They’ll get to meet Gilmore, Victor, Allura, Kima, Kashaw, Kerrick, Zahra, Sprigg and the hundreds of other guest and NPCs that enriched this world.
They’ll get to face the Chroma Conclave, feel the horror of the attack on Emon, feel the rage of the Asari as they struggle to recover from Thordak’s release, the moving titan city of Thar Amphala, watch the revelation of the Briarwoods , the manifestation of Orthax.
They’ll also get to enjoy the moments of victory and laughter; when Grog defeats Kevdak, when Keyleth completes her Aramente, when we get to meet the Meatman, the epic pranks between Grog and Vax, when Scanlan finally gains the relationship with Kaylie, Burt Reynolds…just that, when Grog gains the title of Grand Poobah de Doink of All of This and That, of Percy and Vex falling in love, of Vax and Keyleth’s relationship, the TWINSIES!, and Trinket.
All of Scanlan’s songs.
I don’t know how much we’ll actually get, but hopefully it’ll be enough to get people interested in watching the first campaign. It’s a lot, but it’s worth it.
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some choice screencaps of this monstah!!111
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Okay, I’m not done. Jester was right to bring up the blood pact thing again this episode, and I hope she eventually gets to properly talk to Fjord and Caleb about how fucked up that whole thing was, and how scary it must have been to watch them purposely making themselves bleed for a ritual they didn’t understand. Do you know how much you have to bleed to take 12 and 30 points of damage???? That’s horrifying.
Also, while we’re here, there is absolutely nothing romantic about two characters, with histories of self harm, encouraging each other’s worst impulses, and nearly bringing down the rest of the M9 and an entirely innocent crew with them
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She got Kern’d
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Might be an NPC Monk unique ability. NPCs don’t really use the same abilites as PCs
Is the drow able to attack as a reaction due to a feat or a monk thing?
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Yeah if she were a PC yah.
But NPCs have crazy powers and traits unique that players don’t get.
The drow lady used preternatural counter, making her a cobalt soul monk of at least 11th level. Huh.
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Ok just cause I’m still salty and this needs to be said: just because your story is a bit predictable doesn’t mean it’s bad. sometimes that just means that your story makes sense. if nothing in your story is predictable then you have crossed the line from “keeping viewers on their toes” to “nonsensical nightmare that doesn’t deliver on any front”
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“I feel like we shouldn’t try and assassinate the head of the Cerberus Assembly. Maybe not right now.” -Beau
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Yussa gets a message like “hey magic dad can you help us take down the empire?”
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Laura asking that we don’t use a slander for the Crins is a big mood
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Party: how did the cricks get in????
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the crownsguard
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You could tell Jester was uncomfortable saying “crick” and that was so consistent with her feelings on it what a nice little detail
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NPC: describes the drow what I assume is supposed to be spooky.
Me, a slut for the Drow: hot
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