existingwonders · 3 months
On the starvation that the people in Gaza are facing:
English Translation:
A dear friend of mine called me a few days ago. He needed money as his infant son hasn't eaten in more than 30 hours, and his son, who's no more than two years old, has been exhausted by hunger. After an hour, I called him so he can receive the money he asked for, but communications were cut off. Four days later, I called him to receive the money and he told me "No need, brother, the children are now with God."
It is catastrophic!
No more can be said!
To God we belong and to him we return.*
[*A qur'anic verse translated into English. It is quoted by Muslims during times of crisis, especially when someone dies]
End of translation
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Israel, the US, and all those backing up this Genocide will be remembered for the blood on their hands.
Keep talking about Palestine!
Note: After consulting a professional, I edited my translation of "الحدث جلل" to be "it is catastrophic!".
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existingwonders · 3 months
Hello Everyone!
Today is the first day of the weeklong strike for a ceasefire in Gaza.
I have realized that I do not think the message has spread far, at least on this website. This might be due to the lack of internet in Gaza, it has been down for days. Not much can be said by the citizens there, it's like some people forgot about them. I encourage all of you to share this post, or make your own, letting everyone know about this strike. This is something that should transcend the aesthetic of your blog. My blog was a gimmick blog, but for this week, it is a blog for spreading information and awareness.
Bisan Odwa (@wizard_bisan1 on instagram) has called for this strike. She is a journalist from Gaza, who has been experiencing this horrid violence for 15 weeks. 107 days. 2568 hours.
These were the images she posted, calling for this strike:
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Reblog this, share this. Do not stop until every supporter of Gaza knows what we must do this week.
Free Palestine, Free Gaza, Ceasefire now!
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existingwonders · 2 years
Sorry, I’ve been really busy because of school! But today’s sky was really pretty so I wanted to show you!
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It’s good isn’t it! Blue is my favourite colour!
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existingwonders · 3 years
A Favourite Anime | お気に入りのアニメ
key: red = mistakes, green = corrections
(There might still be some mistakes in the Japanese text so feel free to correct me :D These are just the corrections I got from my teacher :3 Sorry if the English seems choppy ahaha I swear it's my first language but I'm translating the Japanese I wrote back into English hehe.)
Recently I watched a sports anime called Free!. The story is about 4 boys.
They like swimming together, so in Primary School they were in the swim team/class. Their names are Nanase Haruka, Matsuoka Rin, Tachibana Makoto and Hazuki Nagisa. All of their names are girls' names.
However, Rin's dream is to become an Olympic swimmer, so he went to Australia. But this wasn't actually his own dream. This was his father - who had passed away's dream. Therefore, his goal was to beat Haruka in swimming.
When they were in High School, Haruka, Makoto and Nagisa were in the same school. Rin's younger sister Gou was also in this school. Rin had returned to Japan and was in a boarding school.
The 4 boys meet unexpectedly. But Rin threw a trophy (that they had won when they were younger) on the floor. Rin is mean towards them.
The story is about how the 3 boys, Gou and a new swim club member called Ryuugazaki Rei who is also a boy, form a new swim club together, hoping to be able to swim with Rin again.
My favourite character is Haruka because he's cute, and always just wants to swim with Rin. He doesn't really show his emotions but he really cares about his friends and Rin.
However, I also really like Rin because he's hot!!! 🥵 an Ikemen [a good looking dude ;)] There's a scene where he ✨kabedons✨ Haruka!!! kyaaaaaaaaaaa
彼らは一緒に泳ぎ泳ぐことがすきです、だから、小学に彼らは水泳部 (sueiei-bu)にありました、彼らの名前は七瀬 遙 (nanase haruka)、松岡 凛 (matsuoka rin)、橘 真琴 (tachibana makoto)と葉月 渚(hazuki nagisa)です。全部全(sube)ては女の子の名前です。
でも、凛の夢はオリンピック(Orinpikku)の水泳選手になることです(suiei senshu ni naru kotodesu)游ぐ選手になることです、それで彼はオーストラリアに行きました。しかし、これは彼の夢じゃないです。これは彼の死んでいましたのしまったお父さんの夢です。だから彼の目標(mokuhyo)は遙に勝つ(katsu)ことです。
ストーリーは3人の男の子、江と一個新しいの水泳部会員(かいいん)[名前は竜ヶ崎 怜 (ryuugazaki rei)]彼はもう男です、一緒に水泳部を作ります、彼らが再び(futatabi)凛と一緒に泳ぐことができるように。
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existingwonders · 3 years
I think I’ll start posting some of the writings that I’ve done for my Japanese class here too… I call them scripts lol since I’m supposed to do a speech on the question my teacher gives me and they’re quite fun! Hopefully they can help others learning Japanese with vocabulary too? :D <3
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existingwonders · 3 years
My First Bento! | 私の最初のお弁当!
Yesterday night, I felt as if I didn't do much for the whole summer holiday, so I decided to try making a kyara-bento (character bento) today! I would have made a video, but I was hungry so I decided to use this as a test run instead.
I used rice, carrots, sausages, kimchi, eggs, seaweed, cheese and broccoli!
Also I wanted to put some text on the broccoli for the Chuntaro box so I just said "eat" which is a little intimidating, but it's the simplest thing that came to mind 😂www
I feel like bentos are a really good way for parents to show that they care for their kids! And they're also really rewarding to see after making them. I think watching "Miira no Kaikata" inspired me to make one~
お弁当は、親(oya)が子供を大切(taisetsu)にしていることを示(shime)すのにとても良い方法(hōhō)だと思います。 そして、それらを作った後(nochiato)に見ることも本当にやりがいがあります。 「ミイラの飼い方」を見て、作ったきっかけになったと思います〜
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I hope to make more of these some day!
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existingwonders · 3 years
First Post! | 最初のポスト!
Welcome to my blog! I've been wanting to make a blog for a while, but I wasn't sure what to talk about since inspiration only comes once in a while. But then I realised that my biggest dream of all time wasn't to escape reality, but to find the wonder that already exists in the world.
I want to have anime-like experiences, and though that sounds impossible, I will do my best to have a positive outlook to help achieve this goal!
I also hope to write in Japanese more frequently in order to learn it! Hopefully this will help me learn more vocabulary~
私のブログへようこそ!しばらく(for a while)ブログを作りたいと思っていたのですが、たまに(sometimes/infrequently)しかインスピレーションが来(ko)ないので何を言えばいいのかわかりませんでした。しかし、その後、私の最大(saidai)の夢は現実(genjitsu)から逃(noga)れることではなく、世界にすでに(already)存在(sonzai)する不思議(fushigi)を見つけることであることに気づき(kidzuki, aware)ました。
アニメっぽい体験(taiken)をしたいですし、無理(muri)そうに聞こえますが、この目標を達成(tassei)するために(for)前向(maemu)きな見通し(mitoushi, outlook)を持って頑張ります!
日本語を学びたいので(so)、もっと日本語を書きたいです!うまくいけば(hopefully)、これは私がより多くの語彙(goi)を学ぶのに役立つ(yakudatsu, useful)でしょう~
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