fatcatjace · 4 days
(caution: dark feedism fantasy below!)
The doorbell pierces the silence.
Once upon a time, I would have jumped to my feet and answered it in a manner of seconds. I would have accepted my delivery with a gracious smile and put my package under my arm, balancing it on a bony hip. Then, I would have walked back to my room with no difficulty, softly humming to myself.
But that was Before.
You were so charming. All smiles and gentle words, you wrapped me around your finger. I spent some wonderful moments with you - charming dates that still make me smile despite myself. Our dates would often involve food, but I didn't complain; I loved checking out new restaurants and trying elaborate dishes. You would often order desserts and gently coax me to try them. Chocolate-y, fluffy sweetness would find its gooey way to my stomach more and more often. I loved it.
The relationship weight wasn't that much of a surprise. Honestly, I never cared about my figure and never followed the unrealistic beauty standards. I noticed the first 20 pounds and stoically bought clothes a size up. All was good. I looked in the mirror and decided a little extra weight actually looked good on me.
I moved in with you, and my foodie inner self wasn't disappointed. In your house, food was everywhere, from snacks to elaborate dishes, from takeout to carefully crafted homemade meals. I felt enveloped in your care. You didn't allow me to lift a finger; you never needed help with moving anything; you would even take grocery bags out of my hands. Sometimes, I'd get a bit irritated by that pampering, but you would always shut me up with kisses... and more food.
I went up another size. I was now overweight, and soft pockets of fat started forming on my sides and under my chin. I started wondering if I should maybe work out, or cut the calories a bit. And that was when it started.
When your care took on a darker side.
I suddenly started feeling terribly tired. Every evening, I would practically collapse on my bed, unable to even watch TV, not even mentioning physical exercise. It was hard to gather thoughts, to even think of a possible cause of all this. I would sleep more and move less; I started underperforming at work. I wanted to check things out with a doctor, but you told me that the cause was obvious: I was overworking myself. Always such a busy bee. I needed to take some time off work, or, better still, a sabbatical. I needed to recuperate.
I agreed, barely able to think for myself. You promised you'd make me super healthy shakes, and you did, coaxing me to drink them every day before bed. And you made me so much delicious food - for some reason, as I started to feel tired, I also became ravenous. I would devour your meals without a second thought - in fact, I could barely think. Since I stopped going to work, days became a blur, and I couldn't bring myself to do anything more stimulating than watching TV. Even then, I could sometimes lose the plot of the movies I consumed, or doze off mid-way.
I never felt my clothes getting tight. You took care of buying larger and larger sizes, and cutting the tags off. But I did feel heavier, and that made me even drowsier and more tired. Sometimes, I would spend entire days in bed, sleeping, and only waking up for meals.
And then the curtain dropped. One day, I woke up, and for the first time in possibly months, my head was clear.
I looked down at myself, and I saw that I was huge.
Everything was clear now: you have been drugging me, lacing my food and drink with sleeping pills, slipping edibles into my food, giving me munchies. You periodically exchanged my clothes, and gave me weight gain shakes every day.
You grew me to 300 pounds, and now, you wanted me to be aware of what you've done.
The doorbell rings again. I waddle painfully to the door. "C-coming," I say, wheezing. "Just give me - huff - a - moment..."
You insisted that I take this delivery. You ordered a lot of special stuff for me: seatbelt extenders, special brushes that will reach between my folds when I shower, larger slip-ons, tent-like t-shirts (5XL)... I'm never going back to work, but you want to take me out in public again. You want to show me around, take me to restaurants, shock everyone with just how much I'm able to eat now. You want to make me a spectacle.
By the time I'm at the door, the doorbell has rung 3 times, and I'm all sweaty. The delivery person's eyes widen ever so slightly when they see me, barely fitting the doorframe. I gesture for them to put the package on the floor - no way I can lift it - and give them a wobbly smile. I'm too out of breath to speak.
The door closes, and I hear you calling from the kitchen. You made me dinner. I gulp. Even if I tried to eat less this time, I can't. I'm too hungry, and too fat to run away from you.
And I know all too well it doesn't end here. My portions will increase. I will get fatter. Slower. More complacent, more tired, and dumber. These days, you don't really have to sedate me. I don't do much else beyond watching TV and eating.
And to be honest, I think I kinda like it.
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fatcatjace · 4 days
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got some new jeans 👀 maybe I should have gotten a size up…
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fatcatjace · 20 days
I've been feeling really sadistic again recently. I want to stuff a feedee till they're physically unable to move, out of breath and stuck on the couch. I want them to be in actual discomfort when they try to move from their spot on the couch. Then I want to fuck them while they are so stuffed, hearing their moans of discomfort and pleasure. This would be a daily occurance and I would be punishing my piggy just becuase i feel like, I don't need a reason tbh. If they try to waddle away I'll just grab them by their fat piggy love handles and gently guide them to the nearest chair and stuff them till they can't waddle anymore
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fatcatjace · 23 days
Your pants are getting tight. Your hips are fattening up, so you feel your love handles bubbling over the top of your waistband along with your once thin, flat belly. I know you’re full, baby, but you need to keep eating to stretch that growing belly so we can fit more into you next time. Don’t worry about your pants, baby. We’re going to have them burst open soon enough.
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fatcatjace · 23 days
Reblog if it’s cool for people to stuff feedee/feeder comments/questions/messages in your ask box!
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fatcatjace · 28 days
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you should make out with my belly button btw 😊
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fatcatjace · 1 month
That feeder of yours has been porking you uppp.
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so true bestie
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fatcatjace · 1 month
Getting beamed up by aliens but my ass is too fat and my gut gets stuck in their little phaser beam gate on the way up
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fatcatjace · 1 month
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damn even my forearms have stretch marks
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fatcatjace · 1 month
loving food and eating as much as you want without feeling guilty and also being a little horny about it is truly a blessed way to live life
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fatcatjace · 1 month
what are some good snacks I can buy in bulk to be a good feedee/gainer? tryin to be as fat as possible while also flying under the radar about how much im actually eating >> (preferably stuff that doesn't go in the fridge/freezer)
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fatcatjace · 1 month
What's a hot thing about fat girls??
see im insanely autistic and fat girls are literally stim toys hope that helps
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fatcatjace · 1 month
Kinda in the mood to be someone's 600lb spoiled NEET cow who spends all her time playing video games and mindlessly consuming enough food for a family of 5 ngl
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fatcatjace · 1 month
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fatass cat
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fatcatjace · 1 month
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New 5 minute clip of my feeder playing with my belly available to purchase from me for $5 dm me if you’re interested! 💗💗
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fatcatjace · 1 month
bro. i should be kissing someone’s belly rn. i’m furious
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fatcatjace · 1 month
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Doubled my weight and I love it 🐷🤭
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