fish-from-space · 2 hours
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fish-from-space · 10 hours
you should like, gently lean your head on a loved one's shoulder. methinks
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fish-from-space · 21 hours
we all have that ONE friend who HATES being hit over the head with a metal pipe😂 and cries PLEASE DONT HIT ME WITH A METAL PIPE MY SKULL IS FRACTURED during METAL PIPE NITE😭😭😭😭💀💀💀💀💀😂🤣
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fish-from-space · 24 hours
guys this trash beast is ginemenasaurus whatever you say gigantasaurus jamanes pwa menamoris. symenafmorphis. gigantanorstis mhmh jamournis
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fish-from-space · 24 hours
Okk sooo remember when I did a post Chapter 94 and went on a little rant about how trash beast could operate? Well, In this post I'll take that idea and expand on it more. I'll also be adding more ideas...! (This post is mostly speculation and pondering but I hope you still enjoy my mess of ideas!!)
— Contaminated/Polluted areas and how that could affect the trash beast's forms and characteristics.
— The different types of negativity that supplement the creatures and how that can possibly modify their traits.
— The plausible reasons as to why trash monsters are so aggressive and violent towards humans.
We all remember the first few chapters right? Rudo landed in the intensely polluted area, so unbreathable you had to put on a full-face gas mask just to not choke.
When we first see thrash beasts, THEY'RE FUCKING GINORMOUS. BIG, SCARY AND VIOLENT. The walking definition of a monster. They attacked on sight and don't give up on their targets easily.
At this point in the story, we simply assume that all trash beasts act this way. We haven't learned of the different levels of contamination so we just go along with it.
All of a sudden, trash beasts are smaller, slimmer, faster and... Animals!?! The beasts are suddenly mimicking real-life species. In this case, their cheetahs (I think...)and act exactly like them.
But what makes this interesting is that we're not in the intensely polluted zone anymore! We're in the semi- contaminated zone, an area where you only need to put a normal face mask.
This insinuates the fact that a trash beast's physical power is altered depending on the level of contamination in it's area.
-So the power level should look something like this-
INTENSELY CONTAMINATED: These are the most powerful creatures we've seen so far. They're humongous creatures that hunt alone or in small packs possessing monster-like physique and power.
SEMI-CONTAMINATED: Animal-like creatures that hunt in extremely large packs possessing characteristics of real-life animals. (But It could be possible that there are monster-like trash beasts in the semi-area that are simply smaller)
NON-CONTAMINATED: Given the lack of pollution, this is the only area that has actual animals like cats, rats, horses, etc. Though it might be possible that there are miniature trash beasts(Though I doubt that fact...)
✨MINI TANGENT✨ I did research on this and apparently, cheetahs will only hunt in groups if they're in a coalition to attack larger or more dangerous prey. This suggests that trash beasts (or at least the semi-contaminated ones) View humans as dangerous. Because if they viewed them as simple prey, the cheetahs wouldn't bother creating a coalition since they only bother with that if the prey is big and dangerous. (Normally cheetahs are solitary hunters) So why do they view humans as dangerous? ✨ END OF TANGEANT✨
In the early chapters of Gachiakuta, Enjin explains to Rudo how trash beasts are made:
" Here on the ground, trash accumulates quickly...And so do feelings and emotions...Anima. Sometimes, that gets converted into energy which causes a variety of unusual phenomena. One of these is the birth of trash beasts. They always attack humans on sight. Generally, they live in the garbage dump outside of town... but every so often they'll invade the cities."- Enjin
I'm not gonna put the whole thing since some of it doesn't connect to what I'm saying. Essentially, negative Anima fuels trash beasts and positive Anima fuels Vital instruments(Jinkis).
But could the percentage of the types of negative feelings in the converted Anima affect the trash beasts physically?
What I mean by this is for example: the percentage of negative emotions in a polluted area is 50% sadness, 40% anger and 10% fear. When they get converted to Anima, instead of the beasts resembling a ferocious monster. Do you guys think it could look more... sad? Its roars would sound more like cries, more sluggish movements, you guys see the vision?
The main emotion making up the Anima could be reflected in the monster's demeanour.
Now if my theory is right, why haven't we seen trash beasts with a more melancholic or scared demeanour? Well, it's simple: trash beasts reflect the population's feelings, right? The story has made clear that the people of the underground are angry: They're mad at what they have been reduced to because of the ones living above them. So obviously all that anger is concentrated on the MAX which affects the monster's power.
Ok so for this part of the essay, I'm really pulling stuff out of my ass😭😭. I wouldn't be surprised if I was wrong on all of these but it's fun to make! I'm theorizing there are two reasons why trash beasts are targeting humans: for energy or due to the projecting of the citizens of the city.
- FOR ENERGY: All humans possess some amount of negativity in them. Whether or not they are a good person, it wouldn't be surprising if they hunt them for energy purposes. After all, animals hunt for sustenance, right?
- PROJECTION: Remember when I explained that trash beasts could be reflecting the population's anger? We all know that the majority of that anger is towards the people on top. Whether it's internalized or forward, anger is anger. You can imagine that a lot would wanna cause pain to them...So what if those violent thoughts get turned into Anima which powers up the beasts? Given that Anima is something that was converted, some of the specifics of that anger might have sorta got lost in translation. So when a trash monster sees a human, they won't be able to differentiate between the underground and the people on top.
All the creature really knows is that the anger is towards humans, and so they attack.
AAAAAAHHHHHH THIS WAS SO FUCKING LOOOONNGGG. I hope you guys enjoyed my overthinking brain!
See you in the next one!
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fish-from-space · 3 days
what is your most controversial video game hot take? 🎮🎮🎮
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fish-from-space · 3 days
i rlly hope it gets easier soon bc i am fucking losing my mind
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fish-from-space · 3 days
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fish-from-space · 3 days
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fish-from-space · 3 days
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"...You're a Natural-Born Lunatic."
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fish-from-space · 3 days
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fish-from-space · 3 days
Why is Ivan's talent arson 💀
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fish-from-space · 3 days
This Post is about Fuu.
(Because he's been rotting in my brain for the last few days and he's one of my favourite characters.)
This post is mainly about questions and general thoughts surrounding Fuu. This is mainly self-indulgence since this creature has been invading my thoughts non-stop for the last few days. If some parts are kinda cooky or out of place or smt please just ignore them😭
[The research mainly came from The Cleaveland Clinic:]
Ok, so you guys remember when the trash beast was falling apart and everyone was sorta freaking out? Noerde got YEETED out the beast and presumably died or at the least very injured. The cleaners escaped thanks to Guita's jinki and the Vandals thanks to that girl's manhole. But what about Fuu?
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It is VERY CLEAR that the vandals abandoned him, and yet the next time we see him, he's seemingly completely unscathed from the prior events of the story.
(I mean the title of the chapter didn't even bother saying "the people left behind" instead of "the woman left behind" but that's prob bc Noerde was the main subject) he doesn't have any means of escape, and let's be honest,
He is not able to do anything alone.
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His whole character seems to be centured around his absolute dependency on someone else. Especially when it comes to leading and making decisions. The minute he has to act independently, Fuu completely breaks down and spirals into panic extremely fast.
Also, in this panel, Fuu talks about a "flaw" he has to fix. This could be just a natural flaw someone could be born with and that he was born with these extremely negative traits.
But in this case, his main flaw is dependency. Something like this is usually grown out of. Obviously, this can very easily be different for everyone. But, for this trait to be so present and strong in someone they legitimately collapse and completely break down the way Fuu does.
There can be many reasons, but in this context, I'm theorizing that Fuu has Dependant Personality Disorder.
But first, what is DPD?
"Dependent personality disorder (DPD) is a mental health condition that involves an excessive need to be taken care of by others. A person with DPD relies on people close to them for their emotional or physical needs. Others may describe them as needy or clingy.
People with DPD believe they can’t take care of themselves. They may have trouble making everyday decisions, like what to wear or what food to eat, without others’ reassurance. They usually don’t realize that their thoughts and behaviours are problematic."-Cleveland Clinic
This paragraph describes Fuu's behaviour pretty darn well. Even when he was supposed to fight Enjin. Fuu essentially just begged Enjin to begin the battle. This could tie in with his jinki tho...
This theory can explain why Fuu doesn't really seem to acknowledge his way of acting. I could be wrong but it seems as if Fuu isn't aware that his way of behaving is off-putting.
(I mean the amount of lack of awareness you need to pull up on the guy you were supposed to fight and lost to pitifully, calling him master'n sir...)
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People with DPD typically don't realize their actions are weird or problematic. This disorder can easily explain his weird clinginess to Enjin given he sees him as a role model and someone he can depend on.
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There are a few causes for this disorder to come up,
Experiencing abuse: People who have a history of abusive relationships have a higher risk of a DPD diagnosis.
2. Childhood trauma: Children who have experienced child abuse (including verbal abuse) or neglect may develop DPD. It may also affect people who experienced a life-threatening illness during childhood.
3. Genetics: Someone with a biological family member who has DPD or another anxiety disorder may be more likely to have a DPD diagnosis.
(I'm leaning more toward the first and second, because of smt we'll talk about a little later...)
Ok, let's get back to the trash beast thing...
It's clear that Fuu used his jinki to escape the trash thing. But his jinki is weird...
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His jinki seems to have some conscience. It can speak and is aware of its surroundings and situation. Since Urana hasn't shown us all the world, I'm just gonna assume jinkis aren't "alive" and that Fuu is a special case. In fact, his jinki seems waaaayy more in control and in charge than Fuu himself.
The way I see it, Fuu is the battery that supplements Hii, given that jinkis need to be taken good care of and be loved. Fuu is the perfect candidate due to his possible disorder. Hii is the leader, the one in charge whenever Fuu needs it, (which is essentially all the time)
The word that describes their relationship best is DEPENDENCY, A TOXIC ONE:
Fuu needs Hii to take charge and Hii needs Fuu to give him love and attention to stay alive.
Fuu's entire character is surrounded by DEPENDANCY.
On top of Hii's intelligence, he is surely a very strong jinki. I mean think about it, if my theory is right, a person with DPD would have a lot of love and dependence on their jinki, which would increase its power. Also, to be handpicked by Zodyl means you're a special case.
Hii's independence could explain why Zodyl showed interest in Fuu even with his cowardliness and lack of combat experience.
Perhaps Zodyl wanted to test to see what would happen during a fight:
Is Fuu the one in charge during fights? If so, how does he manage it?
Or is it Hii? If so, how does he operate? Do they work together or one at a time?
When does Hii come out? When Fuu needs help/is in danger or just whenever he feels like it?
What is his limit? Does he have any true potential?
Obviously, Fuu did NOT pass the vibe check and is abandoned.
But I think that's gonna bite Zodyl in the ass later for one reason:
He didn't think Fuu would switch teams,
the fucking cleaners no less.
Remember in the middle of this essay I said I would why I think causes 1&2 of DPD have smt to do with Hii? Well, here it is...
I think Hii is Fuu's abuser
Well, specifically, I think he is supposed to be Fuu's abuser, almost to replace or incarnate his former abuser.
Let me explain...
See how one of the causes of DPD is an abusive relationship or a traumatic childhood?
"People who have a history of abusive relationships have a higher risk of a DPD diagnosis."-Cleveland Clinic
"Children who have experienced child abuse (including verbal abuse) or neglect may develop DPD."-Cleveland Clinic
WELL...I think Fuu had an abuser, whether it was a parent, friend or even lover, and it was BAD. But Fuu endured it either because he had nowhere else to go or was deluded into thinking that the person loved him (which I think fits him best...)
Eventually, the abuser abandoned Fuu and my man was crushed. The abuser had made him so dependent on them that once they left, he didn't know what to do. Something was missing... so he found Hii.
He basically used him the way a kid uses eany meany miney mo. Whenever he had to make a decision, he would use his imagination and wonder: "what would [ ] do?"
As you can imagine, the love and care Fuu gave Hii made him go back to life. And that's how I think Hii came to life.
Fuuuuuuuuucccckkk this was longer than I thought it was gonna be😭😭😭
Welllll those are basically my general thoughts and theories in a nutshell. I'll prob make a part 2 when we get more info on him.
Can you tell I like Fuu a lot? Like a lot a lot?
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fish-from-space · 5 days
i yearn for the mountains
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fish-from-space · 5 days
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so did they put luka up on a stool for this
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fish-from-space · 5 days
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fish-from-space · 6 days
i think zodyl is pretty neat
no text version under the cut
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