foodiowa-blog · 11 years
Why do we love food?
As I was preparing for my presentation tomorrow for my summer course, I've got to think why we actually eat and care about food. I mean why are we so obsessed and crave about food? There are even those who actually have food disorders who are so obsessed and overeat them. 
제가 내일 있을 피피티를 준비하면서 생각난건데요, 저희는 왜 이렇게 음식에 집착하는걸까요? 요즘엔 병적으로 집착하다 못해 그 강도가 심해져 병원을 찾는 분들이 증가하고 계십니다. 
I mean, if you think this way, What is important than foods? what is more pleasurable than eating good foods?
그렇게 생각해보면 음식보다 중요한게 무었이있을까요? 그리고 맛있는 음식을 먹느것 보다 더 행복한일은 또 무엇이있을까요?
In order to live out our lives, foods are needed and people crave for delicious foods. I'm sure that everybody would agree with me on eating delicious foods make them happy. I know that for some of you guys who are dieting right now would feel very guilty about eating foods for their body but at the moment you are eating, you would definitely feel happy. 
살아가려면 꼭 필요한 음식, 그리고 사람들은 이 음식 중에서도 맛있는 음식을 원하고 원하는데요. 맛있는 음식을 먹는데에 행복을 느낀다는걸 저는 여러분 모두가 동의하실꺼라고 믿어요! 아니  지금 읽고 계신분들중에 다이어트 하시는분들! 아무리 음식을 먹고나면 굉장한 죄책감에 빠지시지만 그래도 먹는 그 순간만큼은 행복과 즐거움을 느끼시지않으세요?
Now my post is getting serious! I just was very curious about why people so obsessed with food and love them and want to eat delicious foods as I was getting ready for presentation, and it is actually the theme of this blog in finding affordable and delicious restaurants in town!
오늘 포스트는 상당히 심오하네용! 그냥 제가 제 피피티를 준비하면서 사람들은 왜 음식에 집착하지? 좋아하지? 왜 꼭 맛있는걸 먹고싶어할까? 라는 생각이 들었어요~ 그게 저의 토픽인 맛집탐방기이기도 하구용~ 
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foodiowa-blog · 11 years
Upcoming Bubble Tea Shop at Old Capitol Mall!
Wow I am so mad about this Tumblr app on mobile.. I actually posted this post about upcoming bubble tea shop few days ago which actually was not uploaded. Anyways I will be posting about this upcoming bubble tea shop again..! ...
So It's me again, just like usual I'm seating on my bed with my laptop on my lap. Today or few days ago, I wanted to tell you guys good news for those of you who loooooooove bubble tea. I know that University of Iowa students likes to take time at Old Capitol Mall in between classes.. Or was it just me who liked to hangout at Old Capitol Mall?
아 정말 답답하네요.. 불과 몇일전에 텀블러 앱으로 업로드 했던 포스트들이...올라가지않아서 다시 올리게되었어요 정말 ㅡㅡ 화나네요..ㅎ 어쨌든 다시 올리게 되는 제 포스트는 버블티를 좋아하시는 분들께 기쁜 소식을 안겨드릴까 하는 소식입니다! 아이오와 대학교에 다니시는 분들이라면 공강시간에 올캡몰에서 죽치고 앉아계시는게 생활화 되셨을꺼라고 생각하는데... 저만 그런건가요? 아무튼 버블티를 사랑하시는 분들께 기쁜 소식이있답니다!!!
As I was taking summer classes at UI I could see those new stores and restaurants getting ready for new comers and old residents in Old Capitol Mall! It really is a shame to lose my favorite Indian restaurant, Zaika, but fortunately we are able to seek Bubble Tea shop in a month! The bubble tea shop that I am going to be talking about is owned by University of Iowa student Soobin Youn, who is one of my best friend. She is actually starting and adventuring her new life as a owner!!! She's very nervous about it, even me!!!! I'm very thrilled to see her as a CEO...!!!
여름학기를 들으면서 올캡몰을 오가고 할때마다 새로운 가게들이 들어오는걸 볼수있었습니다! 안타깝게도 제가 사랑하는 인도 음식점 자이카를 잃게 되었지만 버블티집은 얻게 되었습니당~ 제가 소개해드리려는 버블티집은 아이오와 대학교 학생이시고 저의 친한 친구인 연수빈양이 새로운 사업을 시작함으로 인해 새로운 모험을 시작하시게되는데요~ 정말 수빈양도 수빈양이지만 친구인 저도 떨려요!
Everytime I chatted with Soobin, she was always full of ideas about new business in town. Not only she is planning on selling bubble teas, but she is also planning on selling coffee, Bingsoo(Korean style ice sherbet) and other desserts that you cannot find easily in Iowa City!!! As a friend and as a classmate at UI, I respect and am very proud of her efforts on making her customers satisfied with great taste!
항상 얘기할때마다 새로운 사업 아이디어등을 달고 사셨던 수빈양! 버블티 뿐만이 아니라 커피, 디저트 빙수까지!!!! 아이오와에선 쉽게 찾을수 없는 음식들이죵? 친구로서 그리고 같은 동기로서 열심히 손님들을 만족시키려는 수빈씨를 볼때마다 뿌듯하고 자랑스럽네요!
If you are free or have nothing else to do, you should actually visit this place and escape yourself from this HOT summer with bubble tea and bingsoo! I really guarantee her skills in making these desserts and drinks! You will never regret it.
정말 시간이 남으실때, 할일 없으실때 이 무더운 여름을 빙수와 버블티로 날리시길바래요~ 정말 수빈양의 음식솜씬 제가 보장합니다! 후회 안하실꺼에요! 
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<picture from newstomato.com>
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foodiowa-blog · 11 years
Did you know that you can actually make slurpees at your house with just only bottle of soda? here's how you do it! it only takes a minute to make one! You do not have to go to gas station for slurpee just open your refrigerator!
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foodiowa-blog · 11 years
Here's Coffee Bean Caucus that I had been talking about! It was actually on CNN!
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foodiowa-blog · 11 years
Everybody knows Hamburg Inn Iowa City!
Here are some pictures of Hamburg Inn No.2, which is a famous place for coffee bean caucus, its long history and its great taste!
이번엔 아이오와에 사신다면 당연히 알아야하는 곳! 햄버그인의 사진들을 준비해보았는데요, 햄버그인은 커피빈 커커스, 긴 역사 그리고 끝내주는 맛으로 유명하죠? 그럼 한번 보실까용?
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<Photo from curbsideclassic.com>
Hamburg Inn No.1 in 1965. 
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foodiowa-blog · 11 years
Visit Caffe Crema for its unique taste and high quality drinks
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For today's post I will be posting about this place called Caffe Crema! Because one of my friends works at this place I visit here very often, but there's another reason why I visit here it's because you can taste very unique drinks and desserts that are actually not available in ordinary cafes in United States. The owner of this cafe is actually from Korea and they sell many kinds of stuffs that are oriental, which you might find it very different from any other cafes with high quality.
오늘의 포스트는 제가 정말 좋아하는 카페! 카페 크레마에대해 쓰려고하는데요! 제가 아는 지인이 이곳에서 일하는 관계로 정말 자주 가기도하지만 주인분이 한구인이셔서 음료들도 미국에서는 맛볼수없는 그런 한국적인 테이스트를 맛볼수있어서 자주가요! 
Because this place was one of the newest cafe in Coralville, which opened about one to two years ago, I was expecting very few customers but actually there were full of people occupying the seats.. and that I had to pick up my drinks and go home..! 
지어진지 얼마 안되서 손님이 얼마 안될줄 알았지만 정말 항상 가도 사람들이 많아요.. 그게 어찌보면 단점이 될수도있겠네요 ㅠㅠ 갈때마다 자리가 안날때도있답니다.. 그럴땐 음료만 들고 집에 올때도..하아..맛있는 맛집에 사람이 없길 바란다면 그건 너무 큰 욕심이겠죵? 
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Before you walk into the door you will see this pretty hand-written piece on chalk board that has Today's menus on it! Along with wallpaper and furniture, from the start of this cute hand-written menu and drawn peach, you will see many kinds of lovely displays that will make your eye twinkle.
카페 안에 들어서기 전에는 이렇게 오늘의 메뉴가 이쁘게 손글씨로 적혀진 보드가 있는데요! 안에있는 벽지나 가구들도 가구들이지만 정말 크레마에는 이렇게 귀엽게 손으로 그려진 복숭아부터 시작해서 아기자기한 잡동사니 물건들이많아요! 
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Here are some menus that you will be expected to see. It ranges from 3-5 dollars! With its unique and high quality it is well worth the money!
메뉴입니다! 보통 가격대는 3-5불 정도 생각하시면되요! 정말 고퀄인만큼 돈이 아깝지않아요~
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Like what I've said, I visit this place very often and I will have to weigh heavy on posting more pictures of menus from Crema! 
This is Misutgaru Latte! I'm very definite that Koreans would know this misutgara for sure, but not with Americans or people from other countries. We Koreans often enjoy drinking this misutgaru, a powder mixed with many kinds of grains and sugar in water or milk, for nutrition and delectable flavor! By making this powder into Latte, the taste of misutgaru, which may feel too thick only with water or milk, you can enjoy more gentle and aromatic drink!
이제부터 제 먹방이 시작되겠습니당! 제가 아까전에도 말씀드렸지만 제가 이곳에 자주오는만큼 전에 포스팅했던 포스트들보다 메뉴들이 많아요~ 
이건 미숫가루 라떼입니다!!  한국분들은 다들 미숫가루가 뭔지 아시겠지만 외국분들은 모르실수도 있겠네요! 정말 미숫가루의 텁텁함을 라떼로 진화시켜서 부드럽게 만들어주었어요. 부드러움과함께 미숫가루의 고소함 정말 진리입니당 한번 드셔보세요! 미숫가루의 고소함이 그대로 남아있어요...
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Here's a picture of patbingsoo, I beg you to taste this if you visit Crema!! Patbingsoo is a great treat for summer, it will take hot summer away from you instantly. Patbingsoo is sweet ice sherbet served with fruits, red bean, ice cream, mochi (small rice cake) and many kinds of syrups that will make your mouth full of freshness and sweetness. This treat only costs about 8 dollars in which I'm kind of worried about the owner that he might not even profit from selling this Patbingsoo since he puts too much fruits and other stuffs on it.
미국에서도 팥빙수를 드실수 있으시다면 믿으시겠나요? 정말 여름철엔 팥빙수가 제격이죠ㅠㅠ 더위와 맛을 한번에 잡아줄!!!!!그런 메뉴! 제가 팥을 좋아하는 편은 아니여서 한국에선 그냥 빙수만 먹었지만 여기 팥은 먹을만 하더라구요! 요즘은 과일도 비싼데 항상 많은양의 메론, 딸기, 수박, 키위등등이 얹어져 있더라구요~ 이젠 집에서 만들어 드실필요없이 사드셔도 됩니당!
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This cute little treat is called Cham Boong-uh-bbang, which means a gold fish bread. It's a Korean treat that you can also find in Korean market which is located in Coralville near Crema and even in downtown, but it's easily available at Crema too which I often go there and buy them. It's covered with soft bread and red bean inside, it does not exactly taste the same as original Boong-uh-bbang, that are sold on streets in Korea in winter times, because this treat is produced in a mass production and aims at toddlers for main buyers of the product and that it is more soft and has less red beans inside.
이 귀여운 간식은 참 붕어빵이라는건데요! 많은 분들이 이미 아시겠지만 한국마켓에서도 흔히 구할수있는 간식이랍니다! 참붕어빵은 부드러운 빵으로 덮어져있고 그안에 달달한 팥이 들어있어요~ 붕어빵과 맛이 같지는 않지만 그래도 먹을만 한거 같아요! 대량 생산을 하다보니 맛도 다르고 어린이를 타겟으로 한 간식이다보니 바깥 밀가루가 빵으로 대체되고 팥이 덜 들어간거같네요 대신 달달함은 빵이 채워준답니다!
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Not only they have great atmosphere for studying or chatting with your friends, but also they have great atmosphere for performances. Caffe Crema often hold concerts for free or for fundraisers.
And These are the pictures that I have taken from when I have visited Crema around Christmas, these performers sang and played Christmas songs in both Korean and English. It really was a good time to visit in winter break when no one was around in Iowa City, I was able to get warm welcomes and drinks.
크레마는 공부하기에도, 친구들과 담소를 나누기에도 안성 맞춤이지만 공연을 보는데도 말이 필요없을만한 분위기를 만들어 낸답니다! 크레마는 이런 무료 공연 또는 펀드레이징을 위한 공연을 자주 주최하는데요, 저 사진은 제가 크리스마스 즈음에 찍은 공연사진이에요! 연주자들은 영어와 한국어로 크리스마스 캐롤들을 부르셨어요! 정말 따뜻함이 전해지는 그런 하루였어요... 특히나 겨울의 아이오와에 아무도 없어 춥고 외롭기만 했지만 잠시나마 공연과 함께 따땃한 커피 한잔을 마시며 온기를 느낄수있는 하루였답니다.
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It only takes about 6 minutes from downtown to Crema, and you can obviously take the blue bus(Coralville bus) from pentacrest which comes every 30 minutes and take off at public library which only takes five minutes to walk from there to Crema! You might think that it's too far away, but it really isn't and it worth your time to try unique flavors that is only available in Crema. The staffs there are really kind and will welcome you very warmly, the only thing that is inconvenient about this coffee shop is that the drinks comes kind of slow, so if you are busy and have to head to work soon I would not recommend you going to Crema.
크레마는 다운타운에 그리멀지 않은 곳에 위치해있습니다. 차 타고오신다면 6분 정도 밖에 안걸리시구요! 펜타크레스트 쪽에서 30분에 한대씩오는 파란 버스를 타시면 20 분정도 소요되실거에요! 어쩌면 너무 멀게 느껴질수도 있는거리지만 정말 다른 커피숍에선 맛보실수없는 크레마만의 유니크한 "맛"을 경험해 보시는것도 나쁘지않을거 같네요~ 여기서 일하시는 분들도 너무 따스하게 맞아주셔서 정말 갈때마다 가족같은 느낌이나요.
단 한가지 안좋은 점이 있다면 음료가 늦게 나오는 편이라 바쁘신분들은 좀 답답하실수도 있겠습니다.
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foodiowa-blog · 11 years
Make your movie enjoyable with jalapeno pretzel popper!
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<picture from Marcus Theatre>
For today's post I will be recommending you about this snack you guys might try as you watch movie at the theater!
오늘 포스트는 제가 여러분들이 영화를 보시면서 드실만한 스낵을 추천해 드리려고 합니다! 
Yesterday, I went to Marcus Theatre and freshly shocked by something called....... Pretzel Poppers!!!! I really cannot forget the taste and the cheese that was inside the pretzel!!!
어제 제가 마커스 영화관에서 영화를보다가 정말 신선한 충격에 빠지게 한게 있는데요.. 그건 바로 프렛젤 파퍼였습니다!!!! 정말 이 맛은.. 잊을수가 없네요. 
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Here's a picture that I'e got from Marcus Theatre because of the fact that my picture that I have taken from theater was not looking good because of the light that I have used which looks...
이 사진은 제가 마커스 영화관 사이트에서 가져온 사진인데요! 제가 찍은 사진이 후레쉬를 터트려서 제대로 안나오는바람에... 
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like this.... as you can see I was in the theater without any lights and there was no way I could take the picture clearly..
보시면 아시겠지만 제가 상영관안에 있어서 제대로된 사진이 안나왔어요 ㅠㅠ 
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This is when I took a bite of pretzel popper, as you can see there's a cheese and chopped jalapenos inside. When you take a bite, the cheese inside pops into your mouth instantly..  This cheese is sooooooo SOFT, and I have to say that this cheese melts into your mouth as it comes in!
이건 제가 한입 베어 물은 건데요 저 프렛젤안에 치즈와 잘게 썰린 할레피뇨가 들어있답니다!!! 정말 한입베어 물으면 치즈가 쏙.. 하고 나와요 정말 치즈가 부드럽고 입에 살살 녹는다는 표현을 이때쓴다는걸 알았어요 ㅠㅠ
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Here's closer look of the popper! Doesn't this look delicious? It's not been a while since I have tasted the poppers but my mouth is still watery as soon as I saw this picture..
조금더 근접한 사진을 준비해 보았어요! 정말 맛나보이지 않으세요? 먹은지 얼마 안됬는데도 입에 침이 고이네요..
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There's only about 10 poppers inside the container :(... which costed me 4dollars.. If someone like me who eats huge quantity of foods per meal, you will be expected to eat more than 2 or three poppers in order to fill up your stomach. I seriously do not recommend you guys eating this as a meal..
이건 프렛젤 파퍼 통 안에 든 사진입니당! 아쉽게도 안에 든 파퍼는 10 개정도 밖에 안됬어요 ㅠㅠ 저같이 양이 많으신 분들은 절대로 식사를 대신해서 드시면 안되세요.. 배가 안차실거에요..
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<picture from schwan.com>
Here's a more clear look of pretzel popper taken from other website! I just wanted to show you guys and attack your mouth to be watery.. it would not have made you starve with my pictures but here do you see the cheese melting down as you take a bite? 
이건 좀 더 선명한 사진의 프렛젤 파퍼에요 ㅠㅠ 제 사진이 여러분들의 침샘어택을 제대로 하지못할것만 같아 다른 프렛젤 파퍼를 퍼왔네요... 더 자세하게 보여드리고싶었어요 .. 저 치즈좀 보세요 녹아내리는게 보이시죠? 진짜 딱! 저 느낌이에요.. 한입 베어물으면 저런느낌!!!
As you watch the movie with pretzel poppers, I'm thinking that not only it makes the flavor and taste of the poppers strong but also you might enjoy the movie more by making your mouth full of spiciness and softness!
재미있는 영화를 보며 프렛젤 파퍼 한입 먹어보시면 맛과함께 재미도 더해질꺼같네용!
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foodiowa-blog · 11 years
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For today's post I will be posting about Olive Garden! Like last time, it is also a franchise restaurant but just because I love this place and there are a lot of people out there whom are first in United States and do not know about this place! So I've got to write a post about this place!
이번 포스팅은 올리브 가든에 대해 포스팅을 해보겠는데요? 이번에도 프렌차이즈 레스토랑이지만 제가 정말 좋아하는 레스토랑이기도 하고 미국에 처음오는 친구들은 이 맛집을 모르는 분들이 많아 포스팅 하게 되었어요!
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When you open the door, you will see this nicely dressed up employee waiting for you! You can actually directed to be seated by another dressed up employee or be waited for minutes if the restaurant is full!
올리브가든 문을 열게되면 이렇게 정장으로 옷입으신 직원들을 볼수가있는데요! 이곳에서는 웨이팅을 할수있게 해주거나 손님이 그리 많지않으면 다른 직원 안내로 자리를 잡게해줍니다!
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Here's a picture of inside peaks! interior furniture like chairs and tables are united with ! and wallpaper in white. 
To be honest, I don't think their interior designs are not something that customers would praise of.. it just looks dull but simple! Am I the only one who thinks like this?
이곳은 내부 구조입니다! 책상과 의자는 황토색으로 통일되었어요!  벽지는  하얀색으로! 이런말 하면 좀 그렇지만 딱히 칭찬 받을 인테리어는 아닌거같아요..땀나네용;;; 저만 그렇게 생각하는건가요?
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As you walk through the restaurants you will see these wines that are displayed, it actually adds some luxurious atmosphere to the restaurant. 
중간중간에 있는 와인들이 분위기를 더해줍니다!
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Here's menu! When I actually came to this place few years ago, which was my first time visiting Olive Garden, I had trouble reading off the menus because some of them were in Italian, and I actually had no idea what they were talking about and ordered something that I will never ever taste again..
메뉴네용! 제가 처음 이곳에 몇년전에 왔던게 기억나네요... 몇몇 메뉴들은 이탈리아어로 되어있어서 정말 주문할때 진땀뺐던 기억이나요!!!  정말 뭐라 씨부리는지 도무지 알수가 없어서 아무거나 시켰더니 개도 안줄거같은 그런 고기를 먹었어요.
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This is the bread that comes before your main dish! I'm sure tat many people know about this bread. I believe that this bread is the second delicious bread that I have tasted from franchise restaurant, which is next to the Texas Roadhouse bread. But there are times (very often) that sprinkled too much salt on it that I was actually confused that if I was eating the bread or the salt as I was tasting it..
이건 그 유명한 식전빵입니다!!! 정말 텍사스 로드 하우스 다음으로 맛있는 빵같아요.. 가끔 소금이 미친듯이 뿌려져있어서 빵을 먹는건지 소금을 먹는건지 헷갈릴때가 있지만용 ^^..
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This salad is the reason I go to Olive Garden. The veggies inside are so FRESH!!!!!! Look at the cheese! My mouth and brain are full of the taste of this salad. Like the bread, if you have ordered the main dish you can get the soup or the salad for free which I have ordered salad for today! You can ask for more salad if you want it is unlimited for free. I often ask for more salad which I think is the reason why I get really full even before the appetizer.
이 샐러드 또한 미친듯이 맛있지요.. 정말 여기 샐러드는 싱싱해 미춰버릴거같은 그런 맛이랄까... 저 치즈좀 보세요 ㅠㅠ 정말 맛있어 보이지않아요? 빵과 마찬가지로 메인 메뉴를 시키면 스프나 샐러드를 공짜로 시킬수 있어요! 저는 오늘은 샐러드를 시켰는데 정말 후회가 없었어요! 드시고 시으신대로 무한으로 드실수 있답니다 저는 한번가면 한 두번은 시켜먹는듯 우걱우걱!
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This is an appetizer that I always order when I go to Olive Garden. This is really something, you really should order this 3 picks of appetizers. It really has enormous quantities of food by seeing this as "appetizer" it has the quantity of almost the main dish. The three picks that I have chosen are Stuffed mushroom, Calamari and ravioli! The marinara and tarta sauce that you see above adds more delicious taste by adding more and taking away rich flavor!
이것은 에피타이저 입니다.. 정말 사랑입니다.. 이거슨 사랑이라고요..정말 메인메뉴 하나 시키는거처럼 정말 양이 많아요.. 그리고 너무 맛있어요 항상 가면 시키는거같네요... 저기에 보이는건 stuffed mushroom, 오징어튀김, 라비올리가 있는데요 저 마리나라 와 타르타 소스가 느끼한맛을 더해주고 잡아주면서 맛이 더해지는거같아요! 
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This is Chicken and Shrimp Carbonara that I always order for my main dish. People can actually taste this plate too oily or rich but you cannot resist on eating this dish as you know the taste and get attracted to the flavor. You cannot help eating eat even if you know how high the calories are. 
Although I get really full with the bread+salad+appetizer, I cannot stop eating it I keep on pushing myself to finish up my plate. 
이건 정말 제가 좋아하는 까르보나라 입니다..진짜 어떻게보면 너무 느끼하다고 생각할수있지만... 정말 포기할수없어요..정말 미친 열량이여도 포기할수없는 읍식이에요!!! 이쯤되면 식전빵+샐러드+에피타이저때문에 못먹을만한데... 배가 불러도 꾸역꾸역 뱃속에 집어넣는 나년... 의지가쩌네열.. 저는 개인적으로 여기 들어가있는 닭보다는 새우가 더 맛있는 느낌이에요.. 그래서 닭고기가 나오면 그냥 친구 줘버려요^^ 맛있는거는 나만 먹자는 그런주의... 무한 이기주의..
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This is the chocolate that gives you after you pay for your meal. This chocolate has mint flavor in the middle of chocolate that I would like to recommend this chocolate on eating if someone dislike the unique taste or smell of chocolate or the sandy feelings that you get as you eat typical chocolate. 
이건 계산할때 주는 초콜렛이에요! 초콜렛 안에 민트가있어서 초콜렛 특유의 향이나 텁텁함을 싫어하시는 분께 추천해드리고 싶네용!
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Here's how you get to Olive Garden, it only takes 9 minutes to get there by car. It also has Coral Ridge bus that you can take from Pentacrest in which takes about 20 to 30 minutes and comes every 30 minutes. 
올리브가든에 가는 길을 간단히 캡쳐해보았는데요! 차로는 9분밖에 걸리지 않아요!! 그리고 버스도 다운타운에서 펜타크레스쪽에서 Coral Ridge버스를 타시면 되는데요! 버스는 삼십분마다 한대씩있어요 두대씩있을때도있구요 버스 타시면 30 분정도 소요되신답니다. 
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foodiowa-blog · 11 years
Which one would you eat for your dinner?
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foodiowa-blog · 11 years
Remember I've posted about Texas roadhouse about few days ago?
I've brought recipes on how to make Texas roadhouse Cinnamon Butter!!! Now you do not need to visit Texas roadhouse just for the bread and its butter you can make it on your own and it just tastes exactly like the one on restaurant!
Try it yourself! It only takes about a minute or two.
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foodiowa-blog · 11 years
Today's post is about Texas Road House that I've visited few days ago. I'm sure that some of you will know and would have heard of this place, because it's a franchise restaurant but I'll be posting this article for those of you who always always wonder and takes 20 minutes to decide for a dish. And just because I LOVE the bread that they give you before your dish, I will have to post about this place! 
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Like the name of the restaurant "Texas Road House", the atmosphere of this place seems that you are fallen into somewhere in south part of the States. You will approach to the restaurant that has pinkish or rather reddish lighting as you open the door, and your server will be with you with basket full of buttered breads that are freshly baked!
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It's one of my favorite bread that is served before the meal, my friend and I ordered this bread twice! And I often visit here just for this bread!
I mean if you visit Texas Road House, you will find yourself continuously eating bread with sweetened butter that is also served with basket, and often times you will be full before your main dish. 
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As you are seated on table, you will find this basket full of peanuts which you are allowed to eat them and throw them away on floor...
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Like this!!!! I was surprised the first time I visited this place when I saw the guy next to my table throwing away piles of peanut hulls.. and keep throwing away even when his server was actually watching him. But I've later found that you are actually allowed to throw them away on floor!
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Me and my friends have ordered Onion Blossom for an appetizer, it tastes just like onion ring. And I believe that Outback restaurant has very similar appetizer as this and taste almost exactly like this but Texas has it with much cheaper price! only 3.99 for a blossom! 
It tastes really great until you work on this blossom half way through it, after that you will find yourself in need for coke or anything that can relieve your throat full of greasiness. It is eatable and worth ordering just because it costs only 3.99 and tastes better than onion rings from Burgerking, but I would not have recommended if it costed over 5 dollars. 
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Here's what I've chose for side dish, I've ordered ceasar salad, nothing special.. it just tastes like ceasar salad with cheese on top. I would not have ordered it if I had to pay extra.
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Another side dish I've chose was corn! It tastes fresh and juicy, with its unique sweetened juiciness it really went along well with the steak.
I've chose 8oz medium rare cooked fillet for its tenderness! Because I always trust the fillet for its tenderness, I've chosen it even before I have seen the menus. And it was like melting away in my mouth rather than chewing hard for its roughness.  
I know and I agree with 16 dollars of dish only for your dinner may seem very expensive, but 16dollars for this tender steak really worth something. The quantity and quality that this restaurant serve is definitely more than 16dollars. 
One of the thing you will find very unique about this restaurant is that for every one hour or half an hour the servers line up on the middle of the restaurant and sing and dance very briefly to make the mood cheerful. People seeing this the first time may seem very stunned but later on they will also enjoy this performance! 
Here are some directions from Old Capitol Mall to Texas Road House, it only take 10 to 15 minutes by car and 50 minutes by walking! You can absolutely take bus from Pentacrest and take off at Coral Ridge Mall which is only about five minutes away from Texas Road House!
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foodiowa-blog · 11 years
Sushi Buffet for Only Eight Dollars!
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On Independence Day, I've visited Osaka Buffet for lunch! It was actually my second time visiting Osaka, and this place is great! (compared to Peking Buffet in Iowa City) 
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I was kind of worried that this buffet might close for holiday, which it did not and still had a lot of customers. As you can see it on picture, the conditions and facilities in this restaurant is very clean and neat. One of the things that I really think is an important element of the restaurant is the cleanness and I find most of the time when I visited buffets in Iowa City to be unclean or rather close to ji juh boon ha da which really  makes one to ip mat dudl uh ji da.
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Here are sushi roles that are featured in this restaurant there are more than 30 kinds of roles and they also have sashimi too! It's really fresh and good I mean if you think of the price (lunch buffet for 8 to 9dollars and dinner buffet for 12-13 dollars for adults) it's really worth something. Although it takes about an hour to get here, it's a place to visit with less than ten dollars you can make your stomach full of sea foods.
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Like any other buffets, there are also dessert sections but it has not so many choices to eat. These are not as good as the sushi bar but I definitely recommend you guys eating cheese cakes which is the third closest one featured on the picture. Although they do not taste good as the ones in cheese cake factory, compared to the ones that sell in cafes or groceries they are fine. They have plain, chocolate and raspberry flavors, in which I think the raspberry one is better than the other two with its unique sang keum ham and sweetness. 
These are kept in somewhat cool temperature that it does not taste anything like jil chuk han cake or mijigeun han fruits. 
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There are also Chinese foods here! Nothing special but it tastes fine and seems less greasy.
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Here's where you pick uncooked sea foods or meats and they cook them for you with your choice of how well-cooked you want them to be.
You should definitely eat steaks from here it's the BEST steak that I've ever eaten, I mean it's quite different from steaks that I have eaten before. It's really thin but has soft sal gyul and they also have two of their unique sauce that you can take which takes away the greasiness of the steak but adds some unique flavor into it. One tastes like mustard and the other taste like soy sauce!
But unfortunately these steaks are only available at dinner time.. So I was unable to eat them!!!
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Here are some closer shots of what I ate from here! Don't they look delicious? Some people might think that sea foods that are in buffet do not taste fresh but rather heu mool ha da but it actually did not taste the way they think. Before I've visited Osaka, and if I have not visited here, I would have agreed with those people because every other time that I tried sushi buffets or buffets, the sea foods that I've tasted tasted and chewed like dan mool bba jin ggum, the sushi or sashimi actually had "NO TASTE" it did not taste like anything but I could only smell and taste the wasabi that was in sushi. No matter how much they cost, they tasted the same.
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It takes only about an hour to get there by car, which is located in 3901 41st St. of Moline, Illinois. You may be worrying about the gas that you have to pay for, but think of how much it would cost for you to eat sushi and make your stomach full in Takanami!
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foodiowa-blog · 11 years
Don't you get sick and tired of eating Papa John's or Domino's pizza at your dorm room or apartments? If yes, I would recommend you eating Falbo Bros pizza.
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It was close to revolution when my friends and I  first ate pizza from this place, it was the most delicious stuffed pizza that I have eaten in Iowa City. I've tried Old Chicago, Airliner and etc. but my pick was Falbos. This place is actually available only in Wisconsin, Colorado and Iowa. Too bad for those who cannot deliver stuffed pizza from your home but you should definitely order one when you visit one of those three states that I have mentioned.
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As you see it on the picture, Falbos located in downtown has very poor conditions on eating one in store. Other than that it is a great place, you can order it by pieces or by whole pizza itself! 
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Here's a menu that you can choose from. There's lunch special too! 
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Here's where they put sliced pizzas, it has all different kinds of pizzas. I've tried most of them, Barbecue, two kinds of veggie and meat, they were ALL GOOD. I mean barbecue one may seem too salty and has strong flavor, but with pineapples on it, it covers to strong flavor of barbecue sauce and adds freshness to the pizza. 
For today's pizza, I've ordered stuffed veggie pizza with spinach and tomato one. It was actually my first time eating one with spinach and tomato, I've always ordered the one with olives and green peppers the typical American pizza, but I've tried the different one with hopes of not failing to pick the good one. 
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Fortunately, it tasted Great! It was one of the best pizza that I have tasted in Iowa, including the flat breaded pizza that I have posted about few weeks ago. It does not taste better than Chicago pizza which I have tasted in city of Chicago, but it definitely was better than any other restaurants that sell stuffed pizza other than Chicago. 
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foodiowa-blog · 11 years
Bubbles in Downtown
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For today's post, I've visited Bubbleology! which is located near City Hall. There are actually numbers of cafes and restaurants that sell bubble teas in Iowa City, which many of them tasted... bad..! 
I'm actually not a picky eater, but overall, most of the bubble teas that I have tasted in Iowa City were not as good as ones that I have tasted from other cities and countries. 
There were only few cafes that sold bubble teas in Iowa City about two or three years ago, I remember the day when I've heard from my friend that one of the new Chinese restaurant is actually selling bubble teas, and I've visited that restaurant right after the call from my friend. I cannot forget the taste. It was the WORST of all the bubble teas that I had in my life. After tasting that bubble tea, I promised to myself that I will not drink bubble teas in IOWA!
I'm sure that there are many of those in Iowa City who tasted that bubble tea and gave up on drinking good ones in this town, but I am giving hopes to those people to try some at Bubbleology. 
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There are actually over twenty kinds of flavors and over five kinds of bubbles, it really is a pain to choose from all those flavors. 
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As you approach to the store, you will see a bulletin board right by the door, there are post-its and Polaroid films posted on bulletin board! If you look closer..
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You will see these notes! Unfortunately, most of them were in Chinese so I was unable to read them.. I wish I could read them.. anyways I just thought it was a neat way to decorate the store with post-its and bulletin board. It was somewhat eye-catching.
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Here are some interior pictures, it's easy to say that Bubblelology is decorated very simple and artless! It seems that the light green wallpaper adds freshness to this room! But in some sense, this simplicity might seem empty and deserted.
As you can see it on second interior picture there is a computer that customers can use while they are waiting for their drinks or Karaoke. 
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You can order your bubble teas from here! It normally takes only about five minutes, which I think is very fast compared to any other places that sell one.
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One of the cool thing that they have in Bubbleology is that they have Karaokes in their store, they have Chinese, Korean, American and so on songs available and there are about ten rooms available. It's really a cool thing since there are not a lot of Karaokes in Iowa City, which I think we have only two in downtown.
Personally, I won't go to Bubbleology for Karaoke, I would rather go to number 18 which is about five minutes away from Bubbleology and have better facilities, machines and availability of numbers of songs.
It may seem very old-fashioned when you see the hallway to the karaoke rooms but if you see the room inside..
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you will see these rooms with themes.
So, one of the cool thing about karaoke in Bubbleology is that they have very unique rooms, they have every single room with certain themes. The pictures that I have gotten from official Bubbleology above shows one room with Hello Kitty theme and the other with Super Mario, it's really neat on how they decorated these rooms, which would have been better if they also took time on decorating spaces outside of the Karaoke room.
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Finally! Here's a picture of Bubble Tea that you've been looking for! Do you see the jellies on the bottom of the cup? It may look like bool lyang sik poom that only cost like twenty cents on Deli Mart, but it tastes different from them. ( Although it may actually cost only like twenty cents)
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I was not able to catch the actual color of the bubble tea because of the lighting itself was too dark, but if anyone has tasted Green tea Frapuccino at Starbucks, it tastes and look just like it without whipped cream.
I would say that this bubble tea is less sugary or sweet, I mean if you are getting one without any bubbles, it may taste somewhat ming ming ha da  but because most of the people get it with bubbles, it tastes ddak al mat da as you drink while you chew flavored bubbles.
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My friend and I ordered the same bubble teas but with different size, do you see the difference?
The one on left was the size of 16oz and one on right was 20 oz, it was 3.58 and 4.08 not including the taxes. Because these bubble teas itself has joong dok sung, jung mal be boo reun guh na chu eum i ra mo hum eul ha go sip ji an ta myun 20 oz reul si ki neun ge duh jo eul gut gat da. Hang sang neu ggi ji man bubble tea reul han mo geum do mo geum ma si da bo myung un je na jan i bi wo it da.
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It is actually located in 322 E. Washington St. which is only three to five minutes away from old capitol mall by foot. If you're bored and have nothing else to do on the weekends and want to experience something new, you should definitely visit Bubbleology for its drinks and Karaokes, Karaokes are so much fun!
One of another unique thing about this place is that on the weekends, it is open till 4a.m. in the morning (but not on summer and winter), I know that most of the places in downtown close at the latest 2a.m., so if you have no where to go but want to still hang out with your friends you should visit Bubbleology.
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foodiowa-blog · 11 years
Three in One
Isn't there a time when you want to eat or try three different kinds of foods with distinctive taste at a time? Or is it just me? If you are, you should definitely try Sushi Popo.
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As you can expect from the name of restaurant, they sell sushi, sashimi and many kinds of Japanese foods, of them all I would recommend you trying Yaki Udon.
Unfortunately I do not have pictures for Yaki Udon for today, but if you are one of fans for fried noodles or Donkatsu sauce, I will encourage you on trying it.
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You will be expected to see foods from two other countries other than Japanese food in Sushi Popo, which are Korean and Chinese. I would not say that these foods have the traditional taste from each countries, but it really does a good job on making every dishes suitable for many of the customers' taste.
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I chose Yenching beef for today, which I always get when I go Sushi Popo, it is marinated with barbecue sauce which sort of taste like Korean BBQ or Kalbi, if anyone has tasted it before but the sauce for Yenching beef is more rich and watery. 
It is served with lettuce on side, which makes it more less greasy or feel bloated as you eat with lettuce.
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The spicy foods, especially the Korean ones are not as spicy as the original one, this is Kimchi Pork is stir fried with many kinds of vegetables like cabbage, green onion, carrots, mushrooms, onions and so on but most importantly with Kimchi.
Kimchi is traditional Korean food that is fermented and made by all kinds of seasonings with cabbage, which is great for your health, is the main ingredient for this dish. Kimchi stir fried with pork, doesn't this make your mouth watery? By adding Kimchi in pork dish, it makes the dish less greasy or get tired of.
I don't know if it is only for me, but I get tired of as I eat dish made out of meat, but this dish will never get enough of it as you eat. And it is actually less spicy than Kimchi pork in Seoul Grill (the Korean restaurant located in Old Capitol Mall)
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Here's some interior space for you, it's a fairly small restaurant and because they have open kitchen as you can see it on first picture, you can easily see the people making food as you eat.
Do you see those curtains on left side of the first interior picture? There are private rooms inside those curtains, but these private rooms are separated with only lines of straws that you can actually see or hear very easily from other rooms.
The lightings and overall atmosphere for this restaurant is quite dark and gentle, and these darkness and gentleness mix well and these interiors and atmosphere gives impressions of old Japanese pub. 
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Sushi Popo is not quite far from down town. It is located in 725 Mormon Trek Blvd, Iowa City, IA 5224, which it only takes about 8 to 9 minutes by car and by walk takes about 40 to 45 minutes from downtown. It definitely is a place to eat, especially if you are waiting to eat Korean, Chinese or Japanese food!
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foodiowa-blog · 11 years
It's about kitchen and how the handcrafted breweries work behind scenes in Granite City that I have posted last week!Just in case of those of people who are interested in how these delicious dishes work. You guys should taste them it is absolutely one of the great restaurant in Iowa!
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foodiowa-blog · 11 years
Dinner at the Granite City
The first restaurant that I will be posting is about Granite City in Cedar Rapids.
This restaurant is actually located in 29 cities, which in Iowa there are three Granite City in Cedar Rapids, Clive and Davenport.
Granite City is one of the most delicious restaurants that I have ever eaten in Iowa, its pizzas, pastas, appetizers and even the breweries are great. ( I actually have never tried any other dishes like burgers but I've heard that they are also great!)
The most interesting and unique thing about this restaurant is that they are all handcrafted, even the breweries. You can actually see the brewery vessels in the restaurant. 
Overall, most of the menus in Granite City are absolutely delicious, but of them all, four of the most menus that has stimulated my appetite were Tuscan Pomodoro, Maple Pepper Bacon and Tomato Pizza, Glazed Jumbo Shrimp and Flying Monkey.
From downtown Iowa City to Granite City in Cedar Rapids, which is located in 4755 1st Ave SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402, it takes about thirty to forty minutes by car. It certainly worth a time to spend thirty minutes on highway, you will never regret it.
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The dishes mostly range from 15 dollars to 25 dollars, breweries and signature drinks from 5 to 10 dollars.
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The first one displayed is the Maple pepper tomato pizza, it is made out of thin dough, which I used to dislike but by eating this pizza I started to like them. It's not like any other pizza, it is not as greasy or salty as other pizzas. With its fantastic combination of cheese, pepper and tomato, it results in deliciously addictive flat breaded pizza. 
Next is Jumbo Glazed Shrimp, I've ordered them as an appetizer and it was definitely a great pick. Compared to cocktail shrimps in other restaurants, the shrimps were more fruitful and fresh. The sauce which was covered on shrimp matched greatly with shrimp's typical flat and watery taste. 
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This is Flying Monkey that I've chose on drinking, it does not taste like alcohol! it really is sweet and I recommend for those who dislike the strong taste of alcohol for cocktail.
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