for-all-time-imagines · 6 months
(Ayn scenario, it’s his birthday month!) PRESENT!!
Comprehensive List of Scenarios Prompt List
37.  PRESENT :  for one muse to give the other a  (birthday)  gift.
Every single year, Ayn's birthday proves to be a pain in the ass.
He never liked how everybody kicked up a fuss wherever he went, how every single little thing seemed to be a big deal even if he just so much as glanced their way. He's not oblivious to the reason behind it but that never made the situation any better, learning the art of indifference over the years just to get a fraction of the attention off his back. That didn't completely dissuade others from digging into his business, although it was enough for some to know when to put their distance.
There's no good reason for him to bring up personal details about himself so he is pretty damn sure he never told anybody about his birthday, but at the end of the day he still got barraged with gifts and letters and a lot more greetings from people he has never talked to. It's not as if he was expecting his birthday this year to be any different from the previous ones so why even bother with the thought that this year would be more tolerable?
Only this year he is going through his presents when he normally wouldn't bother looking at them, not too interested in what's inside but rather he's shifting through all the unfamiliar names in search for a certain name. For some reason he never noticed if you have approached him at all that day, a majority of his view blocked by countless people everywhere he went.
A few hushed curses and a couple of minutes later, he can't still find your name.
Are you busy with something else? Did you forget what day it is today? It's not as if your life revolved around him, he shouldn't expect you to know it's his birthday just because others do. Ayn probably sounds self-centered but he can't help it; the news should be all over the school at this point, there's no way you haven't caught wind of it.
So where in the world are you?
Ayn has half the mind to give you a call right here, right now, but before he could reach for his phone there are a few knocks on the door. He perks up immediately. He knows that knock.
"Come in."
A few moments pass before the door swings open to reveal your form. You tentatively look around the practice room as if it's your first time visiting, even though you drop by nearly just as much as he does nowadays.
"Is there anybody else in here?" you ask.
"No, it's just me," he replies. "You do realize I don't normally allow people to enter, right?"
Right after he says that you sigh in relief, finally comfortable enough to step into the room now that you know it's just the two of you. Now that Ayn is looking at you from up close, you seem to be tired from a full day's worth of hard work. Before he could comment on that, you hand him a gift bag, the exhaustion in your features replaced by anticipation.
"I've been trying to give this to you all day but the timing never felt right," you explain, "so I waited until you're alone. I didn't expect that it would take me the entire day, though... sorry it took me this long. I'll make sure to be the one to greet you first next year so this doesn't happen again." You pause for a moment, hand with the gift still outstretched to him, looking away before you meet his gaze again. "Happy birthday, Ayn."
Next year, Ayn thinks to himself quietly.
Just earlier Ayn was so sure how things will never change. Now that you're handing him his gift, accompanied with the promise of next year, he has an inkling that his following birthdays will grow far more tolerable. He is used to being put on a pedestal but somehow he never feels that way in your presence. It might be why everything seems to be easier with you; you don't make him feel scrutinized, just seen.
"You didn't have to get me a gift," Ayn finally says as he takes the gift bag from your hands. He's probably never going to tell you how he was scrambling around his presents just minutes ago in search for yours.
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for-all-time-imagines · 6 months
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William (Godheim)
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for-all-time-imagines · 6 months
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William (Modern)
Dropping by when reader hasn't submitted art
Comprehensive List of Scenarios
12.  SAFEGUARD :  for one muse to save the other from being hit by a vehicle or from some other life-threatening event.
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for-all-time-imagines · 6 months
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for-all-time-imagines · 6 months
🦋 can I have some Godheim Clarence?
If so, here’s a 5-flower bouquet 😂
Honeysuckle, Peony, Morning glory, Fennel, and Heliotropes. 💐
Plant Ask Prompt List
Clarence (Godheim)
🌻fennel: what are their kisses like? where do they like to be kissed the most?
Clarence's kisses are featherlight. It hurts to think about the way he keeps a certain level of distance from you so no other body part is touching you aside from his lips. It doesn't feel like he is into the moment at all, almost as if he is unwilling to get into this level of intimacy unless you asked for it. All his actions are not meant to be taken as a sign that he hates you, or that he wants you as far away from him as possible. It just happened that his years have turned him so jaded that he has difficulty basking in the mundane moments with you. If he truly didn't want your company he would've pushed you away long ago.
He doesn't have a preference. It brings random moments where you're planting kisses all over him despite his insistence, although he doesn't make an effort to stop you, either. He gets lost into his thoughts more often than he should, even when he knows he should be focusing on you while you're still around. You're fully aware about this habit of his, so he probably will never tell you how on some days, knowing that it's your lips on other side of the kiss is more than enough to quiet down his neverending thoughts.
🌻heliotrope: who would be the first to propose?
The decision of marriage is in your hands. Clarence doesn't put a lot of weight on the status of your relationship since to him, what only really matters is if the both of you will be able to stick with each other through thick and thin. He never brings up the possibility of marriage but it's not out of lack of interest but out of consideration for you. Considering his background, he cannot deny that there's some good and then a lot of bad that comes with being involved with him. If you're that willing to put up with him for as long as it takes, despite all the red flashing signs telling you that you're better off without him, he cannot find it in himself to deny you.
🌻honeysuckle: if their s/o was hurt, what would they do?
Even if Clarence tries to remain rational, his first thought is always to deal with whoever caused it. It doesn't matter how insignificant the situation is, or how you're barely affected by your injury at all. He has the power and authority so why wouldn't he get involved? It's not that he has grown apathetic towards his surroundings that he would be willing to cause hurt without batting an eyelash, he still cares a great deal for the well-being of the entirety of Godheim. It has just been a while since he has experienced what it's like to be genuinely protective over someone until you came along. He admits it's a bad habit that's not easy to shake off since it comes along so rarely and so strongly, so until he gets used to it again, he is counting on you to calm him down and stop him from doing anything reckless.
🌻morning glory: what is their favorite form of physical affection?
Leaning on you is the easiest way for Clarence to express his affection. He wants to believe that he's no longer suited for the simpler things, that finding comfort in your presence is a tad childish for someone like him since he should be able to find it elsewhere, but somehow that doesn't seem to be the case. The more common displays of affection like holding hands or hugging are off the table for now since they're a bit daunting for someone who's grown used to keeping people at an arm's length, although he's not going to push you away if you initate.
🌻peony: how do they get their s/o to blush? how does their s/o make them blush?
Clarence doesn't exactly go out his way to make you blush, although the small bouts of sincerity from him are rare enough that your heart feels warm every time it happens. He notices how you hang onto his words when he compliments you, but even if he likes that look on you, you can't expect him to give you the time of the day and comply if you ask him to repeat what he just said. He would feel a bit guilty afterwards though, so he makes sure to tell you again later that night, but only if you're asleep so you don't pester him to say it again.
Getting physically close to him out of nowhere for ordinary reasons catches him off-guard. Being emotionally distant has gotten him to the point where entering other people's personal bubbles for anything else other than his duties as an Archmage makes the situation suddenly feel more personal than it's supposed to be, even if said situation is as simple as getting a petal out of your hair or handing you back your belongings. There's something about the way you step closer for no reason other than to smoothen his lapels that ignites a fire in him.
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for-all-time-imagines · 6 months
Huge thanks to everyone for humoring me. Sit tight as I go through my inbox lol
Can anyone please get into my inbox with a William request. I don't care how many. This is a cry for help. I am not above begging. Lars too while you're at it, if you please.
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for-all-time-imagines · 6 months
Can anyone please get into my inbox with William requests. I don't care how many. This is a cry for help. I am not above begging. Lars too while you're at it, if you please.
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for-all-time-imagines · 6 months
Not a request! I just want to clarify something. Say, you finished writing the MEDIC prompt for Godheim Ayn. Would you still accept MEDIC + reverse prompt for Godheim Ayn or is that no longer possible?
Yes I'll accept it. MEDIC and MEDIC + reverse are two different prompts so I can write for both.
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for-all-time-imagines · 6 months
Gud morning/afternoon ^-^ Can request scenerio MEDIC with Godheim Ayn? After his route I need more Ayn content TvT
Have a great day/night!
Comprehensive List of Scenarios Prompt List
Ayn (Godheim)
3.  MEDIC :  for one muse to show up at the other’s doorstep injured.
Ayn expected you to arrive at his doorstep that night but he wasn't anticipating the torn clothes and the angry red gash on your abdomen.
He gets alarmed at the sight of your injury, eyes surveying you as you lean onto the doorframe for support. He immediately wants to ask where were you, how did this happen, why were you so careless? It's not as if he has ever told you outright to stay vigilant of your surroundings but that's supposed to go without saying. While he trusts you enough to let you handle yourself, there are moments when his mind wanders to you. In theory he knows how to handle injuries so he's sure he can help you if the same thing were to happen to you. He has ran this hypothetical situation in his head more times than he would ever admit to you but now that it has turned real, his mind is racing so fast he's not sure what to do next.
The sound of your labored breathing snaps him out of his thoughts. He swallows down all his unanswered questions and files them for later.
"Don't just stand there. Get in," Ayn instructs, his tone far more scathing than he wants it to be. He wishes he can tell you that he didn't mean to sound so harsh, that the anger in his voice is not directed to you, but your perception of him is a trivial matter and his mind is more preoccupied on helping you make your way into his room. From the way you mumble a thank you with a strained smile, you understood where he is coming from.
After Ayn situates you to the foot of his bed, he takes his time to examine your injuries; they're thankfully not serious enough to the point of immediate medical attention, but you're bleeding enough that you require the treatment either way. He turns to the supply box, absentmindedly clicking his tongue upon the realization that it's nearly empty.
"What's wrong?" you ask.
"Our supplies are running out," Ayn replies as he pulls out what remains of the ointments and bandages. You only stare at him in response without saying a word and yet your guilty expression speaks volumes. He sighs, making a mental note to restock first thing tomorrow morning. "Whatever you're thinking, stop it. Our situation may be dire but supplies are not as scarce as you think they are. There will be enough for everyone."
Somewhere along the way Ayn is completely focused on treating your wounds, forgetting that he had originally intended to ask you how you got into this situation. He's not sure if you're able to sense his curiosity or if you just wanted to tell him what happened because he didn't have to say anything before you start explaining what got you into this state: a couple of thieves that got violent when you happened to stumble on them by pure chance.
As you spoke, Ayn can feel himself seethe but he tries not to let it show in his motions, careful not to aggravate your injuries as he rubs ointment on you. He guessed as much that your wounds were from an assailant, and while he isn't too pleased with that outcome, he would rather take this than have you struck by a Glacial Butterfly. You wouldn't have knocked on his door earlier if the latter happened to you.
It only takes a few minutes before Ayn finishes up, tying the end of the bandage wrapped around your abdomen with a tight knot. You thank him again after he gives you the typical reminder to get more rest and to not push yourself too hard. You get up from the foot of his bed to leave, but you haven't even reached for the doorknob yet when he grabs your wrist.
"Hold on." Ayn narrows his eyes. "Where do you think you're going?"
"I'm going back...?" you answer, not quite sure what he's trying to do. You look down to where he's holding you, equal parts confused and curious and expecting. "If you're so worried about me getting ambushed again, you can walk me back."
"That's not the point. Did you seriously forget everything I just told you? You need to rest." Ayn waits for the realization to dawn on your features before he lets go of you. "You're staying here until you feel better."
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for-all-time-imagines · 6 months
Random question, do you write reader under the assumption that they're MC?
No, it's all up to interpretation.
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for-all-time-imagines · 6 months
respect to you 🫡
Much appreciated fellow soldier 🫡
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for-all-time-imagines · 6 months
Not a request, just a very heartfelt and genuine THANK YOU for creating this blog and writing so well on top of it all. I’ve shared the page with my friends so expect a few asks soon!
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for-all-time-imagines · 6 months
Hello! May I have a Yellow Tulip for the Lovebrush boys? Thank you for the food! 🙏
Plant Ask Prompt List
🌻yellow tulips: if their s/o is sad, what would they do to make them smile again?
Alkaid's words are gentle and comforting as he reassures you that things will eventually turn out alright. It's not as if he is ignoring the reality of the situation, or the reason behind your sadness, but that doesn't necessarily mean you have to wait until you see the light at the end of the tunnel before you truly learn that the hardships will come to pass. He also makes it a point to remind you that you're more than welcome to talk to him anytime no matter how busy he is, or how tired he is, as he will not hesitate to drop everything to lend you an ear. You wouldn't dream of abusing his kindness but the mental image of him literally dropping his things is so out of place in your conversation that you laugh. It's not exactly the way he envisioned how he is going to uplift your mood, but as long as you finally found comfort he's alright with it.
When Ayn notices you're down, lifting your spirits is the furthest thing from his mind. Tough love is what he is most comfortable with and while he can read your moods pretty well, it takes some time getting used to pulling his punches. He's aware that his words can come off as harsh as he tells you to get it together but at the same time he doesn't want you to think he is trying to hurt your feelings; if he didn't believe that you can get back on your feet he never would've bothered to be this honest with you. He does know there's a time and place for everything, so when you're genuinely sad he quietly keeps you company in hopes his presence can give you a peace of mind, or at the very least he stays within your vicinity if you want to be alone for a moment.
Cael is not exactly the most proficient in the emotional department so when he sees you sad, the thought of putting a smile on your face doesn't occur to him. It's obvious that he still has a lot to learn when it comes to sympathizing with you on the days you feel down, but that doesn't mean he is incapable of noticing the slightest shift in your moods. Somehow he is so in tune with your emotions that he knows exactly what you need in the moment even if you don't say anything out loud. There are times when you don't know what you really wanted but somehow he always has a solution that will get you out of your funk. His unprompted thoughtfulness makes you smile without realizing, and seeing that expression plastered on your face makes him relieved that he managed to alleviate a load off your shoulders, even just for a little bit.
Clarence's first instinct is to find the root of the problem. What made you feel this way, is it something beyond your control, can it be fixed? And then he asks you what would make you feel better right now: do you need space? Is there anything he can do to help you out? Do you need words of comfort? Encouragement? Or maybe a reality check would suffice? A small part of him is wondering if he is coming off as nosy or naggy with the constant questions especially if the problem is something you don't want to divulge, but that won't stop him from asking because at the end of the day he is not a mind reader; getting straight to the point is a reliable way for him to know how to help you. Once he has figured it all out, he promises to assist you to the best of his ability, and knowing that you can rely on him brings a smile to your face.
Even though your sadness is so incredibly obvious, Lars somehow never points it out, much less show any indication that he noticed it at all. To make matters worse he springs up on you about how he cleared up his schedule for the next day along with a spontaneous plan that he has never told you beforehand. If you didn't know him any better his actions may seem insensitive but you've learned to go with his flow since all his actions are never without reason. Somewhere along the way you get so caught up with your time with him that he suddenly points out how it's the first time you've smiled that day, throwing in a remark that you've been too into your head as of late and he's not about to let you forget how to have fun.
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for-all-time-imagines · 6 months
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for-all-time-imagines · 6 months
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for-all-time-imagines · 6 months
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for-all-time-imagines · 6 months
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