fricndship-blog · 9 years
"HELLo littLE man, WHat tortures you SO?" [Hey, thanks for the follow!]
the boy looks up at the metal man, almost losing balance as he tried to look at the creature’s face. “i’m lonely, sir,” he answered, fiddling with the bandages in his hands.
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fricndship-blog · 9 years
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fricndship-blog · 9 years
And I want these words to make things right, but it’s the wrongs that make the words come to life
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fricndship-blog · 9 years
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things 2 look forward to
▶ when my microphone comes tomorrow, i’ll be working on recording a song i had wrote that is meant to be a post-fall of shurima merchant song. more details about the context of it will be included in the post. ▶ i’m working on rewriting amumu’s lore, including the origin of his curse && the parameters of it. you can see my progress here. ▶ i’ll also be doing a lot of worldbuilding about both modern && ancient shurima. if you have any questions about either, throw them at me so i can start.
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fricndship-blog · 9 years
As Xerath and Amumu touched, the former could feel the power of the curse stronger than ever. However, unlike most, the Magus was unharmed; he was an eternal being of pure energy, and as such, the deadly touch that could turn a mortal to dust had no effect. “We are shunned by the world, seen as nothing more than monsters that live to bring destruction. Mortals spout their lies, born out of fear, resentment, and perhaps even envy, so that they may have any excuse to reject us. Together, we will dispel the lies, and show them all the error of their ways.”
He lifted Amumu to his feet. “I am Xerath, the Magus Ascendant. I believe you and I will make great things happen together, Amumu.” Xerath let out the slightest of ominous chuckles. Oh, this opportunity was simply too great to pass up…
the boy smiled up at the magus, simply overjoyed that he finally had someone he could call friend. the monologue that had been delivered was odd, but the mummy couldn’t help but feel like the words were true. amumu had never been an angry being, but his outbreaks of sorrow && the result of constant exile by anyone he dared get near had painted him as a creature of malice, something of danger, someone to be feared. the thought of correcting them, making them see that he was really just a little boy who wanted a friend, it made him so happy! maybe, soon, he’d have new friends to speak of in addition to xerath!
“hi mister xerath!” he greeted, giggling when he was lifted to his feet by the creature. “i can’t wait to start! this is gonna be so fun!”
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fricndship-blog · 9 years
Send me a ✄ and I'll write your URL in my handwriting.
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fricndship-blog · 9 years
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im the worst kind of person
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fricndship-blog · 9 years
Send me a ✄ and I'll write your URL in my handwriting.
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fricndship-blog · 9 years
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               EVERY CHILD IN VALORAN                        HAS HEARD THE TALE BEFORE…
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fricndship-blog · 9 years
me: dont worry
anxiety: you gotta
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fricndship-blog · 9 years
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fricndship-blog · 9 years
tiny legs were crossed, body leaned forward over a piece of paper, a crayon held firmly in a fist as he scribbled on the page. he only had a red crayon, so when he tried to draw himself, it looked rather odd. the boy’s wrist twisted && turned as he colored in the tinier version of himself. he was quite focused on his masterpiece, unaware of the fact that he wasn’t alone.
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fricndship-blog · 9 years
The Magus noticed the mummy was getting upset; if what he’d heard was true, then that could be dangerous. “Calm yourself, Amumu. You are not at fault for your burden.” Already a devious plan was forming in the mage’s mind. “However, it does not change the fact that what you seek cannot be obtained. To mortals, you are an abomination; an undead monster to be reviled and feared. You will never find acceptance among them, for they fear what they do not understand.”
Xerath reached out a hand. “I, however, am no mortal; I understand your burden, mummy, and am willing to help relieve you of it.”
amumu’s fists unclenched, releasing age old linen from his grasp to fall upon the sand. tears were already falling, soaking the bandages that had already endured his sorrow countless times over. the stranger’s words cut deep to his core, a reality that the mummy had been avoiding, running away from on his travels across valoran to find someone, anyone who would cease this loneliness. sniffles && hiccups escaped the boy’s throat, an anger rising in his gut. && what little boy wouldn’t be angry, being told that he could not get what he wanted more than anything? eyes squeezed shut && muscles tensed, but upon the stranger’s next words, all frustration was released from his being with the quiet wind that pushed grains of sand passed bandaged feet.
“really, mister?” the boy replied, eyes wide with hope, a small hand reaching up to the other’s. “thank you, sir! t-- thank you so much!”
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fricndship-blog · 9 years
someone: loves amumu and gives him hugs
me: :)
someone: is mean to amumu and hurts him
me: :)))))))
someone: uses amumu and his naivety for their own personal gain
me: >:))))))))))))))))))))))))
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fricndship-blog · 9 years
I made a Vi. ;w;.
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fricndship-blog · 9 years
I love that scene in Night at the Museum where ur like “oh shit a scary mummy oh nooo” and then IT’S JUST THE CUTEST BOY IN THE WORLD
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fricndship-blog · 9 years
Me: i wanna jump off the roof
everyone: do we need to talk abt it?
Me: no its fine im always like this
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