funtimesawait · 3 years
Where u from
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funtimesawait · 4 years
Atleast 5 white people have been murdered during these protests. I bet none of this rioters or protesters know their names, or care.
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funtimesawait · 5 years
How about you don’t be a fucking racist piece of shit! What are you upset a Muslim man can fuck your girlfriend better than you
Looks like someone is offended. Its not racist, its not a phobia, its pointing out that their religion is batshit insane and if it were as predominant as they want then we would all be living in a 3rd world apocalyptic scenerio where people are executed on the street for being gay, women are beaten and raped and ignored, and children are brainwashed daily in thinking everyone whose against their religion must die.
Thats what im pointing out, and it needs to end.
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funtimesawait · 5 years
Ban Muslim faith
Save the world, ban the radical cult religion.
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funtimesawait · 5 years
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funtimesawait · 5 years
(Warning.) Protect The World.
The enemy of freedom and the enemy of true human progression is a radical belief system today that destroys everything it touches. It is slowly infesting all allied countries, and it is a threat unlike any other; because this threat is being promoted under the illusion of acceptance, and it is using the good will of mankind to its advantage.
We are heading towards a future filled with violence and terrorism in our country, a future in which freedoms of the majority are supressed by the hatred of the few and the bias of our gov's ignorance. Many countries are experiencing terrible repercussions for being nice and trying to do the "right thing", germany and france now have areas that germans and french people can no longer travel in without getting attacked or harrassed, the german government is now on the verge of accepting child marriages because they dont want to seem like theyre attacking a religion, and France is literally breaking down into chaos because the french people are tired of being taxed while simulataniously having their quality of life degrade and safety become threatened.
Everywhere this evil goes, the followers of it abuse the generosity of the ones who try to help, because the teachings of their belief state that everyone everyone currently trying to help are enemies that should die. Men. Women. Children.
Please, protect your children, protect your friends and family, and protect your way of life from this radical belief and radical brainwashed group of people who when given any leeway will try to destroy you. I dont want to live in a world where i know 20 years from now my granddaughter could legally be beaten in the street for wearing regular clothes or not believing what these people believe in, i dont want to live in a world where my children could be forced into marriage and i could be executed because i have the common sense to question their belief.(TODAY. IN OTHER COUNTRIES THIS IS MODERN LIFE. In other countries where this belief is popular they have occurences like this all the time.)
Not here, fuck their belief, FUCK being nice. THIS IS OUR COUNTRY, A MELTING POT OF PEOPLE TO BECOME 1 AND BECOME AMERICAN. If you cant assimilate and uphold/respect the values we as americans believe in, then we CANNOT accept you. This one sided attack by the liberal left must end, i dont care what words you throw around and call me. RIGHT NOW. THE ONLY THINGS THAT MATTER TO ME are my family, my friends, my freedom, my country, my fellow logical humanbeings, OUR safety, and the american dream staying alive.
Fuck islam, fuck the muslim faith, fuck the Koran, fuck Muhammed, fuck all that shit. It is the enemy of christianity, it is the enemy of freedom, it is the enemy of muslims themselves, and it is the enemy of the future.
I refuse to allow japan, canada, USA, germany, france, and all the other civilized countries to become cesspools of a religion that destroys everything it touches. Please hear my words, think about them, open your eyes to the world and see what is happening. Protect the world from this.
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funtimesawait · 6 years
I don't care if your black,white,indian,green or whatever color you identify with. Saying the N word is racist!
I agree, thats why its called RACEPLAY. Its a sexually infused taboo. You need to stop taking everything so seriously :) have a horny day.
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funtimesawait · 6 years
What was the first kink you got into?
I think group sex, i remember seeing some gangbang porn when i was like 14 and being mindblown. Lol
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funtimesawait · 6 years
Mustve used alot of brain cells to come up with that one.
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funtimesawait · 6 years
I just have to say the answer you gave to that anon asking for girls’ accounts was so perfect in every way.. you got my respect for sure 🤜
🤛 thanks :)
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funtimesawait · 6 years
You made reference in one of your posts about a black mans cock being a real man's cock. That is racist pure and simple!
Cause it is. If its a big dick its a mans dick, typically black cocks are bigger than any other race. Its genetic, not racist. Suck it up or suck one and make it cum, all black men deserve it.
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funtimesawait · 6 years
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Good news! Emma Starr is shooting scenes again! Keep an eye out.
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funtimesawait · 6 years
I love the way you write. It’s so fucking hot. If I send you a pic, will you tell me what you’d do to me?
Thanks! Yes i will.
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funtimesawait · 6 years
Do you know some sexy girls accounts who'd submit their nudes?
Yes but id never give those out to anyone. They trust me and id never compromise that.
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funtimesawait · 6 years
Love your posts do you like cock or pussy
Pussy. But i can be impressed by a big throbbing hard cock and like to see one in action.
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funtimesawait · 6 years
Kinky fun idea!
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funtimesawait · 6 years
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Hypnosis can be a powerful thing, given the right circumstances....
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