generationdeath · 2 years
It’s my birthday in three days and I just wanna die thinking about how many people I will be forced to talk to that day when all I wanna do is sit alone and watch tv and just let the day pass
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generationdeath · 3 years
TW SelfHarm
I have been clean for about two months now. My life is going downhill right now and all I can think about is how I miss touching the ruffles on my skin made by the blades at night. I really want to keep going and ignore it, but is it worth it? The release is to tempting to ignore.
Self harming is what makes me go on, mentally and physically. It makes me feel alive when my brain want to drown itself in hate and never come back to the surface.
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generationdeath · 4 years
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and if you turn to ur left you’ll see the emos
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