gypsyherveaux · 11 years
You're more of a violent person than me. Not that you're violent or anything, but if you're more of a contact sports person then that's a step above me.
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Well, that was fun.
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gypsyherveaux · 11 years
Yes, soccer. Though the rest of the world calls it football, so yeah I can understand why you called it that at first. I like watching some sports but playing them is a totally different thing entirely. In gym class I was terrible at everything  except for Tennis. And I don't know how I was alright at it.
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Well, that was fun.
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gypsyherveaux · 11 years
Yeah, we spoke a couple of weeks ago. Unless I'm mistaken.
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If I’m correct, I seem to remember the specific day that you and I had spoken. I was wondering if you could possibly refresh my memory.
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gypsyherveaux · 11 years
Oh, that sounds lovely. Any sports you like more than others? I've never been a big fan of them, myself, only because I'm lazy.
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Well, that was fun.
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gypsyherveaux · 11 years
Basketball? I never took you for one to play, but that sounds pretty awesome, actually.
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Well, that was fun.
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gypsyherveaux · 11 years
What was?
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Well, that was fun.
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gypsyherveaux · 11 years
It's refreshing, though, to see a teenager--assuming that you are, not I'm sorry--see the downfall in humanity. Bless you, truly.
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I sympathize with you, truly I do.
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gypsyherveaux · 11 years
When you say that out loud, I think my heart broke a little.
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Darling, classiness is sadly going out the window.
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gypsyherveaux · 11 years
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gypsyherveaux · 11 years
At least educate yourself on Tim Burton, we can get to Fight Club later. We should also stop talking about it, since the first two rules of Fight Club is don't talk about Fight Club. Netflix is like a slow ass mystery and should probably be better off left as such.
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Sounds like you do, if you wish to. Lord of the Rings is seriously a few of the best movies I have ever seen. That is just my theory, since you figure they probably have to pay for the rights to have the movies and shows on their site. But that’s just a guess, I have no idea how they do it.
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gypsyherveaux · 11 years
A day off sounds wonderful. Although, sleeping also sounds pretty wonderful, too.
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I don’t know, maybe. I have a day off tommorrow and hopefully I will be doing something other than sleeping.
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gypsyherveaux · 11 years
Royce, do I need to make you a list of movies to watch in order to be considered an awesome person? Seriously, it's like you've never seen any of my favorite movies. Except for Lord of the Rings. Oh if they have to pay for it, then I definitely understand taking so long. I always thought it came whenever seasons DVDs came out and how popular the show is. Who knows how Netflix works, really.
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I have never seen that, so I wouldn’t know. But my theory is that they have to pay to have those seasons or movies on there, so they are not very excited to add more on there. I don’t know, I just know it is disappointing to see no new episodes for weeks or months.
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gypsyherveaux · 11 years
Just a feeling I have. I don't think it's going to go away for a while, or until some answers are shown. There's a lot of weird things happening.
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Yeah, that’s why. Why do you feel like this week might be a crazy one?
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gypsyherveaux · 11 years
Okay, well if you ever need to, I'm really open minded. My weekend was insightful, learned something about myself. I'm a terrible liar if I'm nervous.
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Kinda hard to talk about. But thanks. How was your weekend?
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gypsyherveaux · 11 years
If I figure anything out, I'll come to you. About the hybrid situation or about Jeremy or Jackson. I will try my best to get some answers.
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Yeah. Or used to be. Not really sure how this works yet. He’s kind of a new species and all. Right, thanks for your help.
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gypsyherveaux · 11 years
There are some good adaptations, like Fight Club matches the book almost perfect. But for the most part, it's always book over movies any day. Oh, don't get me started on the Netflix delay. A season could end in May but pop up on Netflix in like November, it's terrible.
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Understandable. Sometimes life isn't something to excite people with.
Yeah, I love coming up with the details myself. I have found that most movies created based off of books don’t meet expectations, yes. The only sucky thing is that Netflix takes a long time to catch up when adding seasons to tv shows.
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Yes, I can tell you are. Yeah, I don’t like to bore people with my life.
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gypsyherveaux · 11 years
Tell me about it. What happened to being straight forward but classy about it?
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Ew. Some of the slang terms nowadays are ridiculous. 
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