harunur01780 · 3 months
 The value of modern supply chains
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After talking about the ancient supply chain, let’s talk about HE Tuber the modern one. Let’s also take the “Silk Road” as an example. It’s just a sharp contrast. Let’s see what the modern Silk Road is like. It extends the hottest “belt” at the moment. What does “All the Way” look like and what content does it reveal about modern supply chains? Source: Internet
Modern Silk Road Officially also called the "New Silk Road Economic Belt", it is a new economic development area formed on the basis of the original ancient Silk Road. It starts from Lianyungang in the east and reaches the Port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands in the west. To the east is the Asia-Pacific Economic Circle and to the west is the developed European Economic Circle. In the middle, it passes through my country's three major zones of east, middle and west, and passes through most countries in the Eurasian continent, which can promote our country's development. Cooperation and exchanges with other countries in Eurasia.
Characteristics of modern supply chain Relying on the modern Silk Road, we talk about the characteristics of modern supply chains. Globalization: This is the most obvious feature. Modern supply chains are no longer limited to a certain region or country. Relying on the modern Silk Road, the supply chain network has expanded to the world, promoting the diversification and globalization of international trade. Digital, informatization, and intelligence: Modern supply chains make extensive use of advanced information technologies, such as the Internet of Things, big data, AI, etc., to achieve digital, informatization, and intelligent management of the supply chain. This makes the supply chain's information transmission more efficient and accurate, and improves the supply chain's collaborative efficiency and response speed. Diversification and flexibility: Enterprises in modern supply chains are more flexible in responding to changes in market demand and can achieve rapid adjustment and reconstruction, reduce risks and enhance competitiveness. Risk Management: In modern supply chains, risk management becomes an important feature. Enterprises pay more attention to supply chain risk identification, assessment and control to ensure the stability and sustainability of the supply chain. Green and sustainable: Nowadays, everything we do is focused on "green development". The modern supply chain is to promote the green transformation and sustainable development of the supply chain by promoting the practice of resource conservation, environmental protection and social responsibility.
Advantages of modern supply chain Compared with the ancient supply chain, the advantages are too obvious. After all, there are so many modern logistics tools and technical means, such as: Improving efficiency: Modern supply chains use advanced information technology to realize real-time sharing and collaboration of information in all links, greatly improving the operational efficiency of logistics, information flow, and capital flow, and reducing inventory, transportation and other costs. Increased flexibility: Modern supply chains are more flexible and can respond quickly to changes in market demand. Businesses can predict and adjust based on real-time data to more accurately meet consumer needs. Improve risk management: Through modern supply chain management, companies can better identify and assess potential supply chain risks, take targeted measures to reduce risks, and ensure the stable operation of the supply chain. Promote globalization: Modern supply chains promote the process of globalization, allowing companies to more easily participate in international competition and cooperation. This helps companies expand their markets and obtain more resources and opportunities. Promote sustainable development: Modern supply chains focus on green, environmental protection, social responsibility and other elements, and promote enterprises to achieve sustainable development by optimizing resource allocation, reducing waste and pollution. Strengthen competitiveness: Relying on the collaboration, integration and optimization of modern supply chains, companies can enhance their competitiveness. By working closely with supply chain partners, companies can reduce costs, improve quality, and enhance innovation capabilities to stand out in the fierce market competition. 4.Modern supply chain Value, mentioned earlier, is similar to advantages, but goes beyond advantages and reaches a higher level. The value of modern supply chains is actually somewhat similar to that of ancient times. After all, it is all about improving efficiency, promoting communication, and promoting economic development. At the same time, there are many extended values.
To summarize: Economic value: Modern supply chains create significant economic value for enterprises by optimizing processes, reducing costs, and improving efficiency. It promotes the efficient allocation of resources, reduces waste, and promotes economic growth and development. Competitive advantage: Modern supply chains enable companies to quickly respond to market demand, improve product quality, and reduce production costs, thereby gaining competitive advantages. Through close collaboration with suppliers, distributors and other partners, companies can adapt to market changes faster and stay ahead of the curve. Risk management: By identifying potential risks, establishing a flexible supply chain, and implementing risk management strategies, enterprises can reduce the impact of supply chain interruptions, delays, and other risk events and ensure business stability and continuity. Sustainable development: By adopting green supply chain practices, promoting social equity and sustainable development, companies can reduce environmental impact, improve social image, and create a more sustainable business environment for the future. Customer value: Modern supply chains are customer-centric and committed to delivering an exceptional customer experience. By understanding customer needs, optimizing product delivery, and providing personalized services, supply chains can meet customer expectations and enhance customer loyalty. Promote exchanges: Not only can it promote economic development between countries, but also some exchanges, such as products, culture, ideas, etc.
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harunur01780 · 3 months
 Characteristics of ancient supply chains
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One of the titles of our articles is "Talk about Ancient and Modern Times". Here we will talk about the ancient supply chain. We can think about HE Tuber what the supply chain looked like ten years ago, what management tools were available, and how goods were shipped.
Think again about how those predecessors "played" the supply chain a hundred years ago, or even a thousand years ago. The ancient Silk Road and Zheng He's voyages to the West are all typical supply chains and the wisdom of the ancients. Let’s take the ancient Silk Road to analyze what the ancient supply chain was like.
1. Ancient Silk Road
If you study history, you will know that the ancient Silk Road was actually divided into two parts, land and sea. The land is the one we usually talk about. It was also promoted by Zhang Qian's mission to the Western Regions. It started from the ancient capital Chang'an (or Luoyang) and passed through Eurasia, reaching Rome.
This road connected ancient Eastern and Western civilizations. From the transportation methods of the ancient Silk Road, including camels, horses, carriages and manpower, we can see that it mainly relied on human and animal power. This shows that in terms of logistics, it was very backward compared to modern times. At the same time, in terms of communication conditions, it can only be passed by flying pigeons or fast horses, and it is difficult to guarantee the timeliness.
There are also many restrictions on commodities, regions, productivity, etc.
2.Ancient supply chain
From the previous introduction, we can summarize the characteristics of ancient supply chains.
There will be many restrictions. Due to geographical conditions and transportation restrictions, the ancient supply chain used some human and animal power. These transportation methods are very restricted by geographical conditions, weather conditions, etc., and are inefficient and have long transportation cycles.
Management is relatively simple. This is due to limited information transmission and poor information exchange in all links of the supply chain. For some coordinated management and decision-making, we can only rely on experience and judgment. The lack of timely communication will lead to inconsistent management. Ability to adopt simple management.
The scope of trade was not large. Although the ancient Silk Road connected the Eurasian continent, it was actually just a line, and it was difficult. It did not cover the surrounding areas, mainly some important cities and trade centers, such as Urumqi in the northwest. At that time Many surrounding areas have not participated, which makes the market size of the ancient supply chain relatively small, slow to expand, and limited in number of participants.
3. Advantages and disadvantages of ancient supply chains
It is said that everything has two sides, and everything is relative. It has advantages and disadvantages. I think the advantage of the supply chain is not only to promote the economic development at that time, but more importantly, to carry out some cultural and ideological exchanges and do some exploration through the supply chain in that relatively closed era.
1) Summarize the advantages:
Promoting economic development must be the first priority. The supply chain itself is a business and economic exchange. All regions can optimize the allocation of resources and promote economic growth. The circulation of products between regions is trade. The supply chain promotes trade exchanges between regions, allowing specialty products from each region to circulate to other regions, allowing people to enjoy these benefits and enrich their lives.
Cultural exchange and inheritance, the supply chain is not only the circulation of goods, but also promotes the exchange and inheritance of culture, technology, and ideas from various places. In this process, the collision and integration of different cultures injected vitality into the development of ancient civilization.
Promoting geographical exploration, ancient supply chains also promoted the development of geographical exploration. In order to meet trade needs, caravans and explorers continued to open up new trade routes, promoting the accumulation and expansion of geographical knowledge.
2) The shortcomings are still due to the underdevelopment of some information and backward methods, such as:
Due to inconvenient transportation and low efficiency, limited by the transportation and technical conditions at the time, the transportation efficiency of the ancient supply chain was low, and the logistics speed and transportation capacity were limited, resulting in long commodity circulation cycles and slow market response.
Information is opaque and difficult to transmit. In ancient times, there was a lack of modern communication means, and information transmission was inconvenient. Information communication among supply chain participants was not smooth, which could easily lead to an imbalance between supply and demand and increase transaction costs and risks.
Affected greatly by the natural environment, the ancient supply chain was highly dependent on the natural environment. Factors such as weather changes and natural disasters may have a greater impact on the supply chain and cause poor stability.
Lack of standardization and standardized management. Ancient supply chain management lacked standardized and standardized means, resulting in uneven product quality and chaotic market order, which is not conducive to the long-term development of the supply chain.
4. The value of ancient supply chains
In other words, the meaning is actually a bit like the advantages of the supply chain, which is its sublimation. We can talk about it from several aspects.
Economic value: The ancient supply chain promoted the production, circulation and trading of commodities, and promoted the development of the ancient economy. Through the operation of the supply chain, goods from various places can be exchanged, meeting people's diverse needs and promoting market prosperity.
Cultural value: Along with the circulation of commodities, ancient supply chains also promoted the spread and exchange of culture. Culture, art, technology, etc. from different regions are spread through the supply chain, enriching the cultural connotation of various places and promoting the progress of civilization.
Social value: The development of ancient supply chains also promoted social changes and progress. Take our ancient Silk Road as an example. Its opening promoted exchanges and cooperation between the East and the West, deepened people's understanding of the outside world, and promoted social progress and openness.
Historical value: As an important carrier of historical development, ancient supply chains provide valuable historical materials for our study of ancient economies and societies. By studying ancient supply chains, we can gain a deeper understanding of the economic status, cultural development, social life and other aspects of ancient society.
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harunur01780 · 3 months
What is "supply chain"?
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The supply chain is a chain that connects many parties related to a HE Tuber product, and the chains are interlocking, forming a very large network. Does the supply chain have a big impact on us? The following article is the relevant content about the supply chain compiled and shared by the author. It is recommended that everyone should read it. I believe you will gain a lot!
It has been said at all times and in all countries that anyone who makes products must understand business; anyone who understands business will find it difficult to break away from the "supply chain". E-commerce, retail, medical, social networking, etc., no matter what type or segment, supply chain will be involved to some extent. So, what is a supply chain? Five thousand years up and down, ninety thousand miles across, our great motherland alone has a long history and a vast territory, not to mention the world. The history of supply chain is equally long and rich in content. Talking about ancient and modern times, China and foreign countries, dear readers, if you want to ask what this supply chain is, please listen to me explain in detail.
The concept of supply chain When it comes to the concept of supply chain, although each platform has its own explanation, they are all similar. Quoting Baidu Encyclopedia's explanation, the supply chain refers to the core enterprise, starting from supporting parts, making intermediate products and final products, and finally delivering the products to consumers through the sales network, including suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, etc. End users are connected into an overall functional network chain structure. You can see several keywords, core enterprises, suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, users, and network chain structure. In other words, the supply chain is a chain that connects multiple parties related to the product. This chain is interlocking. , forming a very large network. For example, the following picture is the simplest diagram. The supply chain is actually in this form.
The “third stream” of the supply chain As you can see in the picture above, in addition to the series connection of some enterprises, there are three words below, logistics, information flow, and capital flow, which is what everyone calls "third flow". Information flow: a key component in the supply chain, like the human nervous system. In the process of supply chain management, whether it is the flow of funds or goods, data is needed as support. Logistics: Logistics refers to the distribution and transmission channels of goods and services. It involves the entire process from supplier to final consumer, including transportation, warehousing, packaging, distribution, etc. The goal of logistics is to ensure that the right quantity of product is available at the right time and place to meet customer demand. Fund flow: Fund flow is the movement of funds involved in the supply chain. As goods and services move through the supply chain, money also flows between links. This includes payment of goods, transportation costs, warehousing costs, etc. Effective treasury management is critical to the smooth operation of the supply chain, ensuring its stability and sustainability.
Characteristics of the supply chain Still based on that picture, I summarized several supply chain characteristics: intersectionality, dynamics, existence of core enterprises, complexity, and user orientation.
Intersectionality: A node enterprise in a supply chain may belong to multiple different supply chains at the same time. In this case, a company may have roles in multiple supply chains, forming an intricate cross-network structure. For example, some companies are both suppliers and distributors. Dynamic: Supply chain management is dynamic and needs to adapt to changes in corporate strategy and market demand. Node enterprises need to be dynamically updated to cope with various changes. At the same time, various information flows, capital flows and logistics in the supply chain also need to be updated in real time, which makes the supply chain significantly dynamic. Existence of core enterprises: In a supply chain, there are usually one or more core enterprises. These core enterprises are the center of information, capital, and logistics operations for each enterprise in the supply chain. They play an important role in the operation and coordination of the supply chain. Complexity: The complexity of the supply chain is mainly reflected in its structural model. Because the node enterprises in the supply chain may be composed of enterprises at different levels, different types and even different countries, this makes the structure of the supply chain more complex than the structure of a single enterprise. User-oriented: The formation, existence and reconstruction of the supply chain are all based on certain market needs. In the operation process of the supply chain, user needs are the driving source for the operation of information flow, product/service flow, and capital flow in the supply chain. These characteristics reflect the unique nature of the supply chain as a networked, dynamic and complex system. They also highlight the important position of core enterprises in the supply chain and the ultimate user-oriented service orientation of the supply chain.
The importance of supply chain After talking about the concept, let’s look at the importance of supply chain. Why is the whole world talking about supply chain? Why is it rising to the strategic policies of many countries? Let’s see the analysis below. We talk about it from two perspectives, the company and the country.
Importance to the company First, let’s talk about a smaller dimension, the company, and see how important the supply chain is to the company.
Improve the company's operating efficiency: A good supply chain can improve the company's operating efficiency, connecting all links to promote business development. Cost Optimization: Through supply chain management, companies can reduce procurement costs, inventory costs, and logistics costs, thereby increasing overall profit margins. Strengthen company cooperation: Supply chain management helps strengthen the cooperative relationship between the company and its suppliers, improve supplier satisfaction and loyalty, thereby promoting the stability and development of the overall business. Improve customer satisfaction: The efficient operation of the supply chain can ensure that customer needs are met in a timely manner and improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. Improve company flexibility: Optimizing the supply chain can help companies respond faster to changes in market demand and improve the company's flexibility and competitiveness. Reduce risks: Reasonable supply chain management can reduce various risks faced by the company, such as logistics risks, quality risks, price risks, etc.
Importance to the country Let’s move up to the national level and see how important the supply chain is to a country.
1) National economic security Stabilize the domestic economy: Any disruption in the supply chain may lead to production stagnation, which in turn affects employment and national income. Stabilizing the supply chain is equivalent to ensuring economic stability. Prevent external shocks: In today's globalized world, external political, economic or natural disasters may affect a country's supply chain. Countries need to build supply chain redundancy and resilience to cope with these external shocks. 2) Optimized allocation of resources Avoid resource waste: Through the information flow management of the supply chain, the country can understand in real time which resources are surplus and which resources are in short supply, so as to rationally allocate resources. Promote balanced regional development: Optimized management of the supply chain can promote resource complementation in various regions, achieve balanced development between regions, and narrow economic differences between regions. 3) Industrial competitiveness Reduce costs: An optimized supply chain can reduce unnecessary intermediate links, reduce logistics costs, inventory costs, etc., making domestic products more competitive in the market. Improve response speed: Responding quickly to market changes is key to modern industry. Flexible supply chains can quickly adjust production and distribution to meet consumer demand. 4) National security guarantee Strategic material reserves: For some key materials, such as food, energy, medical supplies, etc., a stable supply chain means that these materials can always be guaranteed, ensuring that the country can be self-sufficient in emergency situations. Guaranteeing national defense security: The stability of the military supply chain is directly related to the country’s national defense security. Ensuring the reliability of the military supply chain is a prerequisite for maintaining national security. 5) International trade status Enhance export capabilities: An efficient and reliable supply chain system can ensure high quality and on-time delivery of products, thereby improving the country's export competitiveness in international trade. Attract foreign investment: Optimizing supply chain management makes the domestic business environment more stable and attractive, thereby attracting more foreign-invested companies to enter the domestic market. To sum up, the supply chain is extremely important, ranging from small companies to large countries.
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harunur01780 · 3 months
What is “self-deprecating” culture?
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Recently, on short video platforms, the number of views on the topic of "Crispy College Students" cannot be underestimated. Looking HE Tuber at the label of "Crispy College Students", what is hidden behind it is actually the popular "self-deprecating culture" on the Internet. So, how to interpret "self-deprecating culture" and the group mentality reflected behind it? Let’s take a look at the analysis of this article. Recently, "self-deprecating" hot words such as "crispy college student" and "college student crunchy shark" have quickly become popular and become a hot topic on the Internet. Among them, "Crispy College Student" has a cumulative playback volume of 3.107 billion on a short video platform, with 31.7836 million interactions in the past 30 days; "Crispy College Student" has a cumulative playback volume of 264 million, with 2.8351 million interactions in the past 30 days. As a new top cultural label, behind the "crispy college student", it actually comes from the "self-deprecating culture", let's call it the "self-deprecating body". So how did the "self-deprecating body" become popular step by step? Tencent Media Research Institute dismantled and analyzed this phenomenon, hoping to find out the passwords for some Internet buzzwords! Terms such as "Crispy College Student" and "Crispy College Student Shark" originally originated from Internet buzzwords and are widely spread among college students. It comes from the fact that contemporary college students have become popular with various medical experiences. It can be understood literally, and the focus is on the word "crisp", which is "crisp" and difficult to "kill": there is hypoglycemia and fainted directly in front of the hot pot restaurant; Some people were so upset that they had to go to the hospital because of a pig's trotter meal that had not been delivered for three hours; some people even dropped their makeup powder box and blocked it with their knees, causing patella dislocation. The "outrageous" experiences are paired with funny BGM, which seems to be mocking their fragility and helplessness, but actually reveals the positive mentality deep inside the college students.
The term "crispy college student" became popular, and why the culture of "self-deprecating" became so popular
Internet "self-deprecating" culture refers to the fact that netizens spread self-deprecating, decadent, self-deprecating and other contents on the Internet through diversified methods such as videos, texts, and music, so that they can resonate with netizens and participate in secondary creations to achieve their goal. Give "self-deprecating" culture more entertainment and communication. In 1967, William Stephenson proposed the game theory of mass communication, believing that the core of communication is "spreading happiness", and the "self-deprecating" culture is exactly in line with this communication law , so in addition to "crispy college students", it is "Self-deprecating" hot words such as "crispy worker", "tianxuan worker", "involved person", "final payment person", "post wave", "small town problem maker" and other similar situations frequently appeared, and gradually A "self-deprecating culture" was formed. any people use social media to post "self-deprecating" content to express emotions or share life experiences. Many celebrities and Internet celebrities are also good at using "self-deprecating" to attract fans and increase exposure. These sharing or creative behaviors eventually contributed to the "self-deprecating body". "The popularity is rising.
The structure and characteristics of “self-mockery” style We tried to dismantle the external formal characteristics of "self-deprecating style" from the perspectives of stylistics and linguistics, and found that "self-deprecating style" obviously exhibits economic and rhythmic characteristics, and these characteristics are precisely in the current social network. In this state, it is easier to be copied or even recreated. In short, its creation threshold is lower. Let’s look at it from three perspectives: First, the text structure is simple and easy to understand. The core words of "self-deprecating style" are usually the most common things or phenomena in real life, and the words are combined twice. Although the text structure seems very common, it contains multiple metaphorical features, which is very suitable for the needs of interaction between people in different circles on the contemporary Internet. For example, the popular self-deprecating phenomena such as "payment person", "involvement person", and "worker" all use the simple word structure of "XX person" to create more metaphorical value. Secondly, the sentence rhythm is very strong. If you carefully analyze the popular "self-deprecating" words, you will find that they mostly appear in sentence patterns such as rhyme and repetition. For example, "Shu Shu Literature" is concise and catchy. You can understand its meaning literally. It is also easy to create new creations according to its cultural format. With the extremely fast spread of social media, it is extremely easy to It aroused the collective resonance of netizens and helped the dissemination of the content to a certain extent. Finally, it is replicable and easy to splice. From the perspective of stylistic communication, the replicable characteristics of "self-deprecating genre" on the Internet are very obvious. During the dissemination process, the audience has a very low threshold for accepting information and can quickly complete the secondary creation after receiving the information. With the help of Internet technology, the audience can also participate in the release through voice, text, video, emoticons, etc. This type of genre, with the help of current entertainment communication methods, is highly involved in "self-deprecating interaction", and eventually self-deprecating culture successfully emerged from the circle. Taking "Crispy College Students" as an example, some popular memes and peripheral extensions have been derived, such as "Crispy College Students", "Crispy Workers", etc. This is the communication logic.
The mentality of young people reflected in the culture of “self-deprecation” The emergence of any cultural phenomenon must have the soil for its birth and development. From "workers" to "post-wavers" to "small town problem writers" to the recent emergence of "self-deprecating" culture such as "crispy college students", the main reason is the psychological quality and mentality of contemporary people. Changes have occurred in complex social environments. As social media matures, people face significantly more stress and confusion than in the past. Different from the previous context that encouraged struggle and hard work, today's young people or Internet users prefer to "lay flat", or let themselves "go with the flow" in the general environment. There are more and more users using "self-deprecating" culture to express their emotions and attitudes, so some so-called "memes" began to emerge one after another. "Self-deprecating culture" gradually formed a social code and was widely spread on social media, such as: "In the ocean of knowledge, I am actually a freshwater fish", "The so-called dilemma is: I have forehead wrinkles when I raise my head, and I have a double chin when I lower my head", "Who said I can't play a musical instrument? I can't play well; who Saying that I have no merits and that I am so good at bragging , etc. This kind of expression usually has a certain degree of self-awareness and humor, which resonates with netizens. Social psychology believes that self-deprecation is also a way of being in the world. This "self-deprecating style" appears in the form of entertainment, ridicule, self-deprecation, and self-deprecation to relieve the unnecessary tension of contemporary online youth in social interactions. Of course, this also reflects from the side that the mentality of young people today is generally more optimistic. Perfection is no longer the only option, and self-growth and progress are more important. They have a "despite the unsatisfactory life, although life is helpless, But we can also look forward to the optimistic attitude of poetry and distance. This optimistic attitude makes them more resilient in the face of setbacks and difficulties, and also makes them more positive and optimistic to face future challenges. It is also a reflection of the maturity of the group mentality. It is foreseeable that there may be more similar language forms in the future to express humor and life attitude. Appropriate use can not only make people more actively participate in discussions of social topics, but also express their own opinions and positions. In addition , by teasing yourself humorously, you can not only shorten the distance between you and others, but also increase the trust and frequency of interaction between each other, especially in the context of socializing with strangers.
Conclusion In general, the popularity of "self-deprecating" culture is not a negative expression. On the contrary, it is a reflection of the optimistic attitude of contemporary people. They reflect the younger generation's positive understanding and confident attitude towards themselves, while also demonstrating their thinking and concern for society. As young people become increasingly active on social platforms, it is foreseeable that in the future, there will be more personalized expressions of similar shapes and diverse styles. This is a way for young people to release their life stress; at the same time, it is also a subtle It is a way to express one's emotions and values ​​freely and seek a sense of belonging and identity on the Internet.
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harunur01780 · 3 months
Tool platform to find popular materials
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Although the short video content platform is a video  HE Tuber content presentation form, you must know the link-to-text function. It is to transform the idea of ​​searching for popular content on image and text platforms into searching for popular videos with keywords in the short video platform, and then convert the popular video materials that meet the requirements into text to get the content text.
Uncle Qi took the short video platform-Xiaohongshu platform as an example↓↓Open the Xiaohongshu app directly, and then directly search for keywords or hot words in the field.
Then click the filter button to display the results according to the most popular and video filtering conditions; then collect the popular video links that meet the requirements to the off-site explosive library.
Then use the short video tool Qingdou APP/Qingdou WeChat applet to convert the required popular content materials according to the creative direction into video links and text, and then conduct secondary creation based on these content texts.
Short video platform
While you are collecting popular content on the WeChat site, you can also use tool-based platforms to collect popular content materials at the same time, such as hot list platforms and self-media tools.
Real-time hot list
Basically, a hot list website covers the current hot spots of dozens of content information platforms.
Here Qi Shu takes the real-time hot list platform as an example↓↓
This is the homepage after logging in. You can see the real-time hot information classification of different platforms. Clicking on the corresponding hot title will jump directly to the original content URL, making it easy to quickly collect the corresponding hot list content.
Yi Zhuan
Yizhuan is also a tool often used by many self-media people. Among its functions are hot article materials-the self-media library function; the library has millions of hot content materials in various content platform fields.
It contains data from Toutiao, Baijiahao, Sohuhao, NetEase and other platforms, and each field is separated, so you can quickly search and view the hot items in a certain field.
It can also search for popular content materials based on specific platforms, field reading volume and other conditions, and also supports the export of document data in Excel tables.
5118 website
The 5118 website is not only a keyword mining tool, but also gathers information from mainstream content platforms. It’s also a content marketing tool commonly used by Uncle Qi. Most of them can be searched through core keywords to find the hot content material resources you want.
For example, if you want to collect popular questions about pensions on Zhihu, you can go directly to the Zhihu TAb page on the 5118 platform, then enter "pension" in the Zhihu title, and then click search to display the results.
Then, we will comprehensively screen out satisfactory popular content materials according to the topic, recent reading volume and other dimensions. Unfortunately, the 5118 website has too many functions and the pages are complex. Newbies generally don’t know how to use it... but if you look carefully, there are basically functional tutorials on the site. , you will get it slowly by watching and doing it.
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harunur01780 · 3 months
Benchmark account homepage
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In the process of manually scanning the recommendation positions and searching for keywords in the field, I believe you have also accumulated a lot of benchmarking accounts. Then you can  HE Tuber go to their homepage and follow the clues to find other types of popular content and topic materials to collect.
But for these benchmarking accounts, Uncle Qi suggests that they should be classified↓↓
for example:
Not long after the new registration, new low-fan accounts with explosive posts appeared.
New registration and update are new accounts that have not been done for a long time.
An old account that has been registered for more than half a year and has a certain number of fans will have explosive articles from time to time or the reading volume is very stable.
You can pay more attention to find new accounts in the early stage.
This type of explosive content material must be avoided.
In this type of account field, others can’t get up after updating it for so long, so it’s probably difficult for you to do it again. To put it simply, if you don’t start benchmarking accounts, you don’t have to wade through this muddy water.
Develop a good habit of checking benchmarking accounts every day. By benchmarking the popular content of benchmarking accounts, you can pay attention to the directions that users in the field are interested in, and at the same time cultivate your own sense of content network.
2. Find popular materials on off-site content platforms
When you are not enough to collect popular content materials on the WeChat site, you can also use off-site content platforms to collect popular content materials at the same time, such as graphic and text platforms Toutiao, Zhihu, Jianshu, Douban, etc., short videos Platforms Douyin, Xiaohongshu, Kuaishou, etc.
1. Picture platform-Toutiao
On the Toutiao APP, you can follow the above-mentioned methods for finding popular content materials on the WeChat platform, that is, recommended content locations, search locations, domain channels, benchmark account homepages, etc.
As shown in the picture above, from left to right are recommended positions, channel field page entrances, and recommendations after reading articles. These three recommended positions can be used to directly brush popular content materials in the vertical field. After seeing them, you can collect them and make them popular outside the site. Material library.
Use field keywords or field popular keywords to search on Toutiao, as shown in the figure below↓↓
Let’s first talk about what are popular keywords?
This means that when you search on the content platform and enter the keyword, most of the displayed results will be explosive articles, which are popular keywords. For example, the hot word can be a word related to the field, or a high-frequency word in a certain field, such as "making money", "monthly income exceeding 10,000", etc.
The red framed part of the picture on the left represents the subdivision related content under the keyword content, and the right represents filtering based on the search scope and release time conditions.
However, the trouble is that the search results are not arranged in order of popular content, so it will be more time-consuming for us to find and filter popular content materials.
Then you can use the corresponding crawler tool to solve this problem— Octopus Collector
First we download the Octopus Collector on the computer and open the login↓↓
Then on the following page, copy and paste the keyword search URL on the PC side of Toutiao into the Octopus search box, and then click Start Collection ↓↓.
Then click "Generate Collection Settings" as shown in the figure below.
Then in the data preview area below, delete some unnecessary collection fields, and then click "Collect" in the upper right corner.
In this way, 200 popular content materials were collected. Finally, click to export the data into an excel table on your computer, and then filter and organize popular content materials.
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harunur01780 · 3 months
Find popular materials on the platform
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Are students working in self-media HE Tuber often troubled by the inability to collect content materials and create popular articles? You can read the article below! This is the relevant content compiled and shared by the author on 8 methods for effectively collecting popular content materials. Let’s learn together!
Having been in self-media for a long time, you must know this truth↓↓
Don’t create content blindly for self-pleasure!
If you write whatever you think, there is a high probability that the published content data will teach you how to behave...
After all, algorithm recommendations and users’ votes for your content determine the final fate of your work.
There is a consensus in the self-media industry.
Learn from popular content in the same field or even across fields to create account content.
Therefore, the method of collecting materials for popular content is very important. If there are many methods, you will not be short of potential popular works, nor will you not know what to write every day...
Especially in the writing of popular AI public account articles this year, the requirements for the ability to collect popular content materials are even higher! Otherwise, if your account updates a few articles a day, where would you get so much content material?
Uncle Qi has been fortunate enough to communicate with many big names in the field of popular public accounts. Seeing that some of the popular accounts they have created basically post about 4 posts a day, and they can post almost 100,000+ posts every other day. I can only sigh that it is really amazing. You can also choose an account...
When it comes to collecting popular content materials, most of the big guys have their own unique collection methods, so they can update 4 articles every day. After all, if you don't update every day, you will lose at least several hundred...
As for second-generation content, it is basically assisted by AI writing tools, so the efficiency and production value can be so high!
Uncle Qi is also a studious person and is curious about the way the big guys collect popular content. Is there anything special about it?
The boss also readily revealed a lot of practical and practical information; after the exchange, he not only learned some new ways to collect materials for popular content, but also learned some details about screening popular content.
In fact, if you have a problem that you cannot figure out, it is best to consult colleagues who are doing well in the industry. Especially if you understand the principle of value exchange, most people will not reject you. Next, Uncle Qi will share 8 practical methods in 3 categories for collecting popular content materials for personal use and secret learning. They will be introduced one by one from easy to difficult (applicable to all content recommendation algorithm platforms, and public accounts are used as examples below) .
8 ways to effectively collect hot hit content materials
In addition to the hot spots across the entire network, it is recommended that any content platform you build give priority to popular content materials in a certain field of the platform. After all, the user preferences of each platform are different, and the corresponding content preferences are also different.
Then there are the following methods to collect popular content materials from public account platforms:
Recommended location of public account
Especially for creators of popular public accounts, you must be clear about the recommended locations of public accounts, so that it will be very convenient and fast to find popular content materials.
For example, the places where you can find more explosive content materials are the places recommended after reading the article, taking a look, and reading-recommended.
written by Uncle Qi, which lists it in detail.
By hand-swiping these recommended locations, the hot-selling content is registered into the material library to facilitate later calls.
↑↑Create a form like this. It is recommended to use Tencent Smart Document/Feishu Cloud Document to facilitate recording at any time. Cultivate the habit of brushing popular content in recommended locations every day, set a goal for yourself, and collect 3-5 popular content libraries every day.
Search on WeChat
After determining the field we want to work on, we can directly search for keywords in related fields, and then find some explosive content materials and potential benchmarking accounts with keywords in the field.
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harunur01780 · 3 months
Unclear goals and user purchase path
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On the loan application page , bank card authentication has been completed. In the collection and repayment account HE Tuber item, the logo of the bound bank + bank name + bank card last number are displayed so that users can clearly understand it. At the same time, the gray prompts the user that "the account will be received within 30 minutes normally", informing the user that the account will be available in a short time, so place your order quickly! I want a discount item, which helps users select existing discounts by default, making users feel that ordering at this time is really worth it! Home page where the first order is to be placed In the most eye-catching banner position on the homepage, the white "Borrow Money Now" button on the right side creates a strong contrast with the blue background, highlighting the main functions. The "Today's Welfare" message at the bottom of the card has "200 yuan" and "2 issues" in bold red letters, telling you that it is really a good deal now, so hurry up and borrow money! Target clear user purchase path Mall page-search & category navigation For users with clear purchasing goals , the APP provides a search bar (area 1 on the right) and a category navigation bar (area 2 on the right) at the top of the mall tab page, which is also the most conspicuous place. Such users can directly search for specific products or click Product classification to enter the product details page and transaction page to quickly complete the shopping process. Comparison steps APP homepage-activity floor & application progress floating floor/product page-activity floor A purchase entrance is provided for users with unclear goals : at the bottom of the homepage is daily flash sales; at the top of the product page, the banner displays a series of preferential activities, as well as the golden autumn interest-free season, daily flash sales, brand area, etc. below. Provide users with a reason to buy - limited time, special price, flash sale, interest-free, free gifts, etc. Create a sense of urgency : “Daily Flash Sale” activity: The red real-time countdown text creates a sense of urgency for shopping, and the comparison between the original price and the rush price in the product list attracts users' attention. On such a page, users will feel that the products are very cost-effective. If they do not place an order quickly, there will not be such a big discount after the next day. Therefore, users are more likely to place an order, and the conversion rate of Anyihua will be improved. Activity details page
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harunur01780 · 3 months
Contact information
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On the loan application page, except for the collection and repayment account, which needs HE Tuber to be added manually by the user, other options have default filled values, reducing the user’s consideration time and decision-making costs [ Hick’s law is applied here: the more choices a person faces, the more decisions are required The longer it takes] The red dot prompt for the collection and repayment account item highlights the specialness of this item so that users can see it faster. Add bank card: Click Add in the collection and repayment account column to jump to the add bank card page. Let’s talk about 10) here. Upload ID photo Click Submit on the loan application page to jump to the upload ID photo page. The shield icon under "Identity Information" + "Promise to consume immediately and strictly protect your privacy security" tells users not to worry about privacy security. Below the shooting frame, small gray words such as "No reflection and no flash" inform users of correct operation to improve the pass rate. The light blue area "I don't have my ID card with me, remind me to upload it later" supports the reminder function for users who do not have their ID cards to remind them to upload their ID cards in time. The exit page also has a secondary retention pop-up window, which is consistent with the exit logic of adding a bank card and will not be repeated here. Loan application page After uploading the ID card information, you will automatically jump to the contact information page. By default, it helps users choose their monthly income, reducing the user’s selection time. Fill in the contact information and support selection from the address book, which provides convenience for users. Users can also manually fill in their name and mobile phone number. There is no force that users must choose from the address book. Click on the upper left corner to return and retain the user for the second time. The titles "Please don't leave", "As fast as 1 minute" and the current progress bar tell users that it will be completed soon! The continue button is strengthened at the bottom and the leave button is weakened. Add bank card After uploading the contacts, it will automatically jump to adding a bank card. For user convenience, OCR is supported to extract bank card information. For the convenience of users, information about supported bank cards is displayed, allowing users to more accurately determine which credit card can be added. The "7+-2" principle is followed here For the situation where the bank card is not with the user, guidance on checking the card number is given to increase the possibility of the user adding a bank card. The 'Next' button at the bottom is highlighted in blue to encourage users to take the next step. On the add bank card page, click the upper left corner to return to retain the user for the second time. I won’t go into details here. SMS verification: After the bank card number and mobile phone number are verified and matched, a picture verification code will pop up on the page and the user must enter it manually for confirmation. The graphic verification code is used to distinguish between human operation and machine operation. This operation function is added to prevent hackers or other malicious people from conducting software attacks. Uncontrolled acquisition of SMS verification codes results in a waste of costs on the SMS platform, generates bad data that is not registered manually, and leads to chaos in the backend management system. The addition of graphic verification codes is to make everything more secure. After the graphic verification code is passed, you will be redirected to the page for obtaining the SMS verification code. The SMS verification code is used to confirm that the mobile phone number belongs to the user, to prevent criminals from using other people's information to maliciously register, causing bad data to the website, and also causing losses to the mobile phone users themselves.
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harunur01780 · 3 months
Identity authentication
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A blue progress bar is displayed at the top of the face authentication successful page, indicating that the progress is 60%. At the same time, the copy HE Tuber shows "It is expected to only take 1 minute, 60%" to inform the user that the process is very fast! The progress is over halfway! It'll be done in no time. The 2s countdown is displayed at the bottom, also informing the user that it is very fast and there is no need to wait to jump to the next step. In vivo certification After face authentication, jump to identity authentication. On the identity authentication page, a blue progress bar is displayed at the top, "Estimated to only take 1 minute, 70%", telling the user that it will be completed soon? It's simple and won't take long. During the identity authentication process, two elements of the document are extracted. In order to improve user convenience, Anyihua supports OCR extraction and selection from the photo album. If the user does not have their ID card with them, they can still proceed to the next step. If the user does not want to continue with the identity authentication, a second pop-up window will prompt the user to stay. The blue text prompts "it will take up to 1 minute at the earliest." The current progress bar is about to be completed. Strengthen "continue application" and weaken "leave" to inform the user that it will be completed soon! Just a little bit closer! Due to regulatory requirements, it is necessary to retain photocopies of the front and back of users to conduct financial business. It is not enough to extract only the portrait side to carry out business. In other words, before the user officially opens the account, the national emblem side still needs to be completed, but it is just the This step is hidden behind, see (6) Quota Approval Passed During the OCR recognition process, if you gently block part of the information with your finger, it will not be recognized and you will not be able to continue with the next step. The conversion rate of this link will be greatly affected by the OCR technology itself. When performing two-factor verification, the system will do a basic verification based on ID card rules. For example, if the ID number you fill in does not comply with the rules, it will prompt "Enter the correct ID number." If the ID card date is less than 18 years old, it will prompt "The age does not meet the requirements and cannot continue to apply." Restrict users who do not meet the requirements from continuing the process and reduce costs.
Set transaction password After the identity information is authenticated (only the face of the person is scanned at this time), click Agree and Confirm to jump to the page for setting the transaction password. A blue progress bar is displayed at the top of the page, "Estimated to only take 1 minute, 80%", telling the user that it will be completed soon. (Why not put the credit authorization directly after the identity authentication but jump to setting the transaction password? Compared with credit authorization, setting a transaction password first reduces the anxiety of the user's identity information being leaked. Secondly, setting a password is very simple and easy to operate, reducing the possibility of the user interrupting credit and prompting the user to enter the next step of the process. At this time, the overall progress 80%, providing users with a kind of psychological comfort and relieving anxiety. Credit investigation authorization After setting the transaction password, it will jump directly to the credit investigation authorization. The entire page displays the content of the agreement, with a downward sliding arrow at the bottom to guide users to further scroll down to view the content of the agreement. After the page counts down for 3 seconds, the consent button at the bottom is highlighted to highlight the core functions and guide users to click to agree. Quota approval is in progress Credit investigation authorization successfully jumps directly to the limit approval process. Pictured on the left: The quota is being approved. A 20-second countdown appears on the right side of the middle of the page, informing the user that the quota will be approved soon. At the same time, the loan and repayment tips are displayed in a carousel below the 'Amount Approved' section to reduce the user's anxiety about waiting. The last line of small gray text prompts the user to verify the bank card information first, and then withdraw money after supplementing it, guiding the user to complete the credit information. Right picture: After the 20s countdown ends, the user is reminded that the process is about to be completed and please do not leave; the user can continue to complete the bank card information supplement by staying on this page. Quota approval passed On the approval page, the user is prompted to continue to supplement bank card information and identity authentication information. The immediate withdrawal button at the bottom is highlighted to guide users to the next step of the process. Click to withdraw money immediately to display the Yili member pop-up window. The top display shows "the maximum saving for the whole year is 2788" to encourage users to join the membership. The relevant membership benefits are listed below, including 19% off interest, etc., making users feel that membership benefits are worthwhile.
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harunur01780 · 3 months
Registered/not logged in home page
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Home activity floor/mall activity floor - View activity details - Enter the product details page - View HE Tuber activity details… - Enter the product details page - Add to shopping cart - Installment payment and a series of iterative processes So next, we analyze how each link improves the conversion rate according to the user's loan or purchase process. Open the APP-Registration/Home Page-Face Recognition-Identity Authentication-Set Transaction Password-Credit Authorization-Limit Approval in Progress-Limit Approval Passed-Loan Application-Complete ID Card Photo-Upload Contact Information-Add Bank Card Information-Loan Application Page-Bill of Lading Open the app Privacy popup: After the installation is completed and you open Anyihua, the first thing you see is the privacy pop-up window (pictured left). In order to improve the pass rate, the agree button has been visually strengthened, the disagree button has been weakened, and the text explains "In order for you to use the various functions of our App normally, we need to process your personal information", and "We will strictly keep and use it prudently" Your Information” to lower users’ defenses. For users who click "disagree", a pop-up window will appear for secondary retention (picture on the right). If the user continues to select "Disagree, continue browsing", there is no forced exit and the user is allowed to continue browsing. After agreeing to the privacy policy, you will enter the product homepage as a guest by default. [The design of the agree button applies Fitts' law: the bigger the target, the shorter the time it takes] Start page: The entire page is centered on the Anyihua brand logo, with elements of IP small motors and the text "Start for a better future" added to reduce the user's waiting anxiety through the screen opening animation. At the bottom are the small logo and brand name of Anyihua, as well as "Mobile Financial Client Registration" to enhance users' sense of trust.
After the user agrees to the privacy agreement, a registration/login pop-up window is displayed. The small red bubble highlights the new customer benefits and encourages users to register. The blue button is used in the registration and login process to highlight the "one-click login". In addition to mobile phone SMS login, it also integrates Alipay, WeChat, and Apple login methods. Reduce user login difficulty. [The design of the registration pop-up window position, registration button, and bonus button also applies Fitts' law : the longer the distance, the longer it takes; the bigger the target, the shorter the time it takes] Home page: Use "Hello, new friend" to strengthen the sense of ceremony in the welcome module and guide users to log in. This sense of ritual symbolizes young users’ yearning for a comfortable and beautiful life. Being respected and treated favorably is an emotional need buried deep in the heart. The lively and vivid image of the small motor creates a welcome interface full of a sense of ritual, leaving users with a warm and warm feeling. deep impression. [The bottom navigation of the homepage applies the 7+-2 principle ] The most eye-catching banner position on the homepage adopts the commonly used method in the industry. The display of "maximum application amount" plus "lowest annualized interest rate" stimulates users to enter the next step of the process. In addition, the exclusive benefits on the homepage use newcomer benefits to attract users to log in and view it from the perspective of new users. Face recognition After the user logs in, he or she will automatically jump to the credit granting process. The first step is face recognition, which is used to detect whether the current user is alive and to save real-life pictures for subsequent comparison. Face recognition has always been a link with a low pass rate. Anyihua puts the face link in the front, immediately after the login action, which has some meaning of "strike while the iron is hot": Users who have just logged in are more interested in experiencing the product. At this time, putting some major checkpoint processes in front can appropriately improve the user's pass rate. This is why users will automatically jump to credit after completing the login. page reasons. On the face recognition page, a blue progress bar is displayed at the top, "It is expected to only take 1 minute, 60%", telling the user that it will be completed soon? It's simple and won't take long. The middle part explains the importance of face recognition and things to pay attention to. The small blue text at the bottom indicates the living body agreement. You can click to view the details of the agreement. The red color in the agreement indicates the "Legal Use and Dispute Resolution" section to reduce the user's psychological defense. The blue button at the bottom highlights "Start Verification" in a large area, and FAQs are listed below to help users answer their questions. For users who don’t want face recognition, a pop-up window will appear after the user clicks on the upper left corner to return and exit (picture on the right). The bold blue text emphasizes the safety, reliability, simplicity and convenience of the Anyihua platform, fast lending, and flexible installments to dispel users' doubts. In order to improve the pass rate, the agree button is visually strengthened and the leave button is weakened. Choosing to leave will return to the home page.
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harunur01780 · 3 months
The following are the specific details of the activity of inviting friends to earn cash red envelopes:
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Anyihua has opened a rural revitalization service area to provide diversion and matching services for agricultural entities, increase the exposure of agricultural products, open up export channels, and help farmers increase their income.
Ma Ma Consumption took the lead in HE Tuber establishing the Alliance to Combat Illegal Industry in the Financial Sector (AIF Alliance) to severely crack down on forged cases, forged recordings, forged official documents, etc. As of September 8, it has assisted the public security organs of 28 provinces (municipalities) across the country to accept illegal agency rights protection cases. There were 231 cases to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.
Social attraction
Anyihua uses various rewards to encourage old users to promote to their friends, guide them to the platform for registration, and complete social attraction. Specific methods are as follows:
Reward the inviter with gold coins (the inviter will receive 200 gold coins if he invites a new user to successfully register) to encourage them to engage in social recruitment. At the same time, the platform also provides 28-day interest-free coupons for new users to attract new users.
Reward the inviter with cash red envelopes (the inviter successfully invites a new user and the credit limit is between 1,000 and 2,000, and the inviter receives a 20 yuan red envelope reward) to encourage them to engage in social recruitment. At the same time, the platform also provides new users with a 7-day slow payment of 199 yuan You can use 10 yuan phone fee to attract.
Advanced reward for inviting friends . If you successfully invite a total of 3 friends to borrow money (the first loan amount of each friend within 7 days from the date of credit extension is not less than 2,000 yuan, and no early repayment is allowed for 3 months), you can choose to redeem one 300 cash red envelope (registration is completed through the picture QR code or link)
Possible paths for unclear user consumption are:
Rewards are mainly divided into two parts: basic rewards and advanced rewards.
In terms of basic rewards, with the improvement of the invited user's registration-credit-bill of lading process, the rewards given to the inviter are getting bigger and bigger, prompting the inviter to invite more users;
At the same time, there is a time limit for the use of rewards. For example, it shall not exceed 60 days from the date of successful registration of the invitee (including the same day). If the credit is granted successfully, the inviting person will receive a corresponding red envelope of 20 yuan. If the user only invites pure new registrations, no If you continue to grant credit, you will not be able to get large rewards, which will encourage users to promote the conversion of invitees.
Similarly, rewards for invitees, such as a 20-yuan red envelope, are also subject to a validity limit. Since the red envelope cannot be withdrawn until it reaches 100 yuan, the invitee also needs to continue to invite new users before he can withdraw cash.
Improve conversion rate
After guiding users to the platform through various means, the platform will only be valuable to the platform after the users place orders (that is, convert them into loan users). So how does Anyihua improve the conversion rate?
Anyihua is essentially a consumer loan product. For the consumer finance industry, the North Star indicator is always the number of borrowers and the total amount of loans. All activities must be designed towards this goal, and its interaction design also follows the funnel model. Thoughts and the design of every link are made to improve the "conversion rate".
Users can be roughly divided into: loan users and consumer users. The two user behavior path scenarios are different, so they need to be considered together when designing the page.
Among them, consumer users are divided into users with clear purposes and users with unclear purposes.
The behavior paths of these three types of users are different.
Loans are mainly divided into three stages: pre-loan, loan, and post-loan. Here we mainly talk about the pre-loan process.
Loan user path: Open APP-Registration/Home Page-Face Recognition-Identity Authentication-Set Transaction Password-Credit Authorization-Quota Approval in Progress-Quota Approval Passed-Loan Application-Complete ID Card Photo-Upload Contact Information-Add Bank Card Information-Loan Application Page-Bill of Lading
Clarify the user's consumption path: Home page search/category-search product list page/category page-enter product details page-pay.
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harunur01780 · 3 months
Business value analysis
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Compared with handing out flyers and cooperating with supermarkets, there is no HE Tuber need for printing, rent and other costs. Compared with new media, the time cost is lower. Reduce costs and increase efficiency for merchants by providing technological means, such as AI services such as "Smart Chicken Raising"
Through the above analysis, we can find that compared with other loan consumption methods, Anyihua better meets the needs of fund demanders, fund suppliers, and consumer suppliers, and thus has higher user value for them. This This is also one of the reasons why it can develop smoothly and rise rapidly.
Reduced costs:
Anyihua's core business is consumer loans, and its main source of income is interest income.
An important indicator to judge whether a business can develop healthily is revenue.
Here we refer to the GMV calculation formula, the most commonly used data indicator in the e-commerce industry, to analyze whether Anyihua's core business is healthy.
GMV = number of users * conversion rate * unit price per customer
An increase in the number of users, conversion rate, or customer unit price will have a positive impact on the overall revenue growth, so next we will focus on analyzing the means by which Anyihua improves these three key indicators.
 Increase the number of users
To achieve sustained revenue growth, a steady stream of registered new users is the most basic guarantee. So how does Anyihua attract new users?
(1) Advertising
Online advertising:
Direct advertising through various online channels (such as Baidu search engine advertising, Douyin, WeChat Moments promotion)
Settled in the service platform (such as Alipay service window, WeChat official account, etc.)
Cooperating with mainstream media (joining hands with "Southern Weekend" to promote joint documentaries)
Cooperate with other brands for promotion (jointly with Qianshan to launch gift boxes)
Initiate/sponsor event promotion and other means of publicity
Offline advertising:
Distributing leaflets in public places
Promote through public transportation (such as launching a public welfare video on the Shenzhen Metro)
Cooperate with supermarkets and stores (such as Chongqing Department Store, Wumart, and China Mobile stores)
Cooperate with other brand merchants for promotion (such as joining hands with Wanglaoji to send cool drinks)
Initiate/sponsor promotion activities (such as assisting rural revitalization, financial knowledge promotion and education activities, etc.)
(2) Offline promotion
Conduct nationwide promotion through cooperation with local promotion platforms to guide new users to obtain credit
(3) Word-of-mouth communication
Word of mouth plays a very critical role in attracting new customers.
The platform provides users with loan and installment services. If the platform not only meets the needs of users, but also has a lower cost of use, a very good product experience, and wins user recognition, it will easily form word-of-mouth communication through customer reviews and social media posts. Increase brand awareness and reputation through word-of-mouth and other methods. Anyihua has made a lot of efforts to this end, and the results are very good. It is because of its good reputation that it has become popular on the Internet.
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harunur01780 · 3 months
Meet the needs of capital suppliers
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Loan cycle: Anyihua's approval of HE Tuber and loan is relatively fast. Customers can obtain loans in a shorter period of time. It generally takes 1 to 3 working days from application to approval, which is faster than the bank's approval process. Low cost of use: The application process is relatively simple. Customers only need to provide some basic personal information online to apply, which is simpler and faster than the bank's offline process. Fees are more compliant than non-standard private loans Number of loan periods: The number of installments supported is 3/6/9/12. Compared with credit card borrowing period, the loan period is longer and the loan period is more guaranteed than that of acquaintances. Platform compliance is guaranteed: It is a credit brand under Ma Ma Consumer Finance. It has a consumer finance license and can carry out small consumer loan business nationwide. Its compliance is guaranteed. The disadvantage is that compared to banks, the interest rate is not advantageous. In general, compared with other platforms, Anyihua has the advantages of low application threshold, high loan amount, fast loan cycle, and relatively reasonable fees for borrowers. It is an effective supplement to bank channels. which is higher than the amount borrowed by acquaintances. MaMa Consumer Finance provided an overall mobile solution for Yangtze River Bank, built a new customer online loan application, electronic account management, and post-loan management channels, and exported mature online customer marketing solutions to assist through technical means Traditional banks serve the people better and practice inclusive finance. The cooperation between Ma Ma Consumer Finance and Yangtze River Bank represents the new trend of technology-driven financial institutions serving the traditional financial industry - providing technical capabilities to traditional financial institutions, jointly promoting the improvement of financial industry service levels, and ultimately creating better products for users. Service and experience. Compared with real estate developers, large supermarkets, small and micro enterprises, and government cooperation projects, cooperation with Immediate Consumer Finance has the following benefits: Wide range of transactions: Consumption Now has a large user group and high market share. As of May 2023, the number of customers served by Consumption Now has exceeded 100 million. Its business covers 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) across the country, and has helped more than 7 million users create credit. According to records, it has served a total of 31.8 million rural users and 37.78 million county and town users. Compared with large supermarkets and small and micro enterprises, the transaction scope is wider. Large transaction volume: Spend Now mainly provides consumers with financial services such as credit card installment payments and personal loans. The average loan amount per transaction is less than 3,000 yuan, and users can borrow up to 200,000 yuan. Compared with the average single transaction amount of shopping malls and supermarkets, the credit card limit is higher than that of ordinary users. Compared with housing loans and small and micro enterprises, users take consumer loans more frequently. cut costs: MaMa Finance's platform can provide quick review and loan services to help banks improve the efficiency of their loan business. MaMa Finance has a professional risk assessment team and a complete risk management system, which can help banks better assess borrowers' credit risks and thereby better manage loan risks. Compared with large supermarkets, the cost of cooperation is lower. Compared with other platforms, technology helps reduce costs and increase efficiency more prominently.
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harunur01780 · 3 months
Meet the needs of fund demanders
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Compared with other advertising media, the promotional cost of flier HE Tuber advertising should be the lowest. The cost of leaflet advertising mainly focuses on the cost of printing leaflets and the cost of distributing leaflets.
The exposure range is limited and is basically distributed in local public places.
User conversion rate is low.
(2) Cooperate with large supermarkets
Increase sales. Supermarkets are an important part of the retail industry and have a large market share. Suppliers can obtain stable sales channels through cooperation.
The exposure range is limited, and large shopping malls can basically only cover surrounding residents.
The unit price may be reduced. In order to expand market share, supermarkets often purchase large quantities of goods to obtain good purchase prices and require suppliers to lower prices.
Costs are high, rent and management fees are high.
2. Online customer acquisition methods
(1) Place advertisements
Wide exposure range. Advertising spreads quickly and has a wide range of communication. At the same time, it can help consumers understand and understand the trademarks, performance, uses, use and maintenance methods, purchase locations and methods, prices, etc. of various commodities, thereby conveying information and communicating The role of production and marketing.
High delivery costs: Advertising requires a certain amount of capital investment, including production costs, delivery platform fees, etc.
Conversion rates are not guaranteed.
(2) New media
Wide exposure range. Platforms such as Toutiao, Zhihu, Baijia, Sohu, etc. have huge user groups
low cost. Usually only a mobile phone number and a device are needed to create content. Individuals or companies can use self-media platforms to market, sell goods, and build brand influence. It just takes a certain amount of time and effort to create quality content.
Conversion rates are not guaranteed.
In summary, the above four methods each have their own advantages and disadvantages, and none of them can well meet the needs of merchants.
4. Platform
From the above analysis it can be found:
(1) The main problems encountered by loan users include high application threshold, insufficient quota, high cost, short borrowing period, etc.
(2) Banks, as the main fund suppliers, have the need to expand their business
(3) Merchants who are also consumer suppliers also have the need to cooperate to attract more users and facilitate transactions.
So how does Anyihua, as a platform party, better meet their needs and attract them to this platform?
(1) Meet the needs of fund demanders
Compared with credit cards, large bank loans, and loans from private acquaintances, the benefits of using Anyihua to borrow money lie in the following aspects:
Low application threshold:
Anyihua usually does not require customers to provide mortgages and guarantees, and only needs to provide basic personal information to apply.
In the process of serving people with lower incomes, Anyihua firstly makes full use of big data technology, deeply mines user data, establishes user portrait analysis, and establishes an inclusive financial model and supporting risk assessment mechanism; secondly, it strengthens digital and intelligent operations, and through The digitization and intelligence of the entire business chain improves operational efficiency and capabilities. Based on accurate customer portraits, it provides differentiated, personalized services and risk pricing for users in different scenarios, and integrates small-amount decentralized, unsecured, and pure credit consumer finance. The service extends to third- and fourth-tier cities, counties, towns, and rural areas, covering consumer groups with missing credit records and blind spots in traditional financial services. Bank loans require personal credit assessment, and banks cannot conduct risk assessments on personal credit if the credit report is blank. However, Anyihua has an advantage in this regard, and users are more likely to pass the review.
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harunur01780 · 3 months
Government cooperation projects
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Transaction frequency is HE Tuber high, with nearly 70% of residents visiting supermarkets at least once a month, and more than 30% of residents going to supermarkets for shopping between 1 and 3 times a month.
Reduce marketing costs.
The time cost is low. The minimum interest-free period for a credit card is 20 days, and the maximum cannot exceed 56 days.
The trading scope is small, and large supermarkets basically cover nearby residents, so their influence is limited.
The single consumption amount is small, and the user's single shopping consumption amount is generally between 100-1,000 yuan, which is lower than the unit price of a mortgage.
(3) Small and micro enterprise loans
Banks cooperate with small and micro enterprises to provide loan services to small and micro enterprises.
The scope of transactions is large. By the end of 2022, the number of small, medium and micro enterprises in China has exceeded 52 million
The transaction amount is large, and the loan limit for small and micro enterprises is generally within a maximum of 3 million or 5 million for a single transaction. If it is a small and micro enterprise business loan involving mortgage, it is based on the value of the collateral. Generally, the maximum single loan is within 20 million or 2,500. The loan amount for small and micro enterprises is higher than the unit price of consumer loans for supermarkets.
The frequency of transactions is high. In the face of economic fluctuations and market changes, small and micro enterprises need to adjust their strategies at any time to remain competitive and need to apply for loans more frequently. According to a major survey report released by WeBank Huang Zhengchuan, small and micro enterprises within one year The average number of borrowings is 2.8 times, and nearly 50% of small and micro enterprise loan terms are between half a year and one year.
The cost is relatively high:
The business operations and development prospects of small and micro companies are relatively unstable, which may lead to an increase in bank non-performing assets.
The loan cycle is relatively long, with nearly 50% of small and micro enterprise loan terms ranging from half a year to one year.
(4) Government cooperation projects
Banks work with government cooperative projects to provide loan services for government projects.
The transaction scope is large, the government is a provider of public services, and has long-term business needs
The transaction amount is large and the investment capital is more than other cooperation channels.
Low bargaining power, such as investment in infrastructure such as transportation and electricity, is a non-productive project.
The capital occupation cycle is long, and the transaction cycle is longer than that of shopping malls and small and micro enterprises.
Based on the above, the above four methods each have their own advantages and disadvantages, and none of them can meet the current needs of banks very well.
3. Consumer and supply side
After the customer group obtains loan capital from the platform, consumption mainly flows into offline consumption scenarios and online consumption scenarios. In offline consumption scenarios, funds mostly flow into consumption scenarios such as food and catering, tourism, travel and accommodation, shopping and entertainment.
In online consumption scenarios, e-commerce platforms are a relatively concentrated entry point for consumption traffic, and digital electronic products are an important consumer category. In addition, home appliances, beauty products, and luxury goods are also product categories favored by consumers.
Consumer finance platforms are generally connected to traffic platforms or brand manufacturers, such as China Mobile, Tencent, Xiaomi, OPPO, VIVO, HP, thinkpad, Vipshop, iQiyi, NIKE, Xinri, etc.
As merchants, their common core desire is to facilitate transactions and maximize benefits. Profit = revenue - cost.
The core needs of sellers are:
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harunur01780 · 3 months
Application threshold (including application process, review time limit, collateral, etc.)
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After meeting the needs of loan users, before the emergence of products such as Anyihua, what are the channels/methods for users to meet their needs?
(1) Credit card
Credit card consumption is a non-cash transaction payment method. There is no need to pay cash when consumption, and repayment will be made on the bill date.
There is no loan period. After the credit card application is successful, it can be used at any time and anywhere.
Platform compliance is guaranteed.
The application threshold is high, and the bank will review the user's income, credit record, identity document and other conditions such as job stability and marital status.
The loan amount is low, usually between 1,000 and 10,000.
High cost of use: Overdue credit cards will incur fees including liquidated damages and overdue interest. (Liquidated damages: A one-time charge, the charge standard is 5% of the unpaid portion of the minimum repayment amount. Overdue interest: 0.5% interest per day on the entire bill; that is, the installment amount is 10,000 yuan, regardless of What is the monthly repayment after the installment? Interest will be charged based on 50,000 of the entire arrears of 10,000 yuan, that is, the interest of 5 yuan per day will increase rapidly. Interest is charged every day, and compound interest is calculated on a monthly basis. If the cardholder has been If you don’t pay off the debt, the overdue interest will still compound.)
The loan period is short, the minimum interest-free period is 20 days, and the maximum cannot exceed 56 days.
(2) Large bank loan
A large loan refers to a loan of more than 100,000 yuan provided by a bank. It is generally used for large-scale investment projects of enterprises. Sometimes it can also be used for personal house purchases or large-scale consumption.
The loan amount is large.
The cost of use is low. Most products of bank financial institutions have lower interest rates than private loans of the same type.
The loan period is long, and the longest bank loan cannot exceed 30 years. Generally, ordinary loans have a maximum period of 3 to 5 years.
Platform compliance is guaranteed
1. High application threshold
There are certain requirements for applicants’ credit, income, provident fund, etc.
There are many procedures to go through, including preparing ID card, household register, work permit, income certificate, real estate certificate and other relevant documents. At the same time, you also need to provide the guarantor's information and proof of the collateral.
The mortgage requirements are relatively strict, such as real estate mortgage requirements: the property can be listed for trading, the property is in a non-mortgage state, and there is a real estate certificate and land use certificate, etc.
2. The loan cycle is slow, and large-amount bank loans generally take 7 to 15 working days.
(3) Loans from private acquaintances
The cost of use is low, and interest is generally not charged, or very low interest is charged.
Low application threshold
The loan amount is not guaranteed
Loan cycle is not guaranteed
Loan term is not guaranteed
To sum up, the above three methods each have their own advantages and disadvantages, and none of them can meet the current needs of users very well.
2. Fund supplier
There are generally two roles for capital suppliers in consumer finance: banks or licensed financial institutions. For example: China Merchants Bank, Bank of China, China Construction Bank. The core business of banks is to absorb deposits, lend loans and deposit interest. One of the common ways to make profits is to make profits through interest rate differentials. The core appeal is to maximize profits, profit = revenue - cost.
Therefore, the core needs of banks are:
(1) Long-term stable deposit-taking, lending and interest-saving (transaction scope, transaction frequency, transaction amount)
(2) Reduce costs (time costs, etc.)
So what institutions can banks cooperate with?
(1) Real estate developers
Banks work with real estate developers to provide loan services to home buyers.
The transaction scope is large, the real estate business is spread all over the country, and residents generally have housing needs, and the business is stable.
The single transaction amount is large, compared with daily car loans, other consumption and other transactions, the profit margin is larger.
Reduce marketing costs.
The capital occupation period is long, for example, the maximum term of a personal housing loan is 30 years.
The transaction frequency is low, and the number of home purchases by real estate customers is mainly concentrated between 1 and 3 times, accounting for the highest proportion, reaching 60%.
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