hazelcrystal · 1 year
what are hide to find but easy to lose? - true freinds
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hazelcrystal · 2 years
A Messed Up Inscident
Characters - Albus Ptter, Lily Potter, Teddy Lupin Warnings - Bad writing, first time writing a fanfiction, cringe
When Lily comes crying to her older brother fo protection
It was a chiily, snowy evening in the gryffindor common room. Albus Potter sat there curled upon a couch, reading a book, shivering from the slight cold winds.
Albus was peacefully reading a book, when footsteps came thundering down from the girls dormitory, and a girl with fiery red hair came, sobing onto Al's lap.
A concerend Albus, immediatley held Lily close to him as she sobbed into his T-Shirt.
"shush flower. Take deep breathes. Beathe with me, slowly." Albus told her. "Now tell me, who bothered my baby sister?"
"Nothing happened, except for the fact that the old, slimy, evil, toad faced, Zachharis Flint cheated on me, with a stupid-goody two shoes Ravenclaw!!" Said Lily, through her sniffs. ( No hate to ravenclaws! I myself am partly Ravenclaw)
Now Albus after hearing this, immediatley had his hand set on his wand, ready to hex that git.
"Hey Lily, It's alright. Everuthing is gonna be alright, okay. How about me and you go sneak to a trip to the kitchens, and have hot chocolate there, Huh?" Al had whispered in her ear.
Lily after hearing this, slightly nodded her head , still cuddled up to him with her head on his chest.
Albus got the Invisibility cloak out from his pocket and once stepped out of the common room, covered both of them with it.
Albus and Lily made their way towards the kitchens, hearing the potraits gossiping amongst each other.
Once they reached, the tickled the pearto let them in, and were greeted by the house-elf named Goldy. Goldy has know the potter and weasley kids ever since they have come to hogwarts. The clan keep sneking in the Kitchens after curfew.
Albus and Lily took a seat next to eachother, while asked Goldy if he could bring them 2 hot chocolotes.
Now, after sometime, Albus asked Lily "So, tell me, how and exactly why did that jerk do to you."
"He had asked me out ona date today, and we were supposed to meet at 4:00 pm. But as I waited under the tree near the black lake, he didnt show up" Rememberd Lily in a cracking voice. "I went looking for him after 30 min or so, and found him snogging another girl. When I confronted him, all I asked him, what about us. So he repleid that he didn't want to be in a relationship with a freak, short girl. So I had punched him and then hexed him."
"Wow Flower!!" An astonished Albus said, after drinking a sip from his drink, "Well, That explains your bloodied knuckles. Well, guess what, he is a toad faced prat who just lost the one thing that made him sensible. If he doesn't understand how amazing you are, then nothing can get past his thick skull. Just be Lily Luna Potter-who doesn't give a damn about anything!"
"Thanks Albus, and I didn't know you would think that about me!"
"Well Lily, what can I say? Some things are meant to be spoken at the right time. Well I guess we should finish this fast, we have classes tomorrow"
"Yeah, we should. Thanks Goldy, they were delecious!" Said Lily as they were about to go.
"Always Welcome. Goldy Is always happy serving his friends. Goodnight "
"Goodnight Goldy" Replied both Lily and Albus in sync.
As they made their way towards the Common room, A voice stopped both of them. They both freezed at their spots because, they were confused as in who could see them, even under the Invisiblity cloak.
"Hold up. I know someone is there. If you dont show yourselves then I'll deduct 40 points from Gryffindor."
Lily and Albus both from under the invisibility cloak glanced at each other before breaking into smiles after hearing the voice of none other than....Teddy Lupin.
They both revealed themselves to their Professor/God Brother.
"Ha! I knew it was the two of you. I have gotten quite good at detecting Uncle Harry's famous invisibility cloak, from pratically witnessing your pranks " Said Teddy "Where were you two?"
"You promise you wont scold us" Said Lily
"Well, that depends" Replied Teddy
"We were comming back from-uh-the kitchens. Lily had a bad day so I thought I could get her cheered up after having some hot chocolate".
"Oh, well in that case, I could excuse it for this one time ONLY! But next time something like this happens, you are comming sraight to me, okay?"
"Fine" The two siblings replied.
"Ok, Now you , go up to bed. You have classes tomorrow. Oh, and Albus, I need to have a word with you."Said Teddy
"Ummm, ok " Albus replied hesitantly.
As soon as Lily left, Teddy came into a protective brother mode and asked Albus " Now what exactly happened to Lily?"
Teddy after hearing everything from his younger brother, decided to deal with that prat, who made his sister cry, later and requested Albus to keep an eye on her from now. Not wanting her to cry over a thing like this again.
"Of course I will. It crushed my heart Teddy, seeing her cry like that." Replied Albus
"Take care. Goodning Albus" And Teddy pulled him in a warm loving hug
"Goodnight Teddy"
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