healing-with-chaos · 7 months
A rather large wave was given back as Santino began to speed up just a bit as she walked down the faded path, carrying a basket of various flowers adored with twine to keep them together and prevent them from falling out.
“Since when have I been a stickler for appearances?” Santino teases while approaching closer, looking rather happy as she held the basket close with a tail sway behind her.
“I heard through the grapevine you were cleaning and maintaining the graves once again so I thought I would stop by to offer some flowers to adorn them with! Scrybe of Healing has to pay tribute to the dead still~!” A happy chuckle could be heard.
“Plus I brought some lemons for a certain pirate of yours~”
Tea and Chatter (Grimora Open Rp/Interaction)
Please make sure to read rules before interaction ..............................................................................................................................
The isle of the dead was always a lively place. Something one wouldn't have really expected given the residents that live there. But for those who resided there, they always found something to do during the day. For some it was haunting crypts, others it was playing cards, or having tea. But for the caretaker of the land; Grimora work is what always kept her busy.
As a Scrybe she always had new epitaphs to turn into cards, a new meeting to attend or appointments to keep. Yes she had her free time of course but she always liked to make of the most of the bright sun filled hours of the day before resting. There were a number of task she needed to get done throughout the week, but for today she decided to spend some time outside, and tend to cleaning up some of the graves that resided near her crypt.
Rain, dirt, and other natural elements always did a number on tombstones, and the flowers that adorned some of the graves needed to be rotated out for fresher ones. And of course there was always a new grave to dig for some creature. But today, she focused on the cleaning part. Busying herself with pulling weeds, wiping down tombstones and plaques, and changing flowers. Others have offered to do the work for her but she always preferred getting her hands dirty herself. And saw it as her responsibly to make sure every spirit under her care rested comfortably. And today was the perfect day to maintain that duty.
Though the sun was high in the sky the overcast of clouds and cool autumn breeze keeps her from overheating. Allowing her to toil without a care in the world save for the dirt that was caking itself onto her shoes, hands and skirt. "Alright that should do it!" The second item on that list was easy to remedy as she pulls a handkerchief from her dress pocket, using it to dry off her hands the moment she finishes rinsing them off in a bucket of soapy water she brought with her. But the moment she rises to her feet however, something halts her work. Far along the warned down walkway that expanded across her island was a person. She wasn't sure if they were lost, a friend, a foe, or just a visitor because of how far they were. But the that does little to keep her from smiling brightly and calling out to them. Waving to the visitor in a friendly manner as she greets them with a loud warm chuckle.
"Why Greetings! Pardon my appearance I wasn't expecting visitors today! What brings you hear to my little corner of the world dear?"
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healing-with-chaos · 1 year
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thank u @weirdfandomchick for the commission of their inscryption oc :D
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healing-with-chaos · 1 year
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what an interesting development
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healing-with-chaos · 1 year
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healing-with-chaos · 1 year
After a small eye roll she steps a bit closer to him, tail swaying a bit behind her as she spoke.
“Since my normal scale is out of commission I would need to ask that I may possibly use one of yours, that is if you have it.” She requests with a little softness in her voice.
“I certainly have some old scrap metal around my temple and I can assure you they haven’t seen the light of days in a long while so if you want that in exchange I can certainly give you it.”
A Factory Visit (P03 Open rp/interaction post)
(Small note!: I use he/him and they/them pronouns for P03)
In truth P03 didn't understand why they kept this version of Inscryption around. A world separated by various islands each housing their own Scrybe, instead of just his factory. In most if not all other forms of the game he was the one in control. He was the one calling the shots with his great mechanics and perfect RNG. No stinky beast, no ghastly corpses, no meddlesome mages just him, his uber bots and nothing else. And yet for some reason he still chose to keep at least a few versions the same as they once were.
A small part of his CPU chalked it up to him having pity for some of the scrybes. Most of them he could do with out like Leshy or some of the others but there were some he did bond with. And perhaps it was that bond that forced him to give those few he deemed as "alright" some mercy by not burying them under lines of code forever.
"Pesky organic feelings.." He mutters beneath his digitized breath, his blue LED eyes scanning over the stats of his latest set of cards. The stats weren't great..but for filler cards he supposed they would do. He could always test them to make sure, he thought. And that was the same thought that continued to echo throughout it's monitor. Screen transfixed by it's work until the blinding light of the outside world fills the dark room of his workshop.
Tilting his screen up his eyes focus on the silhouette of a person stepping into the dark, their presence somewhat surprising to the bot despite it not showing on his face. His screen only meeting the gaze of his visitor for a moment before he lets out a single glitchy chuckle.
"Hah, didn't expect you to show up." He beeps. "Would you mind shutting the door? It's too bright outside to keep it open"
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healing-with-chaos · 1 year
“That’s what I’ve assumed. Mostly old coding filling itself in to make me apparently part beast. Which I’m incredibly mixed on.” She said as her tail picks back up and her pointed ears tilt back up.
“I want to make it clear I stay away from his tower after my altercation with him. It was one of his students that did it… God which one was it, they had green hat and basically needed to be strapped down until they calmed down.” She said before she inspects her weights again.
“… Like I said I have a favor to ask of you. You don’t have to fulfill it but if you do I may offer to do a trade.”
A Factory Visit (P03 Open rp/interaction post)
(Small note!: I use he/him and they/them pronouns for P03)
In truth P03 didn't understand why they kept this version of Inscryption around. A world separated by various islands each housing their own Scrybe, instead of just his factory. In most if not all other forms of the game he was the one in control. He was the one calling the shots with his great mechanics and perfect RNG. No stinky beast, no ghastly corpses, no meddlesome mages just him, his uber bots and nothing else. And yet for some reason he still chose to keep at least a few versions the same as they once were.
A small part of his CPU chalked it up to him having pity for some of the scrybes. Most of them he could do with out like Leshy or some of the others but there were some he did bond with. And perhaps it was that bond that forced him to give those few he deemed as "alright" some mercy by not burying them under lines of code forever.
"Pesky organic feelings.." He mutters beneath his digitized breath, his blue LED eyes scanning over the stats of his latest set of cards. The stats weren't great..but for filler cards he supposed they would do. He could always test them to make sure, he thought. And that was the same thought that continued to echo throughout it's monitor. Screen transfixed by it's work until the blinding light of the outside world fills the dark room of his workshop.
Tilting his screen up his eyes focus on the silhouette of a person stepping into the dark, their presence somewhat surprising to the bot despite it not showing on his face. His screen only meeting the gaze of his visitor for a moment before he lets out a single glitchy chuckle.
"Hah, didn't expect you to show up." He beeps. "Would you mind shutting the door? It's too bright outside to keep it open"
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healing-with-chaos · 1 year
With a long drawn out sigh she presents the way she inscybes things into cards with her tail flicking more are and more she spoke.
“A certain Scrybe of Magicks decided to pick a fight and used his lovely… Students to try and mess with my weights and got some god awful paint onto these.” She began to explain. “I had to forcefully remove the paint and now these feel incredibly off.”
She presents the weights that showed that they certainly looked like they’ve been sanded and they seemed to be looking rather rough around the edges. Her tail began to droop before she lets out a small groan.
“My normal scales that I use for telling if these weights are off is out of commission. Apparently Leshy needed to use them for the trader. Not like he’s taken enough of me already. Frankly I’m surprised my messed up coding isn’t bugging out more. ”
A Factory Visit (P03 Open rp/interaction post)
(Small note!: I use he/him and they/them pronouns for P03)
In truth P03 didn't understand why they kept this version of Inscryption around. A world separated by various islands each housing their own Scrybe, instead of just his factory. In most if not all other forms of the game he was the one in control. He was the one calling the shots with his great mechanics and perfect RNG. No stinky beast, no ghastly corpses, no meddlesome mages just him, his uber bots and nothing else. And yet for some reason he still chose to keep at least a few versions the same as they once were.
A small part of his CPU chalked it up to him having pity for some of the scrybes. Most of them he could do with out like Leshy or some of the others but there were some he did bond with. And perhaps it was that bond that forced him to give those few he deemed as "alright" some mercy by not burying them under lines of code forever.
"Pesky organic feelings.." He mutters beneath his digitized breath, his blue LED eyes scanning over the stats of his latest set of cards. The stats weren't great..but for filler cards he supposed they would do. He could always test them to make sure, he thought. And that was the same thought that continued to echo throughout it's monitor. Screen transfixed by it's work until the blinding light of the outside world fills the dark room of his workshop.
Tilting his screen up his eyes focus on the silhouette of a person stepping into the dark, their presence somewhat surprising to the bot despite it not showing on his face. His screen only meeting the gaze of his visitor for a moment before he lets out a single glitchy chuckle.
"Hah, didn't expect you to show up." He beeps. "Would you mind shutting the door? It's too bright outside to keep it open"
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healing-with-chaos · 1 year
Santino stood in the doorway, holding her weights in one hand while looking at him with a slightly annoyed expression. She clearly wasn’t happy to be here nor his request to shut the door.
“Do you not have anything solar powered around here?” She said with a slightly annoyed expression on her face and a rather annoyed flick of her tail. “Simply a waste of energy if not used properly.”
She does as she was asked and stepped inside more, shivering a bit as the cold factory air hit her and the door closes, leaving her inside the much darker and colder room. Her ears move back as if it was a cat unsure of its environment.
“I understand why you keep the factory cold, don’t want the factory overheating and or system overheating… That is if I’m assuming things correctly.” She soon said while her tail twitched. “Frankly I could do without the cold.”
A Factory Visit (P03 Open rp/interaction post)
(Small note!: I use he/him and they/them pronouns for P03)
In truth P03 didn't understand why they kept this version of Inscryption around. A world separated by various islands each housing their own Scrybe, instead of just his factory. In most if not all other forms of the game he was the one in control. He was the one calling the shots with his great mechanics and perfect RNG. No stinky beast, no ghastly corpses, no meddlesome mages just him, his uber bots and nothing else. And yet for some reason he still chose to keep at least a few versions the same as they once were.
A small part of his CPU chalked it up to him having pity for some of the scrybes. Most of them he could do with out like Leshy or some of the others but there were some he did bond with. And perhaps it was that bond that forced him to give those few he deemed as "alright" some mercy by not burying them under lines of code forever.
"Pesky organic feelings.." He mutters beneath his digitized breath, his blue LED eyes scanning over the stats of his latest set of cards. The stats weren't great..but for filler cards he supposed they would do. He could always test them to make sure, he thought. And that was the same thought that continued to echo throughout it's monitor. Screen transfixed by it's work until the blinding light of the outside world fills the dark room of his workshop.
Tilting his screen up his eyes focus on the silhouette of a person stepping into the dark, their presence somewhat surprising to the bot despite it not showing on his face. His screen only meeting the gaze of his visitor for a moment before he lets out a single glitchy chuckle.
"Hah, didn't expect you to show up." He beeps. "Would you mind shutting the door? It's too bright outside to keep it open"
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healing-with-chaos · 1 year
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"Oh! Hello agan my friends. It has been some times since I last saw you all. I hope you have been well. My how time flies! If you would like please feel free to stay a while. The others and I would love the company even if it's just for a short question or two." .................................................................................................
I swear one day I'm going to come up with a new image for ask being open. But for now here we go! Ask are open!
As always you can ask questions to the following:
Juno, Scrybe of shadows
The shadows (Bernard, Eira and Alder)
The Scrybes (Leshy, Grimora, Magnificus and P03)
All Minions/ghouls/bots/uberbots/magic students
Freyja (juno and grimora's fan child I made)
And Me: "Misty" Creator of Junoscrybeofshadows blog!
So feel free to ask a question to any of these lovely characters. You cal as send me questions about any head canons I have about any characters, and rp prompts! Can't wait to see what ya'll send!
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healing-with-chaos · 1 year
Bites you <3
She recoils at the bite before she lets out a small chuckle.
“Ah yes, the perfect way to show affection!”
She continues back to her project, happily chuckling as she keeps taking glances back. Maybe she could spare some time just to goof off!
(Hehe thank you! Sorry totally forgot to respond)
0 notes
healing-with-chaos · 1 year
*places your favorite type of cupcake/dessert and a stuffed animal of your choice into your ask box* Holidays around the corner just stopping by to spread some cheer! Happy holidays!
“Ah! How have I not seen this here! Thank you so much and I will enjoy this to their fullest!”
(Hehe sorry just saw this now but thank you so much! Stay safe this holiday season!!)
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healing-with-chaos · 2 years
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Moon dressed like Saturn ll Francisco Sojuel l Guatemala
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healing-with-chaos · 2 years
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inscryptober week 4: holiday!
happy halloween everybody!! i, picked something way too ambitious to draw for this final week lmao; but i wanted to go out with a bang!
my idea for this one was that the scrybes have each brought their preferred subordinates to this halloween party to bob for apples… except in this case the apples are the OLD_DATA lmao; definitely the kind of idea that was probably funnier in my head
i had fun figuring out costumes too!:
leshy’s is kind of a send-up of those creepy old costumes from the ‘30s that just consisted of a large garment and an animal head (in this case an elk), and the angler is a shark (akin to his signature card in act 1)
magnificus is specifically Sword in the Stone Merlin (featuring a fake beard over his real beard) and goobert is just dressed as magnificus lol; he aspires to be like the master!
grimora is your classic witch, and kaycee’s costume resembles absolutely no popular skeleton characters from any recent pop cultural phenomena
p03′s dressed as a cowboy, a c0w80y if you will, because i refuse to believe that the bounty hunters in act 3 don’t indicate some secret cowboy hyperfocus of his, and the dredger is popeye! actually popped out one of his eyes and everything, the absolute legend
this piece was a lot but i had a lot of fun with it! everyone else did such great work this week too, and all month for that matter! hope you guys all have a good halloween ^^
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healing-with-chaos · 2 years
Ooc here but if you have any questions about Santino or anything akin to her please ask! I’d love to sit and chat about her!
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healing-with-chaos · 2 years
“Ah yes pumpkin season! Tell him I’ll happily take those seeds off his hands and anything else, that is if he’s currently not using them! I’d love to have a few squashes and stuff of the sorts in the garden, maybe a few pumpkin themed decorations to annoy P03 if he ever dares come over!” She said with a small chuckle.
“What Halloween plans do the scrybes have this year? I may be holding a small thing with some wine and stuff of the sorts! You’re welcome to visit!”
"It is Leshy's fault for giving you that totem. You would have thought he would have seen it coming. Especially considering how you practically beat him with squirrles and insect cards alone. " "And now you have an army of little friends now because of it, It's rather amusing if you think about it. Either way i hope you have been well my dear friend! How have things been for you as of late?" --Juno @junoscrybeofshadows
“Ah yes my army of squirrels! I feel like I should fill in our fellow scrybes about my triumphant victory against the Scrybe of beasts!” She said with a chuckle and soon brushes excess dirt off of herself.
“As for myself I’ve been relatively good! My scale and weights still working just fine but I may need to visit P03 for a recalibration of said scale. My weights are on point still! but I need precise measurements! And for you Juno how have you been? Shadows treating you well?”
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healing-with-chaos · 2 years
"It is Leshy's fault for giving you that totem. You would have thought he would have seen it coming. Especially considering how you practically beat him with squirrles and insect cards alone. " "And now you have an army of little friends now because of it, It's rather amusing if you think about it. Either way i hope you have been well my dear friend! How have things been for you as of late?" --Juno @junoscrybeofshadows
“Ah yes my army of squirrels! I feel like I should fill in our fellow scrybes about my triumphant victory against the Scrybe of beasts!” She said with a chuckle and soon brushes excess dirt off of herself.
“As for myself I’ve been relatively good! My scale and weights still working just fine but I may need to visit P03 for a recalibration of said scale. My weights are on point still! but I need precise measurements! And for you Juno how have you been? Shadows treating you well?”
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healing-with-chaos · 2 years
Santino couldn’t help but give a small laugh at the small child’s response and shakes her head.
“Nothing too serious this time! Mostly how he fumbled up his magic spells and how he embarrassed himself yet again!” She said with a smile.
“I’ll prepare a well shaded area along with some tea and other sweets! We have much to discuss before we get into the real drama, and maybe I can show you the totem that I won from Leshy!”
Ah Freyja how lovely it is to see you! I do have a question for you, would you like to visit my domain during the day? I can have the others bake a nice batch of sweets just for us as we discuss things that happened recently! I do have some drama on Mags of course!
Keep in touch!
- Santino @healing-with-chaos
"Oh wow my first ask how exciting!" The young scrybe in training proclaims with a large and giddy smile. "And from Miss Santino too how nice! Of course I would love to visits, Mother has been wanting to visit you recently as well so perhaps she can come along as well"
When reading over the rest of the ask Freyja's smile falters slightly before sighing
"Oh no, what did that mean old coot do this time? Am I going to have to scare him again for being rude to his students?"
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