henkheidi · 7 months
How did save water yesterday?
Well, yesterday I took short showers and in my house we don't wash dishes because we go out to eat, so I saved water consumption,I also used little water to brush my teeth and finally I used little water to water the plants.
a description,either true or imagined ,of a connected series of events.
Is a story ,often involving magic or exciting events.
Science Fiction:
Science fiction is a genre of fiction in which the stories often tell about science and technology of the future.
Science Fiction Story:
In the year 2040, there was once a quiet day when I woke up happy and decided to have granola and yogurt for breakfast. Until the afternoon arrived, my friends and I decided to spend a quiet afternoon at the pool, when suddenly in the pool, we started to see how the water was reducing, my friends and I got scared and we started to make a plan because we couldn't. Allowing dry water to become scarce then my friends: Stefania, Carlos, Mateo, Valentina, Marcos, Daniel and I (Heidi) came up with the wonderful idea of ​​traveling in time. Then we would travel to the past to the year 2023 to be able to stop the water shortage, as the days went by we were all preparing to go to the past but we realized that we did not know how to travel to the past so it occurred to us to make a portal to travel in time,after this we set a date and time to go on the trip and we began to prepare. Finally, the day and time arrived and we met at the meeting point, we opened the portal and we went to the past. After an hour we arrived at the past, when we got there, we began to have a dialogue as a group and we began to see many problems so we decided to create ways to stop the water shortage. One of the problems we saw is that people waste a lot of water so we decided to create robots so that they can turn off the faucet immediately when water is being wasted, we also saw that people do not use rain as a resource, that is, they say that as long as it rains they can fill buckets of water to reuse that and use it to water the plants, so we decided to give them buckets of water. so that they can use it when it rains so that people can reuse the water, we also hold talks so that people raise awareness about caring for water, we even give away books so that people learn what would happen if water continued to be contaminated. In addition, together with the government, we improved sewage systems to curb water waste. On the other hand, once we accomplished our mission, it was time to leave, so we prepared to return to the future. but when we returned to the future the portal did not open, we could not cross it, we were very worried so eventually we had to think of a solution, and it occurred to us to seek help from a scientist because we didn't know how to open the portal, so we went in search of the scientist “a witch had closed that portal because she wanted the water to continue being contaminated”
I: “Is there a solution to break the spell?” Scientist: “Yes, I will give you some cookies to break the witch's spell”
And Finally, we ate them and in brief we went to the future
Finally, when we reached the future, we realized the great renaissance we caused, people began to raise awareness and water stopped becoming scarce therefore the world began to be happy we are proud that justice has been done to water so to celebrate my friends and I. We decided to buy sushi, do karaoke and my friends decided to do a ballet show to celebrate our great achievement and from then on, they made us paparazzi and people started to love us.
Story. (2023). https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/story#google_vignette
(S/fb). Collinsdictionary.com. Retrieved October 14, 2023, from https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/tale
Definition of Science Fiction. (s/f). Readwritethink.org. Retrieved October 14, 2023, from https://www.readwritethink.org/sites/default/files/resources/lesson_images/lesson927/SciFiDefinition.pdf
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