huaseok · 3 years
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Kim Hwan; a very wholesome person. 💕
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huaseok · 3 years
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You are not denying that you are in love with her. You are just saying that you must not love her.
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huaseok · 3 years
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↳ and I assure you I will ship it until my dying breath. (insp.)
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huaseok · 3 years
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Wang So’s complex thought process when looking at Hae Soo. (insp)
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huaseok · 5 years
some fucking resources for all ur writing fuckin needs
body language masterlist
a translator that doesn’t eat ass like google translate does
a reverse dictionary for when ur brain freezes
550 words to say instead of fuckin said
638 character traits for when ur brain freezes again
some more body language help 
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huaseok · 5 years
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Man Weol after learning that Chan Seong could be Choeng-Myung
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huaseok · 5 years
There are so many comments saying they either don’t like Jin-goo as CS, or they don’t feel there is chemistry between him and IU. Or both.
The funny thing is I disagree???? Their chemistry may not be STEAMY and intense, but I think that’s the point. Their relationship isn’t meant to be this GRAND love, but a softer, silent strong love that acts as a catalyst to forgive each other. Both actors imo, portray this very well. Admittedly in many moments and scenes, IU outshines Jin-Goo, but that’s kind of the point? He’s not supposed to be this sexy attractive man who steals her heart again. His character isn’t supposed to outshine her but rather, make her light shine brighter. I love that JinGoo is really good at letting IU’s character take the lead. The chemistry is there, it’s just a different kind of love and when you have it alongside this EPIC TRAGIC shakespearean style romeo/juliet romance then yes, it’s gonna feel flat. But that’s the whole point. You don’t always need a EPIC ROLLERCOASTER ROMANCE, sometimes it can be just someone who simply put, makes you want to be better and is a catalyst for healing. It’s supposed to contrast each other, you’re supposed to see the stark difference in their relationship. The two boys being so different is how Man-Wol can tell them apart, which has become a very significant part of the story.
The deities are invested in their relationship for a reason, because they need each other. They compliment each other and are each others equal. They influence each other to be better versions of themselves. Man-wol encourages Chan-sung to be courageous without losing his vulnerability, values, and morals. Chan-sung challenges Man-wol’s tough exterior, her coping mechanisms, but still accepts/respects the person that she is. Their entire relationship symbolises new beginnings, hope, and light. CS being the catalyst for MW to let go of her guilt and self-hatred, and vice versa as MW was also the catalyst for CS to let go of his fears.  Yes they’ll do anything to protect each other, but CS consistently shows MW that he is not like the man from her past.
The moon tree is a really good metaphor???? for their relationship because that’s what they are to each other. A tree that, whether it’s blossoming or not stays standing. 
I understand why people love MW with CM (chung myung), and I see their chemistry I do. But you know who they remind me of? Romeo and Juliet. 2 star-crossed lovers who were too young and naive for their love to have truly blossomed or been love in the first place. They both thought they had no choice but to doom both their fates by miscommunication, betrayal, and the feeling that there was no other choice. A choice they had to live with for thousands of years. I think Man-wol represented the freedom that Chung Myung longed so much to have. She gave him hope that he could escape his life and become someone else. CM staying by her side for thousands of years in my opinion is rooted heavily in his guilt of turning the woman he loved/cared about into a “monster” because he didn’t have the courage to just tell her the truth before he punished himself by dying. It’s almost a cowards way out. In the end, he was the biggest reason the tragedy happened. His choices created it. CHUNG-MYUNG’s love for MAN-WOL turned her into a “monster” for lack of better word. She killed many people because of his betrayal and spent years in self-hatred. CHAN-SUNG would die to protect MAN-WOL from becoming an evil spirit, a monster. Such polar opposites, and I wonder had CS been in CM’s position would he have made the same choices? Because I don’t feel like he would have, and that is what makes them different. Both men would die to save her, but one was okay with betraying her just so she could survive even if she committed crimes.
I’m not sure how the story is going to end, but I stand by Chan-sung and Man-wol because they compliment each other in the best way. 
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huaseok · 5 years
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He was like a family to you. Will you be okay? I won’t be okay. It’s a bit sad.
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huaseok · 5 years
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BTS stans are literally everywhere.
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huaseok · 5 years
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Hotel Del Luna | Jang Man Weol’s hairstyles | eps 1-10
~requested by anon
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huaseok · 5 years
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Bro, it's like 4PM in São Paulo right now and all the smoke made it look like it's already night...city of ashes indeed.
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huaseok · 5 years
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Now it’s time for me to leave. I’m glad you built this little world with me.
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huaseok · 5 years
Your purpose in life is not to love yourself but to love being yourself.
If you goal is to love yourself, then your focus is directed inward toward yourself, and you end up constantly watching yourself from the outside, disconnected, trying to summon the “correct” feelings towards yourself or fashion yourself into something you can approve of.
If your goal is to love being yourself, then your focus is directed outward towards life, on living and making decisions based on what brings you pleasure and fulfillment.
Be the subject, not the object. It doesn’t matter what you think of yourself. You are experiencing life. Life is not experiencing you.
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huaseok · 6 years
“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
— William Shakespeare, All’s Well That Ends Well.
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huaseok · 6 years
“It’s all about falling in love with yourself and sharing that love with someone who appreciates you, rather than looking for love to compensate for a self-love deficit.”
— Eartha Kitt
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huaseok · 6 years
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huaseok · 6 years
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