huggingtentacles · 5 minutes
Honestly invading all the time and being killed by overlevelled phantoms and insane lag makes me sometimes forget that I'm pretty fucking cracked at this videogame in more fair conditions
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huggingtentacles · 1 hour
May I suggest doing what I do to annoying pvp? Which is doing the little twirl dance emote ontop of their bodies. ( i courtesy if they weren’t dicks, it’s not an always thing)
Ya mean like diiiis?
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huggingtentacles · 2 hours
I'm gonna start pointing down at everyone I kill in Elden Ring. Why do I always have to be the change I wanna see in the world. None of these pieces of garbage will ever spare me a "gg". If it hasn't happened in 3000 hours it won't happen ever. And if the positions were reversed, 90% of the time they just t-bag like they just accomplished something by monkey mashing hitboxes my way from 3 different directions. Boo hoo bad red woman invaded my world I'm gonna be a fucking dogshit human being to this player. fuck off
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huggingtentacles · 3 hours
Malenia has a very cool flower theme going for her. I think that would work
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huggingtentacles · 3 hours
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This would fix me
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huggingtentacles · 8 hours
“Dumb questions are encouraged”
Alright Bet.
How do I like. Start!????
How much vigour is recommended? Whats the bare minimum if I’m intentionally playing a glass cannon?
Will people get mad at me if I use Madness (inescapable frenzy n all that. I genuinely just love the whole maddeningly gazing into each other’s eyes routine, The one-shot potential is secondary. but I know that doesn’t matter and even if it did it’s not like I can Communicate that.)
How do I communicate that I’m literally just a silly little guy still figuring things out and to please be patient with me because I’m just trying to have fun
And finally. How do I get over The Fear.
Took me a while to reply because this might be a very important post to a lot of people.
How to start Elden Ring Invasions:
Building your character
Start by making a good build. In all honesty, any build that has 60 vigor (at levels higher than 110) will be at least capable of something no matter how the rest of your stats are spread. If you're a glass canon, always sacrifice your health last. Stamina, mind and unnecessary damage stats can go.
A good build consists of 2 components:
Damage Attributes and Utility Attributes.
Damage Attributes are: Dexterity, Strength, Faith, Intelligence and Arcane
Utility Attributes are: Vigor, Endurance and Mind
A good build has one damage stat if you're going for a pure build, or two damage stats if you're going for a hybrid. 60 vigor is almost obligatory on most builds that are at level 125 and higher. Then you have just enough endurance to carry your armour without fat rolling. The rest is damage stats. If you cast spells you also level some mind.
If you ever need advice with your build, ask away in my DMs!
Will people get mad at me if I invade?
Most won't. Some will. The truth is that as an invader, you are the opposing force in someone's playthrough. You're engaging in competitive multiplayer where you fight another player. And some people just can't take a loss. Your madness build might certainly not please everyone, but let me tell you something: it doesn't matter! Play what is fun for you. Most people are normal about video game encounters, so don't worry about upsetting someone.
How to be silly
Generally, fromsoft players have a sense of humour. They appreciate a funny username and silly fashion. They also understand the importance of improvement.
I remember learning how to play sniper back in Team Fortress 2. To not upset anyone, I just named myself as "I'm practicing sniper" And everyone just understood that I'm aware that I'm not doing well. "Trying my best" is a good name for the character you're going to be invading on. But maybe some jokes are more to your liking. Cosplay builds are all over this game, and they're very memorable encounters!
Do gestures (from a safe distance!) have a silly name, and do your best.
How do I get over The Fear?
Fear of underperforming and dying embarrassingly?
Nobody is judging your performance as an invader.
Fear of upsetting someone?
Dying in Elden Ring is inconsequential, the worst that can happen is a minor loss of runes that are easily found. Don't worry about it. Despite what Redditors will have you believe, most people enjoy getting invaded.
Fear of not being good?
Everyone is bad when they start, it takes a bit of time before you get the hang of it.
Fear in general?
Sleep well, eat well, have a shower, hydrate, have a clean and neat gaming space. It noticeably reduces all negative emotions while gaming, and very noticeably improves your gaming skills. Your physical form affects you more than you think!
If you ever have any questions, feel free to ask!
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huggingtentacles · 8 hours
Elden Ring invasions are yuri
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huggingtentacles · 8 hours
Smoking hot invader in your area wants YOU
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huggingtentacles · 8 hours
Not gonna lie I'm crushing these invasions today, I'm really having fun. Oh my is that huggingtentacles, well slept, well fed and hydrated doing well at something???? who could've predicted that!!
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huggingtentacles · 8 hours
watching your invasions is like a work of art
What can I say, I am Picasso of kicking ass
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huggingtentacles · 8 hours
Every time I invade a duo with matching builds I go "Well well well isn't that the blowjob brothers" I need something like that for when I invade 3 people. Any ideas
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huggingtentacles · 8 hours
This post is from a while ago, and I stand by every word, but jeez, past hugs woke up and chose violence that day. Good for her 😂
thank god for the seamless co-op mode ruining the invasion community's fun. i didnt consent to pvp and now you tryhards cant touch me and my party
My braincells are actively being consumed by the yellow flame as I read this ask. This is the most idiotic shit I've ever received in an ask.
I play on PlayStation so I don't care but the fact that you felt the need to write about how you love the fact that PC invasions get less activity to a random invader on the internet really shows how utterly pathetic you are. What an absolute wet sock of a person. I can feel the bitterness in your words, that you most definitely wrote through the tears, after some guy with moderate knowledge of the game absolutely obliterated your coop. Maybe instead of being a sad loser in my inbox you should've considered, idk, taking a break from the game? Going outside? Getting another hobby that doesn't make you miserable?
And since I've got your attention, allow me to explain something to your silky-smooth brain:
When you join multiplayer in Elden Ring you do consent to invasions. It's in the game's rules. You start cooperative multiplayer = you get invaded. You might try to argue whether it's a good system or not but you can't pretend that invaders are somehow breaking into your game. You've invited them. Stop pretending like you're being bullied when what happened in reality is that you've willingly joined competitive multiplayer and lost.
Go mod all the difficulty out of your game, I genuinely don't give a shit, you've paid money for it, it's yours. Honestly by not wasting invader's time on your pathetic ass you've done them a great service.
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huggingtentacles · 9 hours
Under socialist organisation of the economy Elden Ring PvP would be better.
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huggingtentacles · 9 hours
Soaked in blood, with a broken arm and leg, blood coming down my forehead, barely limping out of the room where I fought 3 guys.
— Not even close baby.
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huggingtentacles · 9 hours
If you ever invaded an Elden Ring, I love you <3
If you ever won an invasion in Elden Ring, you're the bestest ever and you're so fucking cool! 👍
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huggingtentacles · 9 hours
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huggingtentacles · 9 hours
Invasions are intended to be asymmetrical, which means one side has the numbers advantage and the other side presumably has the skill and preparation. So the host gets the phantoms and the invader presumably knows how to play PvP and that's kinda how it's supposed to balance out.
The problem starts when. Like. The host's team might also know how to play PvP.
Like yeah as an invader you'll probably meet PvEers most of the time. Even if together they're dangerous, you could beat them quite easily if separated.
But like. There is literally nothing that prevents someone on the host's team from also being good at PvP.
What happens when there's just a guy on the host's team who you can't beat even in a 1v1.
Invaders are often painted as these mean tryhards that are impossible to beat for a new player (objectively false even in a vacuum) but the invader could be clueless and the phantoms/host could be fucking cracked at the game and there is nothing you could do in that situation because you don't even get a fighting chance in that invasion. Because invaders have no real advantages to leverage aside from sometimes having mobs in the area (which is another whole inconsistent thing)
Anyway. Invaders need a buff.
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