Now screaming (what?)
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by @idontgetanysleep
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Sorry, Wrong Comms! : Hunter x Medic!Reader [Chapter 9]
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Warnings and Information: Intended audience is 13+ (18 if you squint). This one gets a li'l spicy if you know how to read between the lines; also both angsty and fluffy. Should know the drill on my use of Mando'a, italics and my headcanons by now if you’ve been following along with the AU series this far. Star Wars and real-world swearing. Implied use of One Bed Trope in regards to how and where Hunter slept. Body worship (centered for Hunter; Hunter’s body worship for Reader is a touch more… poetic so it is easy to apply to all sorts of fem-coded Readers 🩷). Consent and boundaries are sexy, folks!
Along with more vague references to Med!Reader’s past, which are up to the imagination of you the reader, there’s mention of Hunter’s war service, both canon and fictionalized just for the purpose of the fic. Brief and vague allusions to the experimentation of all members of CF99 at the hands of the Kaminoans and the “really bad mission” Omega mentioned that Tech knew more details of but it’s kept vague so it’s not explicit and gory [I know that’s not everyone’s cup of tea even for the age rating]. References to Hunter’s nightmares about Plan 99 and a strong implication of a *panic attack. Medic!Reader shows off a little more of why she’d be nicknamed a JOAT-med by helping Hunter through it in a healthy way; we don’t diminish feelings here.
Stuff starts getting more lighthearted after Wrecker pulls the third verbal “sorry, wrong comms!” moment of the series. Domestic!Clones content kicking off, be still my heart~
Word-count: 6,260
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“Good morning…” The husky croak of the sergeant’s morning-voice found itself unexpectedly in the shell of the woman’s ear in the morning, both tangled up with the other so comfortably it felt deliberate. Nothing about right now suggested that hesitancy to scooch up beside her on the mattress so she could tend to that headache Hunter developed last night. How, this time, he’d been the one to fall asleep under her hands. His head, free of the bandana he’d tied too tight, settled on the tops of her thighs, his curled brown hair spilling freely across her lap as she’d massaged his head. 
“Mmm… Morning, handsome.”
Handsome indeed… and she thought him resting on his stomach, resting his eyes for just a little… a minute more, mesh'la on the comfortable nest of bedding and pillows on the mattress top last night was something. (The unconscious way he’d found and swaddled the medic’s Tooka doll named in memory of her first pet when she was still awake was nothing short of adorable, for certain.)
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Sorry, Wrong Comms! : Hunter x Medic!Reader [Chapter 7.5]
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Warnings and Information: Intended audience is 13+ (18 if you squint.) **THIS IS PART TWO OF CHAPTER 7.** I needed to cut the chapter in “half” to avoid a massive word count! Should hopefully know the drill about my use of italics, Mando'a and headcanons by this point in the series. Couple of lines throughout both halves get suggestive.
Party shenanigans continue! The birthday presents are described in a vague, general manner to leave it up to your imagination and better fit all manner of hobbies/interests! Sorry Hunter, siblings will be siblings, and that means some teasing/plotting. Mostly Star Wars swearing. Medic!Reader (finally) meets the Captain. Rex being a proud older brother; bonus healthy emotional outlets for everyone! Some accidental eavesdropping leads to discovering how much our broody sergeant worries about getting involved with the Empire (and other things). Tech takes his turn at trickery. Local Man brags/rambles about his family in a confessional love letter like A Weirdo (Affectionate); the way to Hunter’s heart is caring for his brothers and sister. Mild panic and awkwardness. Hints of the writer’s thinly disguised current romantic fantasies? It’s more likely than you think. Someone steps on glass, but no blood! Unintentional sibling “trickery” (Echo’s, referenced from Chapter 3, if you can even call it that) and two counts of very intentional, suggestive teasing during one instance (ten credits if you guess both correctly, five if you guess one right) are also present amid other occurrences of sibling shenanigans.
Word-count: 8,540
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“Start with the smallest present!” Omega called, clambering excitedly into Wrecker’s lap as he barely got himself lowered on the floor after carrying all of the presents into the common area from Echo’s room. 
The medic laughed with a curious brow quirking at the smallest Clone who was the big sister of the Batch, plucking the indicated item off the top of the pile at her feet. It was clearly just a small envelope that’d been swaddled in gift paper at the first feel of things. The gift-giver’s name was a short, illegible smear of ink and all [____] could make out was the general markings of “cresh” of the Aurebesh alphabet somewhere in the middle of it. “Uh-oh, things got more than a little messy I see. I wanna see if I can guess who this is from. Ink smear is a little too short to be Crosshair at least.” She teased, carefully removing the wrapping paper before working her nail under the edge of the seal flap to ease it open. 
“How sure are you about that?” Crosshair challenged all in good fun with a wicked grin over the rim of his fourth different mocktail combination, “While it’s nothing like your’s, I’ll have you know that’s my best handwriting yet, doc.” The sniper’s sarcastic nature was only further spurred on by the exaggerated eye roll and equally-sarcastic yeah-yeah-yeah murmuring of the medic and Hunter pinching the bridge of his nose with a muted sigh before flashing him two hand signals.
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This week is the one year since my best friend passed, so anyone that I spam like, I would like to apologize in advance, I am trying to distract myself. Especially @superiorsniper. because I may or may not have accidentally been binging your account on the things I have missed in the passed few months.
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Love, love, love this so far
Sorry, Wrong Comms! : Hunter x Medic!Reader [Chapter 6]
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Warnings and Information: Intended audience is 13+ (18 if you squint). Tech’s never beating the space!Tablet Kid allegations for this chapter lmao. A couple of lines here and there get suggestive: CF99’S favorite medic friend is deep in thought about the shortest man of all the Batchers today. ;) Should know the drill on my usage of italics, Mando'a and headcanons by now for the series. Passing reference to a little Twi'lek kid being injured in an upsetting/unsettling way (accidental burns from a fusion cutter), but he’s okay! We cry like men in this house because we’ve learned (slightly) better coping mechanisms almost a year after Order 66 in this AU!! Mentions of medical stitches, prescription medication and paraphernalia. Some fluff. Some angst. Mutual pining if you squint. Mostly Star Wars but also real-world swearing. Occasionally jumping character-focus. Observed mentions (by Tech) of Hunter’s avoidant behaviors near the end of the chapter with Tech lying to Medic!Reader so he doesn’t ruin Hunter’s plan.
Word-count: 7,718
Tech was hurrying out the door and down the short stoop as [____] approached, head buried in his datapad like a distracted kid. “Good morning, Tech! Where are you off to in such a hurry?” she tried, amused to see him already so busy with something. Most of the long-term residents of this spaceport would still be sleeping, but here Tech was, already looking like he’d been awake for hours. Well, with exception of Omega, getting up early was still by and large habitual for this band of brothers, she reminded herself. (A war didn’t stop just because you got a little sleepy…)
There was no stopping the bespectacled Clone, he hardly broke his stride as he stepped away from his front door but made sure to greet her over his shoulder to avoid offense. “Shipyards. Docking fee day. Have to hurry before there’s a line. Good morning, [____]." 
Heh. Catch you another time, then, she thought with a laugh. The shipyards didn’t open for another few minutes, according to her wrist device, but Tech and his love of optimization and efficiency didn’t care much for waiting in line. As she watched his retreating figure walk down the street, she could have sworn one of his arms was moving very gingerly, and his gait looked a little stiff. Weird night of sleep and woke up in some uncomfortable position, perhaps? Wouldn’t be the first time, given he’s been reported to sleep in the pilot’s seat of the Marauder when her friends were off traveling, much to the worry of his family. Or maybe he fell asleep at his desk again, tinkering with another project. 
Perhaps, and stars she hoped not, there’d been some concerns with Hunter last night. Wonder how Hunter slept… How was he? Was he awake now, and would she have time to bid him good morning, see for herself that the man she dreamed about last night was, hopefully, okay? 
Mercifully, her dream was not of what had transpired only yesterday. Instead she’d dreamed about that night she must have fallen asleep on the couch rather suddenly when Hunter had taken care of her injuries, and kindly offered to knead knotted muscle and tissue for her in further apologies for rudely rousing her from sleep. Had she and Hunter not been startled awake because of Omega, perhaps [____] would have been able to first apologize for dozing off on him, quite literally, but also thank Hunter for being a good sport about it. If she knew then what was made a little more evident to her just yesterday, she was nearly positive that that night probably brought up a lot of strong feelings for him. Feelings, and certain actions, Wrecker had told her their family’s marksman had made innuendo of.
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NOOO! As a retired band kid, Crosshair plays marching quads (Because he Is cool like that) or marching Mello (Because honestly he's just a king like that, he can play multiple instruments). Hunter defiantly is a trumpet player. You know the trumpet players that is the band directors favorite and always gets the solos and always practicing the screamer notes, He may be the band directors favorite, but everyone else thinks he is annoying.
Calling all Bad Batch/Clone Wars/Rebels fans who are into their orchestral music: in a Mordern AU where the characters played orchestral instruments, what instruments would they play? I’m intrigued. 😂😂😂
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Lil life update no one asked for but here I am: I've been VERY Sick the past few weeks which is why I had been MIA But hello here I am. I also have been working on doing some stuff for my move to college getting ready for my big move. Finally started talking with my potential roommate and she is the absolutely sweetest. I got a message from my dream sorority today wanting me to rush and I have never been so happy, I am beyond thrilled for that. And I officially got accepted into my University's business school! So I am very excited and just know I will have the most fun in College. I have also had my last band banquet tonight and I have cords night tomorrow. I am also an honor grad but I didn't see the email of my invite to honor grad night so I wasn't at that but I am still an honor grad so woo hoo! Life has been great for me recently besides being sick. Anyway, I hope everyone has been taking care. Much love, Me <3
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I cannot stop watching this
A timelapse of an average day in the TBB house.
Ive decided the family has finally moved into a bigger house and now everyone gets their own room. Gonky is still doing well.
Wrecker and Hunter quit their construction jobs, Wrecker decided he was gonna apply to the local fire department. He got hired and is now in their fire academy. Hunter is still looking for work, but is taking the time to spend more time with Omega. (If anyone has any suggestions of what he would be good at let me know).
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When Wolffe meets Omega
Wolffe: looks between Omega and Rex with a stern look
Rex: ….
Wolffe: Rex, who did you fuck?
Rex: W-WHAT?!?!
Wolffe: Did I stutter?
Rex: ….I-
Wolffe: CT-7567. Who. Did. You. Fuck?
Rex: I didn’t-
Wolffe: We TALKED about this! You should ALWAYS use protection! Are you paying child support? Does her mother know about you taking her on dangerous missions? Is her mother still around? Are you a single father? WHO DID YOU FUCK REX?!?!
Rex: Who is still a virgin because he was too busy and dedicated to his job, and too much of a socially awkward penguin to bang anyone. I DIDN’T- SHE’S NOT MINE! SHE’S HIS! points to Hunter
Wolffe: Grabs Rex by the collar Don’t you dare lie to me you little shit!
Wolffe and Rex continue this back and forth while Gregor and Echo are laughing their asses off, Hunter is barely holding in his laughter.
Omega: I like Wolffe, he’s funny!
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Therapy isn’t enough I need to fist fight Dave Filoni
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*a few weeks ago*
Me: "I just realized one day we won't get anymore clone content, what will I do then"
My bf: "Well hopefully that won't be for another few years"
*the bad batch panel saying this is the final season*
Me absolutely sobbing: "is it happening?"
my bf: "everything will be fine"
Me: "But my clones...I'm not ready to give them up"
Me and my bf have grown up watching Clone wars together since we were 4, so I will always love clone so much. I don't think I will ever be ready to say goodbye to clone content. I'm gonna go cry again.
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WAIT WAIT WAIT- drelgygygaey
Harnessing the true power of Scratch 3 and Shotcut (sound on for full experience just remember to turn your volume down pls)
I would love to hear what you think, be it even just a keyboard smash.
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I MAY HAVE GONE OVERBOARD 🤣 reblog to spread the love and discounts!
Every one of these shirts keeps getting better!! From SpectralThings on Etsy! 🔥🔥🔥
Hunter! Howzer! Gregor! Rex! Crosshair! They’re just so soft and fun. She’s got all our boys plus the Rebels crew and others coming soon. Oh, and earrings!
Guess what? I’m so obsessed that I asked her for a discount code, LOL, so if you check out with the promo code CT9902 you will get 10% off! And I get nothing. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 But just wanted to share the love!
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Me: "I should go to bed I have somewhere to be at 6am"
Also me at 1am: "Just reading a little fanfic won't hurt"
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nothing, but sobbing
Not Alone
Hunter x Fem!Reader One-Shot
Warnings: Big spoilers for The Bad Batch S2 finale. Sadness, angst, comfort. SFW
Summary: You comfort Hunter after the events of the season 2 finale.
Word Count: 900ish
I was inspired by @jedipoodoo ‘s post on writing comfort for Hunter after the S2 finale, and @wanderer-six ‘s lovely Wrecker fic. Check it out! Our boys are in desperate need of comfort. 😩
Anyway, enjoy. 😌
The Marauder was deadly silent. You could feel the anguish hanging in the air, it was suffocating as you tried to conceal your sobs. You found a small corner of the ship to tuck away in to, trying to process everything that had happened.
Tech was gone.
And so was Omega.
You couldn’t think straight, the grief ripping through you. Watching Tech plummet in to the clouds ran through your mind over and over. Seeing Omega be taken, while you all watched hopelessly, gripped your heart like an iron vice.
You squeezed your eyes shut as tears spilled out, silent cries wracking your body.
A gentle touch on your shoulder startled you. Hunter was standing over you, his face twisted in guilt. You had been with Clone Force 99 long enough to call them all brothers. Over time, your relationship with Hunter became more than friends, and you loved one another fiercely.
On Pabu, in those blissful days of no worries, you both talked about settling down there together with Omega. You were hopeful for a chance of putting your lives as soldiers to rest, and being with the man you loved. But that dream was now gone.
He held out a hand, offering to help you stand up. Always the strong Sergeant. But he doesn’t have to be.
He shouldn’t be the one coming to comfort you, as you knew him well enough to know what he was thinking. He blames himself.
You took his hand and laced yours with his once you stood up fully. The feeling of his gloved hand caressing yours gave you solace, momentarily. He looked at you, the absolute pain his eyes making your heart shatter. “Hunter…” your voice almost inaudible. He reached toward you with his free hand, wiping a tear off your face. “We’ll find her…” he whispered. You bit the inside of your cheek, trying not to crack under his gentle touch. “Don’t blame yourself...” You mumbled as you laid your head in the crook of his neck, tears threatening to fall again. Hunter put his strong arms around you, pulling you close and resting his cheek on top of your head.
“Let me help you, let us help you.” You said softly.
He gripped you tighter, and you could feel his body shake. “It was my fault. I shouldn’t have let them take her. I shouldn’t have taken us to Cid’s. I shouldn’t have let Tech…” His voice broke and he buried his face in to your hair. His usual stoic demeanor was crumbling, and he felt lost.
Useless. A failure.
He had let everyone down. First Crosshair. Now Tech. And Omega…his family was fading away from him one by one and there was nothing he could do about it. His grief over Tech laying so heavy on him, he could barely breath. He had never felt so undone.
He continued his hold on you, afraid if he let go, you’d be taken from him too. Something that he already had nightmares about and couldn’t bear the pain of that passing thought, not now. His senses were suddenly overwhelmed, and his head began to spin. He stumbled forward, before catching himself on you. “Hunter! Sit down, you’re still injured...” You had grabbed his shoulders to catch him, and he leaned in to you.
“I’m still here, Hunter.” You murmured. “We made these decisions as a team. And Tech…he saved us. This isn’t something you need to carry alone. Please, we’ll do this together.” You pleaded, knowing whatever you said, he would still carry the guilt on his own. He knew he didn’t have to, but it was habit. He let out a breath, your soft words bringing him back, grounding him.
Hunter looked you in the eyes, trying to find anything to say. You placed a hand on his cheek, and he leaned in to your touch, feeling more vulnerable than he’d ever had in his life.
You brought your lips to his in a soft, chaste kiss. “I’m here for you. Always.” His mesmerizing brown eyes met yours, and you could see tears forming in the corners. “I know.” He whispered as he brought you back in to another strong embrace, your familiar scent surrounding him. He focused on the sound of your heartbeat, rhythmic and strong. Alive.
He felt your hands on his back, the warmth of your palms radiating through his clothing. He truly didn’t know what he would be without you, especially now, in this moment. You had a way of always knowing what he was thinking. While you were intense and composed on the battlefield, you had a tranquil way about you. Whenever Hunter was stressed by a mission, getting in to his own head about his skills as a leader, you were always there to reassure him. It’s one of the reasons he fell for you.
You melted in to one another, desperately wishing the circumstances were different. He slowly pulled away from you, because if didn’t, he would continue getting lost in you forever. But every second that passed, Omega got further away. You knew it too. Your lives as soldiers weren’t over. Not yet.
He put his hand under your chin, lifting it gently toward his face. “I love you.” He mumbled, pressing a tender kiss on your forehead, before stepping away from you. He moved toward the front of the ship, where Echo and Wrecker were silently sitting, lost in their own dark thoughts.
“I love you, too.” Your heart swelled momentarily, before following him to begin planning your next move, ready to continue the fight.
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I'm hearing those like morning birds chirping (it's getting close to 6am and I think the sun is about to rise) I've had 0 sleep because I've been crying I have a pile of tissues just chilling beside me
Okay it’s hit me and I’ve been sobbing for the last twenty minutes to the point I can’t feel my throat.
Why him? Why him?
He was arguably the most favoured character and they just-
Genuinely in such a bad, bad mood that it’s made me not want to finish any requests I have of him or my own stuff.
I have never been so sad over any character dying in any show or film aside from him.
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and I am drowning
Denial is a river in Egypt-
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