implosiveexplosive · 3 years
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    “Th’ one...  I put in the cake... for you........” 
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implosiveexplosive · 4 years
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     explodie  /  independent katsuki bakugou  / written by jay  /  promo by doltage
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implosiveexplosive · 6 years
ooc ;
Yo yo yo!
     This muse?  WHACK.  This mun?  WHACK.  This blog?  WHACK  --  and totally, totally dead.  I had a great time while I was around, you guys.  In the short time that I was here, over 2000 of you guys followed me?!  I’m so flattered, but I’m also too anxious to keep up with a blog like this.  I can hardly interact with 100 people feasibly on a roleplay blog, much less 20x that amount.  ;_;
     As such, I’m going to be moving Katsuki to a far more private blog!  You’ll probably see me around on him.  I mostly have to take a good step away from... well, this blog!  See you guys around!  Thank you for all the fun times and the good reads!
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implosiveexplosive · 6 years
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implosiveexplosive · 6 years
❝  i’m trying! but you keep moving so much … ❞   you walk like you’re trying to smash something under your feet, he doesn’t say. kacchan’s walking, like everything about him, is … intense. trying to keep the umbrella in range of both of them is a trying task for any aspiring hero. especially when that aspiring hero is izuku and he tries a little too hard in his attempt to keep the peace between them. especially when that aspiring hero is izuku … and kacchan grabs his hand.
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 ❝  wh – wh —– ❞  is about as far as izuku can get, his tongue failing to respond the same way his brain fails to because, oh, kacchan’s grabbing his hand, their hands are touching they’re holding hands oh my gosh —— izuku doesn’t even notice he’s stopped walking, mouth held open, eyes wide, looking red for reasons that isn’t from the humidity until a raindrop decides to land right in his eye. izuku’s brain comes back on then, and he stumbles forward to where kacchan had stopped for him, feeling like his heart is in overdrive and ready to give out on him.  ❝  ah — hey! ❞  izuku protests, very late, and he’s not sure if it’s because kacchan swiped the umbrella away from him, or because of the short comment. it’s not even as if he’s even offended by either of those things — insults and aggressiveness are par for course when it comes from kacchan. but izuku pouts a little anyway, ignoring the way his heart has sped up again because oh my gosh, kacchan grabbed my hand and held it (completely ignoring the way it had been to get the umbrella away from him).   ❝  i’m not short … i’m only two inches shorter than you, kacchan. ❞   
It’s true.  Each and every single one of Katsuki’s footsteps delivered a concise message to the gravel underneath: die.  He stomps forward three steps like a man on a mission before stopping with the realization that Deku wasn’t keeping pace  –  the boy was still frozen where Katsuki had left him.  Thinking the red of Izuku’s cheeks were signs of an oncoming cold, he grunts impatiently, “Move it, dumbass.”
     After Deku stumbles forward to catch up, Katsuki rapped his knuckles against his forehead lightly, running them through the wet locks of hair that covered it  -- punishment for keeping him waiting that doubled as a method of making sure the boy’s absent-mindedness wasn’t from running a fever.  Seemed like he was fine  --  just toddling behind him like old times for whatever reason.
    “That’s two inches I’m always gonna have on ya.  You’re dreaming if you think I’d let a shorty like you catch up to me.”  He delivered that statement with foolhardy confidence, as though height was something he could control with strength of will alone.  He took some measure of pride in these small victories, like how his birthday came earlier in the year than Izuku’s.
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      In the end, it’s these ingrained habits of his that always fucked him up.  He starts talking, his fingers start fidgeting, and when his thumb runs absentmindedly across a button on the umbrella, well,  THWAP  --
    The umbrella closes right around him.
    There’s a beat or two of stunned silence as the rain pitter-patters around them before smoke began to surface from Katsuki’s palms. Much like an animal caught in net, he approaches the matter delicately:  by thrashing about wildly.
    “SHITTY UMBRELLA --”  And somehow, he thinks it’s the umbrella at fault. It takes a hot minute, but he frees himself.  Now, he was clenching the umbrella with eyes that burned with the intent of snapping it in half, but it had remained unscathed through the ordeal  (  it had the fact that it was All Might-themed to thank for that  )  . They’re both drenched to their goddamn underwear at this point   --   what the fuck was the point of the umbrella to begin with if this was going to be the end result?!   /   @smashkick​
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implosiveexplosive · 6 years
‘ why are you beating yourself up over things you can’t control? you're a person too, dude. that comes first. you gotta breathe. ’
@chargebeat  /  idk what meme this is but i love u
Like bull and matador, the two.  Calming Katsuki down is a matter of deflection  --  an art that Denki has mastered to a T, having done this awkward hustle about a hundred times now.  That quiet, brooding anger that had Katsuki’s brows tilted at harsh angles and his palms coated in a thick sheen of sweat was lost somewhere in Denki’s words.  Nobody else had even noticed that there was something weighing on Katsuki.  Nobody else could have pinpointed that the person that had him frustrated was himself. 
     And because Katsuki trusts Denki when it counts most, when Denki tells him to breathe, he does  --  not without a fight, of course.  He huffs and puffs like he’s trying to knock the world dead.  Once he’s found some semblance of peace, he lets out a long sigh, letting his hands come loose in the same motion.
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     “Didn’t need you to tell me that.”  He snarks, but the truth was that he needed to hear those words more than anything.  Sans warning, he lifts his leg up to kick Denki in the rear with, somehow knowing that the boy wouldn’t object to the request that followed,  “...Arcade.  Let’s go.”
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implosiveexplosive · 6 years
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“What’s with that movement? He’s moving like Bakugou”
Bakugou and Deku complement each other really well and they share similar traits and habits~
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implosiveexplosive · 6 years
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implosiveexplosive · 6 years
The ridiculous man and the ridiculous predicament  he caught himself in was almost lost in the scenery to Bakugou, so he walks past it at first.  Five steps forward before he does a double-take, stopping dead in his tracks to contemplate if this was truly worth investigating before he slowly turns around to squint, taking one earbud out of his ear like that might somehow help his understand.  Even face-to-face with it, he couldn’t fucking believe what he was seeing.  “...How the fuck did you manage this?”  And, arguably less importantly,  “How the fuck did you make that sound with your mouth?”
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     While listening to Sero’s plight, his mind wandered to some of the key moments of his life  --  namely, Sero laughing at his hair, carefully groomed by Best Jeanist, and that fucking time Sero wrangled him for his damn ice cream.  Sero, just being a general pain in Bakugou’s ass with his antics.  Pettily, the blond declares,  “Die here.”
     But he hasn’t left yet.  There’s still a chance.  “Let’s fucking hear it  --  what have ya got to give?”
▼  @implosiveexplosive​  liked  for  a  starter!
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        it just figures that it would be him to find him in a predicament like this, wouldn’t it? sero’s eyes widen comically when his friend comes into view, and between that, the sweat rolling down the side of his face, and oh, right – being hung upside down and bound by his own tape from a tree branch – you could say he looks pretty damn silly. 
        ❝  you know, bakugou  –  it’s a funny story, actually. you’re probably wondering how i ended up like this. ❞ at the moment that he pauses, sero makes an uncannily accurate record scratch noise – with just his mouth!  ❝   real funny. very haha, pee your pants; but here’s the sitch.  i’m stuck here, and i’m going to die. you gotta help me, man!! i’ll owe ya big.  ❞
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implosiveexplosive · 6 years
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I can’t believe I forgot to post my full piece for @snowforallbnha! This zine was so much fun and Six did such a great job organizing it!
Tabloid size version available for purchase on my inprnt!
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implosiveexplosive · 6 years
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For Concepts Class: Illustrate a nonphysical word. The class had to try and guess it. 
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implosiveexplosive · 6 years
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implosiveexplosive · 6 years
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HEY! it’s leo! previously @redrioted and moved to a new blog! if you’re interested in interacting with a ki.rishima ei.jirou rp blog from bn.ha, please like/reblog!
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implosiveexplosive · 6 years
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yo yo yo, y’all know the drill! it’s erika again, the same asshole with no self control, here with another blog! if you’re up for rping with my dabi of my hero academia, feel free to like  or  reblog this post! thanks in advance!
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implosiveexplosive · 6 years
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Bold  the ones that apply to your character. Italicize  the ones that sort of apply.
absent-minded | abusive | addict | adrenaline junkie | aggressive | aimless | alcoholic | angsty | anxious | arrogant | audacious | bad liar | big mouth | bigot | blindly loyal | blunt | bossy | brooding | callous | childish | chronic heroism | cheater | clingy | closed off | clumsy | cocky | codependent | cold | competitive | controlling | corrupt | cowardly | cruel | cynical | deceptive | delinquent | delusional | dependent | depressed | deranged | disloyal | ditzy | egotistical | envious | erratic | fickle | finicky | fixated | flaky | frail | fraudulent | foul mouthed | guilt complex | gloomy | gluttonous | gossiper | gruff | grudge holding | gullible | hedonistic | humorless | hypochondriac | hypocritical | idealist | idiotic | ignorant | immature | impatient | incompetent | indecisive | infamy | insecure | insensitive | lazy | lewd | liar | loud | lustful | manipulative | masochistic | meddlesome | melodramatic | money-loving | moody | naive | neglectful | nervous | nosy | ornery | outsider | overprotective | overly sensitive | paranoid | passive-aggressive | perfectionist | pessimist | petty | power-hungry | proud | possessive | practical | pushover | rebellious | reckless | reclusive | remorseless | rigid | rude | sadistic | sarcastic | senile | selfish | self-destructive | self-martyr | shallow | skeptic | smart-ass | snobby | softhearted | sore loser | spineless | spiteful | spoiled | stubborn | suspicious | taciturn | tactless | temperamental | timid | thief | traitorous | trouble-maker | trust issues | unathletic | ungracious | unlucky | unsophisticated | untrustworthy | vain | volatile | wasteful | withdrawn | workaholic
Tagged by: @panicsprey   ( ily ) Tagging: Anybody that wants to do it !!  Tag me when you do.
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implosiveexplosive · 6 years
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HEY,  FELLAS!  it’s  reid  here  with  a  brand  new  blog  for  SERO  HANTA  of  my  hero  academia.  this  blog  is  still  under  construction,  but  i  want  to  get  the  ball  rolling  and  start  plotting!  that  said,  give  this  a  like  or  a  reblog  if  you’re  interested  in  writing  together,  and  i’ll  check  you  out. 
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implosiveexplosive · 6 years
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The Love Triangle that nobody asked for, but here it is anyway Fanart by: Dailykrumbs Please Link/credit artist if reposted! Thank you!
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