Jen: Care to explain why I found a fake ID in your bag? Katie: *quietly* becauseyouhavetobe18toholdthepuppiesatpetco Jen: Say again? Katie: Because you have to be 18 to hold the puppies at Pet Co!
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Is it just me, or is Alexa and katie the “feel good show”
no it totally is, which is amazing considering it deals with pretty heavy topics, but even the serious episodes are so fun and happy and it leaves you feeling warm and safe and I love this show a lot
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(to the tune of god made girls by rae lynn)
Alexa: Somebody’s gotta go and cuff them jeans
Gwenny: Somebody’s gotta drink an iced coffee
Katie: Somebody’s gotta get a theatre degree
Lucas: So God made gays
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Hannah: Wait, so you believe me?
Katie: Hannah, you are the last good person on the face of this miserable planet. I'd believe cartoon birds braided your hair this morning.
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Dave: Kids, it's time I tell you about the birds and the bees.
Alexa: Please don't-
Dave: Did you know that there are 10,000 species of bird?
Lucas: Dad-
Dave: And that the bees are disappearing at an alarming rate?
Alexa: ...
Lucas: ...
Dave: Get your coats, kids, we're saving some bees.
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The Mendoza's Netflix account names
Lori and Dave: Pay for the account
Lucas: Son, free pass
Alexa: Daughter, free pass
Katie: Parasite 1
Jack: Parasite 2
Jen: Parasite 3
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Gwenny: I am proud to identify as moronssexual. I am attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. Hannah asked me what the Spanish word for tortilla is and now I dream of kissing her under the moonlight.
Hannah: What kind of animal is the pink panther?
Gwenny, heart eyes: Damn Hannah, you're so stupid.
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Alexa: Hey Hannah, are you free on Friday?
Hannah: Yeah.
Alexa: Gwenny are you?
Gwenny: Yes...
Alexa: Great! I'm not. Enjoy your date, bye!
Hannah: Did she just-
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Katie: Oh please, Alexa. You loathe-slash-love Gwenny. And she loathes-slash-loves you back, which is pretty much one step away from matrimony.
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Lori: And what do we tell ourselves when we're having impulses to throw ourselves off a bridge?
Alexa: Yeet?
Lori: No.
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Spencer: So is this the part where you tell me that if I hurt Alexa, you'll kill me?
Katie: Nah. If you hurt Alexa she is perfectly capable of killing you herself. Probably with a variety of weapons.
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I just saw the Alexa and Katie trailer and why is no one talking about Alexa and Katie dancing together in prom?? My gay ass heart is?? Quaking??
They dropped that shit just in time for Pride month
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Jennifer: What do you normally do to relax after a hard day?
Lucas: Dramatically serenade myself in the mirror.
Dylan: Puzzles.
Katie: Each a cookie. And when I'm feeling dangerous... eat a second cookie.
Alexa: I usually go and sit on a surface that isn't meant to be sat on.
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Katie: The problem with having anxiety during a PANDEMIC is that if I have trouble BREATHING I cannot tell if it is a PANIC ATTACK or THE PLAGUE
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Katie: *angrily* Nothing is going right for me today!!
Lucas: Um... that wasn't very Hufflepuff of you.
Katie: What?
Alexa: Does someone need a cookie?
Katie: I am definitely a Hufflepuff, I am very mad, I will KILL YOU and yes I'd like a cookie.
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Spencer, looking at a picture of a red hot knife cutting bread: Imagine stabbing someone with this knife.
Dylan: It would immediately cauterize the wound so it wouldn’t bleed. Not very useful.
Alexa: If you want information it is.
Gwenny: And here we see, in order, a Gryffindor, a Ravenclaw, and a Slytherin.
Katie: Why would you stab someone when you could make toast?
Gwenny: There’s the Hufflepuff.
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Katie: Apparently at some point when Alexa and I were flirting but not quite in a relationship, she asked me how I felt about pet names, to which I replied, “Well, you have to call them something.”
Katie: The fact that I have managed to end up in a relationship is a testament to my girlfriend’s patience.
Jack: Your girlfriend is moronsexual.
Katie: Please don’t call my girlfriend a moron :(
Katie: Wait
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