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tacky goth boycotts july 4th
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i want the k
send ‘i want the k’ for a thing – 
19. hand job.
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THEY’RE ON THE BUS. they’ve really got no reason to be, when it comes down to it. no reason to use public transit when the pair of them have vehicles of their own to get around in ( kai at the courtesy of his employers, ) and absolutely no issue with using them. the thing is, though, they feed off of each other ; when one of them has a ‘brilliant’ plan, the other simply cannot help not only encourage it, but happily go along with it as well.
Keep reading
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im always out here right b4 bed
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honestly. hONESTLY.
i’m just.
if you have anything against inintervals or anything dash is saying then please do us both a favour and unfollow me right the fuck now.
also who the fuck comes for someone like this on anonymous ? you’re out here preaching your beliefs and you daren’t even do it publicly ? but you’re happy to harass someone from behind the safety of your little anon button. right.
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HE DOESN’T KNOW WHY HE’S SHOWING UP HERE AGAIN. there’s nothing logical about what he’s done, what he’s still doing, but there is something heavy in the pit of his stomach; something that urges him forward towards their door, even when whatever reason remains to him tells him to go the other way. he’s stable – at least as much as any musician can be – and he’s better, he thinks. better than the last time he was with them. better than the note he left for them on their bedside table, when he disappeared before they woke. when he left them behind, because the thought of being tied down when he hadn’t even learned to walk on his own yet made him sick. 
he’s better now. he’s better for them. or maybe that’s just what he tells himself to try and reconcile whatever part of him feels like he doesn’t even deserve to see their face. it’s not the first time he’s been selfish to spare his own feelings, and he doubts it’ll be the last. 
rain drips from the ends of soaked through auburn hair, and freckles stand out in stark contrast to the pale shade of his skin beneath the flickering hall light. he’s sure he looks sallow. he always has out here, standing on this ratty carpet, with his heart in his hands, pretending that he’s ever had it to give in the first place. he’s written a song or three about this exact moment – the one in between when he lifts his hand, and when his knuckles rap against the door, the sound echoing down the narrow passageway. none of them have managed to appropriately capture the reality of the swelling feeling in his chest; he just wishes there were something left in there to warrant the fluttering. he’s lost a lot of wishes along the way. 
FIVE MINUTES LATER and theo would have already been gone. he’s dressed up, impeccably so, ready for a night out. he’s smaller than the last time the other saw him, his usually skin tight jeans now bagging around his knees, requiring a belt just to keep them on his hips. he hides the changes well, a few extra layers and a lot less skin on show. makeup almost entirely masks the dark bruising beneath the boy’s eyes, and the taut way theo’s skin pulls across his cheekbones. he’s just finished slipping into a pair of boots as the knock sounds upon the door, stirring him from his distracted state of mind. was he meeting someone here? weren’t they meeting at the club? he can’t remember. he doesn’t care.
he’s certainly not at his prime; even those who’ve never met the dark haired boy can know at a single glance that something is wrong these days. he’s not sure when his fronting became a reality, when he lost all touch with the real theo in a way that’s left this cold, broken exterior an exact representation of what’s inside, too. if he cared enough to consider it, he’d suppose it was the morning he read that letter. he refuses to think about it. he’s surviving, that’s all that really counts now. it’s work, getting one breath into his lungs followed by another. it’s grueling, but he’s succeeded for a full year and he doesn’t plan on surrendering just yet. 
“ m’coming, ” he mutters in the general vicinity of the door, already moving toward it with minimal stumbling ( drinking on an empty stomach has a way of impairing ones coordination ). what he sees as he draws the door open has the faked smiling slipping off of theo’s features, replaced by a moment of shock. he shuts down the betraying expression as quickly as he can manage to get his mind to catch up, though there’s no helping the way his eyes tell the full story. 
dull. grey. lifeless. scared. 
he watches as a droplet of rain drips it’s way onto the ratty hall carpet, purposely avoiding looking directly at the man in front of him at all costs. he’s barely holding himself together at the best of times ; one glance at kai and he’s sure he’ll fall apart at the seams. broken beyond hopes of repair. 
“ what the fuck are you doing here? ”
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And don’t fucking tell me That I only care about myself. Because you have no idea How little I really do. And you don’t understand How hard I’m really trying To be as perfect as you want me to be. And you just don’t see How painful it is to feel Like everything I do Is disappointing you.
I promise I’m really trying 
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I just hope that one day—preferably when we’re both blind drunk—we can talk about it.
J.D. Salinger, Franny and Zooey 
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when your muse is really horny and you’re just like
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The memories of you still eat me alive every fucking day.
11 word story
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lirry, PLEASE - Brussels, 13/06/2015
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do you ever randomly get hit with muse for an old character and you’re just like “no, get back in the damn box now is not the time !!”
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