New Marvel/DC Crossover RP!
Well ,I’m not sure how long it’s going to take to for posts to show up in the tags, but I’m going to keep trying until  they do! This is a new Marvel/DC/Superhero RP currently looking for admins to help run things. I’m in especially dire need of an admin who can make graphics and make the theme look nicer. I’d like to have FOUR  admins in addition to myself. Check out the plot here! If interested in filling an admin position, just send me a message. There will be no formal application; I’m just looking for people who would be dedicated to making this RP a success.
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Admins Wanted
Hello tumblr rp tags! I’m hoping that this will show up in the tags now, even though this blog is still pretty new. I have this concept for a superhero roleplay which I would really like to open, but as a quick look at the main should tell anyone, I’m definitely going to need some help with it. For one thing, I’m pretty inept at making nice looking themes and graphics, and for another, running a roleplay by yourself is nearly impossible. As such if possible, I would like have FOUR coadmins to help me make this roleplay a reality. The plot can be found here!  If you are at all interested, feel free to send the main a message. I’m not going to have a formal admin application; all I’m looking for is people who would be dedicated, and one person who is capable of, and likes, making graphics.
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