jadedvaevic · 1 month
Looks like the issue is happening across the platform for me.
Still. @mattsvaevictis is the new one.
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jadedvaevic · 1 month
... Guess it's time to make that new blog :)
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jadedvaevic · 1 month
So neither my following tab nor my own profile will load, but my 'for you' shit loads just fine.
The fuck.
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jadedvaevic · 1 month
So do you have a medical condition where if you don't say a slur everyday you will pee your big boy pants or something? I mean it's super easy to not say them like at all and be a respectful nice person with manners. XD
I don't have any respect for those who would see everything I love destroyed. I also don't see what slurs you're talking about, so.......
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jadedvaevic · 1 month
lmao u saying "well you are bi!" as a comeback lazy ass 🤣🤣🤣
... I'm bi, you fucking idiot. Bisexuality was not the comeback.
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jadedvaevic · 1 month
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jadedvaevic · 1 month
“it's hard to trust any media with black characters these days. They all seem to be written by racists who have a massive inferiority complex about their skin color. And the few that escape being written like that end up getting canceled.”
Oh I know, I fucking know
I’m a black man with a speech impediment and autism..
My hatred towards my community would make a kkk grandwizards blush
Oh and when my daddy basically abandoned me and my sister after she and I lost our mother to please that bitch of a stepmother-
Oh sorry my villain monologue got out again! Let just say I will always have hatred towards my own race than any white man in existence due to how they treated me
Wait wait, oh right! You know how most “girlboss” are written by women who treated other women who didn’t fit the mold like shit growing up?
That what most black activists in the creation process these days aka “Hood Rats or well off black people who have a inferiority complex due to not having the ‘black experience’ that learn they use Marxism to not have any responsibilities” hence the whole “white people are eviiiiiil!” shit
….I think my race in America should have been sterilized in the 20th century. At least we could have died out with some dignity by now.
….I think my race in America should have been sterilized in the 20th century. At least we could have died out with some dignity by now.
I know this is hyperbole, but if I don't start off by saying "no race should be sterilized" some open mouth beardo with a hairline that ends at his neck is going to shit themselves, so in the interest of saving him the trouble of having to wash that out while his wife is out with her boyfriend, I'm just gonna say, no race should be sterilized.
But anyway, yeah. The way you feel about the black community mirrors a lot of how I feel about the gay community. Both are absolutely detrimental to the people in them, and very few people in those communities can even see the problem, let alone come up with real solutions.
And it sucks, because these communities are self-destructing and have been for decades, but anyone trying to actually help gets labeled a racist of a homophobe for daring to suggest that any problem faced by a minority might be self-inflicted and up to them to fix. Which is the only way things will change within a community.
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jadedvaevic · 1 month
Lol. ... Sure, kiddo.
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If you ever needed proof that the new hate crimes laws are a good thing lmao
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jadedvaevic · 1 month
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jadedvaevic · 1 month
... It may be time to start a new blog early.
...I really want to change what influence I see. ... Even that subconscious shift can push someone a long way. The butterfly effect can't be ignored.
... Need to think about what I want to see first.
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jadedvaevic · 1 month
just found out that not only has dolly parton been married for nearly 60 years to the same normie ass guy who owned a road paving business who and i quote "went to a single event before swearing off hollywood forever" but also he looked like this
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and all i have to say is. good for her.
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jadedvaevic · 1 month
wow youre fucking disgusting. pro life ??? anti anarchist ??? pro israel ??? truly sad to see that a queer person who knows the history of their community in oppression wouldn't stand with palestine who are oppressed and mass murdered every single day. go fuck yourself genocidal asshole
XD, Israel isn't commuting a genocide and Palestinians aren't oppressed. Seriously, stop getting your information from Hamas-linked NGOs and twitter accounts with watermelons in their handles. I'm glad you got upset by my bio though. You seem like the kind of person who needs to realize other opinions exist outside of the groups you've pre-decided are the Bad People.
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jadedvaevic · 1 month
“Admit it. You aren’t like them. You’re not even close. You may occasionally dress yourself up as one of them, watch the same mindless television shows as they do, maybe even eat the same fast food sometimes. But it seems that the more you try to fit in, the more you feel like an outsider.”
— Timothy Leary
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jadedvaevic · 1 month
You want to see someone in jail for life for speaking in a way you dislike. There is no high and mighty. There is no white horse for you to ride.
People like you are the very people who usher in the death of their own lifestyles and the lives of everyone they love. Because you love nothing.
You are alone and weak and sad, and you turn that against innocent people. ... And one day you will answer for it.
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If you ever needed proof that the new hate crimes laws are a good thing lmao
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jadedvaevic · 1 month
They've already done it and continue to do it. They use our basic drives against us and disallow us critical thinking. That's all it takes.
... When people are mindless, thoughtless and reactionary, they follow any sense of safety they find. ... And those in charge offer illusory safety from the very dangers they created, so that people move to them as if going to land from drowning, because that illusion is right there in front of their eyes where the big picture, reality and God - is not, because they are blind. Those people then raise their children to be like them, because of course they would. Just as the religious are compelled to save souls, they are compelled to save their children from the dangers they perceive - and they are too frightened, too guilty, too dumb, too whatever - to look at, see through and admit what they've done.
... And so the cycle goes.
Man.........it's almost like....a Supreme Being.....with ultimate knowledge, superior designing capabilities, who could see the end from the beginning, and has total capability to not only, CREATE such a masterpiece of ecological functions, but can also regulate it in order to keep it functioning, to provide what he said he would provide, a habitation for this whole other engineering marvel that he created. Thank you LORD. And this video is just a single example among a multitude of examples.
Look, get mad about all the climate change lies if you want. Get mad at the regulations that are being forced on us in sight of the blatant hypocrisy by those pushing it on us. If that's where you want to plant your flag, have fun.
But some of yall are going to see the bigger picture. This environment worship, mother earth goddess nonsense, the idea that we are "one with nature" and we have to sacrifice everything to save it, this is Pantheism. It is not new by any means, look it up. And to the elites, it isn't about saving the earth, it is about worshipping gods, and not GOD. They are leading the population to THEIR gods, and not Jesus Christ, who by all things were created.
We don't know exactly how they are going to do it, but that isn't what is important. What is important is that you understand they are trying to hide the truth of Jesus Christ to you. That is where you need to get to first. Realize he is the truth and let him in, and you are going to start seeing so much of the deceptions. And it won't matter what they do, or how they do it, because you will be saved and under the blood of Christ.
Have I told you lately that every conspiracy theory goes back to God vs the devil? Because it does.
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jadedvaevic · 1 month
I've been having something of a strange journey spiritually, internally, the past week.
The more I think on it and the more I observe, the more I find that the internet really is just... Godless.
It's interesting. I used to roll my eyes at people saying the tv or computer is a devil box or whatever - but the more I meditate this week the more I find myself finding the truth in the saying "idle hands are the devil's playground".
I don't think of the devil as a defined figure. I think of the devil as a label to describe a great multitude of things, including but not limited to human nature, animal instinct, environmental influence - and really all influence, including that of the self - and the world.
... It's so much more than that. And that thought alone gives credence to the idea of a devil whispering in your ear, a snake in a garden, temptation, etc.
...fear drives people as the devil. So does anger, boredom, lust, restlessness - everything you can imagine. We are not built to live in boxes staring at electronics, and this pushes us to those driving factors - which can all be put under the umbrella of "cabin fever".
... The things that drive us to be as we are online - /don't exist/ when we separate ourselves from those influences under the "devil" umbrella.
... There's too much in my head to type here. But it's something to meditate on for anyone who is serious about self improvement, regardless of their spirituality or lack thereof.
...god, as an umbrella, is not necessarily spiritual. That's why it's said god is in all things. ... You will find, suddenly, the idea of Christianity is not what it is because of the label. Separate yourself from all your biases and you will find the same thing; truth is in nature. Truth is everywhere. You cannot deny truth because it doesn't need you to prove it, and it cannot show itself to you if you are blind to it or if you blind yourself to it by fighting it.
... In this understanding, you can find how so many religions have so many similarities. The differences, I would argue, come from the devil umbrella: influence.
There is so much to find regardless of what you believe. ... The study of human behavior will push you the same direction.
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jadedvaevic · 1 month
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So this is what being terminally online does to people.
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Look at that description too, and I bet all of you the “pre-med” part is there because she does so much “research” in order to validate her “chronically ill” tag.
Seriously, whoever created the term “validation” in the context of personality issues should be tried and executed.
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