jewels55 · 11 days
I think you have some great ideas, but I would suggest making them sound a little more professional! I love how you added emojis, as I feel it gives the responses more emotion and feeling to them. When it comes to the structure of the comments, however, I would suggest changing the wording to keep a level of professionalism in how they sound, since this is a company! For instance, for "Love you guysss," maybe change it to something like "We are SO lucky to have such loving fans like you guys[emojis]."
Peer Review
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These are my TV Movie Studio Co. responses so far and I'm not sure I'm happy with them. I would appreciate any tips you have for creating better responses.
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jewels55 · 11 days
I love how you turned a negative into a positive with having viewers share their favorite moments!! That is super smart! One thing I would suggest is adding more emotion to the cancellation part. You simply say Favorite Show is canceled, so maybe say something like "after two great seasons it is with great sadness we have to announce the cancellation of Favorite show." And then have like in order to celebrate all the good times we had, we are sharing our favorite moments from the show!
Peer Review
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This is one of my cancellation posts for my project. I was wondering if this was too plain or basic and if I should recreate it for Part 2.
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jewels55 · 11 days
You look like you have a lot of good information! One big thing is remember we are using the show name "Favorite Show" for this assignment. Even though you have a super cool title created, make sure for when you are making your posts you are using the required titled!! The genre sounds great though and I like how you planned the show specifics!
Peer Review 2
Here is the information I wrote up for the "favorite show" and its audience. Is there enough here? If not, what more should I add? I wasn't sure how detailed we should be.
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jewels55 · 12 days
So what exactly is the appeal??
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Long YouTube videos cater to viewers who are craving those deep dives into content. The type of context has no limit, from offering comprehensive knowledge on different subjects and topics, to providing exploration to new hobbies, to even teaching viewers how to do something. Especially when it comes to life streams or educational lectures, the longer videos tend to be in benefit for them. These longer videos also foster a more community space, as audience members can create a stronger connection with the creator. To keep engagement high, creators use strategic editing skills, timestamps for navigation, and simple encouragement for viewers to return for their next video.
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jewels55 · 13 days
There isn't a wrong or right way to go about this assignment from what I got from it! The Audience Analysis is all about brainstorming ideas for your version of Favorite Show so you feel confident for the Design portion! Working through these questions are going to be what helps you embed some of these element ideas within your sample posts. Especially thinking about your audience is ultimately going to help you better understand how to put yourself in their shoes for the angry fan posts, as well as the culture to show how much the show resonated with them! Overall though, you seem to be on the right track with everything!
Peer Review Request 2/2
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Hi all. I am confused about the "Key Concepts" section of the Audience Analysis. There isn't a clear prompt in this section. Are we just supposed to make sure that we think about these concepts in the previous sections? I added a brief summary of how I incorporated each key concept into my Audience Analysis. Am I properly addressing this section?
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jewels55 · 13 days
Rule #1...
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Since we have a bunch of students in this class, all working at their own paces, Tumblr posts are always being added to the discourse community. It is very easy for posts to get lost. With the fast moving pace of the feed, you need to instantly grab attention.
Keep posts short and sweet, as readers are more likely going to engage with a concise post over an essay long one. Use visuals and headings to capture the attention and draw them to want to read the content! Create a post that is relatable to others and can allow someone to resonate with it.
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jewels55 · 13 days
Peer Review #2
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This is one of the slides in my Design 2 project about pivoting strategies for Interns when it comes to angry fan comments. I wanted to show that while no comment is going to be the same, there are general patterns and strategies to follow when it comes to creating a response. Does this look good? Do my strategies make sense?
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jewels55 · 14 days
All about the Vibes
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For my show, I created a fantasy/adventure/heroic genre (Lord of the Rings vibe) since I love those types of movies and tv shows, and I also know that fan base would be absolutely furious if a show they loved got canceled (I figured it would be the most fun to write in that genre culture).
With my angry fan posts, I wanted to capture different emotions that the fanbase might have: furry, anger, annoyance, sadness, etc. I also wanted some of the comments to incorporate parts of the storyline and characters since that tends to resonate a lot with the viewers. My audience is teens to young adults, with older fantasy lovers in the mix. I used hashtags and emojis and capitalization to show off the grammar and text style of the younger generations, and more formal for an older generation individual. Do they look believable, or do they seem too "staged"? Any opinions are appreciated!
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jewels55 · 14 days
If it were to ever be canceled...
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One of my absolute favorite TV shows of all time is called Taskmaster. It is a British game show were five celebrities are put to the challenge of completing the most unique and ridiculous tasks (and it is laugh out loud hysterical). As someone who is constantly watching the different series, I would be very heartbroken if it were to ever end. Thinking of this helps my mindset for this project, because especially if you are a fan who has been going along with all the different seasons and journey of the show, it would suck for it to all of a sudden end. Also, when it comes to fans, they all react in different ways. Some are going to be furious angry, and others are going to be sad angry.
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jewels55 · 14 days
I am so excited...but I have a few questions...
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I feel I understand the different asks of this assignment, but there are just a few questions for clarification I have!!
Audience Analysis: Is there a specific format this has to be submitted as? I know on the directions page on D2L there are a bunch of different questions for us, so is this just us answering them on a word document? It says "this brainstorm document," so are we just getting down all our ideas about what our version of Favorite Show is and the audience behind it?
TV Cancellation Posts: I know it says create 1-2 cancellation posts, but do those posts need to be cancelled via different platforms (Ex: one Instagram and one Facebook)? I know in the assignment above we consider our audience and what they know about the platform we choose, so should the posts just be via the same one, just worded differently?
Angry Fan Posts/Responses: If you ask for 5-7 fan posts and 7-10 tv movie responses, how do we make that work? If the studio is responding to the fans, but there is less fan responses than required studio responses, how do we do that? Unless should we make a few general public responses to all fans? Secondly, what are programs you recommend for creating these sample responses so they look "real"?
Pivoting Style Guide: This is where I am most confused. When I think of a guide for interns, I image a flyer with different instructions on how to deal with the fans. More so like the H2WG where it is short and to the point, because Interns are going to want a simple paper to look at with easy to read directions. But reading the directions it made it seem like it was more of a multi-page essay format? Can you please provide more clarification on this assignment?!
Thank you so much for all assistance! @npfannen
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jewels55 · 18 days
I think splitting the accounts up to give information about each one is a great idea! That is what I am planning on doing for mine in my background information section. I feel while though they are under the same type of space, they are still three separate accounts, so giving info about each one it its own little paragraph is a great idea.
Content Analysis Draft
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Right now I'm planning on having a Information section where I provide brief descriptions of the accounts I've chosen. I didn't want to get too drawn out about it but I did want to share a little about each account specifically. Do you think this is a good idea or would it be better to just combine them all together?
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jewels55 · 18 days
Are the Headings and Subheadings doing the job??
Peer Review #3
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Before I write, I like making sure the format is correct and covers all the points. For me personally, writing my Content Analysis Project on a word document is easiest, as it gives me the academic, yet designed feel. But I was wondering if what I have in terms of my headings and subheadings cover everything? Am I missing something? I still need to change the wording of them to make them more designed and engaging, but my main concern is if I have all the components?
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jewels55 · 19 days
I think this so clever of an Image to include! I like how you labeled each book to convey how they should be positioned. If i were you, I think also including your own content that follows this format to show an example of how it should look would give you even more credibility.
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Included in one of the sample contents I've made for my HTWG. It is meant to be showing how to design a post on Instagram for authors using simplicity, color, readable text, and positioning.
Does this visual convey those elements to an audience of authors looking to market their books?
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jewels55 · 19 days
Are my Graphs...Graphing?
Peer Review #2
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My research topic discuses how the different categorization of visuals and captions used in travel accounts influence audience engagement! What I mean by categorization is how certain visuals work together with certain captions to make different types of posts (EX: Images of a European city, with a caption that explains the Top 5 most beautiful buildings in said city is a post category!). For my graphs, I want to focus on this explanation so my reader understands it fully (Since it is complex). Above, I made a graph comparing the type of post to the number of likes for each account (with outliers because two posts got like amounts dissimilar to the rest). I want to use these to help with my analysis to discuss the impact of the different categorizations and which one seems to call for more engagement. I tend to second guess everything when it comes to graphing, but I was wondering if these graphs bring forth my idea understandably?
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jewels55 · 19 days
Basically, is this ugly??
Peer Review #1
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For my H2WG, I am working with European travel accounts, discussing how to use both visuals and captions together to increase audience engagement. In this section, I am wanting to discuss the different types of caption tricks to gage audience engagement for a post. On the previous slide I give my specific tips/tricks on this, and this slide is me showing examples of my created content captions in relation to the caption types I find most successful. I am not sure how I feel about the layout of this section, as well as if the information is shown in an organized manner. Does anyone have any opinions on what could be changed to the layout/information?!
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jewels55 · 20 days
I mean it's easy...but also hard...
ORIGINAL 4.2 and 4.3
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How to Write Guide: what will be the easiest part of content creation? How to Write Guide: what will be the hardest part of content creation?
I specifically chose European travel because I have been in that region before, thus making me able to have some background knowledge come content creation. The easy part is that I am obsessed with taking photos, so the amount of photos I have from my trips is going to help me in creating my content. I also, thankfully, had been to four different places so far, perfect for the 4 needed content creations. The hard part is, I am an unprofessional photographer who didn't know this assignment was coming, so my photos aren't the best of quality. Especially when it comes to wanting to produce both video and photo content (since travel accounts have both), the only video from any of my trips is of bad quality from a pub in Belfast, but I need to somehow make it work since I need it for my creation. I need to be able to show both categorization of posts.
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jewels55 · 20 days
Graphs. Graphs. And More Graphs
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What are your ideas/suggestions for graphing your data so it's reported in multiple, meaningful ways?
For my project, I looked at three European Travel Instagram Accounts. My data I collected focused on the different categorization of the posts. What I mean by this is how the different categories of visuals (video or photos) were in connection with the different types of captions, and how together they can be categorized into different types of travel content!
For my graphs, I want to make sure I show all of this to my readers, so I will most likely first make a graph tracking the likes and comments for each post for each profile. That way I can visually show a comparison between the three. I will then make a graph depicting the different categories I found through my analysis, as well as a graph showing how many posts were in each category.
I will then use both these graphs to show how certain categorization of visuals and captions generates a greater amount of engagement in comparison to another!
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