justlikekbacon · 5 years
thor     odinson‌
“swrily dimple?“ he hummed, thinking about the variant possible different midgardian drinks that existed. he turned to one of the waiters at the party and began to ask them in a hushed whisper about the drink, nodding occasionally before making an ‘ahh!’ sound. turning back to gamora he grinned at her. “shirley temple!” he announced, loud enough for anyone immediately around them to hear and give them questioning glances.
“i’ve ordered two for us - to try and experiment with and to ensure that what quill has said is not wrong,“ he fixed her with a curious gaze then, wondering entirely what was going on within her mind and the horrors she must have faced prior to them finishing thanos. “i may have only known you for a very short while gamora, but the time that i have grown to know and understand you; you are a formidable warrior, graceful, lean - but the more important part, the best part of you is your compassion and care you extend to those you love and find curious.“
he wasn’t entirely sure what had driven him to say what he said, but the intuitive part of his mind drove him forward in ensuring she understood that she was watched and cared for. thor had grown to love the guardians as a family of his own, friends he could rely upon and get into trouble with - and when he had no one, not even his brother, he had them. now he had valkyrie, korg, meik, loki, the remaining asgardians, the avengers, a few mutants, and the guardians. it filled him with a wholeness that he never thought he’d feel again.
when their drinks arrived, he took them both and handed one over to the other, cheering to her before taking a sip of his own and making a pleasantly surprised expression. “it is sweet, but the fizziness makes me happy.” he took another sip and grinned at gamora. “we should experiment more with the midgardian delicacies.” he held out an arm to her, “care to join me in finding the kitchen?”
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      gamora’s gaze followed thor as he turned to one of the waiters as they passed, asking them about the drink. she tilted her head curiously as she listened to the whispers back and forth, worrying a bit she’d had the wrong name as time went on. the mistake was possible, considering her issues with remembering david hasslehoff’s true name, even questioning as she thought it now if that was really his name. then thor provided the correction and in return she repeated, “shirley temple,” before mouthing it a couple more times for good measure to commit the true name to memory.
      she nodded a thanks when he said he ordered two, glad because she wished to try it, hoping it was as good as peter made it sound. it had to be a better alternative to what thor had been drinking before at the very least. if it wasn’t, she was sure they both could find something if they tried hard enough. children of this planet had to drink something other than water, shirley temples, and bland fizzies.
      then thor turned to his compliments of her and maybe it surprised her they were said, but not coming out of his mouth. she wondered a bit about what brought it on, then decided to just revel in them a little and take the moment to believe them. “you know, thor, i already like you. you don’t have to flatter me.” she smiled at him, nodding still. “thank you. it means so much coming from you.” one of the strongest people she knew and was happy to call friend. she was so grateful he found his way into their - the guardian’s - family.
     she looked from him and to the drinks when they arrived, but back at him as they both took their first sips. his reaction was what mattered the most to her, even if she too hadn’t found the drink too terrible. it was a bit like when peter had first introduced her to his music. she switched hands that she held the drink in to take his arm. it wasn’t often she’d been offered an arm, but she still took it readily, liking the gesture. “i would like that, let’s find the kitchen.”
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justlikekbacon · 5 years
peter     quill‌
Peter had been cooing and cawing for what felt like a hot minute before Gamora intervened. She dealt with Ska Boy with a blunt efficiency Peter had grown to adore – ahem – appreciate and sent him off in the direction of one Drax The Destroyer. Peter waved Ska Boy goodbye, smiling his first real smile in weeks as the other man walked away, oblivious to what’s to come. There was absolutely no way that would end well but – that was a problem for future Peter to deal with.
Present Peter had more pressing matters at hand. For all his shoot-first-talk-later attitude, Peter believed in the goodness of closure, at least, as advertised by TV. With his ship’s overloaded capacity, having a private conversation was out of the question. That was unless he didn’t mind having a poignant reunion with the equally touching backdrop of a knife-cleaning, bomb-assembling, or full-on catfight.
Well, they were off-ship now, finally. But, as luck would have had it, the two of them remained surrounded, stranded in a sea of strangers atop a showy glass building with no hope of leaving.
There was a pause after the question. Clearly, she wanted a genuine response but as she turned to face him, Peter didn’t realise that he was looking at her. Really looking at her. For a moment, he was struck with the absurdity of how ordinary it all was – the conversation they were having, the clothes they walked in. Even the weather was no different from the myriad of planets they’ve visited in the past.
And then the moment passed and he coughed, puffed his chest, and resumed his usual babbling, all the while praying she didn’t notice. “It’s a kind of music. Not unlike the stuff I play all the time except it sucks.” Said he, in a manner so matter-of-factly that anyone who didn’t know better was simply inclined to believe him.
To bolster his claim, he added, “Remember that vortex we hit on the way back from Centurion? Couldn’t stop barfing for a week? Yeah, it’s exactly like that but with instruments.”
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     the man that liked skull ska music was on his way to dealing with probably the biggest headache he’d ever have to deal with and with the satisfaction that came with that - knowing even if the man tried to end the conversation drax would probably still latch on with questions - she felt sure the man wouldn’t return and bother peter with the abhorrent conversation again. maybe they would eventually have to separate the two, assuming the ska lover would get offended only to cause drax to get offended right back, but maybe that could be stopped before that was an issue. maybe it was rocket’s turn. no, that would make it worse.
     but what this situation lead to, aside from gamora’s confusion over the weird sounding earth music, was the two of them were actually alone. yes, it was amid the near hundred strangers, but the team was distracted, no one else was talking to them, no one else was requiring their attention. for the first time since before arriving on knowhere ( if that could even be counted because of drax ), they were alone in words.
     she could tell, like herself, peter wanted this moment, maybe something even more private, but they even had the chance to make that happen she was sure. there was a lot they needed to talk about. the time that passed - much less to the both of them considering the snap and her time trapped at vormir - and what happened before, what she asked of him, needed to be addressed. and if at the end it was decided they needed to take a step back, as much as she didn’t want her logic to entertain the idea, then that’s what had to happen. she’s put him through too much.
      yet here they were, being casual, being like how they were before her past... thanos decided to ruin it all as he ruined everything in her life. maybe it was bittersweet, maybe it was just how they knew how to act even when everything had fallen apart all around them, maybe it just felt weird because they hadn’t settled what any of this was again.
     and she caught him staring too long even though he tried to cover it up, but let him do it innocently anyway. instead she nodded as if she was completely following his explanation over the music until he reached the comparison and she decided she had a good idea of what it sounded like. it just didn’t make her any less confused.
      “how would anyone find that enjoyable?” she questioned, a look of disgust crossing her face as she looked over at the guy talking to an equally disgusted and confused looking drax. she looked back at peter. “how long had he cornered you with such terrible taste?”
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justlikekbacon · 5 years
azari     t’challa‌
Azari wiggle his eyebrows. “You don’t have your team? You aren’t too close with them?” he asked genuinely curious about her statement. He nodded to her with a small smile. “You’re welcome” he told her. He nodded and stick her hand for her, in a attempt to introduce himself. “I’m Azari. Nice to meet you”.
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     “i have them, i’m just letting them wander and talk to people on their own,” she said, looking around, eyes catching each of them in the crowd. they’re much better at making connections than she was. she took his hand when he offered it, giving it a solid shake. “gamora, nice to meet you too.” though really time would tell that. so far this earther was pleasant, nice even.
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justlikekbacon · 5 years
jean     grey
       ✦ —• Jean only decided to join the party because she wanted to get to know about the people that she and the others had decided to work with. She knew a few and a lot of them she knew from second hand information, but there was obviously tons of them she had no clue about. She stands in the back of the party, sipping on her glass of wine, eyes scanning all the bodies in the party. There are approximately over sixty people easily and she never knew just how many defenders of Earth there was. The thought brings a smile to her face.
                 She spots someone beside her and she turns to look at them. “It’s interesting isn’t it? That even in the midst of danger we’re still able to stop and enjoy life when we see fit. The mind and the human will is really an intricate thing.”
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     when it came to navigating the party and watching the guardians, making sure they weren’t doing anything to lead to their dismissal or worse ( really it was mostly looking after drax and rocket ), most would think it would be easier for gamora to pick a spot on the edge and stay there, but all that really did was lead to the approach of one other party goer that would hold her company for too long, the others then be damned.
     still, once in a while she took a couple minutes to pause and decide her next path. and this time she stopped next to a woman who decided to turn to her and speak. in truth, though she was avoiding most conversation, this woman brought up something she was actually interested in, something she’d observed. “something i admire, i guess,” she said, glancing over to peter. really he’d only been half human, but that didn’t mean until he knew he wasn’t really full human he wasn’t just as willful and impulsive as the rest. “even if it’s frustrating sometimes.” she sighed. “but it’s also intimidating when someone weaker than whoever, whatever they’re facing pushes forward like it’s nothing.”
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justlikekbacon · 5 years
azari     t’challa
Azari just shrug listening to her. He had friends but not in here. Felt like a completely different world to what he was used to. “Yeah. I mean, my friends are back but since I came here I didn’t found any familiar face. I’m not shy or introvert or something like it. I just don’t know anyone else” he told her still shrugging and sipping his champagne. “What about you? And nice skin color. You’re one of that space team, don’t you?”.
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      she nodded in understanding with what he said about his friends. she even had hers there and wasn't speaking with them currently so she wasn't one to judge. “i've hardly spoken with anyone so i understand,” she said, looking out to the party where others were talking animatedly or talking closely or just lightly talking while nursing drinks. “thank you.” she let her tone fall surprised because she hadn't had a compliment like that before, but it was nice of him. “yes, assuming you mean the guardians. the others are around the party somewhere.”
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justlikekbacon · 5 years
peter     quill
Sharing an M-class spaceship with five other people, a tree on the verge of puberty, and a foul-mouthed raccoon was a curse Peter wouldn’t wish on his vilest of enemies. Not even his shitty dad. Okay. Maybe his shitty dad. Point is: Arriving on Earth should’ve given him the opportunity to stretch his legs and relax, maybe actually get some time to think, y’know, to really process everything that’s been going on. But ever since he stepped foot on this stinkin’ planet, he’d been led to emergency meeting after emergency meeting.
It’d be a lot less tedious if he knew he wasn’t just an agent for his team’s involuntary compliance and had some actual say in the proceedings. Not that he actually had anything good to say. He’d thrown out all credibility the second he let his temper get the best of him on the barren deserts of Titan.
Right… Between the whirlwind of events that had occurred since, he’d almost forgotten. The best thing he could do in the moment was shut up and smile and nod lest he fuck up and bring on the end of the world again. So he did. He sucked in his breath, gritted his teeth, and smiled and nodded his way through each purposeless meeting until there he was… smiling and nodding through yet another purposeless meeting – but now with cocktails !
Peter leaned against the bar in hushed defeat, performing his smile-and-nod routine for his current patron, some loser whose only superpower was finding a way to bring up his ska band every 2 minutes. He chanced a glance at the rest of the party for some form of escape before locking on to a hint of green from across the room. As covertly as he could, he raised a hand to the side of his face and called out from the edge of his mouth, “COO! … COO!”
And… Save for a small confused smile, Ska Boy kept on going! Staring pointedly at her now, he let out a sharp “CACAW!”
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     gamora hadn't seen much of peter since they got to earth and though she may not voice her annoyance with his situation of being dragged from meeting to another meeting to another meeting. she could see it wear on him just like everything else has been. she couldn't help but feel guilty because it really was her fault. she asked him to promise on his mother to kill her and then even when he hadn't she still died so thanos could get the stone. all of it was when she told him she loved him for the first time. she was the one to blame for how he took everything.
     and she wanted to be there for him, pick up where they'd been, be happy with their family once again, but she knew time had passed and wounds festered into scars that maybe her return balmed, but it didn't fix everything. she wanted more than anything to take back what her connection with thanos had caused the team, what she did had caused the team.
     still, it all would be a matter of time again, getting used to the time she lost, everyone going back to normal and that was all stunted by the newest threat to the universe, all of them left worrying about what was going to happen to them yet again. of course, this continued threat on one's life came with one's specific life choices and what was forced, but it still made it hard.
     this party seemed a bit out of place considering the impending doom, but she attended with the rest of the team, knowing it was best to make connections with the people she was going to be working with, but she knew, as well as everyone else that knew her did, she wasn't the best at making the new connections. she was better than she used to be and better than a couple others on the team, but she still felt as out of place as the party was.
     she was keeping tabs on the team, seeing who they talked to, making sure everyone got along, so she knew peter was being talked at by some man before he got her attention. looking between him and the enthusiastic human, approaching them. she gripped the unknown human's shoulder tightly, turning him away from peter. “sorry i need him,” she said adjusting his direction to drax across the room. “see that shirtless man? he loves skull music, go talk to him.” and she gave him a shove as he tried to correct what she said ( “it's ska.” ).
     once the man was gone to his fate of dealing with drax, she turned to peter. “what is ska?”
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justlikekbacon · 5 years
ava starr
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     “thanks,” she steadies the table with her hands, making sure the glasses on it are situated closer to the middle - just in case someone else bumps into it. that’s totally the reason. being solid had only lasted for about a year after everyone who could possibly help suddenly vanished and re-learning the skills of someone who is steadily tangible has been hard. “do you think anyone else noticed?” ava’s fairly sure nobody did, but a second opinion doesn’t hurt.
     gamora glanced around one more time for good measure before she shook her head. “no, i think it's safe between us,” she reassured. and she was sure even if they did notice, this many good people in one place surely would stop anyone from being too explosively cross. “and i think blame would be easy to pass on someone else. i've seen a lot of alcohol consumed.” and she would be more than happy to help pass the blame from this woman on to someone else.
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justlikekbacon · 5 years
sam     wilson‌
“of all the cheeses, it had to be blue.” 
sam was looking out the window of the baxter building at the pouring rain and lighting, wondering if it would be worth getting soaked to the bone to go home, take an advil, and go to sleep. the party sounded like fun in the beginning, but the more he thought about it, the . darker it got. uranus had been devoured by a mysterious planet-eating monster, forcing every single hero (or otherwise) to work together, lest that very mysterious planet-eating monster go for earth next. it didn’t really seem like something to celebrate. the pungent smell of cheese in the air just made it all feel worse.
“or is it gorgonzola?”
he was talking to no one, really. anyone in the vicinity. mostly he complained to have something to talk about other than the death and destruction looming in outer space. truth be told, he wasn’t just nervous. he was fucking terrified. thanos had been bad, but this… this was worse. this wasn’t half the universe anymore. this was everything. 
but this was a party, and galactus, apparently, could wait. so he talked.
“swiss, american, cheddar. that’s normal people cheese. parmesan on spaghetti, you know. anything else is fancy rich white people cheese, and i am neither of those three things.”
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     the outside air of this planet smelled a bit like the insides of the abilisk they took care of on sovereign. or at least smelled like how drax smelled for about a week after being on the inside of the abilisk they killed on sovereign. and until gamora had learned that this wasn’t normal, she thought earthers made a lot more sense. anyone would have strange customs, be a bit more bitter over trivial things, and have really weird shows if they were stuck on a planet that smelled like that.
     but it wasn’t normal... except in some select few places apparently so she was just as confused as usual. all it really did then was add to her worry about the impending doom from being swallowed hole. of course the planet that had already been devoured had a bit of a funny name and she laughed internally at it while passing a stern look at the other guardians as drax brought it into conversation way too many times to have it laughed at every time. aside from that, she was really concerned. they finished the worst chapter of their lives to just have the universe step it up.
     she did her best to get into the spirit of the party, which meant she wasn’t involved really in the party at all. she introduced herself back when people asked, but that was rare because she was so focused on melding into the background.
     until a man turned to her and started talking to her about what she came to assume was all earth cheeses. none of which she was familiar with in spite of maybe having one of them off the food table earlier. “i’m... not familiar with those... only sharp xandarian purple and i didn’t think it was worth maiming man that was eating it for,” she said, shrugging. “so i’ve never had it.” but then she pointed over at the food table. “except whatever cheese those orange cubes are.”
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justlikekbacon · 5 years
thor     odinson
thor still remembered the baxter building when it was once the stark tower. the old structure still stood like a haunted ghost among the manhattan skyline. at least now it seemed far more cheery - more of a look towards the future. reed richards and the rest of the fantastic four were wonderful people - someone who, he’d like to think, tony would enjoy taking over.
stepping into the building and making his way to the floor that the party was being hosted on, the asgardian smiled as he waded through the group of people, smiling at some, waving at others - before making a bee-line towards the beverages table. arrays of alcohol lined the table, and for a moment thor stared at each and every one of them.
his fingers twitched, he wanted a taste - but he dared not to. his self-exile with the guardians had trained him to take a step back from giving into the vice. silently, he reached for the club soda, sighing as he turned to face the party; only stopping when he saw someone watching him. smiling softly, he ducked his head a little before holding his drink up to them, “cheers to this alliance, yes?”
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     maybe gamora needed a drink or two. it certainly would make her less tense, fit in with the party more. that was just what she wanted to avoid. she wanted to be tense as she “bonded” with everyone around the room because she was at her peak alertness that way. it was time for the rest of the guardians to enjoy themselves, they were always the most charismatic anyway, easier to like. even rocket who was just as rough, if not more, around the edges as her.
     she hated being such a drag ( she’d heard the word used and after having it explained she decided it made sense ), but it was so hard to get used to things after being stuck in some cosmic or otherwise space on vormir for what she’s learned was five to six years even if felt like barely anything and time still hasn’t taught her to simply get comfortable someone because they smiled at you. if anything, she was more cautious, she found her happiness again and was going to grip tight with all she could.
     but as much as she was slow to trust, there seemed to be one exception. maybe it was their meeting, maybe it was simply that the asgardian’s smile was honest and overly open. he was a sun even in the darkness he’d faced in these last years. she’d been able to pick up on the difference when she rejoined the guardians, even only knowing him the short time, even after catching him after a great defeat and trauma. of course, the details were given to her when she asked, but it saddened her though she hadn’t even seen him at his worst. that fact made her even sadder. still, she liked to think things were better for him, his brother was miraculously back ( a lot of that was going around ) and he was working to find peace. of course eminent doom ruined everything, but maybe that was for the less optimistic to worry about.
     so she approached him, shrugging at his question. “i think,” she answered neutrally before she eyed his drink she knew was disgusting. “you know, peter told me about this drink he used to get all the time when he was a child called a swirly dimple.” and she’d learned children aren’t served alcohol here, at least where they were on earth so it didn’t effect thor trying to avoid it. “he says they were the best drinks.”
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justlikekbacon · 5 years
ava     starr
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     “ - just pretend you didn’t see that.” that is the fact that ava just walked into a table, jostling everything on it and nearly knocking over a glass or two. it’s hard to remember, sometimes, that her intangibility doesn’t simply activate every time she tries to touch something these days. it’s a good thing, but…you live your life one way long enough and a change from that status quo is difficult to grasp. 
     gamora didn’t jump, just turned her head when she heard someone bump into the table near her, the items on it making some noise as they displaced then replaced again. he eyes found the woman who’d bumped into the table before she shrugged. “i’m not one for pretending...” she admitted. “but i won’t say anything.” she glanced around a bit, not seeing anyone that really saw anyway.
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justlikekbacon · 5 years
azari     t’challa
Azari felt like an “island” and out of place in this party. He wasn’t a social awkward, not at all. He just didn’t know anyone so he prefers to be on his own. Plus he didn’t know how to start a conversation. He was just there seeing the guests come and go and sipping a drink. He heard a voice behind him and turn around a bit confused, not understanding what the other just said. “I’m sorry but you were talking to me? I think I just zone out”.
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     so many people in the party were grouped, coupled, talking together. she could definitely find the others, even knew where they were among the crowd, but she liked it better observing. she still wasn’t quick to trust, no matter what anyone claimed to be since it was always just words instead of actions. of course, the ones that saved the world had more of a chance to gain her trust, or rather, gain her trust more quickly. she didn’t seem like the only one keeping her distance, there was a handful and curiously she approached one. “yes,” she said, answering his question. “i asked if you had any friends here. everyone else seems to have at least someone.”
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justlikekbacon · 5 years
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T H E     B A S I C S
NAME/NICKNAMES: gamora zenwhorberi
ALIAS: fiercest woman in the galaxy
AGE: twenty-four ( twenty-seven mentally )
TEAM/GROUP: (as)guardians of the galaxy
FACECLAIM: zoe saldana
T H E     D E T A I L S
FAMILY: nebula, the guardians
THREE FAVORITE THINGS: protecting the ones she cares about, sparring, && dancing
EDUCATION: training under thanos
SKILLS: master martial artist, sword mastery, expert marksman, && expert pilot
WEAPONS: godslayer && plasma rifle
ABILITIES: superhuman strength, agility, and durability && regenerative healing factor
abuse tw and death tw below the cut !!
T H E     Q U E S T I O N N A I R E
she had been traversing the galaxy on her own, afraid of facing the people who knew her so well, but she couldn’t remember. newly free of thanos, she wished to find her footing on her own. this was until she travelled to vormir, the site of her death, to see if she could get answers about what happened. as a result, her soul - that had been trapped in between on vormir since thanos’ use of the gauntlet when the deal became null - entered her past self’s body. when this happened, she remembered everything up until her death and went in search of her family.
before she remembered everything, she learned that she was able to find happiness and that there is a safer, stronger love that she deserved from others who would practically move the universe for her. but it still scared her enough because she couldn’t be what those that cared about her probably needed and remembered. that’s why she sought answers on vormir. then when she remembered up until her death all of those notions were even more solidified. that all of them deserved to be happy and above what’s happened to them.
she fights for the guardians for sure, but the galaxy kinda comes in with the title. she wants to save the universe from the next event and it seems like galactus is just as terrible, if not more so than the others they’ve faced. the being ( if it can be called that ) is ominous, but she stands where the rest of the guardians do, especially because this looks like a horrifying end to the universe if something isn’t done about it.
she hides the fact she’s sentimental most of the time by questioning how others express it, but she keeps nearly everything the guardians give her even if it’s something that someone might consider trash.
as part of growing up raised and abused by thanos, she learned she had to sleep anywhere and with varied degrees of discomfort, so when it comes to sleeping now, even in safety and comfort, she often gravitates away from her pillow to the center of her bed curled up. other times, she sleeps curled up in her chair on benatar.
though she catches on to sarcasm and other social queues way more easily than drax, she still gets confused by a lot of what peter ( and other people on earth ) talk about, sometimes using incorrect words, other times just not understanding why people on earth act the way they do and have weird customs.
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justlikekbacon · 5 years
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justlikekbacon · 5 years
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The evolution of Gamora the dancer warrior assassin.
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justlikekbacon · 5 years
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I’m sorry, little one…
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justlikekbacon · 5 years
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I’m a warrior and an assassin. I do not dance.
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