kaijuthorned · 4 years
‘the  departed  (  2006  )  sentence  starters ↪  taken  from  the  film,  film  script,  &  original  script.  some  have  been  slightly  altered  to  work  better  out  of  context.  yes  i  know  it’s  super  long  but  i  couldn’t  help  it.  alter  as  you  see  fit.  trigger  warnings  for  religion,  blood,  death,  violence, language
“you still on the straight and narrow?”
"you can tell a mick because he wakes up every day and smells the coffin.”
"what sort of man wants to be kept in his place?”
“i don’t know what to do for you.”
“don’t run into the fucking building fucking next time, you fuckin’ douchebags.”
“don’t tell me i’m looking at the first dickhead-american president of the united states!”
“fuck yourself. you’ll see what i’ll be. how i’ll end up.”
“you don’t need any help from me to be completely fucked.”
“rage issues, paramilitary fantasies, and lower median IQ.”
“if you had an idea about what we do we would not be good at what we do.”
“what’s that got to do with me?”
“i ain’t sure about him, either.”
“why didn’t you become an actor?”
“i think even if i were sigmund fucking freud i wouldn’t get an answer.”
“it’s not a strange question.”
“he’s dead, you know. i didn’t tell you.”
“are you trying to prove something to the family?”
“you have always questioned everything.”
“maybe. maybe not. maybe fuck yourself.”
“what was his name? the, ah, departed.”
“you’re a fucking genius.”
“it was in the papers.”
“and why are we graced with your presence?”
“i’m the guy who tells you there are guys you hit and there are guys you don’t. that’s not quite a guy you can’t hit, but it’s almost a guy you can’t hit, so i’m fucking ruling on it right now that you don’t hit him.”
“i mean fuck yourself.”
“welcome to the neighbourhood. ”
“they don’t run harvard law at night, last time i checked. ”
“and for that you have to take me to dinner.”
“shut your ass before you get a gun stuck up it.”
“when i hear about someone getting in touch with their true nature i always feel like i need a shower.”
“they say you really fucked up.”
"personally, i only come into places like this if i have to hurt somebody.”
“i’m sorry. it was necessary.”
“i saw a dead guy. i think i have post traumatic stress. you available for lunch?”
“he’s an idiot.”
“you’re a presentable guy, now that you’re not pretending to be a scumbag for some personal reason.”
“he gave me a fucking job!”
“informers. the world is all informers.”
“i was going for my fuckin’ cigarettes.”
“in this country we can eat a variety of items.”
“if you ask me another question, i’m going to kill you.”
“you’re rising in the world. what are you going to do?”
“the way you live, there’s not much question about the way you die.”
“the next time i see you, i’ll kill you.”
“mind your own fuckin’ business.”
“most of the people in the world do it every day.”
“that was a joke, [name].”
“it’s just a little while longer.”
“name me one thing that people do that doesn’t have some element of a clusterfuck.”
“you’re a mess. you need to talk to somebody?”
“i need to fucking talk to somebody.”
“get the fuck out of there now and don’t go back.”
“you look so relaxed.”
“can we afford an interior decorator? because even if i had time, i really suck at it.”
“when you’re younger, every year is a different personality with different costumes, different books. then you’re just finally the same old shit, and so is your life. that’s when you get married.”
“haven’t you been different people?”
“you calling the shots here?”
“do you know what it’s like to be the only person who can do anything, and to not be able to do it?!”
“people are liars. they want to be stars of their little films. reinvent what happened. pretend they had a snappy comeback when really they thought of it in the car.”
“no one’s more full of shit than a cop.”
“no one’s themselves, if anyone’s watching. sometimes i think that the happiest people are the ones who aren’t themselves even when they’re alone.”
“i was on a sailboat once in a stom. there were people who lost it. there were people who did their jobs. everyone sorts out.”
“maybe i don’t need you.”
“maybe we could play trivial pursuit or have an original-thought bakeoff and see who wins.”
“you did that because i said something true. congratulations.”
“it was a clumsy way to say that i was interested in your thinking.”
“this is fuckin’ america. it’s complicated, here. wake up.”
“don’t tell me how to do my job.”
“i’ll tell you to your face that you just didn’t do it.”
“some people never trust a guy with an immaculate record.”
“ladies see the wedding ring and how immediately that you must have some money and that your cock works.”
“reality’s important. appearances are more important.”
“no, no, no. jesus christ.”
“i don’t know what’s going on and i’m not sitting in this room without getting a tetanus shot.”
“the only one who could do what i do as well as i do is you.”
“if you make me fear for my life, i’ll put a fucking bullet in your fucking head as if you were anybody else.”
“if you’d handled this problem i wouldn’t be here.”
“fuck yourself.”
“i have a lot to learn from you.”
“you can … be one thing with one person, and someone else to another.”
“what the fuck do you want?”
“i’ve done a lot of bad things but i’ve never been a murderer.”
“i have unfinished business. i don’t know exactly what I’m going to do …”
“we all have an achilles heel.”
“it’s good to know people in high places.”
“you get to a certain age and it’s all about deciding to commit. sometimes not what you want. you have to want what you don’t. you keep wanting what you want and it’s chaos. what do you want?”
“you got a thing for rooftops?”
“i’m not your confessor. there’s no absolution.”
“i know who you used to be.”
“it’s the essence of cards. you play what you’re dealt, or you’re a fucking cheat.”
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kaijuthorned · 4 years
NEGATIVE ASTROLOGICAL TRAITS.   bold what definitely applies to your muse. italicize what sometimes applies.
𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 .    tries to do everything at once.  doesn’t know when to stop and take care of themselves. bends over backwards for everyone even if someone did them dirty. has entirely too much on their plate.
𝐓𝐀𝐔𝐑𝐔𝐒 .     idealistic. spends a lot of time trying to impress others. doesn’t like to apologize. eating is a coping mechanism or just addictive personalities in general. a tad codependent.
𝐆𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐈 .   the most flip floppy people ever. what’s today’s mood? never apologizes. in denial 90% of the time. their way is the highway. desperately needs a break. they have a hard time setting goals because their goals scare them.
𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑 .    the literal meaning of i’ll give you the shirt off my back. isolates themselves in fear of someone hurting them. wants to change but is scared of change. complains a lot but never takes advice people give them.
𝐋𝐄𝐎 .     no one takes them seriously because they feel they always have to portray themselves as the fun one. is actually really sad inside. honestly needs a hug. exhausted always.
𝐕𝐈𝐑𝐆𝐎 .     can dish it but can’t take it. rushes everything. anxious. plans their future but forgets to live in the moment. sometimes ignores their friends because they have so much on their mind. talks about themselves a lot and sometimes forgets to ask the other person how they are.
𝐋𝐈𝐁𝐑𝐀 .   solves everyone’s problems but their own. is actually really sad and lonely. gets easily heartbroken but tries not to show it. will do anything to justify bad decisions. honestly just wants everyone to love them but doesn’t really love their self.
𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐏𝐈𝐎 .     easily set off. will give anyone the cold shoulder at any time even without reason. keeps a lot in. so observant that they often times find out things that hurt them. too many “what ifs” swirling in their heads. has trouble showing their true selves.
𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐒 .     impatient. brash. commitment issues. body issues. doesn’t realize they don’t need to change for anyone. has a lot of different goals to a point where they get overwhelmed. just wants to disappear and do what they want without anyone questioning them.
𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐍 .  scared people won’t like them unless they’re at the top of their game 24/7. takes a lot for them to talk about their feelings. secretly struggling. fake happy. needs a plan but doesn’t know what that plan is. confident but insecure at the same time. wants to be stable but sometimes wishes they could drop everyone’s expectations of them and live normally.
𝐀𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐒 .    gets heartbroken like 30 times a week. trust issues. can be unmotivated and disinterested. feels they have to adapt to every person they meet so they can be liked. doesn’t know how to tap into their emotions despite being very intuitive. confused. expects little.
𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐒 .     empathetic often to a point of no return. plays the victim. doesn’t know when to say no. cynical. hermit. is very impatient. trusts everyone too much. can be secretly very critical and judgmental. can only tolerate maybe ten minutes of social interaction. needs a lot of validation.
tagged by: i stole it from @sharpxstpetals tagging: anyone who hasnt done it. steal it urself
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kaijuthorned · 4 years
goes psppspspsspsps at the unfathomable horror hunting me for sport
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kaijuthorned · 4 years
Bee’s REREV2 quotes sentence starter pack - part 1
Great, the child has gunpowder. I’m calling you ‘Pain-in-my-ass’ from now on. Get some rest tall child. He sounds like a nice train conductor. I’m gonna have to take that as a ‘no thank you’, bye! ___, move, we’re leaving! I’ve got my emotional support brick. Brick time! Bonk! She’s a strong child! Pro gamer tip; Use the child. Any zombies out here? Any zimies? Any zim-zambonies? Do you wanna pick up your brick? Strong man! He’s like Hopper 2.0. He’s more dad and less sad. My thoughts exactly, small child! What do I break this with? This brick? You have a gun. Use it. Head for the tower! It’s not the ass, but close enough. This music is not my favorite.. I feel in danger. I like her, I wish to hold her. I mean I hated the son of a bitch, but I didn’t want this. I got the ass! I like him, he gives me good vibes. I can put her in my pocket. Time to leave!
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kaijuthorned · 4 years
“ I like to think I’m a little bit important. ” Madison comments without looking, arms folded over her chest as she walks forward to stand beside her. Another snark is halfway through her lips before she looks over, a frown replacing her half smile. Her eyes move from the cigarette in hand, scrunching up her nose up a little in distaste, to the woman’s face with disappointment and just the slightest hint of concern.  “ I guess what’s important is what the hell’s up with you, right now. ” She grumbles, reaching over and putting out the offending smoke with two fingers, not caring about the mild sting as she shakes her hand off. “ I don’t know if this is a stress thing, or a heartbreak thing, but whatever. I was built with two ears and you better start talking to ‘em. ” 
“Do you really think it’s a good time to talk right now?” A puff of smoke from her cigarette left Lily’s mouth after she pulled it from her lips just to speak. She didn’t even know who walked up to her, didn’t try to see either, just focused on the smoke billowing up from her lips, trying anything she could to not show just how much distress was going through her mind at that moment. She was sure the other could see it in her features and the way her hands shook, but still, she tried.
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“What’s so important?”
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kaijuthorned · 4 years
what tragic character from ancient greek literature are you?
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you are pentheus from the bacchae by euripides, and you hold yourself so tightly wound together and so perfectly in place that even the slightest push will make you shatter. you are determined, you are headstrong, and you are addicted to pushing yourself to your farthest limits just to see when you'll snap. you find comfort in tradition, order, and authority, because that's where you are allowed to be blind to the darkness inside you. once in a while, give into the temptation and the chaos you keep denying yourself. it's the only way to not be afraid anymore.
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kaijuthorned · 4 years
the only way 2020 could actually get worse is if godzilla himself washed up
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kaijuthorned · 4 years
“Look on the bright side, that’s gonna make one badass scar.”
- bee’s spring (summer?) cleaning! “ Remind me why I’m letting you help me again? ” Madison shoots him a glare, scrunching up her nose before she returns to the problem at hand. It wasn’t too terrible, but she held her hand on it so she didn’t go bleeding all over everything.  It was a tiny slip up, a scrape when she fell, jeans rolled up over her knees so she could see it better. Even if she was de-escalating it, it still stung when she let it breathe. “ Don’t you like, hate this shit anyway? You can let it be, y’know. It won’t kill me. ”  Huffing out a stubborn breath, she shoves her jeans back over her knees. Still, she flashes him a confident smile, tucking her hair away behind one ear. “ It’ll take a lot more than that to put me out of commission. Don’t worry. ”
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kaijuthorned · 4 years
forgive .
     sentences from gnash’s song ‘forgive’. trigger warnings apply.
“ i know you’re mad. ”
“ i know you’re mad when you can’t look me in the eyes.”
“ i need you better”
“ when you say nothing it’s like you’ve stuck a knife in my side ”
“ i know the feeling. ”
“ i know the feeling, it’s not easy being stuck with me tonight. ”
“ it’s not easy being stuck with me tonight. ”
“ to make things right, these things take time. ”
“ these things take time. ”
“ hold me. ”
“ i’m holding onto you for dear life. ”
“ i never know the words to say. ”
“ i never know the words to say, but you forgive me anyway. ”
“ we both know i’m the reason you cry. ”
“ do you need a break? ”
“ do you need some space? ”
“ do you need to change your mind-ways? ”
“ should i get away? ”
“ i’m afraid if i change you won’t look at me the same. ”
“ i wanna be your only shoulder when you have a bad day. ”
“ we’ve been arguing more than what we usually do. ”
“ i know i deserve what you’re putting me through. ”
“ if you mean what you say, and you want to me to go —”
“ if that’s what you want. ”
“ i want you to know that i’ll stay the night if that’s alright. ”
“ i’ll stay the night. ”
“ i’ll stay the night to make things right. ”
“ hold me ‘til the day that i die ”
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kaijuthorned · 4 years
“You’re so much different when we’re alone.”
- bee’s spring (summer?) cleaning!   An indignant huff leaves her as she folds her arms, stubbornly looking at anything in the room that wasn’t the only person in it. Of course it was a true statement; she acted too strongly when it came to everyone else. But not like she was about to admit it out loud, no way in hell. Scowling at nothing in particular, her eyes don’t meet his. “ I’m allowed to be nice to you, y’know. Being mean around the clock would be exhausting. ” Madison relents, giving him a firm nudge with her elbow. Even as she attempts to pretend that it doesn’t affect her, a gentle smile crosses her face, calming her slightly narrowed expression. Rolling her eyes, she returns her arms to her sides, the momentary flash of agitation that crossed her fleeting and already gone. “ Could say the same for you, you know. ”
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kaijuthorned · 4 years
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According to plan?                                                You said that you were gonna be careful.  That you’d release them one at a time, that you would restore balance! (semi selective Madison Russel of 2019′s Godzilla: King of the Monsters)
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kaijuthorned · 4 years
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here you are, bitch
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kaijuthorned · 4 years
“what happened to you made you stronger” 
i was a child. i didn’t need to be strong i needed to be safe
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kaijuthorned · 4 years
"--Maddie?!" The name leaves her in a rushed breath before the two collided into each other for a hug, almost knocking Lily down to the ground. Thankfully, the half-demon's equilibrium was enough to hold them both up as the kid, muddied and bloodied up from head to toe, cried in her arms. The older placed a kiss to the top of the younger's head, out of pure instinct. "Jesus fucking Christ, I didn't know she got you too.." She muttered to herself before speaking. "I'm here, calm down, I'm here."
- Madison hated that she’d been found- following a short distance behind someone that said they were taking her somewhere safe. She didn’t want to go somewhere with people. It was fine out here by herself, she was fine being lonely. Home is where she would rather be, sure, but in a place like this she was better off being on her own. Attachments were helpless in hellish places like this. You’d never escape with all of them intact- it was a horrid truth she learned really quickly. It was evident by the level of blood she was covered in. It encased her completely in crimson, some dried, some not. She felt it under her sharp nails and drops stuck in her lashes, tear tracks running through the red and muddy mix. Her movements were shaky and twitchy at best, keeping her hands close to her chest, the harsh yellow light staring her in the face. She hated that. She wanted to feel better, but no matter how many deep breaths she took or attempted to, it never went away. Maddie stood in place for a long time, digging her nails in her palms until skin broke and kicking at the dirt in mud covered boots. At least, until she heard the sharp, familiar call of her name from behind her. Whipping her head around so fast you’d think she broke something, her vibrant ocean eyes go wide, mouth dropping open. Before she knew it, her legs were moving of their own accord, crashing into the woman before she could stop herself, burying her face into the embrace with no second thought. More tears wet the blood on her face, heaving sobs coming from her frail form. She was lucky that Lily could lift her, because her legs had stopped working at this point, only tucked safely into her arms. It’s all that mattered. Her soothing voice made Madison shiver, in a good way. It was comforting. Even if she’d hoped that everyone else was safe, she missed her. She missed her mom. Lily is strong and capable, least of all one of the nicest people she’s ever met, and she loves her. Her family is small and crazy, but it means the world to her. Reaching up, she pets the back of Lily’s longer hair, running her nails through the ends even as she’s a mess, it helps her not fall apart right then and there. Smiling for the first time in weeks, her shoulders un-tense, and her heart feels easier to carry. The yellow shackle on her wrist resumes its original green.
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kaijuthorned · 4 years
Send me “Draw!” and I’ll draw your muse!
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kaijuthorned · 4 years
you thought, bitch
at least the anti-mike wheeler club died down before valentine’s day 🤷🏻‍♂️
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kaijuthorned · 4 years
this dumb website is in need of some love, so reblog this if you like the person you reblogged it from!!!
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