kokomis-fish · 2 years
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kokomis-fish · 5 years
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Dating Junko Enoshima
Notes: Takes place when the 78th class attended Hope's Peak Academy. Sorry this is so short.
Junko Enoshima wasn't so easy to ignore when she constantly commented on every mistake that the class did and ridicule them for it
But what was rather unusual was the fact that she didn't point out any of your mishaps
Some would suspect that maybe it was because you got along with her so well, while others were convinced that the two of you were dating
The school life consisted of escorting Junko around the campus and sneaky kisses
She wasn't really much of an affectionate type but she would show it in her own way like ruining others' lives for messing with you or encouraging you when you needed it
Overall, the two of you made the best memories
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kokomis-fish · 5 years
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Dating Celestia Ludenburg
Notes: Takes place when the 78th class attended Hope's Peak Academy
Many thought of your relationship with Celestia Ludenburg was rather odd
She was a reserved but intelligent girl who barely revealed any information about her past
The lies she would spread about her origins and name repelled many from befriending her
Unlike them, you decided to take the chance of making a new friend which would later become your lover
She didn't show much physical affection to you but in her words to which she would deny if they were pointed out, you didn't care because it was her own way of showing affection even if it seemed odd
The normal school life with Celestia consisted of calming her down from hurting Hifumi, drinking tea, playing card games, and hearing more of her 'past'
You earned many looks from other students for dating the Queen of Lies but would simply ignored them, to you all that mattered was Celestia's feelings and well-being
The entire 78th class was pretty accepting of your relationship and made no moves to ruin it
Overall, your school life was pretty exciting with Celestia at your side and you couldn't wait to see what the future had in store for the two of you
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kokomis-fish · 5 years
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Dating Fukawa Toko and Genocider Syo
Notes: Takes place after Danganronpa 3 Hope Arc
Just like the other remaining students from the 78th classes, you survived the killing game and ended The Tragedy with the 77th class helping
Throughout all the years of suffering, you can finally be with Toko Fukawa
But there was one little problem, Genocider Sho
From what you've heard, she has grown to be a little more friendly and although you equally loved her just as much as Toko
You were afraid of higher authorities taking her away from you so when she started to take the path of becoming a more stable person, you were grateful for Komaru's influence
Despite your appreciation you were jealous of the fact that Komaru was the one who softened Toko even after all the years you spent together
It was pretty obvious to Fukawa how you were feeling so she confronted you about it
At first you were reluctant but told her how you felt, it took a while for her to think of something to say something but you decided to leave
"I won't comfort you.....I'm not good at that stuff yet...but the emotion you're feeling....guilt or insecurity or whatever...you can't face it on your own. I...understand that you're jealous of Komaru but she wasn't the one who tolerated me for years, helped me get over Byakuya, and loved me when I couldn't love myself. I-"
You rushed forward and pulled her into a hug
It was all you needed to hear to ease your insecurity
But you felt guilty for being envious of Komaru
It quickly flew away when Toko wrapped her arms around you
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kokomis-fish · 5 years
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Dating Oogami Sakura
Notes: Takes place during Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc. Sorry it's so short!
The first time you met her, you were intimidated by her appearance
She didn't show to smile much around anyone
That is until Sakura met you
It was obvious to everyone that you made her show little more emotion than anyone else in a romantic way
Everyone took the news pretty well when you guys told them the two of you started dating
It wasn't a good time to date since Monokuma forced everyone to kill each other to escape the school but you two made it work
Many assumed that Aoi was an awkward third wheel but was later proved otherwise by Sakura who prefers to be affectionate in private
After executions and trials, Sakura would cheer you up with small things like favorite food or little trinkets that she found
Overall, the relationship was beautiful that made a few girls jealous but mostly supportive of of you two
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kokomis-fish · 5 years
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Dating Aoi Asahina
Notes: Takes place during Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
The first meeting between you two was actually pretty normal other than the fact that you and a couple others are stuck inside a school by a build a bear commanding everyone to kill each other
She became a fast friends within the first few days along with Sakura
You and Sakura would always comfort her during trials and crime scenes
Everyone thought of you three as the golden trio since you always held optimism and energy
But soon the trio became a duo after Sakura's suicide
Aoi had a difficult time overcoming her death and sealed herself in her room for days after her trials
You were fed up with her sadness and gave her a little pep talk which motivated her to continue smiling for Sakura
When it came close to the last trial, she finally confessed about her feelings to you
Although you were ecstatic, you told her to wait until everyone escaped the dorms but you did give her a little promise ring
She couldn't contain herself and gave you a small peck on the lips
When Junko was finally defeated and everyone left the school, you made sure you stood by Aoi's side
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kokomis-fish · 6 years
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Dating Kyoko Kirigiri
Warning: Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc spoilers, sorry if this seems rushed
Just as the rest of your classmates, you met in the gymnasium
But unlike the rest of your classmates, she didn't seem eager to talk with you
So you awkwardly stood at her side
Which got some looks from other students
After hearing Monokuma's intentions most started to panic
But a few, like you Kyoko, decided to team up and find exits
She didn't really talk much unless it was for finding clues
After the first murder the pink haired girl finally decided to talk to you after seeing your downcast face
For a short 5 seconds
"Don't get too close to anyone."
Even she didn't listen to her own rule
Because pretty soon you were the one she explained most of the murder details to
As murders passed she found herself falling for you but considering the murder situation...
Anyways, it was pretty heartbreaking for you to see Kyoko executed right after Makoto
It was a dull few hours until she reappeared with Makoto
But before you could get to her, it was time for the final trial
After the tense event, it was time to see the outside world
As you stood looking at the door, Kyoko gently took your hand in a reassuring grip
"You're not alone in facing the possible dangers beyond the door. Just remember you have the rest of us....and me."
A pink blush dusted your cheeks as your eyes looked away in embarrassment
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kokomis-fish · 6 years
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Dating Monokuma
Warning: Spoilers from 1st game, maybe bad fanfic (I tried).
Notes: I will have more fanfics woth Monokuma in other games and animes. All of them will be different scenarios
Trigger Happy Havoc
Just as everyone else, you first met him in Hope's Peak Academy
And just as everyone else, you freaked out at having to kill someone
But what made you different from everyone else was the fact the you got over the shock quickly
"Why?" Is what most people asked
You are the Ultimate Undertaker
Which made Monokuma deeply interested in you
The deep interest made him befriend you
Little did you know you were in for a ride
As days and deaths passed, you two grew to fall in love with each other
You aided Monokuma and Junko in their plans for Ultimate Despair
When it was time for revealing the mastermind, Junko let you run free
But it wasn't to live a normal life
Instead you continued to spread despair
Thanks to Enoshima, she let you run away with your beloved Monokuma
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kokomis-fish · 6 years
Dating Yasuhiro Hagakure
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Notes: Takes place before the first game
His hair looks great for memes
...And that's how you two met
He doesn't trust you with pictures
He finds many photoshops of him
But also normal photos
His friends often tease him, you step in and tell them to quit
Not even a few seconds later after leaving you're making him embarrassed
Unlike the ultimates, you attended the Reservse Course classes
Many knew of your relationship with Hagakure
Also unlike the Ultimates, the Reserve Course Students belittled him and sometimes you
Again unlike the Ultimates, they didn't know of your nickname
Secret Ultimate Jiu Jitsu Artist
That would send you straight to suspension
Later on, you would be scolded by your friends and boyfriend
The two of you didn't care what they school thought of you two being together
Because the two of you promised each other to hold your head up high
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kokomis-fish · 6 years
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Dating Hifumi Yamada
He is such an otp shipper
He introduces you to many animes and mangas
He loves to point out small Easter eggs and facts about each anime
He also loves to talk a lot so you have to kick him out of the room
Not many people hang out with the two of you since they're judgemental over Hifumi's figure and your acceptance of him
Your close friends are Naegi, Sakura, Kiyotaka, Chihiro, and Aoi since they're the ones to stand up for Hifumi against bullying
You always make sure Hifumi makes to classes and locations safely without hurtful comments
You're his shoulder to cry on when he is ridiculed for his love of anime
And his weight
He's your sunshine on bad days
Binge watching includes ice cream, popcorn, Easter eggs, and cuddles
Merch laying around the house
"Why the hell do you have a body pillow of Erza Scarlet on my bed?"
You also keep him in line from obsession
Overall, you two are a perfect example of acceptance
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kokomis-fish · 6 years
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Dating Leon Kuwata
Notes: This is before the killing game
A sweetheart
You support most of his decisions such as wanting to be a musician
You also hung out with his group of friends
Mondo and Chihiro really appreciate how much you keep him in line
Away from trouble
He had a personality of a delinquent before he met you
He doesn't like to admit it to you in fear of you being disgusted by his behavior
You support his games and attend each one
You're also there for him when he loses his games and comfort him
Sexual jokes
That later turn into the real thing
Being the popular couple in school
Leon Kuwata treats you like royalty
He avoid you when he feels like he's going to explode out of rage
But you always find him and give the baseball player company
He loves you to the point where he feels like he will never forgive himself if anything happened to you
Thus his constant hand holding
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kokomis-fish · 6 years
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Dating Byakuya Togami
Warning: Spoilers and possibly ooc
Notes: During the killing game
Sometimes you want to hug him....close and hope he doesn't notice the knife about to plunge in his back
I swear you love him
But it's just that he is a little fucking shit
You're the only one who is able to stop him from insulting or ridiculing others
Also stopping any physical attacks from him
Most of the students wonder why someone as nice as you would end up with a douche as a friend
But the real question is how did you end up with him as your boyfriend?
To this day you didn't know the answer but you didn't really care
During the trials you spent most of your time investigating with him and talking to comrades about the information the two of you collected
The both of you did an exceptional job at piecing the murders together
There weren't any problems with your relationship
Not even Toko interfered
You could tell she tried to get over Byakuya
There were many attempts at becoming friends with her
The closest being in the middle of friends and acquaintance
But it was good enough for you, she just needed some time
Byakuya doesn't express much affection to you but you know he loves you anyways
How though?
Because his pinkie would cling on to yours when no one was looking
He's getting closer to holding it in public
All that really mattered was the rosy blush that would dust his cheeks, he would try his best not to see your loving gaze when his pinkie gripped yours
He's a brick with marshmallows inside
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kokomis-fish · 6 years
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Dating Makoto Naegi
Warning: Spoilers from Trigger Happy Havoc and maybe some spelling/grammar? Mistakes
Notes: During the killing game
He's a hope infested smol bean
It's obviously a win-win for the both of you
You get his love and he clears any evidence in the trial that points to you
He gets your love and protection from bullies and people who pick fights
Close friends with Kiyoko Kirigiri
Friends but also enemies with Byakuya
Comforting him after Sayaka's trial
You keep your relationship secret in case one of you die
But when Makoto was executed, you broke down and absent-mindly told everyone
Actually, it was more like hinted
Aoi tried to help you
Then you lost Kirirgiri
Aoi's efforts were ruined
Byakuya ridiculed you for being close to them
So you punched the hell out of him
Then when the pair came back, nobody had the time to think of the relationship between you and Makoto because they were trying to figure out the mastermind
After Junko's execution, Makoto reassured you everything will be okay
"I swear to god Naegi, if you keep talking about hope I will stab myself with your ahoge."
"Please don't."
You two are the hope the remaining survivors need (yes, even Byakuya but he doesn't like to admit it)
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kokomis-fish · 6 years
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Dating Mondo Oowada
Warning: Language, cringey sexual references, and possibly ooc [I tried :'( ]
Notes: During killing game
A brick...who's actually a cinnamon roll
He tries to hide his blush around you and play things cool
News flash: You already know when he's red
You're really snappy with comebacks
So is he
He has a lot of confidence in himself
Until you go and call him cute
"Men aren't supposed to be cute!"
"Says the cute guy."
Leon and Chihiro consider you as their sibling
Purgatory breaks loose when Mondo gets jealous
But Hell crashes down when you get jealous
It's not easy calming you down
Even your boyfriend gets scared of you
You like to play with his hair often
"Is your hair long enough to stab someone?"
"If you ran like your mouth you would be in good shape."
"Being a dick won't make yours any bigger."
"Last time I checked you enjoyed how I filled you up perfectly."
You two are definitely little balls of sunshine
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kokomis-fish · 6 years
Dating Chihiro Fujisaki
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Notes: Before killing game
Insecure smol bean
He/she told you about their real sex the moment you started dating
And started tearing up
You comforted him
Then fell asleep
Little spoon
He was insecure about being masculine around you and insisted Mondo to help him
After hearing this from Mondo and Leon, you confronted Chihiro about it
He was hesitant to tell you
But you told him you don't care about his looks
Then fell asleep
Did I mention your sleeping positions?
His arms would be wrapped around you torso with his head buried in your chest
One of your hands would settle on his back and the other in his hair
Waking up with him was amazing
His cute sleepy expression mixed with his bed hair made you melt
It was moments like these when you would recall all the time you spent with him
He loves to shower you with gifts
Your favorite one being his promise ring
He wasn't being on PDA
But sometimes you would tease him
Unless it was during school, where Ishimaru could jump out any moment and send you two to detention
Chihiro is your little smol bean and you definitely wouldn't have it any other way
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kokomis-fish · 6 years
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Dating Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Notes: Before killing game
Constantly walking you to your dorm
Protective arm around your waist
No affection during school (even though there's no classes anyways)
But you kiss him anyways
His blush as red as his eyes
Siding with you during trials
Spending time with each other 24/7
Waiting for each other after a long day
Protective smol bean
He always stands up for you
With the help of Mondo Oowada at his side
You hanging out with Mondo and Chihiro
Awkward hugs and kisses
Little spoon
It ain't easy for him to show affection
But he will try for you
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