la-fiel · 3 years
✎ a little studio trip..?
hi ! today i had a pretty odd trip to a unique location ! i had heard from a distant friend about some of these.. photo studios that some adventures had set up. i was curious of course, so i went to take a peek!  (the Atelier: Himawari studio is located in goblet ward 12 plot 54 @ carbuncle, elemental)
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i have to say, it was such a pretty little area. the owner of the house had separated the different rooms into different themes, all labelled with a title and a free entrance ! you could go into any of them that sounded fancy to your ears. i had a fun time exploring all the rooms;  it’s their unique vibes that makes one stay in a spot for a long time ....
personally, the room labelled 『Black Ruby』 had me the most interested... i was in awe ! the aesthetic.. the gothic feel ... the red couch in the middle of the roses ..
the moment i sat on the couch, admiring everything, my friend pulled me up and yelled, “you need to dress up!” what do you mean !! i didnt come here to model !! to which i had responded as such, but she wouldnt let it go(≧ __ ≦’’)im sorry to say... i was eventually convinced
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///// i guess it turned out alright.... the clothes were so pretty.. i didnt think i deserved wearing it at all T_T still, what’s happened happened, and i’ll treasure these beautiful photos !! my friend wants to bring me to even more studios next time, so maybe i’ll post more of these again .. who knows ! 
until next time,
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la-fiel · 3 years
✎ let me share a little about where i've been ...
just a little while ago, i’ve been travelling through a region called the Far East. today i'll talk about the Azim Steppe, which some would know is home to the au ra of the xaela clan (like me!)
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i had stumbled upon this area when i trekked around the mountains, my curiosity for what was beyond overwhelming me to get there no matter what. and to my surprise, there were people who looked just like me! the xaela au ra, who called this place their home, greeted me as i approached the area named Reunion.
some were curious at my choice of outfit, and asked which tribe i came from. i was confused, of course. i'm not native nor of any tribe – and i'd said as much – and then they got confused! they responded that i must have had one, since i was of the xaela clan too, and i must have been born here. at that point, i could only hope someone could drag me out of this situation.
and maybe, my wish was granted. just when i was lost for answers, a female au ra came forward and stepped in between me and the wondering crowd. she put a hand forward and just said "enough! i'll take it from here." it was so cool! she had platinum blond hair and vivid blue eyes. the others seemed rather surprised. maybe at the fact that someone could shush the crowd with such impact? or maybe at the person who decided to shush the crowd..
"let's talk somewhere else." she'd told me, then took me by the hand wrist a little further out from the market. i'm not going to lie ! i wasnt going to resist wherever she was taking me !! we stopped just beyond the small hill, and she let go.
"it's you." was the first thing she said to me. i was confused, naturally. "i recognize you. you and your mother left the steppe a few years ago."
eh? eh?? what was one supposed to say when thrown history unguarded – especially if it was something they never knew? i was full of doubt, so i responded "you might have mistaken me for someone else."
"no, i know it is you. we would never mistaken our own people. your mother was Nepeta Dotharl, wasn't it?" for the first time since reaching the steppe, i was taken aback. i know my mom by another name, but i've heard her mutter this name before. she had told me before that our names were fresh ones she came up with, after we settled in the village i now call home. was this perhaps how she was addressed before? and, if my research was right, that would mean...
"i was born of the Dotharl tribe?!" my thoughts were voiced aloud. the woman finally cracks a smile, almost as if she was relieved i came to this conclusion.
the woman told me after that her name was Sadu Dotharl, and she was the leader of the Dotharl tribe (so cool!). she brought me back to where the tribe resides, and sure enough, the older members of the tribe recognized me too. they welcomed me with happiness on their faces. it was a weird feeling, almost like… coming home.
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in need of a place for the night, i asked to stay. they didnt refuse, and even offered to let me live there for a few days. it was probably the best offer i've gotten in my travels, so i took it up! i've learned so much about the tribe, their culture, their lifestyle, and much more about myself since then. i learned of the reasons why my mom decided to leave, and thought it was fate that i somehow managed to come back.
i couldn't overstay, no matter how generous they were. with the little savings i've managed to gather up in my time there, i bid them farewell and travelled to Kugane, a very beautiful city populated by all races, and settled on an apartment in their housing district, Shirogane.
it's not as if i would never see them again though! i'd go back some days and catch up with them, and i wont deny the feeling of coming back home whenever i approach the tribe. i miss my mom though, and i wished she could come back with me to see them again, but i had learned why she'd never step foot back here. some things are just best left as it is.
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that's all i have to say for this entry! do not worry, this wont be the last entry for the Azim Steppe, as i still have stories to tell! 
until next time,
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la-fiel · 3 years
heyo !
the name’s La’fiel, and this is my adventuring trash can blog where I dump my thoughts about areas I visit ! 
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i’ve recently stumbled on the land of Eorzea, and i’m pretty excited to be here !! i’ve heard tales of this continent from friends of long ago. it’s about time i see the sights for myself ! 
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