ladyofheliodor · 5 years
Sylvia: *Angrily speaking Spanish*
Hendrik: Yeah, yeah, I know, I’m a broiled ox penis.
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ladyofheliodor · 5 years
Sylvia: You will machete through this!
Sylvia: *Make it
Sylvia: Fuck please don't machete your way through this
Hendrik: Too late
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ladyofheliodor · 5 years
harry potter is such an idiot for not getting a pet snake. u can TALK. to SNAKES. get a goddamn pet snake. idiot.
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ladyofheliodor · 5 years
The last time Lucia spoke with her father, she said she was going to join the Ardelian Armed Forces whether he wanted her to or not. It was her right to defend her home, not just help build the machines that would be used by the army.
When was the last time your OC(s) spoke to their parents?
What did they say?
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ladyofheliodor · 5 years
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🐑💖💝 Well a little late to the party. But wth I love it. I want to make a baby chibi version of this extremely cute #pokemon. This one is inspired in all the cute fan arts that are online 💖 hope you like it! She will come with me to #galacon2019 I know is not a pony 😅
Who else loves this fluffy new pokemon?
#nintendo #anime #gamer #manga #game #japan #wooloo #pokeball #pokemongo #pokemonswordandshield #plush #handmade #handmadecraft #plushie #chibipets #art #pokemoncustom #pokemonfanart #cute #doll #pokemonhandmade #woolooplush #pokemoncustom #pokemonplush #gamepokemon #animepokemon #fanart #chibi #sheep #wooloolove #fur #sheepfur #sheeplove https://www.instagram.com/p/By8dKCTIS_2/?igshid=h2kqtg3ho5lv
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ladyofheliodor · 5 years
No, that’s why Minecraft is so stinkin’ popular. It gave Lego fans what they weren’t allowed to have.
After all these years, there still isn’t a LEGO game where you can just build whatever you want.
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ladyofheliodor · 5 years
My husband loves Honchkrow, as he loves all crows in all things. I love that name “Corboss”, though. That is badass. Is that its name in another region or a nickname you gave it?
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Pokeddexy Challenge - Day 2 : DARK TYPE
#430 Corboss (Honchkrow)
I wasn’t going to animate them all but I’m on a roll now :>
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ladyofheliodor · 5 years
A Moment of Pride?
My daughter’s starting a new Pokemon game (well, new to her, I picked it up used from a local game shop for her as she wants to play every Pokemon game in the series), and she’s showing me more signs of her LGBT+ brain. When the game asks if she’s a boy or a girl, she ran up to me and screamed “I DON’T KNOW WHAT I AM, I’M AN ABOMINATION!” I said “Anna, why would you think that? You’re a person, and no matter what you identify as, you’re never an abomination. Ever. You’re my child! And I love you!” She looked up at me, fearful of coming out with what she’s got going on in her mind. “So how do I pick which one to play as?”
I said “if you aren’t feeling like either gender, go with the one you think looks the coolest, or the cutest, if you prefer. It doesn’t change the story which one you go as, so you might as well go with the avatar you like the best. The best part of the game is the Pokemon anyway. When I played Ruby the first time on GBA, I played as the boy because I didn’t like how the girl looked at all. Not that it matters, I still caught Pokemon I like.”
She nodded and went back to her DS. Huh? Which one did she pick? I don’t know, and frankly, unless she comes to tell me about it to share it with me, it really isn’t any of my business. (And if you wonder why I still refer to her as a “she”, she hasn’t worked up the courage to tell me exactly what her identity is. Her grandparents are not accepting of LGBT+ AT ALL... They got mad at her for marrying a girl in Stardew Valley (and me and my husband, for buying a game that allows it). She’s still working through it and afraid to be open about it. The moment she decides she wants to be something, I will immediately call her by that.)
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ladyofheliodor · 5 years
I burst out laughing at 3:30am because of the Blubbos reference. Someone still remembers it. Good on you!!
a lot of people these days are afraid to show fruit and vegetables being thrown through a cascade of water and that’s fucked up
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ladyofheliodor · 5 years
Whoa. I have never thought of this before.
"Narrative distance"? Do tell!
Explain it in text? Without emphatic arm gestures or wine? Oh god. Okay. I’ll try.
All right, so narrative distance is all about the proximity between you the reader and the POV character in a story you’re reading. You might sometimes also hear it called “psychic distance.” It puts you right up close to that character or pulls you away, and the narrative distance an author chooses greatly affects how their story turns out, because it can drastically change the focus.
Here’s an illustration of narrative distance from far to close, from John Gardner’s The Art of Fiction (a book I yelled at a lot, because Gardner is a pretentious bastard, but he does say very smart things about craft):
It was winter of the year 1853. A large man stepped out of a doorway.
Henry J. Warburton had never much cared for snowstorms.
Henry hated snowstorms.
God how he hated these damn snowstorms.
Snow. Under your collar, down inside your shoes, freezing and plugging up your miserable soul
It feels a bit like zooming in with a camera, doesn’t it?  
I always hate making decisions about narrative distance, because I usually get it wrong on the first try and have to fix it in revision. When I was writing Lost Causes, the first thing I had to do in revision was go through and zoom in a little on the narrative distance, because it felt like it was sitting right on top of Bruce’s prickly skin and it needed to be underneath where the little biting comments and intrusive thoughts lived. 
Narrative distance is probably the simplest form of distance in POV, and there is where if I had two glasses of wine in me you would hit a vein of pure yelling. There are SO MANY forms of distance in POV. There’s the distance between the intended reader and the POV character, the distance between the POV character and the narrator (even if it’s 1st person!), the distance between the narrator and the author. There’s emotional distance, intellectual distance, psychological distance, experiential distance. If you look closely at a 3rd person POV story, you can tell things about the narrator as a person (and the narrator is an entity independent of the author) - like, for starters, you can tell if they’re sympathetic to the POV character by how they talk about their actions. Word choice and sentence structure can tell you a narrator’s level of education and where they’re from; you can sometimes even tell a narrator’s gender, class, and other less obvious identifying factors if you look closely enough. To find these details, ask: What does the narrator (or POV character, or author) understand?
I can’t put a name on the narrator of the Harry Potter books, but I can tell you he understands British culture intimately, what it’s like to be a teen boy with a crush, to not have money, to be lonely and abused, and to find and connect with people. There’s a lot he doesn’t understand (he doesn’t pick out little flags of queerness like I do, so he’s probably straight, for example), but he sympathizes with Harry and supports him. I like that narrator. I’m supposed to sympathize with him, and I do.
POV is made up of these little distances - countless small questions of proximity that, when stacked together, decide whether we’re going to root for or against a character, or whether we’ll put down a book 20 pages in, or whether a story will punch you in just the right place at just the right amount to make you bawl your eyes out.
There are so many different possible configurations of distance in this arena that there are literally infinite POVs. Fiction is magical and also intimidating as fuck.
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ladyofheliodor · 5 years
@writer-of-worlds GURRRRRLLLL
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roy fire emblem said gay rights
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ladyofheliodor · 5 years
This was probably my very first OTP, and I still ship them. TK and Kari complete each other. I’m mad the ending didn’t show them married, but considering TK became a novelist and Kari became a kindergarten teacher... I’m convinced they’re dating, they’ve just not tied the knot yet.
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I redrew an old Takari piccie ( from 2005) following , this time, the official anime style from 02 (of course, with my own personal touches) In DA http://fav.me/df5xi8 Of course, I am a Takari shipper 4ever!
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ladyofheliodor · 5 years
Okay. @jakesbrain, since Aedwyn rents a room from Lucia, I totally see the really loud crash one between them.
Aedwyn hears a crash, and sticks his head outside the door to see that Lucia has tripped over her toolbox and crashed onto the floor during one of her all-nighters. She yawns and waves at him sleepily as if to say “this has happened a million times before, it’s no big deal”. He wonders if she’s drunk for a moment, but no, he reminds himself that she doesn’t partake in alcohol anymore. She’s just that tired. When he suggests getting some sleep, she says “What? And be visited by demons of the past again? I’ll pass, thanks!” ...he eventually plays a lullaby on his lute, knowing exactly what she’s talking about.
Person A is dancing around the house in their underwear when Person B comes home earlier than they said they would
Person A and Person B having a guilty-pleasure tv show that they watch religiously together every week but keep secret from their other friends
Person A having pizzas delivered unaware that Person B has also ordered pizzas and both of them bursting into laughter when two pizza delivery people arrive at the door
Person A comes into the living room / lounge gagging and asks Person B “What’s that smell?” and it turns out that Person B had just lit their favorite scented candle
Person A’s bedroom is a lot closer to the internet router that Person B’s room so Person B is constantly coming in there to try and get a better wifi connection
Person A and Person B leaving little notes around the house for each other to read (Ex: “Went to the store. I’ll be back soon” “We’re out of bread, can you get some?” or “Happy birthday, hoe”)
Person A has friends visiting and keeps asking Person B to come hang out with them but Person B is too shy to come out of their room even to get food or go to the bathroom
Person A wakes up in the middle of the night to a loud crash and is really scared that there’s an intruder in the house but it turns out that it was just Person B falling down the stairs
Person A is still awake when Person B comes stumbling through the front door after a drunken night out so Person A gives them a glass of water and helps them to bed
Person A has been in their room for a while blasting a bunch of sad / emo songs on their speakers and Person B comes in to ask if they’re okay
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ladyofheliodor · 5 years
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The FE Expo is going underway! And they announced the production of these cuties! I hope we’ll get more details soon, I need Marth!
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ladyofheliodor · 5 years
I love both of them as people, and as creators.
It’s the BEST thing.
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the good old days of watching these series
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ladyofheliodor · 5 years
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ladyofheliodor · 5 years
I feel this so much. Ral Corvan x Lucia Thany need so much art together and I’M MAD I CAN’T MAKE IT
Wanting to draw your OTP but lack artistic skill
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