lastofthetargaryens · 2 years
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lastofthetargaryens · 2 years
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               a song of ice and fire aesthetics                             ↳ houses of westeros [1/7]
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lastofthetargaryens · 2 years
Daenerys Targaryen - Paint it Black
So glad a fanvidder picked up this song and attached it to the Dragon Queen. I did the same in 2016.
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lastofthetargaryens · 2 years
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CANON DAENERYS CHALLENGE || Targaryen legacy: Dany’s Targaryen Line of Descent Since the Conquest
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lastofthetargaryens · 3 years
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lastofthetargaryens · 3 years
Breaking down Tumblr’s latest Post+ Statement
In the wake of massive backlash against their new monitization/paywall program, Tumblr staff has given a statement in an attempt to combat one of the major arguments against it: that this would be a nightmare for fan writers and artists who are vulnerable to lawsuits for copyright infringement.
This post was meant to read as “haha, your friendly neighborhood Tumblr staff!” while actually being intentionally vague and misleading. I’ve seen people laughing it off as Tumblr having an idiot for a lawyer, but the post is actually written very cleverly. So let’s break it down:
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First off, let’s make one thing clear: this information is coming to you from Tumblr’s lawyer, not yours. Tumblr’s lawyer’s job is to protect Tumblr from legal trouble and is under no obligation to give fair legal advice to Tumblr users or protect them in legal matters.
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Notice that they are careful to say that they encourage sharing these works on “the platform” in general, not through the Post+ system. This gives them deniability - they never explicitly encouraged users to post this content on the monetized platform.
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Yes, fanfiction and fanart are frequently considered fair use when they are not monetized. And notice in the second sentence, they switch to the much vaguer term “fan work” when claiming that something can be monetized and still fall under fair use. Fan work could refer to something as innocuous as beta reading and other fan work related services. This could also be referring to works in the public domain. Again, they have plausible deniability.
And make no mistake, there is a long, ugly history of fan writers and artists being sued for copyright infringement. It is absolutely not legal to sell, through any means, fanfiction or fan art of copyrighted content.
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And here we get to the real heart of the matter. Their TOS has a clause which states that you may not infringe on another person’s copyright. They have now vaguely but deniably suggested that you can monetize your fanart and fanfiction, but whether or not you’re violating fair use “depends.” They won’t give you specifics. Because it does depend - on whether or not the work is copyrighted. But their statement implies that there are special circumstances where the nature of a fan work based on a copyrighted source makes it ‘fair use.’ This is not the case.
Most importantly, when the copyright holder comes to complain, Tumblr will not protect you. They will say that you have violated the TOS by infringing on intellectual property rights, and we never told you to. You’re on your own, kid. I wouldn’t be shocked if this is used as an excuse to withhold your Post+ revenue.
And the DMCA takedown process? That’s just the process for getting the content removed from Tumblr. It doesn’t mention that the copyright holder then has the right to go after you, personally, with a lawsuit to recoup any money you made off your Post+ subscriptions, plus damages to the brand. Tumblr, meanwhile, can keep its cut of your subscriptions because that money was paid to them for hosting the Post+ service, not for the works themselves. And, as an online platform, they are not responsible for the illegal actions of its users beyond complying with DMCA.
This post is malicious and intentionally misleading. They intend to scrape a profit off of fan writers and artists on their way to the courthouse.
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lastofthetargaryens · 3 years
some very important info re: paid accounts~
I am not a lawyer, but I can decently interpret legalese and, being as I also suffer from tl;dr syndrome and assume others may as well, I took one for the team and went through the updated TOS for the post+ accounts and highlighted (what I understand to be) the most pertinent information, which ultimately comes down to this:
You cannot monetize copyrighted works (aka charge and earn money from fanfic, fanworks, etc) and if you do decide to put your fanworks behind a paywall via Tumblr, when you are inevitably sued, Tumblr will not protect you and will not defend you and you alone, personally, will be responsible for whatever monetary damages said lawsuit results in.
If anyone is a lawyer and knows I've gotten any of this wrong, please do not hesitate to correct me/this post.
Screenshots taken from Tumblr's TOS (updated 7-21-21), Stripe's Account Agreement, and the post+ FAQs.
1. Your paid account will not be hosted by tumblr; it is routed through a 3rd party.
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2. By signing up for a paid account, you're entering into an agreement with Stripe, so in addition to Tumblr's TOS, you are also bound to Stripe's TOS.
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3. Stripe, like Tumblr, will not defend you or protect you against any lawsuits.
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4. Furthermore, you may end up owing Stripe money (indemnify = compensate)
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5. Tumblr's TOS specifically states that you can't put any content on your post+ account that violates any laws, including laws that protect intellectual property rights of others. This is super important, because Tumblr's post+ FAQ also states that you can post anything that you would regularly post on tumblr, which I'm sure many will take to mean that gifsets, fanworks, etc are fair game, since all of that stuff can be posted on tumblr now. However, the difference is, you're not making money from the fanworks you're posting or reblogging now. Once money enters the equation, the game changes.
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Tumblr is making it seem like any and all content goes for post+ accounts, knowing 90% of this site is fanworks. This is not true and you'll be opening yourself up for lawsuits if you charge for fanworks.
6. Tumblr further disclaims any and all liability in any legal issues.
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tl;dr: Please do not make a post+ account, bc you will be opening yourself to lawsuits and if that happens, Tumblr's response will be not our problem, you agreed to all the terms which said you couldn't do that, sorry not sorry. Please protect yourself.
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lastofthetargaryens · 4 years
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But in recent years, it has occurred to me from time to time that it might have made for an interesting twist if instead I had made the dragonlords of Valyria… and therefore the Targaryens… black. … if I’d had dark-skinned dragonlords invade and conquer and dominate a largely white Westeros… Well, it’s all moot. The idea came to me about twenty years too late. – George R. R. Martin 
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lastofthetargaryens · 5 years
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lastofthetargaryens · 5 years
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lastofthetargaryens · 5 years
A little drabble insp. by “The Bell”
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The bell tolls. A lone plea for peace. 
First one, then another. 
Then a third and fourth become a peal of unmitigated metal clamour, raining down upon her eardrums. 
King's Landing is hers. Only now do the people cry out for mercy from the Dragon Queen; that strange, foreign Conqueror from beyond the sea. Like sheep hidden away beneath the belly of the beast, they bow their heads in the ultimate act of submission. Holding their breath for deliverance from the Targaryen's wrath...
Upon Drogon, Daenerys Targaryen feels the tears upon her face grow hot as they burn trails down her pale, ashen cheeks. The 'final war' as she once called it, has been unremittent in its devastation, and its cruelty. With each and every loss of her family, her friends and lover, the bare threads of Daenerys’ sanity have unravelled like the plaits in her long silver hair. Her Kingdom has come, but the victory brings no relief, no succour to put out the flames of despair and rage that burn in the Targaryen’s broken heart.
Lilac eyes track over the horizon, fixing upon the Red Keep. There, the Usurper waits. Cersei is a lamb for slaughter before a Dragon, incensed beyond reason. Chest heaving, Daenerys stills her grief as her eyes harden in molten, focussed fury. Drogon agitates beneath her.  He needs no command. Launching himself into the air, Daenerys guides her child effortlessly over the rooftops of King’s Landing, flying in a straight line towards his prize. 
Indeed, it has been awhile since his Mother allowed him to taste human flesh…
Drogon’s breath is fire and death as he begins the assault upon the ancient Targaryen stronghold. The act of self-destruction is hugely cathartic. Daenerys clenches her jaw, drawing her black dragon in a tight circle around the Keep, sustaining the fiery bombardment on all sides. Huge walls of red calcite crumble and cave away, shattering upon the heads of civilians gathered in the courtyard for protection. Daenerys barely hears their screams. They were only ever in the way.
The fiery blasts continue as Drogon lunges; hunger and greed and dark anger alight in his red eyes as he hunts for the human who ordered the death of his brother. Rhaegal was his triplet, just as was Viserion. They were born together in the same fire. The loss of his siblings focusses Drogon’s destructive intent as surely as it fuels his Mother in her quest for revenge. The Red Keep cannot fall quickly enough for either of them.
Eventually a loud, sickening crack signals the complete destruction of the roof and upper levels, as the latter slides clean away into the sea. Atop pounding wingbeats, Daenerys halts the rain of fire briefly. As the dust and ash clears, tiny human figures slowly emerge, scampering down a crumbling staircase hewn into the rock. Drogon roars, swooping closer and extending his hind legs. As massive claws close around the larger of the figures, the Mountain is lifted into the air before Cersei and tossed into the courtyard, several hundreds of metres below. Daenerys wheels back through the air, focussed and unflinching in her goal.
The heat alone from the outpouring of fire melts the metal from the reanimated zombie knight’s armour. Bubbling, decaying flesh drips down from blackened bones. For those left alive on the courtyard, the sight of putrid aflame is the stuff of nauseating nightmares.
Daenerys tsks. Satisfying enough as it is to spill guilty blood, this man wasn’t her ultimate prey. Drogon snorts, beating his wings hard to gain altitude and survey the staircase again.
The Usurper is nowhere to be found. Cersei has fled.
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lastofthetargaryens · 5 years
...called it back in 2016.
“I see my red door, I must have it painted black…”
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A dark!Dany track. The theme of her falling to Targaryen madness is a trope that no RPer is going to pass up entirely.
Oh, and I’m taking the red door as a reference to the house in Braavos. The black is tied up with her… complex relationship with Drogon.
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lastofthetargaryens · 7 years
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#Lit AF
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lastofthetargaryens · 7 years
7x07 the Finale “The Dragon and the Wolf” title explained: ***Warning Spoilers!!! Rhaegal, heartbroken over Viserion’s death and and his grieving mothers disinterest in him (on the big boat with that Jon guy), takes a detour and scoops up Ghost …they fly away to the land of magic and bond over being forgotten.
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lastofthetargaryens · 7 years
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lastofthetargaryens · 7 years
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2.05 // 7.04
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lastofthetargaryens · 7 years
Is it odd that despite the whole epic!love plot-line between Jon and Daenerys that the show is angling for... I still find the bond between Dany and her dragons (tbh, simply the dragons themselves) to be the most gripping thing in the whole series?
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