laurelsblue · 2 years
Poking at a fic dealing with the aftermath of Elwing’s arrival on the Vingilote and the crew’s reaction. Still not fully settled on Falathar’s age or backstory.
I did figure out that Aerandir is a not-so-secret Avari on a mission though.
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laurelsblue · 2 years
i love having mutuals who are the authority on a specific fictional character
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laurelsblue · 2 years
I kind of have to wonder - if Eldibus was Zodiark’s ‘heart’, does Hydaelyn have one too?
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laurelsblue · 2 years
That scene with the twins after arriving in Sharlayan is so nice. Their character arcs have been some of my favourite in FFXIV.
Though I barely remember anything about them in ARR except when they first appeared, I thought they were going to be villains.
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laurelsblue · 3 years
Saw a samurai called Hamfast Tuckborough today.
Did Alliance roulette today and my alliance had a dancer called Elu Thingol.
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laurelsblue · 3 years
@squirrelwrangler said: !!! I only get Feanorians (and a lot of Stormlight Archive and thankfully some Wheel of Time) 
I’ve seen an Indis Vanyar before and an Idril something.
Did Alliance roulette today and my alliance had a dancer called Elu Thingol.
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laurelsblue · 3 years
Did Alliance roulette today and my alliance had a dancer called Elu Thingol.
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laurelsblue · 3 years
AU where Iminye is Elenwe.
AU where Elenwe is Rivendell!Glorfindel.
What if I combined them...?
Elrond has no idea what to do with Great-Grandma hanging around. Galadriel suddenly understands exactly why Indis was so weird about Turgon’s marriage. Iminye just does whatever. Sometimes she wanders off into the woods for months, and everyone has no idea where she’s gone, but when she gets back, apparently she told someone who forgot to tell anyone. Sometimes she holes up in the library for a week working on a new proof. It’s wild.
Elladan and Elrohir’s favourite game is inventing increasingly unlikely roles for her whenever a visitor asks who she is. She’s been everything from the overseer of the mushroom harvest to the guardian of the horseshoes.
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laurelsblue · 3 years
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Playing around with a dollmaker for an AU Earendil/Elwing daughter, tentatively named Elanor.
I always found it interesting that Earendil and Elwing broke the two sons, then a daughter pattern of the peredhil line, but maybe if they’d had a bit longer in Sirion, they would have had a daughter too.
Quick headcanons:
Survived Sirion by being hidden and ended up with Cirdan and Gil-galad afterwards. Doesn’t really remember her family and has severe claustrophobia as a result of being hidden.
Chose to be an elf and sailed to Valinor to reunite with her parents. Frequently visited Numenor to see Elros.
Looks the most like Earendil and does actually enjoy sailing.
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laurelsblue · 4 years
[fic] Letters
Vardamir learns something from his mother.
For Day 1 of @numenorweek.
Vardamir races down the hallway, passing amused servants. His mother promised that she would spend time with him after his lessons with his tutor. The door to his mother's study is open but he knows he has to knock first. His parents are very insistent about things like this.
He can hear voices from inside but they stop after his first impatient knock. Aunt Ildiko peers round the door at him and his fist falls, unsure. Is Mother busy?
“You can come in, Vardamir,” his mother calls. “Ildiko was just leaving.”
Aunt Ildiko says something in that language she and Mother share, and Mother laughs. She does leave though, and Vardamir goes in.
His mother's seated at her desk in the corner but she turns to look at him, putting down her pen.
“Come over here, I want to show you something.”
He goes over to the desk, proud that he's tall enough to see the top without help. His mother still moves the paper closer to the edge anyway. There's something odd about it though.
“That's not tengwar!”
He'd thought tengwar was the only way of writing. Master Rumil certainly hadn't mentioned that there was anything else.
She smiles faintly at his confusion.
“It is not. This is cirth, the script of your father's people. I am writing a letter to your grandmother across the sea.”
Vardamir traces the sharp, angular lines, finger hovering just above them, with a sense of wonder. Another way of writing!
“Would you like me to teach you?”
He doesn’t even think about it.
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laurelsblue · 4 years
Somehow my headcanon about Elenwe being Iminye’s daughter grew an AU where she’s actually Iminye herself.
...No, I don’t know how it works but let’s just say Turgon introducing her to his family was exactly as interesting as you’d imagine.
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laurelsblue · 4 years
@squirrelwrangler said:                                                                                        WAIT, laurel, what server are you on? (also, SpyxFamily is <3)
Louisoix, it’s on one of the European data centers but can’t remember which.
I didn’t know you were into it too!                     
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laurelsblue · 4 years
Tagged by @squirrelwrangler.
Rules: tag nine people you want to get to know better or catch up with, then answer these questions. 
Three ships: have some recent favourites. Canon romantic - Loid/Yor (SpyxFamily), canon platonic - Nanamo and Raubahn (FFXIV), and noncanon crack - Elmo’s wife/Olwe’s wife’s mother (Silmarillion). (I know stuff happens with Nanamo and Raubahn but I haven’t finished Heavensward yet so please don’t spoil it.)
Last song: ...probably Brave Heart by Miyazaki Ayumi. It’s part of the original  Digimon OST and I’ve been on a Digimon kick since the reboot of the original series started.
Last movie: Digimon: Last Evolution Kizuna.
Currently craving: more of that marmalade cake I made Thursday.
Currently reading: haven’t been reading books much lately. Got a long trip soon so I’ll probably take a couple for that.
Tagging whoever wants to do it.
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laurelsblue · 4 years
Assorted headcanons: elven ladies edition
Ailin (Olwe’s wife) was the inspiration for the Mirror of Galadriel.
Amarie speaks Sindarin with a slight Beorian accent.
Anaire remains Queen of the Noldor even after Earwen’s reconciliation with Finarfin.
Celebrian ranks places in Valinor by resident relatives.
Earwen visited Numenor because Elwing couldn’t.
Elenwe was a siege engineer in the War of Wrath.
Elwing makes sets of wings for her close family. (She started the set for Celebrian as soon as she heard she was coming.)
Enel(ye) holds the record for remaining coherent as a houseless spirit.
Iminye works in the Gardens of Este helping the Reborn adjust.
Melian became a maia of Nienna after her death.
Mithrellas visited Dol Amroth once after Imrazor's death before she sailed.
Nerdanel is a descendant of Tatie.
Nimloth lives with Mithrellas in Valinor. (They co-founded the ‘I married a mortal and all I got was his grave’ club.)
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laurelsblue · 4 years
Can’t believe my blog is ten years old now.
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laurelsblue · 4 years
message me a character and i'll tell you five headcanons i have about them
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laurelsblue · 5 years
The more I think about Nen, the more possiblities I come up with for what exactly she is. Is she a Maia of Ulmo who settled down in Cuivienen really early? Is she whatever Goldberry’s mother is? Is she what happens when you keep chucking bodies in a lake in an universe where water has primordial aspects? All of the above somehow? Perhaps the idea I like the best that water is a mirror. You look at it, and it looks back at you. There was a swirl of Song in that lake, and through the early elves’ interactions with it, it became something more. (So maybe she was always an eldritch abomination in some respects.)
Enel(ye) dies in battle against orcs in my headcanon, possibly as part of a final stand on Amon Lanc. (Elmo dies with her, due to a complicated series of events related to Nen’s relationship with his wife.)
It really does. There’s a whole sort of arranged marriage to cement Oropher’s place in the hierarchy aspect to it in my mind. A ‘these newcomers might be weird but they could be useful to ally with’ thing for the Avari.
Oropher’s wife is also sort of Avari in my headcanon. Born and raised in the Falas and 100% considers herself Falathrim but her parents are actually Tatyarin Avari of some description. There’s a little bit of tension between her and her daughter-in-law over her resulting attitude to Avari.
I go with Amroth as G+C’s son which lends a slightly different flavour to the ruling Lorien thing, as does Celeborn being Denethor’s nephew. But again, the exact relationship between the Nandor of Lorien/Mirkwood and the Laiquendi probably needs more thought.
My few Nimrodel headcanons are mostly about what she does after getting lost, so I haven’t really thought about who she was to begin with.
It’s why Easterling stuff is so much easier. At least you can pick names in a replacement language for that.
Six reasons people became Avari:
1. Why would you trust the powerful and mysterious being you met in the woods? Does no one else remember the Dark One?
2. Actually we really like these woods, and if you have got rid of the Dark One, staying here should be safe.
3. Honestly we’d prefer to explore, now that we don’t have to worry about vanishing.
4. Elwe and Finwe who?
5. Not really sure about this whole ‘travel’ thing.
6. Wait, where did everyone else go?
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