Once you're all broken down you become, again, not you Per se but you never were you to begin with. You are just the ideological construct that you exist separate from anything and that desperation from things we call space. But you are space and you move and you change you become beautiful crystals and sunrises and everything big, small, pretty, ugly, vast, filled, new life, or even new space. You become common again, we like to believe we are "uncommon" different, for.an example look how we treat the difference between men and women, but if you compare what we have in common instead the whole world is now you and you return to everything and you along side it become perfect even if your'e not "right" your'e where you belong which makes you perfect.
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It's not what you think an end a stop where something becomes nothing as that is impossible. It's stands only as an expression of change a total rewriting of your physical existence you become the basic elements that make you up first as your memories are given to the universe for it to know and learn from you. Then you are broken down into the basic particles that construct those elements.
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Time is solid when it's what makes everything you could stub your toe on a second but matter just happens and it's unstoppable. For a rather simplified example of living in a universe constructed of time imagine a film real of every spot in the universe at every point in time all at once but you can only see the ones with in your curve of time, like how we all know there's a whole planet under us from the second we are born it's in our minds that this is the round solid curve. Time also exists on a curve but it's made of energy and acted upon by matter.
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Time and its facets.
Our human understanding experiences time as a strict singular flowTime and for most minds it's a stretch to even consider more then one future existing simultaneously but thats what time is, not the continual motion of a clock or the falling of a dropped object time is the relative possibility to create momentum one could say times natural state is potential as opposed to matters which is entropy ( eventual decline). A universe made of time, unlike our own, sees all the possibilities of any single point in the universe. Where matter is a concept based around the photons reflecting off of it.
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But here's the thing even though there are no separate things we are all moving the same motion of vibration within our selves even though we don't know it. We are one constant force moving against and with our opposition and away or towards our goal. Like the rush of the earth below you moves us as one, which we are, th universe and the outside of our universe move us constantly to and we are making that motion just because we are and i mean are as in we exist we simply are.
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Then between these two and all the other situated on the central point of all axis' is the everything where time x and space y meet into where we are going and from where we came our entropy of inevitability and our expansion of infinity to which everything goes. In this world of time and space it becomes three x,y, and z. A multitude forever and more which we can never know time which is cuttable like steak, and life made of each type of substance of both x,y, and z forming or perhaps only first being observed as with time or space it must always exist if it does at all.
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We exist not ona a three dimensional plane but a two dimensional.simply time and space x and y where each is made of everything inside we happen to exist presently on the space existent, time linear side of what ever plane sits between us and our opposite and there are places just the same only next to us for simplicities sake we'll say just to our left. on the existence next to us is us but not us a different us where something so tiny was changed that we wouldn't tell and slowly the change grows in immediate significance and appearance until opposite and parallel and in front or behind or whatever way youd like from us is the exact opposite a backwards where nothing is ua but we are still there.
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But so are you and so you are not, or well atleast not really as we perceive or want to believe. We exist simply so that other existing can go on and they for us and then for others and others. Never truly changing size only relatively being different because we are inside ourselves and will never figure death into our life not out of spite or emotion but out of failure to know. The inexplicable ability of humans to forget they are alive simply because that's always how it's been is amazing, although if we considered death we are not just losing us or a loved one our entire existence changes galaxies universes gone.
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My whole universe is screaming existentialism at me and i can't even think i feel like if i let myself think i fail bc i miss the opportunities to push forward but if i move i fuck it up. And it's all relayed into the movements and segments of the existence of the infintillions of peices of consciousness that exist solely inside my thoughts before they even manifest. I don't even know if this is me or one me or all of the me's that are in me or just the one me that has ever been me even if i am not me per se' as in i am not the body or thwle brain i am within the particle of the quark in an unknown universe being directed by unknown phenomena of the life there if life even is there or at all.
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And there could technically be any infinite number of pieces between or whole infinite tiny universe and a quark. We are small but also massive and will never trully see ourselves from anything but the perspective of nonexistence in a spacial realm of any significance. We are and never could be the most important piece of everything.
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The Earth is a consciousness and we are just it's brain cells giving it experiences.
Earth is a consciousness and all the trees and grass and flowers are its Neuro system. So maybe the planets are alive like in solar systems and the star cluster is a is a super brain and then our spiral arm would be a new brain cell in the mind of the galaxy and is it's own consciousness where it becomes the braincell of our super cluster which is just a tiny insignificant piece in the brain of the universe which is just the small piece of the brain of one quark cell in one proton or nuetron in an atom in a molecule in a cell of another being and we just control this tiny long forgotten piece of nothingness from which or entire existences worth of light lined up from end to end couldn't reach outside of our galaxy let along the universe or even the quark.
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