limitedtimetogrowagarden ยท 2 months
lake words
A love letter
To a land of salt that brought me solace
Caked salt around my eyes. It cracks when I blink,
like the soil beneath my feet.
So many tears have fallen on this land,
it seems like it ought to be enough to fill the broken seams.
Soften to mud.
There is delusion in a good snow year.
From a lake grown by miles,
to the promises of a future beyond immediately.
The soil still grows cracks and the wind still carries it away.
I told you I loved you on the shore of salt.
I watched the sun rise and set through seasons.
Rain and snow fell,
and I drove away each night.
You drove the opposite direction.
Mud stuck to my shoes as I looked for dead birds.
The salt of my tears mingled with the salt of the land.
Traveled from high above,
to the lowest point.
I watched the sun rise, hitting the peaks where you were.
Slowly reaching down to me and the lake,
creeping down steep hills, cliffs, and an ever growing lake bed.
To fill a lake with tears would take more than mine alone.
To fill a lake with tears would be a resignation.
To fill a lake takes more than tears,
though that is all I have to offer.
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