lodgeicaltm-blog · 6 years
Hey loves!!!
Sorry for being so MIA, life has been super super super crazy and then my computer broke on top of that. It should be back sometime this weekend and then I’ll try to get some replies out!
However I am always up for rping or plotting via discord!! Just add me and we can totally plot it up or rp!!
My username is Lodegical#8632
Love you all ❤️
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lodgeicaltm-blog · 6 years
Send “✆” for a MORNING text. Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT. Send “☎” for a RUSHED text. Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text. Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text. Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text. Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text. Send “#” for a RANDOM text. Send “@” for a SCARED text. Send “&” for a LOVING text. Send “%” for a CURIOUS text. Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text. Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text. Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
90K notes · View notes
lodgeicaltm-blog · 6 years
PSA ;; Please never expect me to respond quickly to anything ever.  Whether or not it’s a thread, it’s an ask, it’s a meme — whether or not I responded quickly the time before — whether or not I’m online — etc, etc, etc.  I promise I’m not ignoring you, I promise I’m doing my best.  I have tons of responsibilities not related to Tumblr, && I also need to eat && sleep && sometimes I’m just not emotionally game.  It’s not because I don’t like you, it’s not because I don’t want to do the thing, it’s because I’m human.  Thank you!
17K notes · View notes
lodgeicaltm-blog · 6 years
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the ultimate love experiment is back!
ten men, ten women, ten perfect matches, ONE million dollars.
the game ;;
Every girl and guy are matched together through a process based on compatibility. Though no one knows who these matches are, other than our lovely hosts (@lodgeicaltmand@alphabadass​ ). Each week there will be a ceremony held, where everyone ‘locks’ in with the partner of their choosing and we find out how many perfect matches we have—but we will not know which pairs those perfect matches are. The only real way to figure that out, is based on the Truth Booths, which are held the day before the ceremonies. One pair gets voted in, and will be told if they are in fact a perfect match or not. If you are? You get the royal treatment, get sent off to the honeymoon suite, and away from the house while the others figure out the other matches—but if you aren’t, it’s back to the drawing board.
Men and Women share a large house on the beautiful island of Anguilla. Men share one side of the house while women are in another. Double rooms mean you have a roommate through the season and a living area for everyone to interact and mingle. There will be more dates and more connections to be discovered. The challenges will be harder and more emotionally taxing. You will be pushed to new limits that we haven’t seen on this show before.  One million dollars doesn't’ come without a price.
You only get ten ceremonies and ten shots to win both love and the ONE million.
the info ;;
This is going to be very much like the actual show ( with a few of our own tweaks), which means that we will pair you all up ahead of time based on the application you send in and you will not know who your matches are.
This verse will have a presence on discord as it’s the best way to communicate with everyone at once.
WE WILL NOT PLAY FAVORITES. We won’t participate in any prize challenges so that it’s fair to everyone else and again we will be matching according to the applications.
Every week on ‘ceremony day’ we will make a post in the tag asking who you choose to lock in with, or send you an ask about it, and after everyone has replied there will be another post saying how many perfect matches you have found. Also, on ‘truth booth nights’, we will make a post asking who you all would like to send to the truth booth. Majority rules. Another post will be posted saying if they are a match or not.
There will be little tasks assigned here and there to delve deeper into your character. They won’t be hard or mandatory. It may sometimes be a partnered thing though so the characters can develop connections.
the rules ;;
Be open to anyone. All fandoms are welcome
We don’t start until we get all 20 applicants. ( we may increase this number depending on the number of apps we get)
Characters must be between the ages of 21 and 30.
BE ACTIVE!!!! This is a must, especially with this verse. You don’t need to be on 24/7 but ceremony days and truth booth days are needed because you have to vote. If you aren’t active it isn’t fair to your potential match or others who are. You need to be active to make connections.You may vote via discord to the mods. If you CAN’T BE ACTIVE, DON’T JOIN because it’ll compromise whoever your match would be.
No matter what fandom you’re in, all characters must be human in this verse.
NSFW will probably be present so the mun must be 18+. If we find out you’re lying you will be booted and blacklisted.
No ooc drama, but ic? BRING ALL THE IC DRAMA YO.
Don’t get angry about your match ooc. If you’ve seen the show, you’ll know that sometimes matches don’t even end up liking each other and form other relationships. You don’t automatically need to ship with your match.
You don’t have to stick with one person the entire ride. You can fight/choose other people, etc.
Track the tag: gv. ayto
Submit this app here.
the ladies ;;
Veronica Lodge (21) - @lodgeicaltm​
Hayley Marshall (24) - @pastshed
Elena Gilbert (21) - @graveyardiary
the gents ;;
Derek Hale (26) - @alphabadass​
Archie Andrews (21) - @archieekins
0 notes
lodgeicaltm-blog · 6 years
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the ultimate love experiment is back!
ten men, ten women, ten perfect matches, ONE million dollars.
the game ;;
Every girl and guy are matched together through a process based on compatibility. Though no one knows who these matches are, other than our lovely hosts (@lodgeicaltmand@alphabadass​ ). Each week there will be a ceremony held, where everyone ‘locks’ in with the partner of their choosing and we find out how many perfect matches we have—but we will not know which pairs those perfect matches are. The only real way to figure that out, is based on the Truth Booths, which are held the day before the ceremonies. One pair gets voted in, and will be told if they are in fact a perfect match or not. If you are? You get the royal treatment, get sent off to the honeymoon suite, and away from the house while the others figure out the other matches—but if you aren’t, it’s back to the drawing board.
Men and Women share a large house on the beautiful island of Anguilla. Men share one side of the house while women are in another. Double rooms mean you have a roommate through the season and a living area for everyone to interact and mingle. There will be more dates and more connections to be discovered. The challenges will be harder and more emotionally taxing. You will be pushed to new limits that we haven’t seen on this show before.  One million dollars doesn't’ come without a price.
You only get ten ceremonies and ten shots to win both love and the ONE million.
the info ;;
This is going to be very much like the actual show ( with a few of our own tweaks), which means that we will pair you all up ahead of time based on the application you send in and you will not know who your matches are.
This verse will have a presence on discord as it’s the best way to communicate with everyone at once.
WE WILL NOT PLAY FAVORITES. We won’t participate in any prize challenges so that it’s fair to everyone else and again we will be matching according to the applications.
Every week on ‘ceremony day’ we will make a post in the tag asking who you choose to lock in with, or send you an ask about it, and after everyone has replied there will be another post saying how many perfect matches you have found. Also, on ‘truth booth nights’, we will make a post asking who you all would like to send to the truth booth. Majority rules. Another post will be posted saying if they are a match or not.
There will be little tasks assigned here and there to delve deeper into your character. They won’t be hard or mandatory. It may sometimes be a partnered thing though so the characters can develop connections.
the rules ;;
Be open to anyone. All fandoms are welcome
We don’t start until we get all 20 applicants. ( we may increase this number depending on the number of apps we get)
Characters must be between the ages of 21 and 30.
BE ACTIVE!!!! This is a must, especially with this verse. You don’t need to be on 24/7 but ceremony days and truth booth days are needed because you have to vote. If you aren’t active it isn’t fair to your potential match or others who are. You need to be active to make connections.You may vote via discord to the mods. If you CAN’T BE ACTIVE, DON’T JOIN because it’ll compromise whoever your match would be.
No matter what fandom you’re in, all characters must be human in this verse.
NSFW will probably be present so the mun must be 18+. If we find out you’re lying you will be booted and blacklisted.
No ooc drama, but ic? BRING ALL THE IC DRAMA YO.
Don’t get angry about your match ooc. If you’ve seen the show, you’ll know that sometimes matches don’t even end up liking each other and form other relationships. You don’t automatically need to ship with your match.
You don’t have to stick with one person the entire ride. You can fight/choose other people, etc.
Track the tag: gv. ayto
Submit this app here.
the ladies ;;
Veronica Lodge (21) - @lodgeicaltm​
Hayley Marshall (24) - @pastshed
the gents ;;
Derek Hale (26) - @alphabadass​
Archie Andrews (21) - @archieekins
0 notes
lodgeicaltm-blog · 6 years
Archie hissed as her nails dragged down his chest, a shuttered breath leaving his lips as both of their shirts were disposed of. He couldn’t get enough of Veronica if he was being honest but that wasn’t unknown. The pair could be caught making out in any given place of the school, sneaking away to steal any possible moment from one another and he relished in it. In her. He loved the equal effect he had on the raven haired woman, their family issues aside. When he was with her, he actually felt like an equal. Like it was the two of them against the world. Feeling her tongue dance with his own, Archie’s mouth opened wider for her, groaning against her lips as her hand palmed his already hardening erection. He was always ready for her. “How can I not for you…” He spoke in a husky voice against her lips as he reached down to undo her bottoms and push the fabric down with her panties. He wanted her so badly, arching as it was without the help of her hand that his hips intentionally rolled to meet, craving the friction she created.
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There wasn’t a single moment of the day that Veronica didn’t want Archie. A lot of people at school teased them for being so hot for one another-- but Veronica didn’t mind. No one had met her needs in the same way that Archie had and they had the perfect way of expressing everything they felt for one another through touch. Each lingering gaze, kiss, touch, poured out emotion between them and she was addicted to it. It felt like they really understood each other and Ronnie had never felt that before. Pulling back from the kiss she tugged his lower lip between her teeth and then trailed along the underside of his jaw line. Her lips stick leaving smudges his smooth skin. “Good, remember you said that.” She giggled softly. Another firm squeeze and she could feel him growing through his pants. Pulling him forward by the belt she stepped back toward the bed.  She unbuckled it, pushing his pants down with ease.
Her nail traveled down his chest, leaving a red line down his skin and she dipped her hand his boxers. Her manicured fingers wrapped around him stroking him at a teasingly slow pace. “Mmm,” she purred right against his ear. “So big for me,” her tongue poked out licking the lobe of his ear. A small whimpered escaped her lips as her body ached for him. “Come and get me.” She teased, climbing back onto the bed. Ronnie kicked the remainder of her panties off and unhooking her bra. She ran her hands slowly down her own body as her dark eyes locked with his. 
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lodgeicaltm-blog · 6 years
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the ultimate love experiment is back!
ten men, ten women, ten perfect matches, ONE million dollars.
the game ;;
Every girl and guy are matched together through a process based on compatibility. Though no one knows who these matches are, other than our lovely hosts ( @lodgeicaltmand@alphabadass​ ). Each week there will be a ceremony held, where everyone ‘locks’ in with the partner of their choosing and we find out how many perfect matches we have—but we will not know which pairs those perfect matches are. The only real way to figure that out, is based on the Truth Booths, which are held the day before the ceremonies. One pair gets voted in, and will be told if they are in fact a perfect match or not. If you are? You get the royal treatment, get sent off to the honeymoon suite, and away from the house while the others figure out the other matches—but if you aren’t, it’s back to the drawing board.
Men and Women share a large house on the beautiful island of Anguilla. Men share one side of the house while women are in another. Double rooms mean you have a roommate through the season and a living area for everyone to interact and mingle. There will be more dates and more connections to be discovered. The challenges will be harder and more emotionally taxing. You will be pushed to new limits that we haven’t seen on this show before.  One million dollars doesn't’ come without a price.
You only get ten ceremonies and ten shots to win both love and the ONE million.
the info ;;
This is going to be very much like the actual show ( with a few of our own tweaks), which means that we will pair you all up ahead of time based on the application you send in and you will not know who your matches are.
This verse will have a presence on discord as it’s the best way to communicate with everyone at once.
WE WILL NOT PLAY FAVORITES. We won’t participate in any prize challenges so that it’s fair to everyone else and again we will be matching according to the applications.
Every week on ‘ceremony day’ we will make a post in the tag asking who you choose to lock in with, or send you an ask about it, and after everyone has replied there will be another post saying how many perfect matches you have found. Also, on ‘truth booth nights’, we will make a post asking who you all would like to send to the truth booth. Majority rules. Another post will be posted saying if they are a match or not.
There will be little tasks assigned here and there to delve deeper into your character. They won’t be hard or mandatory. It may sometimes be a partnered thing though so the characters can develop connections.
the rules ;;
Be open to anyone. All fandoms are welcome
We don’t start until we get all 20 applicants. ( we may increase this number depending on the number of apps we get)
Characters must be between the ages of 21 and 30.
BE ACTIVE!!!! This is a must, especially with this verse. You don’t need to be on 24/7 but ceremony days and truth booth days are needed because you have to vote. If you aren’t active it isn’t fair to your potential match or others who are. You need to be active to make connections.You may vote via discord to the mods. If you CAN’T BE ACTIVE, DON’T JOIN because it’ll compromise whoever your match would be.
No matter what fandom you’re in, all characters must be human in this verse.
NSFW will probably be present so the mun must be 18+. If we find out you’re lying you will be booted and blacklisted.
No ooc drama, but ic? BRING ALL THE IC DRAMA YO.
Don’t get angry about your match ooc. If you’ve seen the show, you’ll know that sometimes matches don’t even end up liking each other and form other relationships. You don’t automatically need to ship with your match.
You don’t have to stick with one person the entire ride. You can fight/choose other people, etc.
Track the tag: gv. ayto
Submit this app here.
the ladies ;;
Veronica Lodge (21) - @lodgeicaltm​
Hayley Marshall (24) - @pastshed
the gents ;;
Derek Hale (26) - @alphabadass​
Archie Andrews (21) - @archieekins
0 notes
lodgeicaltm-blog · 6 years
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   Welcome one and all to a riverdale masterlist!! I figured I’d try my hand at it since no one seems to keep up with them but I think I could do it very nicely! All I need to know from you in the tags are:
character name / verse, canon, comic, show etc . That’s all! it’s very simple!! 
you can find the page here but its still a wip.  
81 notes · View notes
lodgeicaltm-blog · 6 years
Archie had never learned to dance like this in his life but he certainly didn’t mind. Sure a few dance moves in front of his mirror outside of the possible view of Betty in his room and Archie did his best to make sure he was able to actually move his hips. It didn’t take a genius to see that girls liked it when a guy could actually move. Feeling her hands on his hips, Archie was hyper aware of her motions, swaying hips certainly dangerous in any environment let alone her house by themselves.
Eyes trained on the raven haired girl as she moved and Archie watched each step with music, moving a little as she did to make sure he had it down. Salsa wasn’t something he had much experience with short of seeing it in movies and such. “Four and eight.” He nodded though he had no idea what that meant. When she gave him the floor he pressed his lips together and started with the moves he knew, attempting to step back and sway his hips as she did. Something about it was wrong though, he could feel how it was lacking that smooth feeling and he wrinkled his nose before glancing back at her. “Uh… run that by me again?” He chuckled. Maybe he just liked it when she held his waist like that any ways.
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This time things didn’t go as smooth as they had originally. Maybe she had moved too fast for him. She watched carefully as he moved and her heart melted just a little  seeing his nose crinkle. There was something about Archie that was so incredibly endearing and Ronnie couldn’t help herself. He was her Achilles heel and everyone knew it. 
Veronica stepped behind Archie placing her hands back onto his hips. “You move your feet, okay? I’ll move your hips.” She was sly and aware that maybe he just liked them being pressed close together, but she didn’t mind. “One, two, three, four, center.” She gave his hips a hard squeeze and a playful wink. “Okay, close your eyes.” she instructed. 
Once his eyes were closed Ronnie began playing the music. “I want you to close your eyes so you can hear and feel the beats I’m talking about. Don’t open them.” She counted out each beat with him, moving his hips to each one. “Better.” she remarked with a proud smile. She walked around him in a circle leaving him to move on his own this time. Now facing in front of him the dark haired girl moved closer. She stood on her toes to press a soft kiss to his lips. Her arms slowly snaked around his neck as she pulled him in. “I think you deserve a reward, Archiekins.” she mumbled against his lips, deepening their kiss once more.
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lodgeicaltm-blog · 6 years
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the ultimate love experiment is back!
ten men, ten women, ten perfect matches, ONE million dollars.
the game ;;
Every girl and guy are matched together through a process based on compatibility. Though no one knows who these matches are, other than our lovely hosts ( @lodgeicaltm and@alphabadass​ ). Each week there will be a ceremony held, where everyone ‘locks’ in with the partner of their choosing and we find out how many perfect matches we have—but we will not know which pairs those perfect matches are. The only real way to figure that out, is based on the Truth Booths, which are held the day before the ceremonies. One pair gets voted in, and will be told if they are in fact a perfect match or not. If you are? You get the royal treatment, get sent off to the honeymoon suite, and away from the house while the others figure out the other matches—but if you aren’t, it’s back to the drawing board.
Men and Women share a large house on the beautiful island of Anguilla. Men share one side of the house while women are in another. Double rooms mean you have a roommate through the season and a living area for everyone to interact and mingle. There will be more dates and more connections to be discovered. The challenges will be harder and more emotionally taxing. You will be pushed to new limits that we haven’t seen on this show before.  One million dollars doesn't’ come without a price.
You only get ten ceremonies and ten shots to win both love and the ONE million.
the info ;;
This is going to be very much like the actual show ( with a few of our own tweaks), which means that we will pair you all up ahead of time based on the application you send in and you will not know who your matches are.
This verse will have a presence on discord as it’s the best way to communicate with everyone at once.
WE WILL NOT PLAY FAVORITES. We won’t participate in any prize challenges so that it’s fair to everyone else and again we will be matching according to the applications.
Every week on ‘ceremony day’ we will make a post in the tag asking who you choose to lock in with, or send you an ask about it, and after everyone has replied there will be another post saying how many perfect matches you have found. Also, on ‘truth booth nights’, we will make a post asking who you all would like to send to the truth booth. Majority rules. Another post will be posted saying if they are a match or not.
There will be little tasks assigned here and there to delve deeper into your character. They won’t be hard or mandatory. It may sometimes be a partnered thing though so the characters can develop connections.
the rules ;;
Be open to anyone. All fandoms are welcome
We don’t start until we get all 20 applicants. ( we may increase this number depending on the number of apps we get)
Characters must be between the ages of 21 and 30.
BE ACTIVE!!!! This is a must, especially with this verse. You don’t need to be on 24/7 but ceremony days and truth booth days are needed because you have to vote. If you aren’t active it isn’t fair to your potential match or others who are. You need to be active to make connections.You may vote via discord to the mods. If you CAN’T BE ACTIVE, DON’T JOIN because it’ll compromise whoever your match would be.
No matter what fandom you’re in, all characters must be human in this verse.
NSFW will probably be present so the mun must be 18+. If we find out you’re lying you will be booted and blacklisted.
No ooc drama, but ic? BRING ALL THE IC DRAMA YO.
Don’t get angry about your match ooc. If you’ve seen the show, you’ll know that sometimes matches don’t even end up liking each other and form other relationships. You don’t automatically need to ship with your match.
You don’t have to stick with one person the entire ride. You can fight/choose other people, etc.
Track the tag: gv. ayto
Submit this app here.
the ladies ;;
Veronica Lodge (21) - @lodgeicaltm​
Hayley Marshall (24) - @pastshed
the gents ;;
Derek Hale (26) - @alphabadass​
Archie Andrews (21) - @archieekins
5 notes · View notes
lodgeicaltm-blog · 6 years
0 notes
lodgeicaltm-blog · 6 years
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0 notes
lodgeicaltm-blog · 6 years
Archie smirked at the acknowledgement of his moves, his ego a tad inflated but Veronica was gracious with her compliments and he loved it. “More flavor…” He repeated, eyes shifting from where her fingers ran down his chest back up to the woman again. 
As she got into position, he straightened himself out, gaze moving from her as she stepped and swayed back to his own body as he tried to mimic the motion. It wasn’t bad if he said so himself though it could certainly be smoother. To be fair, the Andrews men really didn’t dance much and his hip capabilities were pulled directly from extracurricular activities. Not that his dad needed to know that. “Mhmm.” He nodded, moving his hips in place as he tried to make it smoother. “Ronnie, I’m gonna be a salsa pro. What’s next?” He grinned, admittedly scanning her body over seeing her hips sway like that.
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Impressed was the word Veronica would use with how quickly he was catching on. Even though impressing Hiram was not on any list of Veronica’s these days-- some part of her deep down still wanted him to like Archie.  She watched his eyes trace her swaying hips and couldn’t help but to smirk a little bit. She moved closer, placing her hands gently on his hips and guiding them a little slower. “Small movements, but you’ve nearly got it.” His enthusiasm was contagious and she beamed at him. “Okay, now I know you were already watching,” she winked, “but this next step is easy but crucial. You’re going step back with your right leg, sway just like before and then back to center. Then left leg, center, right leg back, center. It pulls together the whole move.”  Ronnie demonstrated moving her body with precision, her dark eyes looking at up him through her lashes with a coy smile. “Now if we have music, you don’t dance on four and eight.” She turned on some music to show him as an example. The percussions and beat prominent in the room as she moved. “Left leg forward, one, two, three, center hold four, right leg back, five, six, seven, center hold eight.” Her heels clicked against the wooden floors as she completed the first step and then turned it off. “You turn, my little prodigy.”
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lodgeicaltm-blog · 6 years
It was like Ronnie knew just what to do and say to make him bend to her every will. She was so good at rendering him completely useless to all but her as her lips pressed to his own. The male’s hands gripped at her roughly when she caught his bottom lip and he couldn’t help but groan feeling her hips rolling into him. She was dangerous in every aspect of the word but without her parents there.. Archie could relish in the sounds he pulled from her without fear of being shot or worse by her father if he found out. “I fully intend on making sure the rest of this building hears you then.” He smirked. Kissing her back rougher, Archie’s hands fell to the hem of her shirt, fingers dipping below it to her hot skin before taking it and pulling it up over her head. It had been far too long since the last time he indulged in his girlfriend and he fully intended on making up for it.
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It might have been just slightly satisfying and ego boosting to watch Archie bend to her every will. It was sexy. Well, really he was sexy, but seeing him turn to mush for her only added to his appeal. Slowly her nails grazed the skin under his shirt. The feeling of him was familiar but never grew stale. Though Archie liked to think Veronica had him under her spell, she was just as much a sucker for him. Though, she might not ever admit that out loud. It was better to keep him on his toes, keep him guessing a little bit. She raised her arms as he pulled her shirt over head discarding his along with it. “I’m looking forward to it, I know you won’t disappoint, Archiekins.”  The adrenaline was already coursing through her veins at the anticipation of them finally being alone and having this time just for each other. She returned his bruising kisses tangling her tongue with his as a soft whimper escaped her lip. Veronica slid her hands to the front of his jeans, palming him over the top with a devious smirk. “I like it when you beg for me.” 
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6 notes · View notes
lodgeicaltm-blog · 6 years
Con’t from here || @archieekins
The long day had Ronnie aching to touch Archie and the classy language that she stuck to outside the bedroom had quickly faded. It had been a few days which was an eternity in their relationship, but they had both been busy. The words slipped out of her mouth without her even thinking about it, but she didn’t regret them one bit. His reaction was almost all the satisfaction she needed as a wicked grin painted over her features. Veronica may have relished in the fact that she could turn Archie into a puddle around her. She loved the feeling of being wrapped up in his big strong arms. She moaned softly into the kiss, her fingers delicately sliding into his red tresses. Veronica stood on her toes, as she drew him closer to her. Her hips pressed against his, rolling them forward in a slow teasing manner. She pulled Archie’s bottom lip between her teeth. “Gone all weekend in a futile attempt to save their loveless marriage.” She smirked, her dark eyes locked onto his. “We can be as loud as we want,” she purred, her manicured nail gently scratching under his chin with a smirk.
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lodgeicaltm-blog · 6 years
Con’t from here  || @archieekins
“Oh, Mi Amor, trust me,” she whispered with a smirk. “I know  that you have moves.” She was sure that Archie would do quite well with salsa or else there was no way he would be such an incredible lover. “But-,” she ran her fingers gently down his chest. “It doesn’t mean we can’t bring more flavor to this hips of yours.” Salsa was one of her favorite things to do and sharing it with Archie was actually quite special to her. And maybe just maybe she would find it really sexy if he could move her around the dance floor. Though that was strictly just a bonus.   “Okay, Archiekins. Salsa is actually much easier than it appears.” She stood next to him, getting herself into position. “You’re going to step forward with your left leg, slight hip sway, but keep your arms casual. Then back to center.” She demonstrated for him, her dark eyes meeting up with his light ones. “Got it so far?”
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lodgeicaltm-blog · 6 years
dirty levels .
001 . ————- flirting .
“hey gorgeous… is this seat taken?”
“your body looks s o good in this light”
“care to dance? i’ll teach you how hips work”
“how about i get you a drink and you tell me about yourself?”
“here i dreaded going out… and i was lucky enough to meet an angel”
“come closer baby”
“want to come and join me?”
“oh you got a little something there… let me fix it for you”
“your eyes are gorgeous”
“your lips are so beautiful”
“do you come here often?”
“your place or mine?”
002 . ————— behind closed doors.
“oh baby… you’re so hard/wet.”
“kiss me… harder.”
“kiss me — there…”
“please… i need you”
“shut the door — quickly… i can’t wait to fuck you”
“your breasts so beautiful”
“unzip me ~ slowly…”
“hurry up… i’m getting impatient ~”
“how about… i pour champagne down your stomach… and get a little naughty”
“are you a naughty girl/boy?”
“that’s right baby, spread open for me”
“how does it feel? ~ you like that?”
“you’re driving me crazy… ! ”
“keep them on… i like it that way”
“You really know how to make a girl wet…“
“Tell me where you want to touch me first.“
“I can’t wait for you to put it in me.“
003 . ————— in the act .
“Bite my neck and fuck me harder.”
“I want you to cum all over my face.“
“Don’t stop.“
“Fill me up.“
“You like how I fuck you?“
“Cum for me.“
“That’s… s o good —”
“Mmm… please… ”
“G—god, more… more!”
“That’s it — that’s the spot baby!”
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