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Your support would mean a lot to my youngest daughter and I: her first international class trip! Thank you so much!
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DRUMPF Family PERVERSION and WHY There's Need for Concern
Creepy, indeed.
1) perhaps she is use to it? 2) having grown up with money as idol, she pardons and laughs away such behavior as “acts of worship.”
There is nothing normal about this. So much work as gone into getting on the other side of such perversions. For Ivanka Drumpf to be so casual, so familiar is heartbreaking; regression. It is evident to me money, and not wisdom, love, reverence, self-respect, or healthy self-esteem rules her. Ivanka learned from her father that MONEY TRUMPS…PERIOD.
This is a MARRIED WOMAN WITH THREE CHILDREN. What husband allows his wife to be so brandished and degraded in any environment? That a “wealthy” father can take such vile, perverted, out-of-order, irresponsible, inappropriate, incestual and open liberties with his daughter, another man’s wife, who says nothing, says something very sickening and dangerous about all parties involved: husband is a well-paid prop. After all, it would be MEGA-CREEPY, EPICALLY CREEPY, if Donald Drumpf were to actually father children with his daughter, Ivanka, be charged with rape and pedophilia of a 13yro, “grab p****,” AND STILL win the election for President of the United States, after campaigning with his doubly “children-grandchildren.” “America” has shown it’s restraint with how much creepiness they can handle: NO, to the “children-grandchildren;” and YES to everything else, including the acceptance (silence from the same communities that were loudest in endorsing DRUMPF during his campaign. Where are those loud voices now?) of Ivanka being openly defiled by her father’s incestual and perverted, encouraged and publicized, unchallenged and entertaining “jokes” of his thoughts and perceptions of her.
I speak up, because as is the leader, so becomes the followers. How many weak men, fathers, boys will now see this as model, as permission to begin or continue their perversions on their daughters, nieces, sisters, cousins? How many women will acquiesce? or suffer silently? Wealthy DRUMPF makes it okay. Where will be the “safe” places, people?
OR, perhaps, THIS IS THE POINT? “America” voted for herself. Drumpf was elected because he actually reflects who and what “America” REALLY IS: MONEY-WORSHIPPERS and PERVERTED people. God is allowing America to SEE herself full blast, as light begins to shine into her idolatrous and sickenly perverted viscera: she is unGodly, nasty, stinky, vile, evil, thuggerish, criminalistic, victimizers, perverts. One cannot change what one is unwilling to confront.
The “outcries,” per my opinion, have been because too many do not identify or embrace this “America.”
WHERE is the Evangelical church? Where are the Christians? Their silence makes them complicit and provides evidence of what I am saying as having merit. Is not AGAINST what they purport to believe? Is this not godly?
Pray. The desensitization is REAL.
White women need to know they are seen as slaves to their white men. They have chosen money, power, status, personal security and comfort as idols and kings (because they think they will also be seen as goddesses and queens). They encourage, embolden, and endorse their white men to continue in his idolatries and perversions to maintain her lifestyle, mostly to her peril (if her soul screams could be heard, the earth would shake). But, as long as she can LOOK GOOD & RICH doing it, she will persist and perpetuate her slavish mentality, passing it on to her daughters, allowing her sons to richly observe her enslavement, that he may grow into his white father.
Yet, how many COVET the lifestyles of the white, rich, powerful, and famous? So, then, how many are AS enslaved as the white woman? See WHY WHITE PEOPLE are SO COMFORTABLE WITH SLAVERY? - they practice and embrace it first among themselves. This, ironically, becomes the white woman’s impetus: she’d rather be a true slave living in wealth, than a “wannabe” slave, wishing for wealth.
The white woman is smart; I will give her this. She is smart at being frail. White and frail. It is a frailness she embodies, prizes, and defends…all on the DL. She must put on and maintain her façade… always (you know this is WHY she’s so sickly, right? All that fronting puts stress on her frailty, producing diseases doctors scramble to make up names and drugs for). She is this way, because her mother told her to be this way, because her white man wants her this way, so she gives in and purposes herself to live to please him, breed for him, champion him, defend and perpetuate his legacy, no matter how perverted or criminal he is, no matter how much he betrays her. The white woman is well-rewarded, as long as she remains loyal and frail. Ivanka Drumpf, one of tens of millions.
White. Female. Frailty.
No wonder white women envy the Black woman’s strength. We do things in, survive, embody, and thrive in strength and dignity the frail, white woman only dreams of. Secretly, we are her models. But, her attempts at emulating Black strength and dignity fail epically, as frailty fails her: can’t handle the Blackness, because trying to use what you do not own and fully understand, frustrates and highlights what is there: white frailty. Black dignity and strength will always outshine white frailty.
Her frailty is exemplified in silence, making her complicit to our slavery, the selling of our children (many times her own husband fathered by rape), our mass-incarcerations, our killings, lynchings, and assassinations, our abortions, calling us out of our names, denying us of what is rightfully ours, just…so she and her children… could have…more.
Oh, but, alas, her frailty now screams, more creepishly chuckles and demurely smiles (note Ivanka’s smile and “turn away” in each shot in this video) as it becomes sickenly evident, her own creepy comfort, embrace of, and familiarity with perversion. I learned a secret: such perversions have birthed and maintain her frailty; so bred, she needs the perversions to survive, they are now her identity.
This is WHY white men, powerful, white men, do not flinch at claims of rape; WHY recordings of vile, perverted talk of criminal acts exacted upon white women, who “allow” such acts, are defended and protected (through a vote) by white women. White men OWN that frailty, use it, and know how to silence it: his wealth is enough for her to remain frail.
Ivanka has been bred in and has sold herself to wealth, and is so enslaved, laughing with perversion she has seemingly embraced and obviously serve, only produces greater wealth for her (personal wealth calculated at $150 MIL). …and this may be as good as it will ever get for Ivanka, and every white, frail female slave.
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Check out @KLPFitN40s's Tweet: Like wielding power, HOW you treat others says EVERYTHING about you, especially when you are in a position of power. Your decision to dignify others is always personal, as you REALIZE how you treat others is strong indicator of how you treat yourself. The decision to VALUE PEOPLE MORE THAN THINGS is always the BEST decision.
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A Message to White People and The Church:
Matthew 19: 16-22 recounts the rich man’s encounter with Jesus. When told of what he would have to give up to truly live, he walked away - unchanged.
White people are this rich man.
When RIGHTLY defining and calling out RACISM,
“…is the local and global power system and dynamic, structured and maintained by persons who classify themselves as white, whether consciously or subconsciously determined, which consists of patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thought, speech, action and emotional response, as conducted simultaneously in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labour, law, politics, religion, sex and war)…,” as defined by Dr. Francis Welsing,
…it is not difficult to see that Whites have and continue tovbenefit from RACISM, a system designed to give them preferential edge. It is also not difficult to observe, daily, Whites preferring to hold on to that edge, to detriment of non-white disenfranchisement and destruction. Choosing to embrace the lie (walk away from TRUTH), than lose their edge, they hiding behind their whiteness, accusing Blacks of playing the ‘race card’, when called out as racist.
We are in SPIRITUAL WARFARE! Innocent, defenseless BLOOD spilled is calling out for justice, and weak stories of token Black friend, postings of your one mission trip to Africa amongst the village children, shared like an inspired opiate are (always been) insensitive, offensive and dissociative.
GOOD Change happens in truth, as anything built on a lie will ultimately fail.
Change will happen in God, as He wants us all to REPENT that He may hear and heal our land.
Get angry with me all you want, but ASK GOD.
Repentance, CONFESSING your wrongs, and MAKING NO MORE EXCUSES, but doing what is RIGHT by God’s standards is THE ONLY WAY CHANGE WILL COME AND REMAIN, not through marches, shootings, or hashtagging.
TRUST GOD and LEAN NOT TO YOUR UNDERSTANDING that His directions may come to you…and GOOD Changes may will happen…when you CHOOSE TO DO WHAT IS RIGHT, remaining SPECTATORS no more.
Being WHITE has so insulated you, that, instead of WEEPING with those who weep, those whose hearts are so broken by your WHITNESS/RACISM, those who SUFFER IN YOU SIGHT, you share a STORY instead of SPEAK TRUTH. Do really think this is what God wants to use to bring peace and unity? You set a poor example for your immature followers, especially, the White ones.
White Christians HAVE and CONTINUE to benefit from RACISM, STRENGTHENING IT, while weakening the CHURCH (God’s people, His called out ones)…for aeons.
God has given White Christians MANY opportunities (Puritans, Revolutionary War, Emancipation Proclamation, Reconstruction, WWII & Holocaust, Lynchings, Civil Rights, and now, the unjust KILLINGS of defenseless Blacks, to name a few…) to work with HOLY Spirit to righten wrongs, not depending on fleshy whiteness (where Whites HIDE), rather than CHOOSE to submit and OBEY to His Way: RECONCILIATION and be washed by the BLOOD OF JESUS, which makes us ALL whiter than snow.
If you are NOT REPENTING AND TURNING FROM YOUR WICKED WAYS of being racist and depending on whiteness, you are a satanic tool, and the fleshly representation of Isaiah 29:13 - no wonder the CHURCH has lacked effectivess…REPENT!
But GREATER is He Who is in me that he that is in the world: a TRUTH which has nothing to do with the color of my skin.
As long as you are comfortable in your whiteness and all it insulates you from, you are the rich young man of Matt. 19:16-22, walking away because the request to act, to change, costs more than you’re willing to pay. Status quo.
You hypocrites! You KNOW if these were your White sons and daughters you would start WWIII! Yet, you show no love, remaining unwilling to lay your life down for a friend, unwilling to love your neighbor as yourself…because we’re Black, and RACISM as successfully indoctrinated you into believing (consciously or unconsciously lived) that Blacks are inferior, unequal, less than human, unworthy of you risking your life or reputation for.
Whites and Whiteness are STRONG, EFFECTIVE TOOLS of Satan. No wonder the CHURCH is WEAK and divided. This Church does not look like God at all.
Now FAITH is…I live and believe in Christ Jesus, so I SPEAK TRUTH, because He is TRUTH.
I love you! Know that I am praying for us all, but ESPECIALLY Whites during this season of COME CLEAN BEFORE THE LORD. Creation GROANS, and WHITENESS is a reason. RACISM is a BLINDING LIE…ask God.
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I saw a picture of Allyson Felix and was reminded of how pretty she is
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So i had googled her and you know how google has those “people also search for” things at the bottom? well i clicked Carmelita Jeter (her teammate)
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and then i clicked Sanya Richard-Ross
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so then i had clicked on Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce (She run for Jamaica obviously)
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and then i clicked on Veronica Campbell-Brown
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and then i clicked on Jeneba Tarmoh
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idk where I’m going with this post other than to show y’all how beautiful they all are. I think there’s some rule that if you’re a black woman that runs track then you automatically fine. 
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100 Different Creative Ways to Use Essential Oils
" Essential oils have been used dating back to the ancient Egyptians, but they have become very popular in recent times. For good reason too, they are useful for many different things.
They have aromatherapy, medicinal, household cleaning benefits, personal beauty care, and many more practical and amazing benefits. Essential oils are not really oils at all; they come from distilling or extracting the different parts of plants including the flowers, leaves, bark, roots, resin, and peels. In Ancient times, Israelites and Egyptians made essential oils by soaking the plants in a carrier oil and them filtering it through a linen bag.
Essential oils hold many benefits like antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Get ready because here are 100 ways to use different essential oils! …”
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The things a mother does for her daughter…!!
Day#2…we ran…when…!? …how far…!? …for how long…!? I don’t know…, but…
…#legs (all four) are #tinglywarm, #lungs (mine) did not burn, #strides (hers) were strong & graceful, I tagged behind…I stopped…a couple of times…uphill brutal; downhill sweet! Watching her run to beat last performance…PRICELESS!
We ran to #fatigue and are feeling quite accomplished!
April 11th approacheth…
Shower & sleep calls!
#iamasprinter #sprinterspirit #motherdaughterrun #nightrun #fitfemales #teenrunner #girlrunner #femalerunner #thrillofthegrill #intraining #barrywhitesatinsoul #notoasphalt #mycardio
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Most importantly: you’re stronger than you think.
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#TGIF #fitmom #fitness #igfitness #bodybuilding #strength #makegoodchanges #lifestyle
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Nothing wrong with #thinking about what you need to do, just make sure to add action to those thoughts.
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#exerciseinstrength #exercisewhereyoulive #exerciseinchaos #SCULPTED #sculptedbodysculptedlife #notfearingmyweightsembracingmystrengths #fitover50 #50andfit #50andfabulous #moreleanin2014 #igotmyheadback #reelitin #fitfam #instafit
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Everyone knows the #bicepcurl.
I believe it to be one of the most effective exercise in shaping/defining and strengthening the upper arm.
Here, I did Set1 with 10-lbs, then switched to 15-lbs for Set2 & Set3, doing 10 reps each.
STANCE is important:  I bend my knees to LOWER center of gravity, which enables great control of my body while moving the weight.  My SUPPORTING ARM offers leverage while I move the DYNAMIC arm.
SUCK IT IN - your AB muscles, that is!  YEP!  Whatever exercise you perform, remembering to KEEP ABS ENGAGED will provide support and protection, that only increase benefit and efficiency, while keeping you from injury.
SLOW AND STEADY - for proper technique and efficiency, and GREAT RESULTS, move the weight (can be done weightless) slowly starting from position at the KNEE, ending with elbow bent at 90 degrees.  This is an ISOLATED movement, NO TORSO involved, therefore no SWINGING of arm or body.  HOLD for a second at this position. REPEAT.
YES!  FEEL THE BURN,  This should be a challenge, but you should be able to complete 3 sets of 8-10 reps in proper technique for greatest results.  If not, make whatever adjustments necessary.  
BREATHE!  BREATHE!  BREATHE!  Holding your breath WILL NOT benefit the movement, only impede.  Breathe deeply throughout entire exercise.  Oxygen is necessary for energy, not to overlook life!
Bicep Curls should be performed at least 3Xs/wk, and do not fear mixing it up. 
I performed 1st set with 10-lbs; 2nd & 3rd sets with 15-l bs., respectively. Do not fear INCREASING your weights ONCE you have MASTERED lesser weights - this is how muscle fibers INCREASE (#bulking);  this is how you gain strength, definition, and confidence!
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Belly Fat: Five Ways to Lose the Pooch
By Dr. Nina Cherie Franklin via www.NinaCheriePhD.com Full article: http://goo.gl/Y8z6ao These days belly fat is indeed one of the most widely targeted areas of the body among men and women alike. Walk into any gym and you’ll find countless people spending a large majority of their workout time engaging in ‘belly fat boot-camp’ on “ab” prefixed machines while simultaneously downing placebo meal replacement shakes that promise to ‘melt away’ the fat. Belly fat (visceral and subcutaneous fat) is a multifaceted problem that’s linked to a variety of uncontrollable factors (genetics, gender, and hormones). However, by incorporating a focused exercise regimen with the right combination of foods, you can effectively overcome many of the uncontrollable factors and successfully lose the pooch for good. Here are 5 ways that you can do this. 1. Get Adequate Amounts of Protein Adequate protein intake is extremely important for ridding your body of unsightly belly fat, as it’s critical for preserving muscle and maintaining a healthy metabolic rate. Protein also burns stored belly fat by increasing the rate at which it is mobilized and used for energy. To ensure sufficient intake for losing the pooch, it’s best to consume about 0.55-0.82 grams of protein per pound of your body weight. The more active you are the more protein you’ll need. When it comes to choosing protein-rich foods, low-fat dairy products or dairy substitutes, fish, poultry, and/or lean meats are best as they are low in saturated fat and high in essential vitamins and minerals. You can also get an adequate supply of protein from whole soy products (tofu and tempeh) or a combination of other food sources like  nuts and seeds, beans, and dried peas. 2. Eat Sizeable Amounts of Healthy Fats Healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (omega-3 fatty acids) have been shown to prevent … Read the rest here - http://goo.gl/Y8z6ao
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morning motivation…
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