lowcarbonketo · 1 year
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This is one of those clean out the fridge meals 2 (Pastured-raised) Egg Omelet Wild Cold-Smoked Salmon Organic Natto Topped with soy sauce and Sriracha Turned out really yummy!
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lowcarbonketo · 1 year
Beef with lower carbon footprint than Impossible Burger?! -- Enter Regen Ag
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Beef is often cited as a villain in climate change. And well.. Most of the time it is. Industrial scale feedlots feed cattle corn and soy grown with fossil fuel sourced fertilizers and then the cow farts.. Oh the cow farts. More than just the carbon-footprint, the poor land-use, antibiotics, run-off and manure piles makes the whole process disgusting and cruel to the animals. 
Enter Regenerative Agriculture. The cattle graze on grasslands and are moved around in a method called rotational grazing.
Rotational grazing is a method of managing pastureland where livestock are moved to different sections of the field on a regular basis. It’s modeled after how herds used to graze in nature when predators were around. This allows the grass in each section to rest and regrow, preventing overgrazing and promoting healthier pasture. Rotational grazing can also help control weeds, prevent soil erosion, and improve water quality. Additionally, it can increase the number of grazing days per year and improve the overall productivity of the land.
Key Benefits: 
 -Increases soil organic carbon
 -Each 1% increase in soil organic matter allows the soil to retain 10,000 gallons more of water per acre!
 -Higher micronutrient content in the meat
 -Optimal balance on omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids
 -No need for chemical inputs
This chart shows the results of a live cycle analysis of a well known regenerative farm and compares it to conventional industrial agriculture as well as some fake meat products. 
The study can be found here: https://blog.whiteoakpastures.com/hubfs/WOP-LCA-Quantis-2019.pdf
And some commentary on the response from Impossible foods: https://savory.global/impossible-impact/
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