lucas-nikolas · 9 years
He hummed mindabstinently while he curled several strands of her hair onto his fingers, just admiring her beautiful face and how happy she seemed to look; and how peaceful even though she was exhausted probably just as much as he was himself. His eyes seemed not to get enough of her.
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lucas-nikolas · 9 years
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lucas-nikolas · 9 years
“No. It just happens to be the case. I don’t really care about those things.” He explained the simple fact. “I don’t think I need to impress anyone, honestly.” If anything, he wasn’t lacking to get laid on this place. A fiancée, two claims and several affairs kept him quite on his toes -- not to his disliking of course. “As humiliating as something could be, I tried dressing up as a woman once. Well, not in a sexual way but for fun and shits with a few friends. It was.. fun. Until we got the pictures afterwards.” He chuckled at the memories. “Well.. I need to think on that... Sexual, yes?”
“So you are going for younger girls now?” Stéph smirked, shrugging. “I think if you find a lady somewhere on this island, you should definitely try your best to impress her, in order for her to teach you a thing or two.” The blonde rolled her eyes at him, as he mentioned that he was way more handsome than the other guy, but didn’t comment on it. Lucas’s ego was already big enough, he didn’t need confirmation on the beauty aspect. “Both to you and to someone else. Though, I must admit I am way more interested in the latter.”
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lucas-nikolas · 9 years
It was a joke. Where’s your sense of humor?
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Why should I be scared of a work of fiction? Vampires are just figments of our imagination unless you believe in those silly sparkling creatures of the night.
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lucas-nikolas · 9 years
He could lay with her like this for hours. Watching how her beautiful smile decorated her features and the little twinkle in her eyes. He held her close, firm and secure, needing her to know that noone could do harm to her as long as she was with him and allowed her to be his own. He relished the moment of silence, placing a tender kiss on top of her head.
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lucas-nikolas · 9 years
You never know, I might just be. You should be scared. Very scared.
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What are you? A vampire who cannot enter inside someone’s place without being invited in? But please, do come in to my humble abode.
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lucas-nikolas · 9 years
Once he had caught somewhat of his breath again, he reconnected their lips once more, while finally slipping out of her and letthing himself fall to his side next to her. Slender fingers curled into brunette waves the other hand moving to her waist and pulling her frame against him so she was nestled nicely against his chest and he could relish her warmth.
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lucas-nikolas · 9 years
“I’m not only hilarious. I love myself drunk. Remember when I stripped? And you didn’t join because you were scared I would embarass you, big brother.”
“Oh please when you’re drunk, you’re hilarious especially when I have many videos of that happening. And I show her love! But you’re the one who just looks so funny when you’re showing her laugh.”
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lucas-nikolas · 9 years
And that is just even worse. Why are you so panicked about it?
I don’t need advice. I need clarification on whether I’m infatuated with someone or I’m genuinely falling for them.
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lucas-nikolas · 9 years
Not my department? You mean I couldn’t be any worse at it. Never ever listen to my advice.
C'mon, Lucas, please? Just try to help me out even though this isn’t your department?
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lucas-nikolas · 9 years
Hell  no.
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I sort of need help… Are you good with feelings and that kind of stuff?
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lucas-nikolas · 9 years
He glared over to his brother on the side. “At least I showed her love. What have you ever done for her? Big, mature king... Be glad I never showed your party-photos around. King of greece my ass.” He teased.
“Oh yeah like you haven’t had a few yourself. What about the time when Angel made you play dress-ups with her? I particularly liked the fairy costume. Especially when you had to wear that to the tea party she had made as well.”
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lucas-nikolas · 9 years
He supported her through yet another climax, slowing down once she had released on his cock. But he kept moving, moves unsteady until he found his own release. Their eyes locking, lips capturing while the sensation of his peak washed over him. Breathless again, he pulled away from her lips and leant his forehead against hers. Still not ready to move out of her, also unsure if she wanted still more.
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lucas-nikolas · 9 years
And yet I’m still standing at the door way. You could at least invite me in.
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I just called you pleasing to the eyes, have I not? So of course, I’m very curious about that. You won’t be hearing any complaints from me, sir.
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lucas-nikolas · 9 years
“Then stop having so many doubts about me. You’ve always had them. Always will. You tell me that you love me and in the same minute you turn me out to be some asshole. How can you love a person like that?” He wasn’t trying to have a fight but for once he wanted to understand her, why she always thought so lowly of him. What she explained seemed like an excuse to get out of this. “I’m not a dick about that, I’m not a hypocrite neither do I have double morals. But the way you put this out to be makes me angry.” He admit, but took a deep breath in attempt to calm himself.
This seemed to be a disaster. Both of them were too hurt to not take everything the wrong way and the pain was too overwhelming that their mind thought irrational instead of forming cear thoughts. “You know... I think we should just stop. It’s only making it worse. I want to keep you in good memory.” He explained, everything inside not wanting to go but the wiser part broke through for once and he had to agree.
“Do not turn this into a fight Lucas.” she murmured, that was the last thing she wanted, let alone needed. “You know I don’t think of you like that, I just meant, you’ll be busy, you have three girls, plus a whole array of others to keep you busy and you don’t need me around to make everything worse.” she murmured. She placed her now empty mug back on the coffee table and sat back. “Don’t.” She ordered, “You have absolutely no right to be a dick because I have a claim and I want to spend time with him, you have two plus a wife or did you forget that?”
She was angry, she hated the fact that he thought he had the right to be jealous about her claim, she’s had to share him since day one and the moment she found someone worth keeping safe in this hell hole and now he’s acting like a child. She shouldn’t have to be the smart one, he was older, wiser and she was the one being rational, not causing a scene, not bad mouthing anyone even though she had every right to. “Go on, Lucas, as much as I don’t want to do this, as much as I don’t want let you go, I really don’t want to be here for longer than I have too.” she murmured softly, a sad tone entering her voice, she just wanted this to be over so she could escape him and stop fighting the urge to cry. She was loosing the one person she truly loved and wanted to be with and that killed her.
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lucas-nikolas · 9 years
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lucas-nikolas · 9 years
Glad she had complied, strong arms moved around her thighs to press her closer to his face and keep her in place as his tongue slid through her entire slit once, twice. All the way from clit back to her puckered hole and back, unable to decide to stay on one place, he just wanted to have his tongue everywhere. Drinking in her juices, intoxicated by the scent of her arousal.  His fingers dug deeply into her ass, holding a firm grip while his mouth ate her out as if it was his last dinner.
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