malayaq · 1 year
Adulting as a Gen Z
Living in life is harder than before. I get to expel fumes to people even more, and thats just keep putting me in a tight position. I don't want to explode anymore. I might make some enemies without even thinking things through.
I am like a very imperfect person, well aren't we all. I maybe just not GUTSY as other people does. We all do variety of things to cope. Some go into plastic surgery to be an influencer, some do YOUTUBE, some do TikTok like one scope of things is just putting yourself out there. We are all becoming some E3s up here because of social media.
It messed me up, like I was detached to myself more than I ever was. I really don't have any idea where to start. But I guess is because I wasn't trying hard enough.
I am shamed to express my darker thoughts like the resilience of "there are more important things other than mental health". Like yeah, I agree with that but we must not treat this like this also doesn't exist.
If I was a butterfly I think I would be the prettiest butterfly that is. Because I am passionate to polen the motherfucking flowers up. Anyway, I just think being a butterfly is cool since I sound very delicious 🤤.
It maybe just comes down to perspectives and my journey in finding an outlet to express this angst and deep seethed insecurity I had. I keep distracting myself and yet right now I realized I haven't still outgrown it.
So good luck to me. I hope I find my peace of mind.
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malayaq · 2 years
Infp here. It's always at the back of my mind that white people are racists. While I know in reality that not every white person is a racist it's hard to convince my subconscious. Because I've been subjected to racism since a young age. A fact that disturbs me is how the political and social conflicts in black countries don't affect white people as much. To put it in other words black people suffering is no one's concern. I feel most of the time less worth in white people's eyes.
There is certainly racism in the world and it’s a shame that you have had to experience it throughout your life. However, it’s important to remember that past does not always predict the future. You are projecting your personal feelings from the past and turning them into “facts” about the world, which is inappropriate use of Si and Te. If Ne was properly developed, you would recognize that every person has the possibility to be better, and each NEW person you meet has the possibility to be racist, but also the equal possibility of NOT being racist, because you don’t know anything about them. In essence, you’ve made a crude generalization and turned it into a belief that you use to judge people. If you believe something is true, you look for evidence of it, then you develop the expectation of being validated (i.e. confirmation bias). You say that you don’t want to believe it, but then go on to tell me why it’s true. Maybe you don’t want to admit that you are wrong and change your belief because it will feel like an invalidation of the suffering you experienced as a child. 
You are free to believe whatever you want but recognize that your belief is born of your feelings of hurt, which does not give you an objective understanding of the problem of racism. Will racism be solved by labeling all white people as bad and ignoring the ones that are trying to be allies?Your hurt is not going to go away if you misdirect it into a petty grudge. You can be a victim but you don’t have to possess a victim mentality. Being a victim means that you acknowledge your hurt, recognize the real cause of the problem, and work to find the appropriate solution to right the wrong. Having a victim mentality means that you allow the victimizer to define you and your sense of worth, therefore, you give the victimizer the power to taint your entire outlook on life and then perpetuate their dominance over you. 
Reflect on the consequences of your beliefs. If you believe that all white people are racist, what is the consequence? You will behave just as racists do, condemning white individuals before knowing them, treating them as guilty with no chance to prove their innocence - it is prejudice. How then are you any better than the racists you condemn? If you try to justify your problematic belief by saying that it is your childhood and you are a victim therefore you have a “right” to your belief, you give racists the room to do exactly the same. I’m sure every racist has a sob story and some past experience that justifies their racist judgment about you.Your moral standing is shaky when you are doing the same thing as the people you criticize.
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malayaq · 2 years
INFP I believe I've been cycling in and out of Si-loop for the past couple of months. I'll engage Ne: start a new job, a new hobby, go out with a friend even though I don't want to. I get new energy, but I'm disenchanted promptly. My newfound motivation is lost within a week or so. I enter depression. Cry a lot. I recall past traumas of my life and then I feel bad because others seem to cope better. Why can't I? It seems fruitless to keep trying. It's a cycle and I get out briefly only to return
This is also a symptom of Te grip. This kind of question comes up often from infps, search the tags. There are three potential problems: 
1) Misdirected Ne: You choose activities willy nilly, without enough thought about whether they’re good for your psychological well-being and useful for your self-improvement -> dominant Fi should be honored first and foremost. If you understand that activities are good for you in the long run, then you’d be more willing to stick with them. 
2) Misuse of Si: When you try something new, you should follow the right methods or procedures to achieve success. Perhaps you are unfocused and disorganized in your approach. NPs often sabotage themselves because they lack seriousness and think the rules don’t apply to them, so they don’t follow the rules and then wonder why they keep failing. 
3) Te Misuse/Te Grip: 
Judgmental: You are probably much too quick to criticize or judge situations negatively. Perhaps you illogically apply your past feelings to new situations as per Si Loop. This makes you impatient, unwilling to give new situations the benefit of the doubt and unwilling to follow through with your plans. In other words, you sabotage yourself with your own negative thinking and negative self-talk instead of thinking objectively (healthy Te), i.e., by always aiming for the positive outcomes. 
Attitude about hard work: Many infps are too idealistic in believing that if they are on the right track, then everything should go smoothly. They don’t understand that reaching an important goal requires hard work, which inevitably means dealing with bumps, obstacles, and setbacks along the way. So, as soon as they feel any hint of discomfort, they think something is “wrong” and they give up. Is this you?
Skills: Some goals require you to build your skills in order to achieve them. Are you learning the skills that you need or do you assume that you can do something if you just believe you can? 
Planning: Difficult goals usually require good planning if you want things to go smoothly. Since infps tend to follow their feelings moment to moment rather than a logical plan, they are more likely to encounter failure. Thus, it is important to set clear objectives and map a solid path for reaching them. As mentioned above, you’d be much more willing to stick with a good idea if you truly believed it would produce good outcomes for you and you had a good plan to carry it out. 
Many of these problems are made worse by the inability to keep your eye on the bigger picture, which is what a healthy N function is supposed to help with. 
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malayaq · 2 years
I'm an INFP with low self-esteem. A few years ago I lost my self-confidence from harsh comments family friends made about me, which I think set my Ne into overdrive. I became overly ambitious about "fixing myself" and finding answers, which deteriorated my Fi. I think I was looping too, because it took a long time to let go of their negativity and self-judgement. I'm improving my feelings of self-worth by developing skills, but still revert back to keeping my guard up. Will this ever go away?
It isn’t so much Ne in overdrive as being driven by inferior Te impulses, which is not always a healthy thing. You were trying to live up to standards that were not entirely your own, standards that you imposed on yourself through external sources, in some ways too desperate for external validation. If this behavior goes too far, it leads to dominant Fi degradation because your personality gets out of whack. There is a balance that must be struck between self-acceptance and self-improvement. Possessing flaws =/= being flawed, which is something many Fi doms have trouble grasping. What makes a person a failure is not the fact of having flaws because everyone has them, rather, what makes a person a failure is when they deny those flaws or they refuse to do anything about them.
(This is sometimes a controversial opinion but) Self-doubt is necessary for a healthy personality. Self-doubt is a sign that you are aware of the conflicts between your various functions and this leads to you being more careful when decision making, which is a GOOD thing. Therefore, self-doubt in and of itself is neither positive nor negative, it is simply an internal message that alerts you to the need to proceed more carefully. However, if you are being driven by unconscious inferior Te impulses, your attitude towards self-doubt will be problematic because immature Te wishes for “absolute certainty” otherwise it cannot feel confident, which means that self-doubt will be seen as a “weakness” or a “failure” because it makes you feel bad, and immature Te cannot handle feeling bad. In other words, inferior Te has the wrong attitude towards self-doubt and does not interpret it properly. When you define something as “bad”, you will want to get rid of it, but why would you want to get rid of something that is an important part of you and is necessary for growth and development? INFPs who are prone to Te grip tendencies often evaluate themselves way too harshly and don’t realize it, even when they would never apply such standards to others.
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malayaq · 2 years
Fi - Si madness/ Te grip/ ESTJ shadow.
I've been through the three situations instead of relying on my external environment to give me information. I don't know how it started but i distrust the external world so much because of how it hurted me (fake friends, people exploiting me, standards, criteria of defining myself as valuable, imperfect life) [Te inferiority = that inability to notice the external world that they also judge that it just arises out of the blue and you don't know what to do. You are just vulnerable of unexpected judgement from other people that it breaks your ego down and all of your beliefs].
I think that's why i close the doors to the external world and continued nitpicking on my perceived mistakes, insecurities, imperfections (Si menace = a child that is so immature that it young's your hair out because it guilt trips you into not using it).
{ESTJ shadow: the most destructive and depressing process that i have experienced. Your mind hurts all the time because you continue to nitpick yourself while you're stressed out so much because you look at the people immediately and see people being stupid, not knowing their place and their responsibilities. Your Fi is hidden, your Fi is now the inferior which is now your insecurities because you failed your dominant function and rely on your weakness instead. Its like a self victimizing mindset that you give yourself to the chaos}.
I try to write this post because i backread on my previous blog post and i analyze the message of those words and i kind of got sad of it. Because i can now clearly understood this cognitive functions a kind of use the information that i've known to help me understand myself.
It's been a long ride it consists of a two-year pandemic to fully understood myself. I never realize how to apply for me is just understanding myself in an introspective level. For me understanding myself and my connection to the world and vice-versa is what gives me clarity all of the darkness of the cloud above me. And i have never been happier to somehow slightly feel liberated to this mental illness.
But... The Ne..
The Ne function is a God given function. It tells you that people are imperfect based on external based concepts and the bigger picture. It tells you many reasons why a person can do such a thing, it makes you a bigger person by understanding a wide range of information.
My Ne tells me that i do not know better until i go out in the world and experience it on my own. I'll never the great one in my book i am the great one but that's just subjective. I must prove myself and my word to the world by just exploring it and making mistakes, instead of breaking down towards criticism. I must learn that's the beauty of life and knowledge.
Little by little i can handle this. I am not yet fully healed i guess no one would ever be because there will be more problems of a head but i do know this.. I can do it.
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malayaq · 3 years
Hi, I'm an INFP and my ultimate goal in life is to find love. I consider this unattainable. I am tired of having my happiness depending on someone else's opinion on me but everything I do points to that same thing; being lovable. I feel like there must be something else in life besides that and I have no clue what that might be. Self-achievement? Helping someone? > so I can be admired and loved, that's my pattern. What is the flaw in my thinking process? I am deeply unhappy because of this.
The flaw in your thinking process is simple in theory. Your mindset is too limited, much like a child in terms of having a weak sense of self. Children do not have the intellectual capacity or life experience to know themselves well, so they must resort to using the external world to define the self until they figure out how to do otherwise. Unfortunately, it is easy to get trapped in this mindset even into adulthood depending on your course of development. Such an approach to life reduces you to desperate attempts to be “something” instead of “nothing”. In Fi doms this can manifest as Te grip behavior where you unconsciously seek out “rewards” from the world that allow you to temporarily feel good about yourself even when those things are not good for your long term development, i.e., you fail to honor your true type potential. Instead of doing the hard work of becoming the kind of person you can love and be proud of, a person with true integrity, it is easier to use others or how much love/admiration you can accumulate to prop yourself up. But this also means that you have no control over your life as you keep chasing after those external “rewards”, living or dying by them without any anchor inside to stabilize yourself.
One consequence of this mindset is that you see everything in the world only in terms of “objects” and whether they can satisfy your cravings and desires. Your vision of the world only extends as far as whatever impacts you most directly. However, an important aspect of personal growth is forming a robust theory of mind whereby you understand with greater and greater depth and nuance that other people are also “persons”, separate from you and possessing their own experiences, hopes, needs, and desires that are just as important to them as yours are to you - this is often the first step to seeing that there is more to life than your own imaginings and desires. It is an easy concept to understand intellectually but surprisingly difficult to apply in real-life. E.g. If the main reason you want to find love is to be loved, then you don’t possess the right moral intention for seeking love, because you are essentially using others to stroke your ego or boost your self-esteem. If you really saw other people as persons in their own right, you would know that this approach to love is misguided because it denies the full existence and autonomy of the other person only to focus on their “usefulness” to you - can this be a truly well-balanced and satisfying relationship? People are ends in themselves, not just a means to an end, so until you can appreciate them as such, your conception of love remains shallow and unrealistic, dark and self-centered, and rightfully unattainable. The fact that you are deeply unhappy about this means that you realize it is necessary to change your thinking, which is a good sign since many people just ignore such warnings and continue on as they always have.
No one can tell you what to do with your life, rather, change and momentum come organically when you learn how to live with more integrity and tap into your potential to become a better person. You have to care about being better and take action to do it. The general challenge for introverts is to understand the world more objectively instead of compulsively filtering everything through the lens of subjective experience. Exercise your Ne, gather and visualize more possibilities for yourself, for your life, for the world instead of defaulting to what you’ve always done/known.You live in a world full of possibility but it is also a world where many people experience suffering, turmoil, chaos, or unrest - can your vision of the world grow and gradually extend beyond you to include that which is within your power to influence but doesn’t directly relate back to you? What would your life look like then? Imagine how people’s perception of you might change if you stopped being like a hungry vampire desperate to feed off them. Imagine that love is not a “goal” or something to “obtain” or “possess” or “hoard” like a scarce commodity but rather something that you can create any time you want. Imagine how more and more opportunities to feel love would naturally arise if you had the capacity to do everything with loving care and to give love and attention to the things in the world that really need it, to care for something other than yourself because that thing is truly worthy of care apart from whatever “reward” you may get. When you realize your own latent power to positivelyshape the world around you, you can then establish a real and reliable foundation of self-esteem instead of desperately seeking it from fleeting, unhealthy, or unreliable sources.
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malayaq · 3 years
If we know the difference of gender and sex in the first place then what's all the fuss for? We are accepting of feminine men and boyish females right? So what plays out? What is the reason why the opposition is very discriminating and the oppressed is very problematic?
The huge conflict between gender and sex is the fact that we attribute traits and behaviours to biological attributes.
That is why there is gender dysphoria. A person is conflicted between what he has vs. what he believes having genitals assigned to the two sexes has also each established traits.
A biological male can be feminine, unidentified and masculine the same as the biological female. We do not condone boyish females nor feminine male aren't we so why the discrimination towards LGBTQ+? Because we cannot also really deny the fact that gender dysphoria is really present and is really a mental illness.
If being female and male is to the extent of damaging your biological makeup to adhere as the contrasting sex then that is a mental illness to treat. Because of the desire to be another thing to feel more 'lady like' to have traits of what a biological woman should feel.
Also the social construct of gender and its purpose to assign social roles and identity to each individual should just stay in an ethical and moral scenario. The problem with LGBTQ+ is that the fact that they chase validation of their own identification when in reality they lack self awareness of their own. Furthermore, in terms of discrimination and abuse, we have human rights. No matter what you identify yourself with doesn't give others the right to hurt you and to stop you (unless you're the first to do that).
Having the mind to know the rights of free speech and expression as well as being aware of your own biological makeup is a way for any rational people to understand one another. That is true progressiveness.
To the oppressors of gender identification, the fact that these people act out of their own feelings instead of holding a formal convesation of disagreement is a very selfish trait. These people also needs to be taught of respect and to also be aware of their own before they discriminate and abuse people who are different from them. It is also ignorant to think that a person is just one thing if humans make up something all the time.
At the end of the day, it all goes down to being mature, being open minded and just being human. If we can normalize that instead of being another sex, we just be open that qualities of identification should not necessarily be assigned based on its sexes only then discrimination would not prosper.
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malayaq · 3 years
I think in teenage years instead of blindly making mistakes for the sake of experience I think its much more crucial if teenagers find their values instead. I think that is why many teenagers today are at a brink of depression. They are at the stage of being a young adult and possibly being an adult soon and its just so overwhelming for these kids to balance out social pressure, academics, family time neglecting what they should be nurturing, Themselves.
MBTI helped me understand myself and utilize my inner workings to be independent and live on my own. Preparing me from adulthood, the real game.
What I had to go through is really long, its not immediate reflection and healing though. I spent almost 2 years in Mbti, a lot of lashing out, being uncharacteristically me, and just being super depressed and anxious before being able to understand myself. It does not require anyone, if anything you and only you should uphold this responsibility to yourself. UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF. (Obvious in my previous post)
In my reflection, its best to know where you gather your strength. Is it the past lessons? Is it the future possibilities? the actual reality right now? or the aspiration, the vision? You must know where timeline are you most comfortable with. For me I am comforted with the information about past experiences and its lesson. It made me grounded and humble to know that I treasure this experience whether good or bad. You can never go wrong with experience, the bad shows you your strength while the good shows your happiness. This experiences for me is essential to me for my decision making especially if its a big one. Its also very crucial part of me since past experience gives me enough perception to know about the dangers of the multitudes of possibilities and how I can be aware when that happens. With past experience I would know what to do in terms of tough situation, and I would be kind to myself as I would look at life more as a world with potential of having a better future. It balances me towards my values whether thinking or feeling, since it gives me grounded experiential scenarios that would strengthen the foundation of my values system which for me is crucial to be resilient and to persevere all hardships.
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malayaq · 3 years
How the cognitive functions can manifest in our behaviour
Like everybody else, I am surrounded by people of every tpe on a daily basis. And by being the quiet one in the corner observing and analysing people, I noticed some very similar quirks and kinds of behaviour in people of certain (healthy) types and I drew my conclusions. Now, this may not be correct or apply to everyone using these functions, so take it with a grain of salt. (And just on a sidenote, though I’m quite confident in my English, it’s not my native language. So, if some expressions seem odd, or the tenses used are weirdly jumbled and don’t make much sense, I apologise. Feel free to point out any language mistakes to me. Would be very appreciated.) If you disagree or would like to add something else you noticed, please do. high Ni: High Ni users tend to be very perceptive people when it comes to certain things. They usually have a piercing stare that might make you uncomfortable because it feels like they are diving deep into your soul and are analysing all your strengths and insecurities. Though I noticed that there is a difference in the stares, depending on the function Ni is accompanied by. Te may have a more penetrant quality to it as they notice the details about you. Fe may rather make it feel like they are intrigued and interested in a sense that they figure you out by analysing your mannerism and body language rather than details such as clothing. Also, high Ni users tend to stare at, or rather through, something when they are thinking. Even then it’s quite intense. To that, high Ni users tend to make little pauses in the middle of a sentence while speaking. They hardly ever fill these short periods of silence with “uhm”. When they talk it’s always like they have prepared this speech for a very long time because it’s well thought out, when in fact, they just came up with it. And they will often avoid eye contact when they are talking. NFJs may watch you closely when you’re the one talking, but the other way round, they won’t be able to focus on what they are saying if they are looking at you at the same time, so their eyes will wander around, avoiding your face. high Ne: High Ne users, on the other hand, often use fill words like “uhm” frequently, many times in a row. They talk fast, but it’s like they have to bring order to their thought process while speaking, so they have to pull themselves in the direction of a single thought, it seems, which may result in almost stutter-ish words, even though they don’t actually stutter. They just repeat the first sounds at the beginning of a word or phrase. And then they speed up and squish hundreds of uhms in a little sentence. Though I mostly noticed this in auxiliary Ne, escpecially in INTPs when they are extremely excited by something. Ne-doms, especially ENTPs, may look you directly in the eye while talking and won’t break eye contact for half a minute, which is kind of irritating to be honest, but it always feels like you are just an anchor they address when they themselves are focused inwards. high Se: I don’t know what it is, but high Se users somehow always appear to be exactly where they want to be and like this is exactly where they belong. Even if they’re just standing at a bus stop or going grocery shopping, they are so present. Like they really belong in this world. Fascinates me every time. high Si: Si is very difficult to notice in people, at least for me. I can’t think of any specific mannerisms. I really only notice high Si in someone when they suddenly say something like my ESFJ friend recently: “It’s three years ago today that we were in London. Do you remember? It was raining and we went in that little cafe and you had a blueberry muffin that looked delicious and there were crumbs all over the table and I loved the red jumper you were wearing. I really miss that moment.” (Just as a side note, I only vaguely remembered that we fled from the rain into a cafe and that I was getting a cold.) Or when they get you a special kind of cookies because they remembered you saying aeons ago that you loved those. high Ti: High Ti users have this typical “let me think” look when they are, in fact, thinking. Their eyes will wander across the room, but their focus is inwards, they probably don’t even know they’re doing it. Sometimes they do this while talking. Then it’s always like they are thinking out loud or explaining something to themselves, and not directly talking to you. Paired with Ne, especially in INTPs, perhaps because of the inferior Fe, they may start explaining a thought process while they are having it, start at the beginning, pause for a second, and then suddenly jump right to the conclusion, so that you have no idea what the hell they are talking about. Also, let me tell you, as an INFJ, I ususally get a reading on everyone in the room. But IxTPs are a mystery. I can stare at them for hours and still have absolutely no clue what they are thinking about. high Te: High Te is also a bit difficult to notice just by observing. It’s less visible in body language or speech patterns, but rather in the way they treat people. It’s not necessarily the stereotypical bossing people around, I don’t find that to be true. Just imagine following scenario: You are sitting in a class, let’s say in a tutorial and it’s not this tense teacher-student-atmosphere. You are asking the TA a question, but before the TA can answer you, the Te user sitting next to you suddenly jumps in and answers your question in front of the class. It’s rather that high Te users often naturally resume responsibilty when they think of themselves as competent enough, even if they aren’t the authority figure present. high Fi: As a high Fe user myself, I’d like to start describing this as the fact that high Fi users actually have emotions. It sounds weird, but for me, it’s a bit irritating that some people actually have such strong emotions and know about them. Like, whether they are grumpy or cheerful or sad, the energy they give off is incredibly strong. They always appear very well composed, but when they feel good or bad, you’ll notice. If they’re happy, it’s like they are invincible and nothing will ever bring them down. Also, there is a significant difference to Fe when it comes to talking about feelings. If you’re close to them, they may tell you what happened and what is going on, but they won’t describe exactly what they’re feeling. They already know. There’s no need to tell you. Concerning morality or ethics, they usually have strong convictions they believe in and if you state something that disagrees with those convictions, they are much more likely to stand up for their principles and fight you without compromise than an Fe user would. high Fe: High Fe is probably the easiest to notice of all the functions. Just go and talk to them, tell them a story that happened to you and they will go “Aww”, “Oh no!”, “Really? I’m so sorry”, “That’s so cool” or they’ll just nod or laugh at every little joke you say, not because they think it is funny, but because they will do everything to make you feel comfortable in their presence. But there is a slight difference between SFJs and NFJs that I noticed. While NFJs like to go into chamaeleon mode and try to be nice to literally everyone they meet, SFJs are also usually very nice, but their energy seems to be more concentrated on their circle of friends and family and in a stronger way, and less on a more global range as the NFJs. When you’re talking to them, they are likely to solely focus on you and direct their body at you and may even mirror your body language. If they trust you, high Fe users will tell you about their feelings, but much differently compared to Fi users. Fe users will tell you what happened and will then try to describe exactly what it is they are feeling and how this feeling feels.
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malayaq · 3 years
To get off of Te grip you must filter the Te information using Fi. The facts that criticize you should be filtered in the Fi by choosing what feels right and what is scruitinizing. Backed up with the Ne and Si about different perspectives and possibilities of the real world at the same time the memory in which retained the possibility that worked within the INFP, will make the Fi retain more useful Te judgements in order for the INFP to move towards life.
Example: I am said to be mocked of my face as it is unusual or funny looking. (Te judgement)
As an INFP i hate being judged by how I look because people have their own feelings and they probably aren't living everyday just to be a loser, they probably are getting their life together day by day. Sitting staight and chin up.
So as a child, I would not usually care. But as I grow older, if people saw that you take it just fine without reacting violently or not speaking at all they would just see it as a signal to keep going because you don't seem to get affected while in fact you do.
It is good to take that judgement into Fi-Ne-Si consideration. Is this objective criticism or just plain rude? Is this necessary judgement? Do I really need to intake this or do I just ignore it? You are weighing things down based on what feels right.
Remember never lose trust in gut feeling since gut feeling is the most aware of your whole internal psyche. Whether it is emotional and physical makeup. Gut feelings no what is right as it takes the whole person to the possibility and let it feel the scenario whether it makes him good or it will just be bad.
Ne would probably see the possibility of your growth and maturity (based of physical and emotional capacity) and would guarantee you that no matter what happens there is always another thing that is gonna happen.
Si is keeping in check of what happened that goes into my favor at a certain time that happened.
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malayaq · 3 years
INFP normal
INFP's have savior Fi which means self amusement. It is the "I do what I like because it keeps me sane" line is all about managing the internal values and preference > Fe which prioritizes people as a tribe. How they would felt in this way. It is the most humanistic approach as it includes all people to feel objective "good"
So Fi is narrow but deep that serves the host.
While Fe is wide but shallow that serves the entirety with the host in it.
Infp in the eyes of the Fe users are selfish, act on their own premise, does not conform, kill joy, self centered when that is pretty much true.
Remember that each people are innately selfish due to the fact that people are still in this fight for survival. It is in the biological data of a human to serve his own needs.
So for an Fe to say that Fi is self centered is just as misunderstood as Fi would think Fe serves others insincere. Probably because of two opposing environment on what they value.
But for Fe to be judged is not that harsh compare to Fi being judged since people in majority are mostly Fe users compare to Fi therefore having that sense of self importance to oneself can quite come as selfish.
In order to save us INFPs in our reputation and to live our lives without anyone condemning, we must produce results. (Te)
Te is another tribe function that works well in society as it is also more common and more in charge of what works to the society.
There are two things the tribe wants; What works and what other feels. It is both efficiency and general values that serves the tribe.
Fi should draw a boundary between self and the tribe to still be as sane as he could go. He should have the priority of Self amusing and self managing oneself first and then he could do activities that would produce the results.
Fi-Ne-Si is personal, it is the function if we are alone. Then Fi-Ne-Si-Te if with other people like in the work place and schools, etc.
The strength of an INFP is that he get to be the maim character of his own ideal world. He get to control his own person and do what he puts his heart into and then he will succeed. As long as the Fi is being served continuously.
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malayaq · 3 years
i dunno im pretty much both dominant and auxiliary hmm
Ne Auxiliary: I just had a thought. Wait make that two. No, three. Seven. Fifty-four. Yeah, I’m not going to get anything done. 
Ne Tertiary: And I’ll pick the best one and implement the HELL out of it.
Ne Inferior: No but guys we’re so much safer under this rock trust me THERE COULD BE ANYTHING OUT THERE. LIKE DRAGONS. WAIT NO TAX COLLECTORS. NO PROBABLY DRAGONS.
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malayaq · 3 years
Misconception towards Fi users is to trust your heart more than your head. But it doesnt necessarily mean to side on one of them. Being an Fi user just means to trust what you think of based on what you feel. They play both roles but considering the major contribution which is Feelings.
Having to master this dominant function will make an infp powerful.
One advantages I have over others is that I could not be swayed by others on what to like what to dislike how to act what to say. Ive been commended by that in my elementary days as somewhat very independent to stand on his own choices and beliefs. Other people would have reason out their decision based on others or what works just to VALIDATE their preferences, whereas Fi users would have just said 'i do it because I want to'.
This threatens other people who uses other to suffice their needs, as an Fi user will probably be highly aware of that bullshit therefore do not even consider to make an effort to people please.
They have a strong sense of belief that 'every person is different and has their own sense of self so why even bother to think that people should like you'. Just have a concern if your doing intentional harm to others instead of wallowing for approval and validation. (I'm speaking to me perse XD)
Another tips for the great INFP is that this types are emotionally driven type. In a very intense environment where each people are pressured to either survive or to achieve success, an INFP would probably break due to sensitivity in emotion and human values. But to always remember is to live life light hearted. We have our mind to tell us of the right and wrong and we have our heart to tell us how to love and how to be kind.
We must remember to lay out all the things that makes us exhilarated and what makes us uncomfortable and make it known to people that way they know their boundaries to you.
To ignore this is disrespecting you to live your life as a human being.
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malayaq · 3 years
People assumes that I don't have feelings or compassion to others because I don't get along with their jokes, their thoughts, ideas that they thought to them was funny or great. They would call me out being angry or rude if they didn't receive the respond that they would felt satisfied. That is why I hate the social structure, that's why I hate school on the most parts of it. People feel like the person they talk too are obligated to give back the 'energy' that they are giving despite being strangers at the first meeting. I am putting ✨social interaction✨ at fault.
I am aware as to why they are doing that. First of all my eyes is very sharp. It is an almond eye shape and whenever I look at a person talking to me I always have this resting bitch face that is why people assume I am angry or annoyed at them by talking to me. Second, I dont always talk. So because I am mostly quiet at the time people assume that I am not interested but in reality I just dont know HOW to respond. Because I am constantly criticized by how I respond based on my actual feelings and judgement. People dont like HONEST people hun.
Because of this constant occurrence I always pick on myself for not being so 'friendly', having that self criticism to always appear taking a toll on my mental health big time.
This is hard for me especially when I started to work at a SALES job. I hate conforming to the 'ways' you should talk to a customer. And how I should respond when the customers are passive aggressive or just plain rude. I hate being boxed and having to go against what I really wanted to say. At least for me this is who I am.
Prolly because I'm a combination of a scorpio w an MBTI of INFP and an enneagram of probably 4w5 or 6w5 which is really fucked up.
Anyway dont reply to my posts TY.
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malayaq · 3 years
Respond instead of react —mantra
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malayaq · 3 years
“Try to learn to breathe deeply, really to taste food when you eat, and when you sleep really to sleep. Try as much as possible to be wholly alive with all your might, and when you laugh, laugh like hell. And when you get angry, get good and angry. Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough.”
— William Saroyan
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malayaq · 3 years
“And when you told me what your favorite book was, I bought it and read it over and over… trying to find pieces of you in it.”
— Unknown
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