mgk-myles · 6 years
texts: myles/kara
Kara: I only told her to give you my number, everything else was purely all her.
Kara:I'm Kara by the way, not some weirdo, I promise. Well... I'm only a little bit weird, enough for it to work with Willow.
Myles: Willow is.. Well, she's Willow. that's all i can say lmfao.
Myles: cool to talk to you, kara. I'm Myles. weird is good, i like weird.
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mgk-myles · 6 years
texts: myles/kara
Kara: Holy shit she did it. She actually did it.
Kara: I mean. Hey.
Myles: yeah haha.
Myles: she said you're hella cute and that you thought i was hella cute. i trust her so i was completely down for chatting.
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mgk-myles · 6 years
texts: myles/kara
Myles: Hey, Willow gave me your number?
Myles: Sup?
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mgk-myles · 6 years
instagram dm: myles/cosette
Cosette: I'm more than okay with it. I think I'd really like it. I really liked spending time with you too, Myles. And thank you for saying that. It makes me feel a lot better.
Myles: You don't need to ever feel bad for taking care of y'all first. Okay?
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mgk-myles · 6 years
instagram dm: myles/cosette
Cosette: yes, she is. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I’m sorry I just stopped talking to you in general too. At first I was just incredibly scared and I didn’t really know what I wanted to do and when I did figure out what I wanted to do my parents weren’t really okay with it and I ended up moving here to live with my aunt and it just took a really long time to figure out what was going to happen in general and I didn’t want to tell you before I knew everything because why would I tell you I was pregnant if I couldn’t have kept it anyways that just felt cruel and then after I had figured everything out it was already super late and I had this big belly and I hadn’t talked to you in so long and I was kinda scared you’d be mad at me and want nothing to do with us but I definitely would understand you being mad now. I really made a mess of things.
Myles: I'm not mad, I just want to be there for her if you'll let me, y'know? One of the things I've always prided myself in was being a good dad to Katie after I stopped being a fuckin idiot back when she was born and.. Yeah... If you're okay with it, I want to try the whole co-parent thing... I want to try us being friends, too. I really liked spending time with you, Cos. You're not a bad person for taking care of you and her first. It's 10000% understandable.
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mgk-myles · 6 years
instagram dm: myles/cosette
Cosette: Yeah, sorry about that. I kind of did dodge you before.
Cosette: We can.
Myles: So.. She's mine, right?
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mgk-myles · 7 years
instagram dm: myles/cosette
Myles: We haven't really talked since we saw each other before...
Myles: I really, really think we should talk. Please?
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mgk-myles · 7 years
Kelly Crew
Zaden: jesus fuckin christ
Chase: All of you need to calm the fuck down.
Chase: Like hell he's coming anywhere near here.
Sasha: I was taking a nap. You all woke me up.
Dean: so mostly negative and Sasha doesn’t care #lazy
Joella: It's like he exists to make me upset
Myles: when does sasha truly give a shit about most things... jk but yeah. idk.
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mgk-myles · 7 years
Kelly Crew
Dean: -link to Aaron’s insta post-
Dean: does this mean he’s coming back here?
Dean: how do we feel about this?
Joella: I feel like I want him to go fuck himself and stay far away.
Myles: This is gonna be a bloodbath. I'm hiding in the bathtub w/ Katie
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mgk-myles · 7 years
Fancy Meeting You Here | Myles and Cosette
Cosette: felt a sliver of dread run through her whole body at the sound of her name, her heart skipped a beat too and she wasn't really sure if that part had been out of fear or delight really. A part of her missed the way his voice sounded saying her name, it'd been such a difficult thing when she'd cut him out of her life. It was too hard though to talk to him knowing everything that was going on. At first she didn't tell him cus she was scared what he would think, because she knew she'd be giving the child away anyways while she was with her parents, and then it seemed to late to tell him when she'd made the decision to do what she truly wanted despite her parents wishes for one of the first time's ever. That was probably only something she told herself so she wouldn't have to deal with everything. She didn't usually run away from her feelings, in fact she normally gave into them too much. The fact she knew she was leaving for France in a couple weeks when she first met him never stopped her, but after the total rejection of her parents- if she never told him it'd stay magical their short time together would stay in her mind like some fairy tail. Even the possibility of tainting it seemed horrifying but it seemed midnight had struck and there wasn't anymore escaping reality now so she put on a brave face and turned towards him, her back mostly covering Aurora in her car seat. "Hi, long time no see," she looked down at the little girl next to him as well no doubt the daughter she'd heard of before and gave her a tiny wave, "And hi to you too,"
Myles: kept a smile on his face, despite his inner voice continuing to scream a symphony of 'what the fucks!'. "Too long.. How have you been?" He let out a sigh when Katie bashfully looked down, then proceeded to step behind him. "She's shy, sorry." He apologized. Peering over her, he bit at his lip. "So, who is this? Didn't have this plus one last time I saw you, Cos'." God, he was probably being too blunt. He had a bad habit of that.
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mgk-myles · 7 years
Fancy Meeting You Here | Myles and Cosette
Cosette: had been having a pretty basic weekend. The recent few where she had gone out on Friday’s had been a real exception but she had really wanted to make friends at her new school and her aunt even encouraged her to go out, helping with Aurora during the night. She was glad to be back to her basics though. Weekends where a blessing: more due to the time she could spend with Aurora than the fact they lacked school. A lot of people didn’t get it, how she could be so okay with giving up her teenage years for her daughter but she’d never fail to explain that the little bundle of joy was really the best thing to happen to her yet. At least to those who knew about her anyways; she didn't tell everyone. It was hard enough being the new girl. Saturdays where grocery shopping days. Although her aunt did most of it, Cosette liked being able to pay for some of it herself: especially things concerning Aurora. Plus grocery shopping was kinda fun in itself: Aurora especially enjoyed it when her mom rushed the cart forward in small jagged movements and made vroom sounds to go along. She had just finished a round of the aforementioned, and was distributing several little kisses on the little girl’s face to a chorus of tiny giggles when she looked up and saw the boy. More a man if she was honest. She was frozen in her position at first but as soon as her brain registered what was going on she turned the corner into another corner hoping to god he wouldn't call her name.
Myles: loved grocery shopping with Katie. Between him constantly working and him being in school, they had limited time to spend together. Sure, he made it home in time to tuck her in at night and never missed anything she did school event and dance wise, but as far as pure one on one time out in public went? It didn't happen too often. She spent more time with his Mom, which was great, but he missed her a lot. Laughing at the pout she had on her face with a box of Reese's Puffs clutched to her chest, he caved in and nodded and she grinned triumphantly, throwing it in the cart. "That's your splurge for this week, Katiebug." He warned, trying to put a serious look on his face. Though, it threatened to turn back into a smile at the exaggerated sigh and "yes dad..." she said back. He'd just been about to turn to the next aisle when he caught eyes with /her/. Cosette Wright. He'd be damned if he didn't remember the first girl he'd caught feelings for since Lizzie. But, she'd disappeared and he'd been forced to deal grieve with what could've been and move on. But here she was, standing in front of him with a /baby/. The baby, a little girl from what he could tell, definitely didn't look like she was even a year old yet. More like six or seven months. Adding in the time she'd ghosted... Could it be? No, she'd.. It wasn't possible. Was it? He swallowed hard, not sure when he wasn't turning around and leaving with Katie who was standing next to him awkwardly, brow furrowed in confusion at the sudden change in her father's demeanor. "Cosette, hey.."
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mgk-myles · 7 years
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mgk-myles · 7 years
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@machinegunkelly: at my best with my best.
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